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Группа :: Разработка/Прочее
Пакет: dotnet-runtime-8.0

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%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
%def_disable dotnet_host

%define _dotnet_major 8.0
%define _dotnet_corerelease 8.0.0-preview.6.23329.7
# used for build
%define _dotnet_sdkrelease 8.0.100-preview.6.23330.14
%define preview .preview.6.23330.14
%define _dotnet_sdkshortrelease 8.0.100%preview

%define commithash %version-%release

# Debug Release

%define debrel Release
# -debug -release
%define debrelopt -release

%def_with bootstrap
%def_with skipmanaged
%if_feature unwind 1.5
%def_with libunwind
%def_without libunwind

Name: dotnet-runtime-%_dotnet_major
Version: 8.0.0%preview
Release: alt1

Summary: Microsoft .NET Runtime and Microsoft.NETCore.App

License: MIT
Url: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime
Group: Development/Other

# Source-url: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/archive/v%{_dotnet_corerelease}.tar.gz

Source: %name-%version.tar

Patch1: genmoduleindex.sh.patch

ExclusiveArch: aarch64 x86_64

AutoReq: yes,nomingw32,nomingw64,nomono,nomonolib
AutoProv: no


BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-dotnet
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-features >= 0.6

BuildRequires: /proc

BuildRequires: clang llvm
BuildRequires: python3 >= 3.7.1

# cmake_minimum_required for Native and mono

BuildRequires: cmake >= 3.14.5

BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel
%if_with libunwind
BuildRequires: libunwind-devel >= 1.5
BuildRequires: liblttng-ust-devel liblwp-devel

#BuildRequires: lldb-devel

BuildRequires: libicu-devel libuuid-devel zlib-devel libcurl-devel libkrb5-devel libssl-devel

# it is not linked directly (the same like in libicu-devel)

# there are icu detection in a version range
Requires: libicu
Requires: libssl >= 1.1

%if_with bootstrap
BuildRequires: dotnet-bootstrap-sdk-%_dotnet_major = %_dotnet_sdkshortrelease
%define bootstrapdir %_libdir/dotnet-bootstrap-%_dotnet_major
BuildRequires: dotnet-%_dotnet_major
%define bootstrapdir %_dotnetdir


Requires: dotnet-common
# = %version

Requires: dotnet-hostfxr-%_dotnet_major = %EVR

This package contains the .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR,
and the base library, called mscorlib.

.NET is a development platform that you can use to build command-line
applications, microservices and modern websites. It is open source,
cross-platform and is supported by Microsoft. We hope you enjoy using it!
If you do, please consider joining the active community of developers that are
contributing to the project on GitHub (https://github.com/dotnet/core).

# common for current version

%package -n dotnet-%_dotnet_major
Group: Development/Other
Summary: .NET %_dotnet_major full installation

Requires: dotnet-host
Requires: dotnet-runtime-%_dotnet_major = %EVR
Requires: dotnet-hostfxr-%_dotnet_major = %EVR
#Requires: dotnet-apphost-pack-%_dotnet_major = %EVR
%if_enabled dotnet_host
Provides: dotnet = %EVR

%description -n dotnet-%_dotnet_major
The .NET %_dotnet_major.

This is a virtual package to provide full installation of .NET %_dotnet_major.

.NET is a development platform that you can use to build command-line
applications, microservices and modern websites. It is open source,
cross-platform and is supported by Microsoft. We hope you enjoy using it!
If you do, please consider joining the active community of developers that are
contributing to the project on GitHub (https://github.com/dotnet/core).

# Note: one for all versions

%package -n dotnet-host
Group: Development/Other
Summary: .NET command line launcher

AutoReq: yes,nomingw32,nomingw64,nomono,nomonolib
AutoProv: no

Conflicts: dotnet <= 3.1.6-alt1
Requires: dotnet-common

%description -n dotnet-host
The .NET host is a command line program that runs a standalone
.NET core application or launches the SDK.

.NET is a development platform that you can use to build command-line
applications, microservices and modern websites. It is open source,
cross-platform and is supported by Microsoft. We hope you enjoy using it!
If you do, please consider joining the active community of developers that are
contributing to the project on GitHub (https://github.com/dotnet/core).

%package -n dotnet-hostfxr-%_dotnet_major
Group: Development/Other
Summary: Microsoft .NET Host FX Resolver
AutoReq: yes,nomingw32,nomingw64,nomono,nomonolib
AutoProv: no

Requires: dotnet-host

%description -n dotnet-hostfxr-%_dotnet_major
The .NET host resolver contains the logic to resolve and select
the right version of the .NET Core SDK or runtime to use.

.NET is a development platform that you can use to build command-line
applications, microservices and modern websites. It is open source,
cross-platform and is supported by Microsoft. We hope you enjoy using it!
If you do, please consider joining the active community of developers that are
contributing to the project on GitHub (https://github.com/dotnet/core).

%package -n dotnet-apphost-pack-%_dotnet_major
Group: Development/Other
Summary: Microsoft.NETCore.App.Host
AutoReq: yes,nomingw32,nomingw64,nomono,nomonolib
AutoProv: no

%description -n dotnet-apphost-pack-%_dotnet_major
.NET is a development platform that you can use to build command-line
applications, microservices and modern websites. It is open source,
cross-platform and is supported by Microsoft. We hope you enjoy using it!
If you do, please consider joining the active community of developers that are
contributing to the project on GitHub (https://github.com/dotnet/core).

%patch1 -p2

# set global runtime location

%__subst "s|/usr/share/dotnet|%_dotnetdir|" src/native/corehost/hostmisc/pal.unix.cpp

# replace obsoleted FindPythonInterp with FindPython3

find -name CMakeLists.txt | xargs sed -i -e 's|FindPythonInterp|FindPython3|' -e 's|PYTHON_EXECUTABLE|Python3_EXECUTABLE|'

%if_with libunwind
rm -rfv src/coreclr/pal/src/libunwind*

# be equal to our bootstrap version

%__subst "s|%_dotnet_major.100|%_dotnet_sdkrelease|" global.json

#export DotNetRunningInDocker=1
export DotNetCoreSdkDir=%bootstrapdir
export DotNetBuildToolsDir=%bootstrapdir

# Note: version-release instead of git commit

cat <<EOF >.version

# build CLR

cd src/coreclr/
bash -x ./build-runtime.sh \
   %debrelopt -verbose -skipmanaged -ignorewarnings -skiprestoreoptdata -nopgooptimize -portablebuild 0\
   -cmakeargs -DENABLE_LLDBPLUGIN=0 \
%if_without single_file_diagnostics
%if_with libunwind
cd -

# build Native libraries

cd src/native/libs/
bash -x ./build-native.sh %debrelopt -skipgenerateversion
cd -

# build host commands

export artifacts=$(pwd)/artifacts
cd src/native/corehost/
sh -x ./build.sh \
   %debrelopt \
   -hostver %_dotnet_corerelease \
   -apphostver %_dotnet_corerelease \
   -fxrver %_dotnet_corerelease \
   -policyver %_dotnet_corerelease \
   -skipgenerateversion \
   -portablebuild 0 \
   -coreclrartifacts $artifacts/bin/coreclr/Linux.%_dotnet_arch.%debrel \
   -nativelibsartifacts  $artifacts/bin/native/Linux-%_dotnet_arch-%debrel \
   -commithash %commithash \
%if_with libunwind
cd -

# TODO: run via common build.sh file

#echo ""> artifacts/toolset/%version.txt
# TODO: --build
#sh -x ./build.sh clr+libs --configuration Checked --clang --verbosity normal --cmakeargs -DFEATURE_SINGLE_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS=0 --cmakeargs -DENABLE_LLDBPLUGIN=0
#%if_with libunwind
#%if_with skipmanaged
#    -skipmanaged \
#    %nil

mkdir -p %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/
# TODO: some publish use?
# TODO: drop SOS_README.md?
cp -a artifacts/bin/coreclr/linux.%_dotnet_arch.%debrel/{lib*.so,createdump} %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/
cp -a artifacts/bin/native/linux-%_dotnet_arch-%debrel/{libSystem.*Native*.so,libSystem.*Native*.a} %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/

mkdir -p %buildroot%_dotnet_apphostdir/runtimes/%_dotnet_rid/native/
cp -a artifacts/bin/linux-%_dotnet_arch.%debrel/corehost/{coreclr_delegates.h,hostfxr.h,libnethost.so,libnethost.a,nethost.h} %buildroot%_dotnet_apphostdir/runtimes/%_dotnet_rid/native/
cp -a artifacts/bin/linux-%_dotnet_arch.%debrel/corehost/apphost %buildroot%_dotnet_apphostdir/runtimes/%_dotnet_rid/native/
cp -a artifacts/bin/coreclr/linux.%_dotnet_arch.%debrel/corehost/singlefilehost %buildroot%_dotnet_apphostdir/runtimes/%_dotnet_rid/native/
cp -a artifacts/bin/linux-%_dotnet_arch.%debrel/corehost/{nethost.h,libhostpolicy.so,libnethost.a,coreclr_delegates.h,hostfxr.h} %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/
mkdir -p %buildroot%_dotnet_hostfxr/
cp -a artifacts/bin/linux-%_dotnet_arch.%debrel/corehost/libhostfxr.so %buildroot%_dotnet_hostfxr/

mkdir -p %buildroot%_dotnetdir/
%if_enabled dotnet_host
install -m755 artifacts/bin/linux-%_dotnet_arch.%debrel/corehost/dotnet %buildroot%_dotnetdir/

mkdir -p %buildroot%_bindir/
ln -sr %buildroot%_dotnetdir/dotnet %buildroot%_bindir/dotnet

install -D -m644 .version %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/.version

# copy managed libraries as is

%if_with bootstrap
# managed
cp -a %bootstrapdir/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/%_dotnet_corerelease/*.dll %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/

# FIXME: possible hack

cp -a %bootstrapdir/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/%_dotnet_corerelease/Microsoft.NETCore.App.deps.json %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/

# read during dotnet --version

#cp -a %bootstrapdir/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/%_dotnet_corerelease/System.Native.a %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/

# missed in the official package

rm -fv %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/libsuperpmi-shim-*.so
rm -fv %buildroot%_dotnet_shared/libprotononjit.so

%dir %_dotnet_shared/


# managed code


# native code

# search for openssl dinamically

# not in bootstrap






%files -n dotnet-%_dotnet_major
%doc README.md

%if_enabled dotnet_host
%files -n dotnet-host
%dir %_dotnetdir/
%dir %_dotnetdir/host/
%dir %_dotnetdir/host/fxr/

%files -n dotnet-hostfxr-%_dotnet_major
%dir %_dotnet_hostfxr/

%files -n dotnet-apphost-pack-%_dotnet_major
%dir %_dotnetdir/
%dir %_dotnetdir/packs/
%dir %_dotnetdir/packs/Microsoft.NETCore.App.Host.%_dotnet_rid/
%dir %_dotnet_apphostdir/
%dir %_dotnet_apphostdir/runtimes/
%dir %_dotnet_apphostdir/runtimes/%_dotnet_rid/
%dir %_dotnet_apphostdir/runtimes/%_dotnet_rid/native/


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin