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Последнее обновление: 1 октября 2023 | Пакетов: 18631 | Посещений: 37663241
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Репозитории ALT

Группа :: Development/Python3
Пакет: python3-module-Enable

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%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

%def_with docs

%define oname Enable
Name: python3-module-%oname
Version: 5.3.1
Release: alt1.1

Summary: Drawing and interaction packages

Group: Development/Python3
License: BSD and GPLv2
URL: https://github.com/enthought/enable

Source: %name-%version.tar

Patch: use_system_freetype.patch

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ swig
BuildRequires: libX11-devel libGL-devel libGLU-devel
BuildRequires: libfreetype-devel
BuildRequires: libopenblas-devel liblapack-devel
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3
BuildRequires: libnumpy-py3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-module-Cython

%if_with docs
BuildRequires: python3-module-sphinx
BuildRequires: python3-module-traits
BuildRequires: python3-module-sphinx-copybutton

%add_python3_req_skip macport mac_context hypothesis
%add_python3_req_skip wx.aui wx.glcanvas wx.grid wx.py.shell

%add_python3_self_prov_path %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir/kiva

The Enable project provides two related multi-platform packages for
drawing GUI objects. The Enable package is a multi-platform object
drawing library built on top of Kiva. The core of Enable is a
container/component model for drawing and event notification. Kiva is a
multi-platform DisplayPDF vector drawing engine that supports multiple
output backends, including Windows, GTK, and Macintosh native windowing
systems, a variety of raster image formats, PDF, and Postscript.

%if_with docs
%package doc
Summary: Documentation for Enable project
Group: Development/Documentation
BuildArch: noarch
Conflicts: %name < %EVR

%description doc
The Enable project provides two related multi-platform packages for
drawing GUI objects. The Enable package is a multi-platform object
drawing library built on top of Kiva. The core of Enable is a
container/component model for drawing and event notification. Kiva is a
multi-platform DisplayPDF vector drawing engine that supports multiple
output backends, including Windows, GTK, and Macintosh native windowing
systems, a variety of raster image formats, PDF, and Postscript.

This package contains development documentation for Enable project.

%package pickles
Summary: Pickles for Enable project
Group: Development/Python3

%description pickles
The Enable project provides two related multi-platform packages for
drawing GUI objects. The Enable package is a multi-platform object
drawing library built on top of Kiva. The core of Enable is a
container/component model for drawing and event notification. Kiva is a
multi-platform DisplayPDF vector drawing engine that supports multiple
output backends, including Windows, GTK, and Macintosh native windowing
systems, a variety of raster image formats, PDF, and Postscript.

This package contains pickles for Enable project.

%patch -p1

#remove bundled freetype2 library

rm -rf kiva/agg/freetype2

%add_optflags -fno-strict-aliasing


%if_with docs
# generate html docs
sphinx-build-3 docs/source html
sphinx-build-3 docs/source pickles
# remove the sphinx-build leftovers
rm -rf html/.{doctrees,buildinfo}


rm -fR %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir/enthought/kiva/mac
rm -f $(find %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir -name '*mac*.py*')

# remove shebangs from files

find %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir -type f -name '*.py' -exec \
   sed -i -e '1!b' -e '/^\#\!\/usr\/bin\/env python$/d' '{}' +

%if_with docs
cp -fR pickles %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir/enable/

# tests need display

%doc image_LICENSE*.txt LICENSE.txt
%doc *.rst CHANGES.txt
%if_with docs
%exclude %python3_sitelibdir/enable/pickles

%files doc
%doc docs

%files pickles
%dir %python3_sitelibdir/enable


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin