Репозиторий Sisyphus
Последнее обновление: 1 октября 2023 | Пакетов: 18631 | Посещений: 37835272
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Репозитории ALT
5.1: 0.6-alt4
4.1: 0.6-alt3
4.0: 0.6-alt3

Группа :: Система/Библиотеки
Пакет: libilbc

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%define rver 06
%define major 0

Summary: Internet Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC) library
Name: libilbc
Version: 0.6
Release: alt4
License: Freeware
Group: System/Libraries
Url: http://www.ilbcfreeware.org/
Packager: Denis Smirnov <mithraen at altlinux.ru>

Source: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3951.txt.bz2
Source1: http://www.ilbcfreeware.org/documentation/extract-cfile.awk.bz2
Source2: http://www.ilbcfreeware.org/documentation/gips_iLBClicense.pdf.bz2
BuildRequires: gawk

iLBC (internet Low Bitrate Codec) is a FREE speech codec suitable
for robust voice communication over IP. The codec is designed for
narrow band speech and results in a payload bit rate of 13.33
kbit/s with an encoding frame length of 30 ms and 15.20 kbps with
an encoding length of 20 ms. The iLBC codec enables graceful
speech quality degradation in the case of lost frames, which
occurs in connection with lost or delayed IP packets.

%package -n %name-devel
Summary: Library and header files for the iLBC library
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name = %version

%description -n %name-devel
iLBC (internet Low Bitrate Codec) is a FREE speech codec suitable
for robust voice communication over IP. The codec is designed for
narrow band speech and results in a payload bit rate of 13.33
kbit/s with an encoding frame length of 30 ms and 15.20 kbps with
an encoding length of 20 ms. The iLBC codec enables graceful
speech quality degradation in the case of lost frames, which
occurs in connection with lost or delayed IP packets.

This package contains the library and header files.

%package devel-static
Summary: Static library and header files for the iLBC library
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name-devel = %version

%description devel-static
iLBC (internet Low Bitrate Codec) is a FREE speech codec suitable
for robust voice communication over IP. The codec is designed for
narrow band speech and results in a payload bit rate of 13.33
kbit/s with an encoding frame length of 30 ms and 15.20 kbps with
an encoding length of 20 ms. The iLBC codec enables graceful
speech quality degradation in the case of lost frames, which
occurs in connection with lost or delayed IP packets.

This package contains the static library and header files.

%setup -q -c -T -n %name-%version
bzcat %SOURCE0 > rfc3951.txt
bzcat %SOURCE1 > extract-cfile.awk
bzcat %SOURCE2 > gips_iLBClicense.pdf

awk -f extract-cfile.awk rfc3951.txt

# please teach me indent someday...

%__subst "s|^\ \ \ ||g" *.[ch]

# construct a makefile on the fly
cat > Makefile << EOF

OBJS=anaFilter.o iCBSearch.o packing.o \\
       constants.o gainquant.o iLBC_decode.o StateConstructW.o \\
       createCB.o getCBvec.o iLBC_encode.o StateSearchW.o doCPLC.o \\
       helpfun.o syntFilter.o enhancer.o hpInput.o LPCdecode.o \\
       filter.o hpOutput.o LPCencode.o FrameClassify.o iCBConstruct.o lsf.o

all: shared static

shared: \$(OBJS)
\$(CC) -Wl,-soname,\$(SHLIB).%major -shared \$(CFLAGS) -o \$(SHLIB).%major.%version *.o -lm

static: \$(OBJS)
ar cr \$(LIB) \$(OBJS)
ranlib \$(LIB)

%make CFLAGS="%optflags -fPIC -DPIC -D_REENTRANT"

install -d %buildroot%_includedir/ilbc
install -d %buildroot%_libdir

install -m0755 %name.so.%major.%version %buildroot%_libdir/
ln -snf %name.so.%major.%version %buildroot%_libdir/%name.so.%major
ln -snf %name.so.%major.%version %buildroot%_libdir/%name.so

install -m0644 %name.a %buildroot%_libdir/
install -m0644 *.h %buildroot%_includedir/ilbc/

%files -n %name

%files -n %name-devel
%doc gips_iLBClicense.pdf
%doc rfc3951.txt extract-cfile.awk

%files -n %name-devel-static


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin