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4.1: 1.97-alt2
4.0: 1.94-alt9
3.0: 1.09-alt1

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Группа :: Система/Ядро и оборудование
Пакет: hibernate

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%define nuserui suspend2-userui-0.7.2

Name: hibernate
Version: 1.97
Release: alt2

Summary: Software suspend 2 hibernate script
License: GPL
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
URL: http://www.tuxonice.net/
Packager: Valery Inozemtsev <shrek at altlinux.ru>

Source0: http://www.tuxonice.net/downloads/all/%name-script-%version.tar.gz
Source1: http://www.tuxonice.net/downloads/all/%nuserui.tar.gz
Source2: hibernate-cleanup

Patch0: hibernate-script-1.94-alt-fglrx-unbreak.patch
Patch1: hibernate-script-1.94-alt-pause-cmus.patch
Patch2: hibernate-script-1.97-alt-su.patch
Patch3: hibernate-script-1.94-alt-suspend2-old-behaviour.patch
Patch4: hibernate-script-1.97-alt-blacklisted-modules.patch
Patch5: hibernate-script-1.97-alt-default-fix.patch
Patch6: hibernate-1.97-rcval_cleanup.patch
Patch7: hibernate-script-1.97-alt-kopete.patch

Patch10: suspend2-userui-0.7.2-alt.patch

Requires: hibernate-cleanup

hibernate is a shell script that handles the process of getting ready
to suspend to disk and to resume from disk. It requires the Software
Suspend 2 patches available at http://www.tuxonice.net/.
After installing you will want to run 'hibernate -h' to see available
options and modify your /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf to set them.
This package includes %nuserui in the installation.

%package -n vim-plugin-%name-syntax
Group: Editors
Summary: Hibernate config syntax highlight script for VIm
Requires: %name = %version
Requires: vim-common >= 4:6.3.007-alt1

%description -n vim-plugin-%name-syntax
Syntax highlighting VIm plugin for configs of hibernate script.
You need this plugin if you want to edit your /etc/hibernate/*.conf
with highlighting of errors or deprecated parameters.

%package -n hibernate-cleanup
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
Summary: cleanses swsusp and Software Suspend 2 images.

%description -n hibernate-cleanup
This script evokes hibernate-cleanup.sh. It invalidates any stale
swsusp and Software Suspend 2 images. It searches all swap partitions
on your machine, as well as Suspend2's filewriter files (by way of
the hibernate script telling it where to find it).

%setup -q -n hibernate-script-%version -a1

%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1

%patch10 -p0

pushd %nuserui
%make clean
%make tuxoniceui_text CFLAGS="%optflags -O2"

export BASE_DIR=%buildroot \
PREFIX=%_prefix \
MAN_DIR=%buildroot%_mandir \

sh install.sh


mkdir -p %buildroot{%_sysconfdir/{logrotate.d,rc.d/scripts,rc.d/init.d},%_datadir/vim/vimfiles/syntax}
install -m644 logrotate.d-hibernate-script %buildroot%_sysconfdir/logrotate.d/%name
install -m755 %nuserui/tuxoniceui_text %buildroot%_sbindir
install -m644 hibernate.vim %buildroot%_datadir/vim/vimfiles/syntax/
install -m755 init.d/hibernate-cleanup.sh %buildroot%_sysconfdir/rc.d/scripts/
install -m755 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%_initdir/

mkdir -p doc/%nuserui
cp -a %nuserui/{KERNEL_API,USERUI_API,ChangeLog,README,TODO} doc/%nuserui/

%post -n hibernate-cleanup
%post_service hibernate-cleanup

%preun -n hibernate-cleanup
%preun_service hibernate-cleanup

%doc doc/*
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/hibernate

%files -n vim-plugin-%name-syntax

%files -n hibernate-cleanup
%config %_sysconfdir/rc.d/scripts/*
%config %_initdir/*


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin