Репозиторий Sisyphus
Последнее обновление: 1 октября 2023 | Пакетов: 18631 | Посещений: 37763716
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Репозитории ALT
5.1: 2.0.8-alt1
4.1: 2.0.8-alt1
4.0: 2.0.8-alt1
3.0: 2.0.5-alt1

Группа :: Сети/Прочее
Пакет: p0f

 Главная   Изменения   Спек   Патчи   Sources   Загрузить   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

Name: p0f
Version: 2.0.8
Release: alt1

Summary: Passive OS fingerprinting tool
License: LGPL
Group: Networking/Other

URL: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/p0f.shtml
Source: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/p0f/p0f-%version.tgz
Source1: p0f.init
Source2: p0f.sysconfig
Source3: p0f.logrotate

# http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=276373

Patch: p0f-2.0.5-query.patch

# Automatically added by buildreq on Wed Dec 13 2006

BuildRequires: libpcap-devel

p0f performs passive OS fingerprinting technique bases on information coming
from remote host when it establishes connection to our system. Captured
packets contains enough information to determine OS - and, unlike
active scanners (nmap, queSO) - it is done without sending anything to
this host.

%setup -q -n p0f
%patch -p1

make CC="gcc %optflags"

install -pD -m755 p0f %buildroot%_sbindir/p0f
install -pD -m755 p0frep %buildroot%_bindir/p0frep
install -pD -m755 %_sourcedir/p0f.init %buildroot%_initrddir/p0f
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/p0f.sysconfig %buildroot%_sysconfdir/sysconfig/p0f
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/p0f.logrotate %buildroot%_sysconfdir/logrotate.d/p0f
install -pD -m644 p0f.1 %buildroot%_man1dir/p0f.1

install -d %buildroot%_sysconfdir/p0f
install -m644 *.fp %buildroot%_sysconfdir/p0f/

%dir %_sysconfdir/p0f
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/p0f/*
%config %_initrddir/p0f
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/sysconfig/p0f
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/logrotate.d/p0f


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin