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Репозитории ALT

Группа :: Development/Tools
Пакет: helmfile

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Name: helmfile
Version: 0.157.0
Release: alt1

Summary: Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts

License: MIT
Group: Development/Tools
Url: https://github.com/helmfile/helmfile

# Source-url: https://github.com/helmfile/helmfile/archive/refs/tags/v%version.tar.gz

Packager: Vitaly Lipatov <lav at altlinux.ru>

Source: %name-%version.tar

Source1: %name-development-%version.tar

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-golang
# systemd macro
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-compat

ExclusiveArch: %go_arches

#BuildRequires: golang-packaging

BuildRequires: xz
BuildRequires: golang >= 1.19

Requires: helm >= 3.11.1

Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts. It lets you...

* Keep a directory of chart value files and maintain changes in version control.
* Apply CI/CD to configuration changes.
* Periodically sync to avoid skew in environments.

To avoid upgrades for each iteration of helm, the helmfile executable
delegates to helm - as a result, helm must be installed.

%setup -a1

#modified="$(sed -n '/^----/n;s/ - .*$//;p;q' "%_sourcedir/%name.changes")"
#SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(date -u -d "${modified}" "+%s")
#rm -f source_date_epoch
#echo SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH > source_date_epoch
go build -mod=vendor -buildmode=pie

#. ./source_date_epoch
make TAG=v%version install
mkdir -p %buildroot%_bindir
install -m755 ${HOME}/go/bin/helmfile %buildroot/%_bindir/helmfile

%doc README.md


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin