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Пакет: vim-plugin-vtreeexplorer

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doc/000075500000000000000000000000001054000635100112135ustar00gitgit00000000000000doc/vtreeexplorer.txt000064400000000000000000000170261054000635100146700ustar00gitgit00000000000000*vtreeexplorer.txt*	Vim Tree Explorer		Oct 27, 2005

Authors: T. Scott Urban <thomas.scott.urban@HORMELgmail.com>

(remove the source of SPAM from my email first)

0. DESCRIPTION *vtreeexplorer*

This plugin creates a tree based file explorer within vim. The tree view is
similar to the output of the unix 'tree' command, with the addition that
directories are foldable and the tree is lazy loaded as you navigate the tree.
The tree is highlighted and several mapping are created for naviagation and
opening files from the tree.

1. CONTENTS *vtreeexplorer-contents*

0. DESCRIPTION ..................: |vtreeexplorer|
1. CONTENTS......................: |vtreeexplorer-contents|
2. VTREEEXPLORER INSTALLATION ...: |vtreeexplorer-install|
3. VTREEEXPLORER CONFIGURATION ..: |vtreeexplorer-config|
4. VTREEEXPLORER TERMS ..........: |vtreeexplorer-terms|
5. VTREEEXPLORER MAPPINGS .......: |vtreeexplorer-mapping|
'<enter>' ..................: |vtreeexplorer-enter|
'o' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-o|
'X' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-X|
'E' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-E|
'C' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-C|
'H' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-H|
'u' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-u|
'p' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-p|
'r' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-r|
'R' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-R|
'S' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-S|
'D' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-D|
'a' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-a|
'?' ........................: |vtreeexplorer-?|
6. VTREEEXPLORER COMMANDS .......: |vtreeexplorer-commands|
:CD ........................: |vtreeexplorer-CD|
:Yank ......................: |vtreeexplorer-Yank|

2. VTREEEXPLORER INSTALLATION *vtreeexplorer-install*

To install, un-gzip and un-tar in your $HOME/.vim or $VIMRUNTIME directory, or
the equivalent for the OS you are using. To add this documentation to the
searchable help index, do ":helptags ~/.vim/doc" or equivalent.

3. VTREEEXPLORER CONFIGURATION *vtreeexplorer-config*

There are four global variables that affect vtreeexplorer on startup. These
variables only affect the initial behavior after using |VTreeExplore| or
|VSTreeExplore| to start the tree explorer. Setting these variables after the
start of the tree explorer with those commands will have no affect on
currently running tree explorers. Settings can be changed with the
commands/functions/mappings in running tree explorers. This allows for the
creation of mutliple tree explorer windows with different settings. The
global variables affecting tree explorer startup are:

treeExplVertical *treeExplVertical*

Set this variable in your vimrc to use a vertical split when using the
splitting version of the explorer |VSTreeExplore|.

treeExplWinSize *treeExplWinSize*

Set this variable to a number in your vimrc to control the windows size (width
or height, depending on |treeExplVertical| when using the splitting version of
the explorer |VSTreeExplore|.

treeExplHidden *treeExplHidden*

Set this variable in your vimrc to start the exlorer with hidden files shown.
Otherwise, the explorer will be started with hidden files (start with '.' for
Unix) not shown.

This setting can be be toggled with the 'a' mapping (|vtreeexplorer-a|.

treeExplDirSort *treeExplDirSort*

Set this variable in your vimrc to start the explorer with the desired
directory sorting. Possible values:

0 : no directory sorting
1 : directories sorted first
-1 : directories sorted last

This setting can be switched with the 'D' mapping (|vtreeexplorer-D|.

treeExplIndent *treeExplIndent*

This variable is used on initialization to determine the width of the tree
structures drawn at the left of the browser. The default value is 3 which
yields a more compact view. A value of 4 will emulate the old behavior. the
maximum and minimum values for this setting are 2 and 8, respectively.

treeExplNoList treeExplNoList

This variable is used on initialization to tell the TreeExplorer not to list
itself in the buffer list. Use of this setting prevents restore of the
explorer with sessions.

4. VTREEEXPLORER TERMS *vtreeexplorer-terms*

The following terms are defined for brevity in the remainder of the

cursordir *vtreeexplorer-cursordir*

This term refers to the directory where the cursor is in the explorer. If the
cursor is on a line with a directory, that is the cursordir. If the cursor is
on a file, then the cursor dir is the parent directory of the file on the
cursor line.

topdir *vtreeexplorer-topdir*

This term refers to the directory where the tree explorerer is rooted - that
is, the top-most directory shown in the tree.

5. VTREEEXPLORER MAPPINGS *vtreeexplorer-mappings*

'<enter>' *vtreeexplorer-enter*

Same as |vtreeexplorer-o| below.

'o' *vtreeexplorer-o*

If the cursor is on a line with a file, open that file in another window. The
last window visitied is where the file will be opened, unless the previous
window contains an unmodified buffer or there is only one window, in which
case a new window will be opened for the file.

If the cursor is on a line with a directory, load the directory if it isn't
loaded, or toggle the fold for that directory, if the directory is loaded.

'X' *vtreeexplorer-X*

Recursively expand the |vtreeexplorer-cursordir|.

'E' *vtreeexplorer-E*

Open the standard vim |file-explorer| on the |vtreeexplorer-cursordir|.

'C' *vtreeexplorer-C*

Change the |vtreeexplorer-topdir| to the |vtreeexplorer-cursordir|.

'H' *vtreeexplorer-H*

Change the |vtreeexplorer-topdir| to your home directory, defined by the
environement variable $HOME.

'u' *vtreeexplorer-u*

Change the |vtreeexplorer-topdir| up one level, to the parent directory of the
current topdir.

'p' *vtreeexplorer-p*

Move the cursor to the parent directory of the |vtreeexplorer-cursordir|.
Hitting 'p' mutliple times will quickly take you to the top of the tree.

'r' *vtreeexplorer-r*

Refresh the |vtreeexplorer-cursordir|. This command might unload
subdirectories of the cursordir, depending on current expansion.

'R' *vtreeexplorer-R*

Refresh the |vtreeexplorer-topdir|.This command might unload subdirectories of
the cursordir, depending on current expansion.

'S' *vtreeexplorer-S*

Start a shell in the |vtreeexplorer-cursordir|.

'D' *vtreeexplorer-D*

Switch between the three directory sorting modes, described at
|treeExplDirSort|. Initial value can be set with global variable

'a' *vtreeexplorer-a*

Toggle showing hidden files. Initial value can be set with global variable

'?' *vtreeexplorer-?*

Toggle long help display at top of window.

5. VTREEEXPLORER COMMANDS *vtreeexplorer-commands*

:CD *vtreeexplorer-CD*

Change |vtreeexplorer-topdir| to argument of command.

:Yank *vtreeexplorer-Yank*

Yank selection of tree with foldmarkers stripped from register.


plugin/000075500000000000000000000000001054000635100117445ustar00gitgit00000000000000plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim000064400000000000000000000503371054000635100153770ustar00gitgit00000000000000"" File: vtreeexplorer.vim
"" Description: tree-like file system explorer for vim
"" Version: $Revision: 1.24 $ $Date: 2005/11/17 16:24:33 $
"" Author: TS Urban (thomas.scott.urban@HORMELgmail.net)
"" (remove the source of SPAM from my email first)
"" Instructions:
"" 1 - source this file or put in your plugin directory
"" 2 - :VTreeExlorer or :VSTreeExplore
"" 3 - help at top of screen
"" 4 - this script comes with a help text that integrates with the vim help
"" system, put vtreeexplorer.txt in your ~/.vim/doc dir, then do
"" :helptags ~/.vim/doc
"" Global Configuration Variables:
"" treeExplVertical : split vertically when starting with VSTreeExplore
"" treeExplWinSize : window size (width or height) when doing VSTreeExplore
"" treeExplHidden : set to have explorer start with hidden files shown
"" treeExplDirSort : start explorer with desired directory sorting:
"" 0 : no directory sorting
"" 1 : directories sorting first
"" -1 : directories sorting last
"" treeExplIndent : width of tree indentation in spaces (min 3, max 8)
"" treeExplNoList : don't list the explorer in the buffer list
"" Todo:
"" - global option for path separator
"" - merge in patches for winmanager
"" - +/- keymappings, etc
"" - recursively collapse binding/function

"" prevent multiple loading unless developing with g:treeExplDebug
if exists("vloaded_tree_explorer") && !exists("g:treeExplDebug")
let vloaded_tree_explorer=1

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

"" create commands
command! -n=? -complete=dir VTreeExplore :call s:TreeExplorer(0, '<args>')
command! -n=? -complete=dir VSTreeExplore :call s:TreeExplorer(1, '<args>')

"" support sessions
autocmd BufNewFile TreeExplorer VTreeExplore

"" create a string of chr cnt long - emulate vim7 repeat function
function! s:MyRepeat(chr, cnt) " <<<
let sret = ""
let lcnt = a:cnt
while lcnt > 0
let sret = sret . a:chr
let lcnt = lcnt - 1
return sret
endf " >>>

"" TreeExplorer() - set up explorer window
function! s:TreeExplorer(split, start) " <<<

" dir to start in from arg, buff dir, or pwd
let fname = (a:start != "") ? a:start : expand ("%:p:h")
let fname = (fname != "") ? fname : getcwd ()

" construct command to open window
if a:split || &modified
" if starting with split, get split parameters from globals
let splitMode = (exists("g:treeExplVertical")) ? "vertical " : ""
let splitSize = (exists("g:treeExplWinSize")) ? g:treeExplWinSize : 20
let cmd = splitMode . splitSize . "new TreeExplorer"
let cmd = "e TreeExplorer"
silent execute cmd

"" chars to escape in file/dir names - TODO '+' ?
let w:escape_chars = " `|\"~'#"

" win specific vars from globals if they exist
let w:hidden_files = (exists("g:treeExplHidden")) ? 1 : 0
let w:dirsort = (exists("g:treeExplDirSort")) ? g:treeExplDirSort : 0
if w:dirsort < -1 || w:dirsort > 1
let w:dirsort = 0
" TODO - needed?
let w:escape_chars = w:escape_chars . '+'

" tree visual widget configuration, width limited to range [3,16]
let w:tree_wid_ind = (exists("g:treeExplIndent")) ? g:treeExplIndent : 3
let w:tree_wid_ind = (w:tree_wid_ind < 3) ? 3 : w:tree_wid_ind
let w:tree_wid_ind = (w:tree_wid_ind > 8) ? 16 : w:tree_wid_ind

let bar_char = '|'
let dsh_char = '-'
let grv_char = '`'
let spc_char = ' '

let w:tree_par_wid = bar_char . s:MyRepeat (spc_char, w:tree_wid_ind - 2) . spc_char
let w:tree_dir_wid = bar_char . s:MyRepeat (dsh_char, w:tree_wid_ind - 2) . spc_char
let w:tree_end_wid = grv_char . s:MyRepeat (dsh_char, w:tree_wid_ind - 2) . spc_char
let w:tree_spc_wid = s:MyRepeat (spc_char, w:tree_wid_ind)

" init help to short version
let w:helplines = 1

" throwaway buffer options
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal buftype=nowrite
setlocal bufhidden=delete " d
setlocal nowrap
setlocal foldcolumn=0

if exists("g:treeExplNoList")
setlocal nobuflisted
if has('spell')
setlocal nospell
iabc <buffer>

" setup folding for markers that will be inserted
setlocal foldmethod=marker
setlocal foldtext=substitute(getline(v:foldstart),'.{{{.*','','')
setlocal foldlevel=1

" syntax highlighting
if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") && !has("syntax_items")
syn match treeHlp #^" .*#
syn match treeDir "^\.\. (up a directory)$"

syn match treeFld "{{{"
syn match treeFld "}}}"

execute "syn match treePrt #" . w:tree_par_wid . "#"
execute "syn match treePrt #" . w:tree_dir_wid . "#"
execute "syn match treePrt #" . w:tree_end_wid . "#"

syn match treeLnk #[^-| `].* -> # contains=treeFld
syn match treeDir #[^-| `].*/\([ {}]\{4\}\)*$# contains=treeFld,treeLnk
syn match treeCWD #^/.*$# contains=treeFld

hi def link treePrt Normal
hi def link treeFld Ignore
hi def link treeHlp Special
hi def link treeDir Directory
hi def link treeCWD Statement
hi def link treeLnk Title

" for line continuation
let cpo_save1 = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" set up mappings and commands for this buffer
nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>Activate()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> o :call <SID>Activate()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> X :call <SID>RecursiveExpand()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> E :call <SID>OpenExplorer()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> C :call <SID>ChangeTop()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> H :call <SID>InitWithDir($HOME)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> u :call <SID>ChdirUp()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> p :call <SID>MoveParent()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> r :call <SID>RefreshDir()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> R :call <SID>InitWithDir("")<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> S :call <SID>StartShell()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> D :call <SID>ToggleDirSort()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> a :call <SID>ToggleHiddenFiles()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> ? :call <SID>ToggleHelp()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <2-leftmouse> :call <SID>Activate()<cr>

command! -buffer -complete=dir -nargs=1 CD :call s:TreeCD('<a>')
command! -buffer -range -nargs=0 Yank :<line1>,<line2>y |
\ let @" = substitute (@", ' [{}]\{3\}', "", "g")

let &cpo = cpo_save1 " restore

call s:InitWithDir(fname) " load fname dir
endfunction " >>>

"" TreeCD() - change to dir from cmdline arg
function! s:TreeCD(dir) " <<<
if isdirectory (a:dir)
call s:InitWithDir (a:dir)
echo "can not change to directory: " . a:dir
endfunction " >>>

"" InitWithDir() - reload tree with dir
function! s:InitWithDir(dir) " <<<
if a:dir != ""
execute "lcd " . escape (a:dir, w:escape_chars)
echo "ERROR: changing to directory: " . a:dir
let cwd = getcwd ()

if has("unix") == 0
let cwd = substitute (cwd, '\\', '/', "g")
let is_root = (cwd =~ '^[A-Z]:/$') ? 1 : 0
let is_root = (cwd == "/") ? 1 : 0

let cwd = substitute (cwd, '/*$', '/', "")

let save_f = @f
let save_y = @"

" clear buffer
setlocal modifiable | silent! normal ggdG
setlocal nomodifiable

"insert header
call s:AddHeader()
normal G

"insert parent link unless we're at / for unix or X:\ for dos
if is_root == 0
let @f=".. (up a directory)"
let @f=@f . "\n" . cwd . "\n\n"

setlocal modifiable | silent put f | setlocal nomodifiable

normal Gk

call s:ReadDir (line("."), cwd) " read dir

let @f = save_f
let @" = save_y
endfunction " >>>

"" ReadDir() - read dir after current line with tree pieces and foldmarkers
function! s:ReadDir(lpn,dir) " <<<
let olddir = getcwd ()

let lps = getline (a:lpn)

if a:dir == ""
let dir = GetAbsPath2 (lpn, 0)
if w:firstdirline ! = lpn
echo "ERROR"
let dir = a:dir

" TODO - error when dir no longer exists
execute "lcd " . escape (dir, w:escape_chars)
echo "ERROR: changing to directory: " . dir

" change dos path to look like unix path
"if has("unix") == 0 " TODO - so many dos/win variants, this seemed easier - maybe not correct (e.g. OS2, mac, etc)
" let dir = substitute (dir, '\\', '/', "g")
"let dir = substitute (dir, '/\?$', '/', "")

" get dir contents
if w:hidden_files == 1
let dirlines = glob ('.*') . "\n" . glob ('*')
let dirlines = glob ('*')

" if empty, don't change line
if dirlines == ""

let treeprt = substitute (lps, '[^-| `].*', "", "")
let pdirprt = substitute (lps, '^[-| `]*', "", "")
let pdirprt = substitute (pdirprt, '[{} ]*$', "", "")
let foldprt = substitute (lps, '.*' . pdirprt, "", "")

" save states of registers for restoring
" @l is used for first line, last line, and if dir sorting is off
" @f and @d are used for file and dirs with dir sorting
let save_l = @l | let @l = ""
let save_d = @d | let @d = ""
let save_f = @f | let @f = ""
let save_y = @"

let @l = treeprt . pdirprt . ' {{{'

let treeprt = substitute (treeprt, w:tree_end_wid, w:tree_spc_wid, "")
let treeprt = substitute (treeprt, w:tree_dir_wid, w:tree_par_wid, "")

" parse dir contents by '/'
let dirlines = substitute (dirlines, "\n", '/', "g")

while strlen (dirlines) > 0
let curdir = substitute (dirlines, '/.*', "", "")
let dirlines = substitute (dirlines, '[^/]*/\?', "", "")

if w:hidden_files == 1 && curdir =~ '^\.\.\?$'

let linkedto = resolve (curdir)
if linkedto != curdir
let curdir = curdir . ' -> ' . linkedto
if isdirectory (linkedto)
let isdir = 1
let curdir = curdir . '/'
let isdir = 0

" escape leading characters confused with tree parts
if curdir =~ '^[-| `]'
let curdir = '\' . curdir

if w:dirsort != 0
if isdir == 1
let @d = @d . "\n" . treeprt . w:tree_dir_wid . curdir
let @f = @f . "\n" . treeprt . w:tree_dir_wid . curdir
let @l = @l . "\n" . treeprt . w:tree_dir_wid . curdir

if w:dirsort == 1
let @l = @l . @d . @f . "\n"
elseif w:dirsort == -1
let @l = @l . @f . @d . "\n"
let @l = @l . "\n"

exec (":" . a:lpn)

" TODO handle fold open v fold closed
setlocal modifiable
silent normal ddk
silent put l
setlocal nomodifiable

" make sure fold is open so we don't delete the whole thing
"if foldclosed (line (".")) != -1
if foldclosed (a:lpn) != -1

normal! `]

" change last tree part to the final leaf marking, add final fold mark
let @l = getline(".")
let @l = substitute (@l, w:tree_dir_wid, w:tree_end_wid, "")
let @l = @l . foldprt . " }}}\n"

setlocal modifiable | silent normal dd
silent put! l | setlocal nomodifiable

" restore registers
let @l = save_l
let @d = save_d
let @f = save_f
let @" = save_y

exec (":" . a:lpn)

execute "lcd " . escape (olddir, w:escape_chars)
endfunction " >>>

"" ChdirUp() - cd up (if possible)
function! s:ChdirUp() " <<<
let cwd = getcwd()
if cwd == "/" || cwd =~ '^[^/]..$'
echo "already at top dir"
call s:InitWithDir("..")
endfunction " >>>

"" MoveParent() - move cursor to parent dir
function! s:MoveParent() " <<<
let ln = line(".")
call s:GetAbsPath2 (ln, 1)
if w:firstdirline != 0
exec (":" . w:firstdirline)
exec (":" . w:helplines)
endfunction " >>>

"" ChangeTop() - change top dir to cursor dir
function! s:ChangeTop() " <<<
let ln = line(".")
let l = getline(ln)

" on current top or non-tree line?
if l !~ '^[| `]'

" parent dir
if l =~ '^\.\. '
call s:ChdirUp()

let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(ln, 0)
if curfile !~ '/$'
let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")
call s:InitWithDir (curfile)
endfunction " >>>

"" RecursiveExpand() - expand cursor dir recursively
function! s:RecursiveExpand() " <<<
echo "recursively expanding, this might take a while (CTRL-C to stop)"

let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(line("."), 0)

if w:firstdirline == 0
let init_ln = w:helplines
let curfile = substitute (getline (init_ln), '[ {]*', "", "")
let init_ln = w:firstdirline

let init_ind = match (getline (init_ln), '[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind

let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")

let l = getline (init_ln)

if l =~ ' {{{$'
if foldclosed (init_ln) != -1

if l !~ ' {{{$' " dir not open
call s:ReadDir (init_ln, curfile)

if getline (init_ln) !~ ' {{{$' " dir still not open (empty)
echo "expansion done"

let ln = init_ln + 1

let l = getline (ln)

let match_str = '[^-| `]'
while init_ind < (match (l, '[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind)
let tl = l
let tln = ln
let ln = ln + 1
let l = getline (ln)

if tl =~ ' {{{$'
if foldclosed (tln) != -1

" link or non dir
if tl =~ ' -> ' || tl !~ '/[ }]*$'

let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(tln, 0)

call s:ReadDir (tln, curfile)

let l = getline (ln)

exec (":" . init_ln)
echo "expansion done"
endfunction " >>>

"" OpenExplorer() - open file explorer on cursor dir
function! s:OpenExplorer() " <<<
let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2 (line ("."), 0)

if w:firstdirline == 0
let curfile = getcwd ()
" remove file name, if any
let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")

let curfile = escape (curfile, w:escape_chars)

let oldwin = winnr()
wincmd p
if oldwin == winnr() || &modified
wincmd p
exec ("new " . curfile)
exec ("edit " . curfile)

endfunction " >>>

"" Activate() - (un)fold read dirs, read unread dirs, open files, cd .. on ..
function! s:Activate() " <<<
let ln = line(".")
let l = getline(ln)

" parent dir, change to it
if l =~ '^\.\. (up a directory)$'
call s:ChdirUp()

" directory loaded, toggle folded state
if l =~ ' {{{$'
if foldclosed(ln) == -1

" on top, no folds, or not on tree
if l !~ '^[-| `]'

" get path of line
let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2 (ln, 0)

if curfile =~ '/$' " dir
call s:ReadDir (ln, curfile)
else " file
let f = escape (curfile, w:escape_chars)
let oldwin = winnr()
wincmd p
if oldwin == winnr() || (&modified && s:BufInWindows(winbufnr(winnr())) < 2)
wincmd p
exec ("new " . f)
exec ("edit " . f)
endfunction " >>>

"" RefreshDir() - refresh current dir
function! s:RefreshDir() " <<<
let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(line("."), 0)

let init_ln = w:firstdirline

" not in tree, or on path line or parent is top
if curfile == "" || init_ln == 0
call s:InitWithDir("")

let save_l = @l

" remove file name, if any
let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")

let @l = getline (init_ln)

" if there is no fold, just do normal ReadDir, and return
if @l !~ ' {{{$'
call s:ReadDir (init_ln, curfile)
let @l = save_l

" TODO factor

if foldclosed(init_ln) == -1

" remove one foldlevel from line
let @l = substitute (@l, ' {{{$', "", "")

exec (":" . init_ln)

setlocal modifiable
silent normal ddk
silent put l
setlocal nomodifiable

call s:ReadDir (init_ln, curfile)

let @l = save_l
endfunction " >>>

"" ToggleHiddenFiles() - toggle hidden files
function! s:ToggleHiddenFiles() " <<<
let w:hidden_files = w:hidden_files ? 0 : 1
let msg = w:hidden_files ? "on" : "off"
let msg = "hidden files now = " . msg
echo msg
call s:UpdateHeader ()
call s:RefreshDir()
endfunction " >>>

"" ToggleDirSort() - toggle dir sorting
function! s:ToggleDirSort() " <<<
if w:dirsort == 0
let w:dirsort = 1
let msg = "dirs first"
elseif w:dirsort > 0
let w:dirsort = -1
let msg = "dirs last"
let w:dirsort = 0
let msg = "off"
let msg = "dirs sorting now = " . msg
echo msg
call s:UpdateHeader ()
call s:RefreshDir()
endfunction " >>>

"" StartShell() - start shell in cursor dir
function! s:StartShell() " <<<
let ln = line(".")

let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2 (ln, 1)
let prevdir = getcwd()

if w:firstdirline == 0
let dir = prevdir
let dir = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")

execute "lcd " . escape (dir, w:escape_chars)
echo "ERROR: changing to directory: " . dir
execute "lcd " . escape (prevdir, w:escape_chars)
endfunction " >>>

"" GetAbsPath2() - get absolute path at line ln, set w:firstdirline,
"" - if ignore_current is 1, don't set line to current line when on a dir
function! s:GetAbsPath2(ln,ignore_current) " <<<
let lnum = a:ln
let l = getline(lnum)

let w:firstdirline = 0

" in case called from outside the tree
if l =~ '^[/".]' || l =~ '^$'
return ""

let wasdir = 0

" strip file
let curfile = substitute (l,'^[-| `]*',"","") " remove tree parts
let curfile = substitute (curfile,'[ {}]*$',"",'') " remove fold marks
"let curfile = substitute (curfile,'[*=@|]$',"","") " remove file class

" remove leading escape
let curfile = substitute (curfile,'^\\', "", "")

if curfile =~ '/$' && a:ignore_current == 0
let wasdir = 1
let w:firstdirline = lnum

let curfile = substitute (curfile,' -> .*',"","") " remove link to
if wasdir == 1
let curfile = substitute (curfile, '/\?$', '/', "")

let indent = match(l,'[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind

let dir = ""
while lnum > 0
let lnum = lnum - 1
let lp = getline(lnum)
if lp =~ '^/'
let sd = substitute (lp, '[ {]*$', "", "")
let dir = sd . dir
if lp =~ ' {{{$'
let lpindent = match(lp,'[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind
if lpindent < indent
if w:firstdirline == 0
let w:firstdirline = lnum
let indent = indent - 1
let sd = substitute (lp, '^[-| `]*',"","") " rm tree parts
let sd = substitute (sd, '[ {}]*$', "", "") " rm foldmarks
let sd = substitute (sd, ' -> .*','/',"") " replace link to with /

" remove leading escape
let sd = substitute (sd,'^\\', "", "")

let dir = sd . dir
let curfile = dir . curfile
return curfile
endfunction " >>>

"" ToggleHelp() - toggle between long and short help
function! s:ToggleHelp() " <<<
let w:helplines = (w:helplines <= 4) ? 6 : 0
call s:UpdateHeader ()
endfunction " >>>

"" Determine the number of windows open to this buffer number.
"" Care of Yegappan Lakshman. Thanks!
fun! s:BufInWindows(bnum) " <<<
let cnt = 0
let winnum = 1
while 1
let bufnum = winbufnr(winnum)
if bufnum < 0
if bufnum == a:bnum
let cnt = cnt + 1
let winnum = winnum + 1

return cnt
endfunction " >>>

"" UpdateHeader() - update the header
function! s:UpdateHeader() " <<<
let oldRep=&report
set report=10000
normal! mt

" Remove old header
setlocal modifiable | silent! 1,/^" ?/ d _ | setlocal nomodifiable

call s:AddHeader()

" return to previous mark
if line("'t") != 0
normal! `t

let &report=oldRep
endfunction " >>>

"" - AddHeader() - add the header with help information
function! s:AddHeader() " <<<
if w:dirsort == 0
let dt = "off)\n"
elseif w:dirsort == 1
let dt = "dirs first)\n"
let dt = "dirs last)\n"

let save_f=@f
let ln = 3
if w:helplines > 4
let ln=ln+1 | let @f= "\" <ret> = same as 'o' below\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" o = (file) open in another window\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" o = (dir) toggle dir fold or load dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" X = recursive expand cursor dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" E = open Explorer on cursor dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" C = chdir top of tree to cursor dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" H = chdir top of tree to home dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" u = chdir top of tree to parent dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" :CD d = chdir top of tree to dir <d>\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" p = move cursor to parent dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" r = refresh cursor dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" R = refresh top dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" S = start a shell in cursor dir\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" :Yank = yank <range> lines withoug fold marks\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" D = toggle dir sort (now = " . dt
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" a = toggle hidden files (now = "
\ . ((w:hidden_files) ? "on)\n" : "off)\n")
let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" ? = toggle long help\n"
let ln=ln+1 | let @f="\" ? : toggle long help\n"
let w:helplines = ln

setlocal modifiable | silent put! f | setlocal nomodifiable

let @f=save_f
endfunction " >>>

let &cpo = s:cpo_save

" vim: set ts=2 sw=2 foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>> foldlevel=2 :
дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin