Репозиторий Sisyphus
Последнее обновление: 1 октября 2023 | Пакетов: 18631 | Посещений: 37793376
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Репозитории ALT
5.1: 2.00-alt1
4.1: 2.00-alt1
4.0: 2.00-alt1

Группа :: Базы Данных
Пакет: ldapsh

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# SPEC file for ldapsh

%define version 2.00
%define release alt0.M30.1

Name: ldapsh
Version: %version
Release: %release

Summary: a console tool for searching/managing data in LDAP
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): п╨п╬п╫я│п╬п╩я▄п╫п╟я▐ я┐я┌п╦п╩п╦я┌п╟ п╢п╩я▐ п©п╬п╦я│п╨п╟/я┐п©я─п╟п╡п╩п╣п╫п╦я▐ п╢п╟п╫п╫я▀п╪п╦ п╡ LDAP

License: GPL
Group: Databases
Packager: Nikolay Fetisov <naf at altlinux.ru>

URL: http://reductivelabs.com/projects/ldapsh
# http://search.cpan.org/~loosifer/ldapsh/

Source: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/L/LO/LOOSIFER/%name-%version.tar.gz
Source1: %name-2.00-alt-test_config.conf
Patch0: %name-2.00-alt-docs_fix.patch
Patch1: %name-2.00-alt-use_vars.patch
Patch2: %name-2.00-alt-help_msg_fix.patch
Patch3: %name-2.00-alt-help_msg_align.patch
Patch4: %name-2.00-alt-config_msg.patch
Patch5: %name-2.00-alt-fix_undef_print.patch
Patch6: %name-2.00-alt-fix_parse.patch

BuildArch: noarch

AutoReqProv: perl, yes
BuildPreReq: perl-devel
BuildPreReq: perl-DateManip perl-ldap perl-ParseLex perl-Parse-RecDescent
BuildPreReq: perl-Convert-ASN1 perl-Encode perl-Term-ReadKey perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu

ldapsh is an interactive LDAP shell, written entirely in Perl and
using Net::LDAP. It's extensible in that it is relatively easy to
add  new commands to it.  It is  largely modeled  after the  Unix
shell, but does not at this point allow multiple tokens through a
mechanism like pipes.

%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8
ldapsh - п╦п╫я┌п╣я─п╟п╨я┌п╦п╡п╫п╟я▐ п╬п╠п╬п╩п╬я┤п╨п╟ п╢п╩я▐ LDAP, п╫п╟п©п╦я│п╟п╫п╫п╟я▐ я├п╣п╩п╦п╨п╬п╪ п╫п╟ Perl
п╦ п╦я│п©п╬п╩я▄п╥я┐я▌я┴п╟я▐ п╪п╬п╢я┐п╩я▄ Net::LDAP.  ldapsh п©п╬п╥п╡п╬п╩я▐п╣я┌  п©п╣я─п╣п╪п╣я┴п╟я┌я▄я│я▐  п©п╬
п╢п╣я─п╣п╡я┐ LDAP,  п©я─п╬я│п╪п╟я┌я─п╦п╡п╟я┌я▄, п╦п╥п╪п╣п╫я▐я┌я▄  п╦ я│п╬п╥п╢п╟п╡п╟я┌я▄ п╫п╬п╡я▀п╣ п╥п╟п©п╦я│п╦. п·п╫п╟
я─п╟я│я┬п╦я─я▐п╣п╪п╟, п╡ п╫п╣я▒ я│я─п╟п╡п╫п╦я┌п╣п╩я▄п╫п╬ п╩п╣пЁп╨п╬ п╢п╬п╠п╟п╡п╦я┌я▄ п╫п╬п╡я▀п╣ п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢я▀.  п═п╟п╠п╬я┌п╟
я│ ldapsh п©п╬я┘п╬п╤п╟ п╫п╟ я─п╟п╠п╬я┌я┐ я│ п╬п╠я▀я┤п╫я▀п╪ п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢п╫я▀п╪  п╦п╫я┌п╣я─п©я─п╣я┌п╟я┌п╬я─п╬п╪ UNIX,
я┘п╬я┌я▐ п╫п╟ п╢п╟п╫п╫я▀п╧ п╪п╬п╪п╣п╫я┌ п╡ п╫п╣п╧ п╫п╣я┌ п╡п╬п╥п╪п╬п╤п╫п╬я│я┌п╦ п╬п╠я┼п╣п╢п╦п╫п╣п╫п╦я▐ п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢ я┤п╣я─п╣п╥
п╪п╣я┘п╟п╫п╦п╥п╪я▀ п©п╣я─п╣п╫п╟п©я─п╟п╡п╩п╣п╫п╦я▐ п╡п╡п╬п╢п╟/п╡я▀п╡п╬п╢п╟.

%setup -q -n %name-%version

%__subst 's at ##DOCDIR## at %_docdir/%name-%version at ' lib/Net/LDAP/Config.pm

# In 2.00 tarball sample ldapsh_config named as ldapsh_profile and

# does not matched test suit. Fix this.
%__subst 's at examples/ldapsh_profile at examples/ldapsh_config at ' t/00source-tests.t
%__cp -- %SOURCE1 examples/ldapsh_config
%__rm -f -- examples/ldapsh_profile

# Create link to GPL v2. license file

%__ln_s $(relative %_licensedir/GPL-2 %_docdir/%name/LICENSE) LICENSE



%doc --no-dereference LICENSE
%doc examples*

%exclude %perl_vendor_man3dir/*
%exclude /.perl.req


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin