: 1 2023 | : 18631 | : 37860457
en ru br
:: /Perl
: perl-Jevix

                   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

perl-Jevix-0.9.7/000075500000000000000000000000001133231612600135505ustar00rootroot00000000000000perl-Jevix-0.9.7/Jevix/000075500000000000000000000000001133231612600146355ustar00rootroot00000000000000perl-Jevix-0.9.7/Jevix/Makeup.pm000064400000000000000000000635441133231612600164310ustar00rootroot00000000000000package Jevix::Makeup;

# ==========================================
# Jevix Version 0.9.7 (windows-1251)
# Developed by Igor Askarov
# Please send all suggestions to
# Igor Askarov <>
# Release date: 20/12/2008
# === Methods list==========================
# new the constructor
# procces entry sub
# setConf setting up the configuration
# preset presets selector
# makeup makeup the text
# quotes quotes processor
# cuttags tags processor
# tagEnd looking fo tag end
# plantTags sub to bring the tags back
# vanish sub to remove all the stuff and bring the text to plain mode
# parseTagsAllowString parse the tagsAllow string to hash
# parseTagsDenyString parse the tagsDeny string to hash
# getConf return configuration hash
# ==========================================

use strict;
use warnings;

my $markLength = 8;
my $strip;
my $result;
my $tags;
my @tagsOpen;
my $conf;

my @singleTags = qw/link input spacer img br hr/;
my @breakingTags = qw/p td div hr/;
my @spaceTags = qw/br/;
my @tagsToEat = qw/script style pre code/;

# ==The constructor
sub new {
my Jevix::Makeup $class = shift;

return $class;

# ==Here we've got the input
sub process($$$) {
my($class, $text, $userConf) = @_;

# If there is a configuration given we set it here
$class->setConf($userConf) if($userConf);

$strip = "";
$tags = [];
@tagsOpen = ();

$result = {};
$result->{error} = 0;
$result->{errorLog} = [];

if($conf->{vanish}) {
$class->cuttags($text, {tagsDenyAll=>1}, $result);
$result->{text} = $strip;
} else {
if(!$conf->{isHTML}) { $strip = $$text; } else { $class->cuttags($text, $conf, $result); }
if($conf->{quotes}) { $class->quotes($conf); }

$result->{text} = "";
if($conf->{isHTML}) { $class->plantTags($result); } else { $result->{text} = $strip; }

return $result;

# ==Setting the configuration
sub setConf($$) {
my($class, $userConf) = @_;

$conf = $userConf ? $userConf : {presetBasic=>1};

# ==Choosing default setup when necessary
sub preset($$) {
my ($class) = @_;

if(!$conf || $conf->{presetBasic}) {
$conf->{isHTML} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{isHTML})); # HTML mode
$conf->{lineBreaks} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{lineBreaks})); # Linebreaks to <br/>
$conf->{paragraphs} = 0 if(!defined($conf->{paragraphs})); # Paragraphs
$conf->{dashes} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{dashes})); # Replace hyphens with dashes when necessary
$conf->{dots} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{dots})); # Replace 3 dots with a symbol
$conf->{edgeSpaces} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{edgeSpaces})); # Wipe edge space characters
$conf->{multiSpaces} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{multiSpaces})); # Wipe multispaces
$conf->{redundantSpaces} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{redundantSpaces})); # Wipe redundant spaces
$conf->{compositeWordsLength} = 10 if(!defined($conf->{compositeWordsLength})); # The maximim length of composite word to be put inside <nobr>
$conf->{tagLf} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{tagLf})); # Wipe crs and lfs after droppped tag
$conf->{nbsp} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{nbsp})); # Insert non-breaking spaces
$conf->{quotes} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{quotes})); # Makeup quotes
$conf->{qaType} = 0 if(!defined($conf->{qaType})); # Main quotes type
$conf->{qbType} = 2 if(!defined($conf->{qbType})); # Nested quotes type
$conf->{misc} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{misc})); # Misc substitutions
$conf->{codeMode} = 2 if(!defined($conf->{codeMode})); # The way jevix should represent html special characters

# If tagsAllow came as a string
if(defined($conf->{tagsAllow}) && !ref($conf->{tagsAllow})) {
my $tmp = $class->parseTagsAllowString($conf->{tagsAllow});
$conf->{tagsAllow} = $tmp->{tagsAllow};
$conf->{tagsDenyAllAttributes} = $tmp->{tagsDenyAllAttributes};

# If tagsDeny came as a string
if(defined($conf->{tagsDeny}) && !ref($conf->{tagsDeny})) {
$conf->{tagsDeny} = $class->parseTagsDenyString($conf->{tagsDeny});

# ==Imposing clear text
sub makeup($$) {
my ($class, $conf) = @_;

# ==Misc
# Prepositions
my $prp_rus = "|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||";
my $prp_eng = "aboard|about|above|absent|across|after|against|along|alongside|amid|amidst|among|amongst|around|as|astride|at|atop|before|behind|below|beneath|beside|besides|between|beyond|but|by|despite|down|during|except|following|for|from|in|inside|into|like|mid|minus|near|nearest|notwithstanding|of|off|on|onto|opposite|out|outside|over|past|re|round|save|since|than|through|throughout|till|to|toward|towards|under|underneath|unlike|until|up|upon|via|with|within|without";
my $prp = "$prp_rus|$prp_eng";

my $letters = "A-Za-z--"; # Characters
my $cap_letters = "A-Z-ߨ"; # Capital characters

my $sp = " \xA0\t"; # space class
my $rt = "\r?\n"; # cr class

my $br = "\x00\x0F..[\x01\x03].\x0F\x00"; # br tag
my $pt = "\x00\x0F..[\x02].\x0F\x00"; # Paragraph tag
my $ps = "\x00\x0F..[\x02][\x01\x03]\x0F\x00"; # Paragraph start
my $pe = "\x00\x0F..[\x02][\x02\x00]\x0F\x00"; # Paragraph end
my $to = "\x00\x0F...[\x03\x01]\x0F\x00"; # Opening tag
my $tc = "\x00\x0F...[\x02\x00]\x0F\x00"; # Closing tag
my $bb = "\x00\x0F...[\x02\x03]\x0F\x00"; # Tag where <nobr> is open
my $nb = "\x00\x0F...[\x01\x00]\x0F\x00"; # Tag where no <nobr> is open
my $ao = "\x00\x0F[\x01]...\x0F\x00"; # Tag where <a> is open
my $ac = "\x00\x0F[\x00]...\x0F\x00"; # Tag where no <a> is open
my $ts = "\x00\x0F"; # Tag start
my $te = "\x0F\x00"; # Tag end

my $brt = "<br *\/?>"; # br tag in text mode
my $pst = "<p>";
my $pet = "</p>";

# Codes, metasymbols or what ever?
my ($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $cfracs, $ccopy, $creg);

if(!$conf->{codeMode}) {
($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $ccopy, $creg) = ("", "", "", "", "");
$cfracs = {'1/4'=>"?", '1/2'=>"?", '3/4'=>"?"};
} elsif($conf->{codeMode} == 1) {
($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $ccopy, $creg) = ("&#151;", "&#160;", "&#133;", "&#169;", "&#174;");
$cfracs = {'1/4'=>"&#188;", '1/2'=>"&#189;", '3/4'=>"&#190;"};
} else {
($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $ccopy, $creg) = ("&mdash;", "&nbsp;", "&hellip;", "&copy;", "&reg;");
$cfracs = {'1/4'=>"&frac14;", '1/2'=>"&frac12;", '3/4'=>"&frac34;"};

# Wiping edge spaces
if($conf->{edgeSpaces}) { $strip =~ s/^[$sp\r\n]*(.+?)[$sp\r\n]*$/$1/isg; }

# Wiping spaces between tags (</td> </tr>)
if($conf->{tagSpaces}) { $strip =~ s/($tc)[$sp]($tc)/$1$2/isg; }

# Wiping multispaces
if($conf->{multiSpaces}) { $strip =~ s/([$sp]){2,}/$1/ig; }

# Wiping redundant spaces
if($conf->{redundantSpaces}) { $strip =~ s{([$sp]+(?![:;]-[)(])([;:,.)?!]))|(\()(?<![:%;]-\()[$sp]+}{$1 ? $2 : $3}eig; }

if($conf->{nbsp}) {
# Prepositions with &nbsp;
$strip =~ s/(^|\x00|[$sp])($prp)[$sp]([0-9$letters])/$1$2$cnbsp$3/gm;

# &nbsp; with digits
$strip =~ s{($nb|^)(.*?)($bb|$)}{ my ($a, $b, $c) = ($1, $2, $3); $b =~ s/([0-9]+)([$sp]+|&nbsp;|&#160;)(?:(?=[0-9]{2,})|(?=%))/$1$cnbsp/ig; "$a$b$c"; }eisg;

# Put composite words inside <nobr>
if($conf->{compositeWords}) { $strip =~ s{($nb|^)(.*?)($bb|$)}{ my ($a, $b, $c) = ($1, $2, $3);
$b =~ s{(^|[$sp\x00]|&nbsp;)([$letters]+(?:-[$letters]+)+)(?=$|[$sp\x00])}{
my $d = !defined($1) ? "" : $1; my $e = !defined($2) ? "" : $2; my $f = !defined($3) ? "" : $3;
if(length($e) <= $conf->{compositeWordsLength}) { "$d<nobr>$e<\/nobr>" } else {"$d$e$f"}
}eig; "$a$b$c";
}eisg; }

# Links
if($conf->{links}) {
my $lAttributes = '';

# Building <a> attributes string
if($conf->{linksAttributes}) {
my $q = !$conf->{tagUnQuoteValues} ? '"' : '';

while (my ($attr, $value) = each(%{$conf->{linksAttributes}})) {
$lAttributes .= ' ' if($lAttributes);
$lAttributes .= "$attr=$q$value$q";

$lAttributes = ' ' . $lAttributes if($lAttributes);

$strip =~ s{(^|$ac|(?<=</a>))([^\x00]*?)(http://[^ \x00]+)(?<![,.!?])}{$1$2<a href="$3"$lAttributes>$3</a>}ig;

# Dots
if($conf->{dots}) { $strip =~ s/\.{3}||&hellip;/$cdots/ig; }

# Dashes
if($conf->{dashes}) {
# Hyphen
$strip =~ s/([^$sp])([$sp]|&#160;|&nbsp;)(-{1,2}||&mdash;|&#151;)/$1$cnbsp$cdash/ig;
# "Speech" hyphen
$strip =~ s/((?:^|$ps|$br|$brt(?:$rt)*|[$rt]))[$sp]*(?:&nbsp;)*(-{1,2}||&mdash;|&#151;)[$sp]*(?:&nbsp;)*(.)/$1$cdash$cnbsp$3/ig;

# Misc stuff
if($conf->{misc}) {
# Fracs
$strip =~ s{(?:(?<=[$sp\x00])|(?<=^))([13])/([24])(?:(?=[$sp\x00])|(?=$))}{if(defined($cfracs->{"$1/$2"})) { $cfracs->{"$1/$2"} } else { "$1/$2" } }esg;
# Copyright & registered
$strip =~ s{(?:(?<=[$sp\x00])|(?<=^))(\([cr]\)|&copy;|)(?:(?=[$sp\x00?!;.,])|(?=$))}{ if((lc($1) eq "(c)") || (lc($1) eq "&copy;") || ($1 eq "")) {$ccopy} elsif((lc($1) eq "(r)") || (lc($1) eq "&reg;") || ($1 eq "")) {$creg} else { $2 } }eig;

# Paragraphs
if($conf->{paragraphs}) { $strip =~ s{(^|$pe(?:$rt$rt)?|$rt$rt)(?!$ps)(.+?)($br)?($brt)?(?<!$pe)(?:(?=$)|(?=$rt$rt)|(?=$ps))}{ my ($a, $b, $c) = ($1,$2,$3||""); (($b =~ /^[ \r\n]+$/) || ($b =~ /^(<br *\/?>|$br)+$/)) ? "$a$b$c" : "$a<p>$b</p>";}eisg; }

# Line break
if($conf->{lineBreaks}) { $strip =~ s/(?<!$pt)(?<!$br)(?<!$br\r)(?<!$pe\r\n\r\n)(?<!$pe\n\n)(?<!$pe\r\n)(?<!$pe\n)(?<!$pe\r)(?<!$pe)(?<!$pet\r\n\r\n)(?<!$pet\r\n\r)(?<!$pet\n\n)(?<!$pet\r\n)(?<!$pet\n)(?<!$pet\r)(?<!$pet)(?<!$pst)($rt)(?!$brt)(?!$ts)/<br \/>$1/isg; }

# ==impose quotes
sub quotes($$) {
my ($class, $conf) = @_;

my $i;
my ($a_open, $b_open) = (0,0);
my ($cp, $c, $cn, $cn_is_sp, $cp_is_sp) = ('', '', '', 0, 0);
my ($qaStart, $qaEnd, $qbStart, $qbEnd);
my (@qs, @qe, @qs_ansi, @qe_ansi, @qs_html, @qe_html, @qs_ent, @qe_ent,);

# space class
my $sp =" \t\xA0";

# characters
my $letters = "A-Za-z--";

@qs_ansi = ("", "", "", "", "", '"');
@qe_ansi = ("", "", "", "", "", '"');
@qs_html = ("&#171;", "&#147;", "&#132;", "&#145;", "&#130;", "&#34;");
@qe_html = ("&#187;", "&#148;", "&#147;", "&#146;", "&#145;", "&#34;");
# << `` .. ` . "
@qs_ent = ("&laquo;", "&ldquo;", "&bdquo;", "&lsquo;", "&sbquo;", "&quot;");
# >> '' '' ' ` "
@qe_ent = ("&raquo;", "&rdquo;", "&ldquo;", "&rsquo;", "&lsquo;", "&quot;");

# Quotes collection
if(!$conf->{codeMode}) {
@qs = @qs_ansi; @qe = @qe_ansi;
} elsif ($conf->{codeMode} == 1) {
@qs = @qs_html; @qe = @qe_html;
} else {
@qs = @qs_ent; @qe = @qe_ent;

# Getting configuration setting
$conf->{qaType} ||= 0;
$conf->{qbType} ||= 1;
$conf->{qaType} = ($conf->{qaType} >= 0 && $conf->{qaType} <= 5) ? $conf->{qaType} : 0;
$conf->{qbType} = ($conf->{qbType} >= 0 && $conf->{qbType} <= 5) ? $conf->{qbType} : 1;

# Selecting quotes as requested by user
($qaStart, $qaEnd) = ($qs[$conf->{qaType}], $qe[$conf->{qaType}]);
($qbStart, $qbEnd) = ($qs[$conf->{qbType}], $qe[$conf->{qbType}]);

# Resetting all the quotes inside text to <">
my $qa = join('|', @qs_ansi) . '|' . join('|', @qe_ansi) . '|' . join('|', @qs_html) . '|' . join('|', @qe_html) . '|' . join('|', @qs_ent) . '|' . join('|', @qe_ent);
$strip =~ s/(?:(?:(?<=[^$letters])|(?<=^))($qa))|(?:($qa)(?:(?=[^$letters])|(?=$)))/\"/ig;

my $spread = 1;
my $mv = 0;
my $mvn = 0;
my @st;
$i = 0;
my $skip = 0;
my @space; # Space tags flag
my @break; # Text break flags

$st[$_] = '' foreach(0..$spread + 1);
$space[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);
$break[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);
$space[0] = 1;
$break[0] = 1;

while(1) {
# Skipping tags
foreach(0..$spread) {
do {
$skip = 0;
if($i + $_ + $mv <= length($strip)) {
if($i + $_ + $mv + 1 < length($strip)) {
if((substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv, 1) eq "\x00") && (substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv + 1, 1) eq "\x0F")) {
$space[$_ + 1] |= (ord(substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv + 2, 1)) & 2) >> 1;
$break[$_ + 1] |= ord(substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv + 2, 1)) & 1;
$mv += $markLength;
if(!$_) { $mvn = $mv; }
$st[$_ + 1] = "";
$skip = 1;
if(!$skip) { $st[$_ + 1] = substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv, 1); }
} while($skip);

$i += $mvn;
$mv = 0;
$mvn = 0;

($cp, $c, $cn) = ($st[0], $st[1], $st[2]);
$cp_is_sp = (($cp =~ /[^0-9$letters]/) || $space[0] || $space[1] || $break[0] || !$i) ? 1 : 0;
$cn_is_sp = (($cn =~ /[^0-9$letters]/) || $space[2] || $break[2] || $cn eq '') ? 1 : 0;

# Reset state if breaking tag appears
if($break[1] || $i == length($strip)) {
if($a_open || $b_open) {
# Log quote error if appears
if($conf->{logErrors}) {
my $quoteErrSampleLength = 100;
my $z = $i - 1;
my $y;
while(1) {
if(substr($strip, $z, 1) eq " " || substr($strip, $z, 1) eq "\xA0" || !$z) { if($i-$z <= $quoteErrSampleLength) {$y = $z}}
last if(!$z);
my $sample = substr($strip, $y, ($i - $y));
$sample =~ s/\x00\x0F[^\x0F]+\x0F\x00//g;
$sample =~ s/<\/?[a-z]+.*?>//g;
push(@{$result->{errorLog}}, {type=>"Quote_error", message=>"Quote mismatch near [$sample]<--"});
$result->{error} = 1;

$a_open = 0;
$b_open = 0;

if($c eq '"') {
if(!$a_open) {
$a_open = 1;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qaStart;
$i += length($qaStart) - 1;
} elsif ($a_open && (($i == length($strip) - 1) || (!$b_open && $cn_is_sp))) {
$a_open = 0;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qaEnd;
$i += length($qaEnd) - 1;
} elsif ($a_open && !$b_open) {
$b_open = 1;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qbStart;
$i += length($qbStart) - 1;
} elsif ($a_open && $b_open) {
$b_open = 0;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qbEnd;
$i += length($qbEnd) - 1;

last if($i == length($strip));

$st[0] = $st[1];
$space[0] = $space[1];
$break[0] = $break[1];
$space[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);
$break[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);

# ==Cutting the tags away
sub cuttags($$$$) {
my($class, $text, $conf, $result) = @_;

# loop counter
my $i = 0;
# Jump length
my $hop;
# current & next character
my ($c, $cn);
# tag length, tag dimensions, tag name, tag body text, single tag flag, content inside the tag
my ($tl, $ts, $te, $cl, $tagName, $tagBody, $tagContent);
# some useful flags
my ($isTag, $isTagStart, $isSingle, $isSingleClosed, $isSpace, $isBreaking, $nobrIsOpen, $aIsOpen, $flagSet3, $flagSet2, $flagSet1, $flagSet0);

# space class
my $sp =" \t\xA0";

while(1) {
$hop = index($$text, "<", $i);

if($hop < 0) {
$strip .= substr($$text, $i, length($$text) - $i);
} elsif($hop > 0) {
$strip .= substr($$text, $i, $hop - $i);
$i = $hop;

($c, $cn) = unpack("aa", substr($$text, $i, 2));

$isTag = 0;

# =If tag opens
$isTagStart = ($cn =~ /!|[a-z]/i) ? 1 : 0;
if($isTagStart || ($cn eq "/")) { $isTag = 1; }

if($isTag) {
$ts = $i; # Tag start position
$te = $isTagStart ? tagEnd($text, $ts) : index($$text, ">", $ts); # Tag end position

if($te) {
$tagBody = substr($$text, $ts, $te - $ts + 1);
$tagName = $isTagStart ? ($tagBody =~ m/^<([a-z0-9]+)/i)[0] : ($tagBody =~ m/^<\/\s*([a-z]+)/i)[0];
$tagName =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

if($te && $tagName) {
# =Flags
# Detecting whether the tag is single (self-closing) or double
$isSingleClosed = 0;
$isSingle = 0;

if($isTagStart) {
if(grep{$tagName eq $_} @singleTags) {
$isSingle = 1;
} elsif (substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) eq "/") {
$isSingle = 1;
$isSingleClosed = 1;

# Detecting wether this is space tag or not
$isSpace = (grep{$tagName eq $_} @spaceTags) ? 1 : 0;

# Detecting wether this is breaking tag or not
$isBreaking = (grep{$tagName eq $_} @breakingTags) ? 1 : 0;

# Tag Length
$tl = $te - $ts + 1;

# Updating the status for tags open
if(($conf->{checkHTML} || $conf->{tagCloseOpen}) && !$isSingle) {
if($isTagStart) {
push(@tagsOpen, $tagName);
} else {
if($tagsOpen[$#tagsOpen] ne $tagName) {
# HTML error
$result->{error} = 1;
if($conf->{logErrors}) { push(@{$result->{errorLog}}, {type=>"HTML_Parse", position=>$i, message=>"Found closing tag <$tagName> while waiting tag <" . $tagsOpen[$#tagsOpen] . "> to close!"}); }
} else {

# Eating tag content for some tags like <script>
$tagContent = "";
$cl = 0;
if((grep{$tagName eq $_} @tagsToEat) && $isTagStart) {
$cl = index($$text, "</$tagName>", $ts + $tl) - $ts - $tl;
if($cl > 0) {
$tagContent = substr($$text, $ts + $tl, $cl);
} else {
$cl = 0;
$result->{error} = 1;

if($conf->{logErrors}) { push(@{$result->{errorLog}}, {type=>"HTML_Parse", position=>$i, message=>"Can't find <$tagName> end!"}); }

# Should I drop all the tags by default?
my $dropTag = 0;
if($conf->{tagsDenyAll} || $conf->{simpleXSS} && $tagName eq 'script') { $dropTag = 1; }

# Checking deny list
if(!$dropTag && defined($conf->{tagsDeny})) {
if($conf->{tagsDeny}->{$tagName}) { $dropTag = 1; }

# Checking allow list
if(defined($conf->{tagsAllow}) && $dropTag) {
if($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}) { $dropTag = 0; }

# Nobr tag status
if($tagName eq "nobr" && $isTagStart) {
$nobrIsOpen = 1;
} elsif(($tagName eq "nobr" && !$isTagStart) || (grep{$tagName eq $_} @breakingTags)) {
$nobrIsOpen = 0;

# A tag status
if($tagName eq "a" && $isTagStart) {
$aIsOpen = 1;
} elsif(($tagName eq "a" && !$isTagStart) || (grep{$tagName eq $_} @breakingTags)) {
$aIsOpen = 0;

# =Final part
if(!$dropTag) {
# =Processing tags
# Tag name to lower case
if($conf->{tagNamesToLower}) {
if($isTagStart) { $tagBody = "<" . $tagName . substr($tagBody, length($tagName) + 1, length($tagBody) - length($tagName) - 1); }
else { $tagBody =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; }

# Tag name to upper case
if($conf->{tagNamesToUpper}) {
if($isTagStart) { $tagBody = "<" . uc($tagName) . substr($tagBody, length($tagName) + 1, length($tagBody) - length($tagName) - 1); }
else { $tagBody =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; }

# =Tag parameters to lower or upper case
if($isTagStart && ($conf->{tagAttributesToLower} || $conf->{tagAttributesToUpper})) {
# Regular parameters
my $tmp = "";

while ($tagBody =~ m/([^\s]*\s*)(?:([a-z\r]+)(\s*)(?==)(=\s*))?/ig ) {
$tmp .= $1 if ($1); if($conf->{tagAttributesToLower}) { if($2) { $tmp .= lc($2); } } else { if($2) { $tmp .= uc($2); } } $tmp .= $3 if ($3); $tmp .= $4 if ($4); $tmp .= $5 if ($5);

# Single parameters (like <checked>)
if($conf->{tagAttributesToLower}) { $tagBody =~ s{(?<!=)( +([a-z]+))}{lc($1)}eig; }
elsif($conf->{tagAttributesToUpper}) { $tagBody =~ s{(?<!=)( +([a-z]+))}{uc($1)}eig; }

# Simple XSS & tag attributes protection
if($isTagStart && ($conf->{simpleXSS} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{invalidAttributes} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{denyAllAttributes} || $conf->{tagsDenyAllAttributes})) {
$tagBody =~ s{(?<!<)(\s*)([a-z]+)([$sp]*=[$sp]*)("[^"]+"|[^$sp/>]+)} {
my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = ($1||'', lc($2), $3, $4);
if($conf->{simpleXSS} && ($b =~ /^on/ig || $d =~ /javascript|expression/ig)) {
} elsif(($conf->{tagsDenyAllAttributes} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{denyAllAttributes} || ($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{invalidAttributes} && $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{invalidAttributes}->{$b}))
&& !(($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes} && $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes}->{$b})
|| $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{allowAllAttributes})
) {
} elsif($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes} && !$conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes}->{$b}) {
} else {
$a . $b . $c . $d;

# Close single tag
if($conf->{tagCloseSingle} && $isSingle && !$isSingleClosed) {
if(substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) ne "/") {
if(substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) ne " ") { substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) .= " /"; } else { substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) .= "/"; }

# Quote attribute values
if($conf->{tagQuoteValues} && $isTagStart) {
my $tmp = "";
# 1 23 4 5 6
while($tagBody =~ m/([<a-z0-9 >]+)?((=)(\s*)([^ >]+)([ >]+))?/ig) {
$tmp .= $1 if($1);
if($2) {
$tmp .= $3 if($3);
$tmp .= $4 if($4);
if($5 && substr($5, 0, 1) ne '"' && substr($5, length($5) - 1, 1) ne '"') { $tmp .= "\"$5\""; } else { $tmp .= $5; }
$tmp .= $6 if($6);

$tagBody = $tmp;

# Unquote attribute values
if($conf->{tagUnQuoteValues}) {
$tagBody =~ s/([a-z]+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)"([^\=\s">]+)"/$1$2$3$4$5/ig; #"

# Saving the tag
push(@$tags, {name=>$tagName, body=>$tagBody, content=>$tagContent});

# Forming flagSet
# byte3: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ isHref | byte2: _ _ _ _ _ _ isSpace isBreaking| byte1: _ _ _ _ _ p br| byte0: _ _ _ _ nobr isTagStart
$flagSet3 = 0;
if($aIsOpen) { $flagSet3 |= 1; }
$flagSet2 = 0;
if($isSpace) { $flagSet2 |= 2; }
if($isBreaking) { $flagSet2 |= 1; }
$flagSet1 = 0;
if($tagName eq "br") { $flagSet1 |= 1; }
if($tagName eq "p") { $flagSet1 |= 2; }
$flagSet0 = 0;
if($isTagStart) { $flagSet0 |= 1; }
if($nobrIsOpen) { $flagSet0 |= 2; }

# Planting the marker
$strip .= "\x00\x0F" . chr($flagSet3) . chr($flagSet2) . chr($flagSet1) . chr($flagSet0) . "\x0F\x00";

# Moving the pointer (tag end position + content length)
$i = $te + $cl;

# Eating crs & lfs after dropped tag
if($conf->{tagLf} && $dropTag) {
while(1) {
if(substr($$text, $i + 1, 1) eq "\r") { $i++; } elsif(substr($$text, $i + 1, 1) eq "\n") { $i++; last; } else { last }
} else {
# This is not a tag, just add the "<" to result
$strip .= $c;

last if($i == length($$text));

# Need to close all the open tags in the order of appearance
if($conf->{'closeOpenTags'} && scalar @tagsOpen) {
while(my $tag = pop @tagsOpen) {


# ==Find where tag ends
sub tagEnd($$$) {
my ($text, $i) = @_;

my $gotcha = 0;
my $quote = 0;

$i |= 0;

while (1) {
if (substr($$text, $i, 1) eq '"') { $quote ^= 1; }
if (!$quote && substr($$text, $i, 1) eq '>') { $gotcha = $i; }
last if ($i == length($$text) || $gotcha);


return $gotcha;

# ==Bring everything back to HTML
sub plantTags($$) {
my ($class, $result) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $max = length($strip);
my $ctag = 0;
my $step;

while (1) {
if($i < $max - 2 && substr($strip, $i, 2) eq "\x00\x0F") {
$result->{text} .= $$tags[$ctag]->{body};
if($$tags[$ctag]->{content}) { $result->{text} .= $$tags[$ctag]->{content}; }
$i += $markLength;
} else {
if($i < $max - 2) { $step = index($strip, "\x00\x0F", $i) - $i; } else { $step = $max - $i; }
if($step < 0) { $step = $max - $i; }

if($step >= 0) {
$result->{text} .= substr($strip, $i, $step);
$i += $step;

last if($i == $max);

# Should we close open tags?
if($conf->{tagCloseOpen} && scalar @tagsOpen) {
my $closeString;

while(my $tag = pop @tagsOpen) {
if($conf->{tagNamesToUpper}) { $tag = uc($tag); }
$closeString .= '</' . $tag .'>';

if($closeString) { $result->{text} .= $closeString; }

# ==Bring the text to plain mode==
sub vanish($$) {
my($class, $text) = @_;

$$text =~ s/&laquo;|&ldquo;|&bdquo;|&lsquo;|&sbquo;|&quot;|&raquo;|&rdquo;|&ldquo;|&rsquo;|&#171;|&#147;|&#132;|&#145;|&#130;|&#34;|&#187;|&#148;|&#146;||||||"|||/"/ig;
$$text =~ s/&nbsp;|&#160;|/ /ig;
$$text =~ s/&mdash;|&ndash;|&#151;|&#150;||/-/ig;
$$text =~ s/&hellip;|&#133;|/.../ig;
$$text =~ s/&copy;|&#169;|/(c)/ig;
$$text =~ s/&reg;|&#174;|/(r)/ig;
$$text =~ s/&frac14;|&#188;/1\/4/ig;
$$text =~ s/&frac12;|&#189;/1\/2/ig;
$$text =~ s/&frac34;|&#190;/3\/4/ig;

# ==Parse the tagsAllow string advanced format==
sub parseTagsAllowString($$) {
my($class, $string) = @_;

return {tagsAllow=>{}, tagsDenyAllAttributes=>0} if(!$string);

my $tagsAllow = {};
my $tagsDenyAllAttributes = 0;

# Should I deny all tag attributes by default?
if(substr($string,0,1) eq '|') {
$tagsDenyAllAttributes = 1;
substr($string,0,1) = '';

# Parsing the Configuration String
while($string =~ /([a-z:|]+)/ig) {
my $tBody = $1;
my ($tagName) = lc(($tBody =~ /^([a-z]+)/i)[0]);

last if(!$tagName);

my $attrList = ();

if($tBody =~ /^$tagName\|$/i) {
} elsif($tBody =~ /^$tagName\:$/i) {
} else {
while($tBody =~ /:([a-z]+)/ig) {

while($tBody =~ /\|([a-z]+)/ig) {
if(!$tagsAllow->{$tagName}->{validAttributes}->{lc($1)}) {

return {tagsAllow=>$tagsAllow, tagsDenyAllAttributes=>$tagsDenyAllAttributes};

# ==Parse the tagsAllow string advanced format==
sub parseTagsDenyString($$) {
my($class, $string) = @_;

return {} if(!$string);

my $tagsDeny = {};
while($string =~ /([a-z]+)/ig) {

return $tagsDeny;

# ==Return the configuration hash==
sub getConf($) {
return $conf;

return 1;perl-Jevix-0.9.7/Jevix/MakeupUtf.pm000064400000000000000000000642751133231612600171120ustar00rootroot00000000000000package Jevix::MakeupUtf;

# ==========================================
# Jevix Version 0.9.7 (utf-8)
# Developed by Igor Askarov
# Please send all suggestions to
# Igor Askarov <>
# Release date: 20/12/2008
# === Methods list==========================
# new the constructor
# procces entry sub
# setConf setting up the configuration
# preset presets selector
# makeup makeup the text
# quotes quotes processor
# cuttags tags processor
# tagEnd looking fo tag end
# plantTags sub to bring the tags back
# vanish sub to remove all the stuff and bring the text to plain mode
# parseTagsAllowString parse the tagsAllow string to hash
# parseTagsDenyString parse the tagsDeny string to hash
# getConf return configuration hash
# ==========================================

use strict;
use warnings;

use Encode;
use utf8;

my $markLength = 8;
my $strip;
my $result;
my $tags;
my @tagsOpen;
my $conf;

my @singleTags = qw/link input spacer img br hr/;
my @breakingTags = qw/p td div hr/;
my @spaceTags = qw/br/;
my @tagsToEat = qw/script style pre code/;

# ==The constructor
sub new {
my Jevix::MakeupUtf $class = shift;

return $class;

# ==Here we've got the input
sub process($$$) {
my($class, $text, $userConf) = @_;

$$text = decode("utf8", $$text);

# If there is a configuration given we set it here
$class->setConf($userConf) if($userConf);

$strip = "";
$tags = [];
@tagsOpen = ();

$result = {};
$result->{error} = 0;
$result->{errorLog} = [];

if($conf->{vanish}) {
$class->cuttags($text, {tagsDenyAll=>1}, $result);
$result->{text} = $strip;
} else {
if(!$conf->{isHTML}) { $strip = $$text; } else { $class->cuttags($text, $conf, $result); }
if($conf->{quotes}) { $class->quotes($conf); }

$result->{text} = "";
if($conf->{isHTML}) { $class->plantTags($result); } else { $result->{text} = $strip; }


return $result;

# ==Setting the configuration
sub setConf($$) {
my($class, $userConf) = @_;

$conf = $userConf ? $userConf : {presetBasic=>1};

# ==Choosing default setup when necessary
sub preset($$) {
my ($class) = @_;

if(!$conf || $conf->{presetBasic}) {
$conf->{isHTML} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{isHTML})); # HTML mode
$conf->{lineBreaks} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{lineBreaks})); # Linebreaks to <br/>
$conf->{paragraphs} = 0 if(!defined($conf->{paragraphs})); # Paragraphs
$conf->{dashes} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{dashes})); # Replace hyphens with dashes when necessary
$conf->{dots} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{dots})); # Replace 3 dots with a symbol
$conf->{edgeSpaces} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{edgeSpaces})); # Wipe edge space characters
$conf->{multiSpaces} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{multiSpaces})); # Wipe multispaces
$conf->{redundantSpaces} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{redundantSpaces})); # Wipe redundant spaces
$conf->{compositeWordsLength} = 10 if(!defined($conf->{compositeWordsLength})); # The maximim length of composite word to be put inside <nobr>
$conf->{tagLf} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{tagLf})); # Wipe crs and lfs after droppped tag
$conf->{nbsp} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{nbsp})); # Insert non-breaking spaces
$conf->{quotes} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{quotes})); # Makeup quotes
$conf->{qaType} = 0 if(!defined($conf->{qaType})); # Main quotes type
$conf->{qbType} = 2 if(!defined($conf->{qbType})); # Nested quotes type
$conf->{misc} = 1 if(!defined($conf->{misc})); # Misc substitutions
$conf->{codeMode} = 2 if(!defined($conf->{codeMode})); # The way jevix should represent html special characters

# If tagsAllow came as a string
if(defined($conf->{tagsAllow}) && !ref($conf->{tagsAllow})) {
my $tmp = $class->parseTagsAllowString($conf->{tagsAllow});
$conf->{tagsAllow} = $tmp->{tagsAllow};
$conf->{tagsDenyAllAttributes} = $tmp->{tagsDenyAllAttributes};

# If tagsDeny came as a string
if(defined($conf->{tagsDeny}) && !ref($conf->{tagsDeny})) {
$conf->{tagsDeny} = $class->parseTagsDenyString($conf->{tagsDeny});

# ==Imposing clear text
sub makeup($$) {
my ($class, $conf) = @_;

# ==Misc
# Prepositions
my $prp_rus = "а|без|безо|в|вне|во|да|для|до|за|и|из|изо|или|к|как|на|над|надо|не|ни|но|о|об|обо|около|от|ото|по|под|подо|при|про|с|сквозь|со|у|через";
my $prp_eng = "aboard|about|above|absent|across|after|against|along|alongside|amid|amidst|among|amongst|around|as|astride|at|atop|before|behind|below|beneath|beside|besides|between|beyond|but|by|despite|down|during|except|following|for|from|in|inside|into|like|mid|minus|near|nearest|notwithstanding|of|off|on|onto|opposite|out|outside|over|past|re|round|save|since|than|through|throughout|till|to|toward|towards|under|underneath|unlike|until|up|upon|via|with|within|without";
my $prp = "$prp_rus|$prp_eng";

my $letters = "A-Za-zА-Яа-яЁёЙй"; # Characters
my $cap_letters = "A-ZА-ЯЁё"; # Capital characters

my $sp = " \xA0\t"; # space class
my $rt = "\r?\n"; # cr class

my $br = "\x00\x0F..[\x01\x03].\x0F\x00"; # br tag
my $pt = "\x00\x0F..[\x02].\x0F\x00"; # Paragraph tag
my $ps = "\x00\x0F..[\x02][\x01\x03]\x0F\x00"; # Paragraph start
my $pe = "\x00\x0F..[\x02][\x02\x00]\x0F\x00"; # Paragraph end
my $to = "\x00\x0F...[\x03\x01]\x0F\x00"; # Opening tag
my $tc = "\x00\x0F...[\x02\x00]\x0F\x00"; # Closing tag
my $bb = "\x00\x0F...[\x02\x03]\x0F\x00"; # Tag where <nobr> is open
my $nb = "\x00\x0F...[\x01\x00]\x0F\x00"; # Tag where no <nobr> is open
my $ao = "\x00\x0F[\x01]...\x0F\x00"; # Tag where <a> is open
my $ac = "\x00\x0F[\x00]...\x0F\x00"; # Tag where no <a> is open
my $ts = "\x00\x0F"; # Tag start
my $te = "\x0F\x00"; # Tag end

my $brt = "<br *\/?>"; # br tag in text mode
my $pst = "<p>";
my $pet = "</p>";

# Codes, metasymbols or what ever?
my ($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $cfracs, $ccopy, $creg);

if(!$conf->{codeMode}) {
($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $ccopy, $creg) = ("—", " ", "…", "©", "®");
$cfracs = {'1/4'=>"¼", '1/2'=>"½", '3/4'=>"¾"};
} elsif($conf->{codeMode} == 1) {
($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $ccopy, $creg) = ("&#151;", "&#160;", "&#133;", "&#169;", "&#174;");
$cfracs = {'1/4'=>"&#188;", '1/2'=>"&#189;", '3/4'=>"&#190;"};
} else {
($cdash, $cnbsp, $cdots, $ccopy, $creg) = ("&mdash;", "&nbsp;", "&hellip;", "&copy;", "&reg;");
$cfracs = {'1/4'=>"&frac14;", '1/2'=>"&frac12;", '3/4'=>"&frac34;"};

# Wiping edge spaces
if($conf->{edgeSpaces}) { $strip =~ s/^[$sp\r\n]*(.+?)[$sp\r\n]*$/$1/isg; }

# Wiping spaces between tags (</td> </tr>)
if($conf->{tagSpaces}) { $strip =~ s/($tc)[$sp]($tc)/$1$2/isg; }

# Wiping multispaces
if($conf->{multiSpaces}) { $strip =~ s/([$sp]){2,}/$1/ig; }

# Wiping redundant spaces
if($conf->{redundantSpaces}) { $strip =~ s{([$sp]+(?![:;]-[)(])([;:,.)?!]))|(\()(?<![:%;]-\()[$sp]+}{$1 ? $2 : $3}eig; }

if($conf->{nbsp}) {
# Prepositions with &nbsp;
$strip =~ s/(^|\x00|[$sp])($prp)[$sp]([0-9$letters])/$1$2$cnbsp$3/gm;

# &nbsp; with digits
$strip =~ s{($nb|^)(.*?)($bb|$)}{ my ($a, $b, $c) = ($1, $2, $3); $b =~ s/([0-9]+)([$sp]+|&nbsp;|&#160;)(?:(?=[0-9]{2,})|(?=%))/$1$cnbsp/ig; "$a$b$c"; }eisg;

# Put composite words inside <nobr>
if($conf->{compositeWords}) { $strip =~ s{($nb|^)(.*?)($bb|$)}{ my ($a, $b, $c) = ($1, $2, $3);
$b =~ s{(^|[$sp\x00]|&nbsp;)([$letters]+(?:-[$letters]+)+)(?=$|[$sp\x00])}{
my $d = !defined($1) ? "" : $1; my $e = !defined($2) ? "" : $2; my $f = !defined($3) ? "" : $3;
if(length($e) <= $conf->{compositeWordsLength}) { "$d<nobr>$e<\/nobr>" } else {"$d$e$f"}
}eig; "$a$b$c";
}eisg; }

# Links
if($conf->{links}) {
my $lAttributes = '';

# Building <a> attributes string
if($conf->{linksAttributes}) {
my $q = !$conf->{tagUnQuoteValues} ? '"' : '';

while (my ($attr, $value) = each(%{$conf->{linksAttributes}})) {
$lAttributes .= ' ' if($lAttributes);
$lAttributes .= "$attr=$q$value$q";

$lAttributes = ' ' . $lAttributes if($lAttributes);

$strip =~ s{(^|$ac|(?<=</a>))([^\x00]*?)(http://[^ \x00]+)(?<![,.!?])}{$1$2<a href="$3"$lAttributes>$3</a>}ig;

# Dots
if($conf->{dots}) { $strip =~ s/\.{3}|…|&hellip;/$cdots/ig; }

# Dashes
if($conf->{dashes}) {
# Hyphen
$strip =~ s/([^$sp])([$sp]|&#160;|&nbsp;)(-{1,2}|—|&mdash;|&#151;)/$1$cnbsp$cdash/ig;
# "Speech" hyphen
$strip =~ s/((?:^|$ps|$br|$brt(?:$rt)*|[$rt]))[$sp]*(?:&nbsp;)*(-{1,2}|—|&mdash;|&#151;)[$sp]*(?:&nbsp;)*(.)/$1$cdash$cnbsp$3/ig;

# Misc stuff
if($conf->{misc}) {
# Fracs
$strip =~ s{(?:(?<=[$sp\x00])|(?<=^))([13])/([24])(?:(?=[$sp\x00])|(?=$))}{if(defined($cfracs->{"$1/$2"})) { $cfracs->{"$1/$2"} } else { "$1/$2" } }esg;
# Copyright & registered
$strip =~ s{(?:(?<=[$sp\x00])|(?<=^))(\([cr]\)|&copy;|©)(?:(?=[$sp\x00?!;.,])|(?=$))}{ if((lc($1) eq "(c)") || (lc($1) eq "&copy;") || ($1 eq "©")) {$ccopy} elsif((lc($1) eq "(r)") || (lc($1) eq "&reg;") || ($1 eq "®")) {$creg} else { $2 } }eig;

# Paragraphs
if($conf->{paragraphs}) { $strip =~ s{(^|$pe(?:$rt$rt)?|$rt$rt)(?!$ps)(.+?)($br)?($brt)?(?<!$pe)(?:(?=$)|(?=$rt$rt)|(?=$ps))}{ my ($a, $b, $c) = ($1,$2,$3||""); (($b =~ /^[ \r\n]+$/) || ($b =~ /^(<br *\/?>|$br)+$/)) ? "$a$b$c" : "$a<p>$b</p>";}eisg; }

# Line break
if($conf->{lineBreaks}) { $strip =~ s/(?<!$pt)(?<!$br)(?<!$br\r)(?<!$pe\r\n\r\n)(?<!$pe\n\n)(?<!$pe\r\n)(?<!$pe\n)(?<!$pe\r)(?<!$pe)(?<!$pet\r\n\r\n)(?<!$pet\r\n\r)(?<!$pet\n\n)(?<!$pet\r\n)(?<!$pet\n)(?<!$pet\r)(?<!$pet)(?<!$pst)($rt)(?!$brt)(?!$ts)/<br \/>$1/isg; }

# ==impose quotes
sub quotes($$) {
my ($class, $conf) = @_;

my $i;
my ($a_open, $b_open) = (0,0);
my ($cp, $c, $cn, $cn_is_sp, $cp_is_sp) = ('', '', '', 0, 0);
my ($qaStart, $qaEnd, $qbStart, $qbEnd);
my (@qs, @qe, @qs_ansi, @qe_ansi, @qs_html, @qe_html, @qs_ent, @qe_ent,);

# space class
my $sp =" \t\xA0";

# characters
my $letters = "A-Za-zА-Яа-яЁёЙй";

@qs_ansi = ("«", "“", "„", "‘", "‚", '"');
@qe_ansi = ("»", "”", "“", "’", "‘", '"');
@qs_html = ("&#171;", "&#147;", "&#132;", "&#145;", "&#130;", "&#34;");
@qe_html = ("&#187;", "&#148;", "&#147;", "&#146;", "&#145;", "&#34;");
# << `` .. ` . "
@qs_ent = ("&laquo;", "&ldquo;", "&bdquo;", "&lsquo;", "&sbquo;", "&quot;");
# >> '' '' ' ` "
@qe_ent = ("&raquo;", "&rdquo;", "&ldquo;", "&rsquo;", "&lsquo;", "&quot;");

# Quotes collection
if(!$conf->{codeMode}) {
@qs = @qs_ansi; @qe = @qe_ansi;
} elsif ($conf->{codeMode} == 1) {
@qs = @qs_html; @qe = @qe_html;
} else {
@qs = @qs_ent; @qe = @qe_ent;

# Getting configuration setting
$conf->{qaType} ||= 0;
$conf->{qbType} ||= 1;
$conf->{qaType} = ($conf->{qaType} >= 0 && $conf->{qaType} <= 5) ? $conf->{qaType} : 0;
$conf->{qbType} = ($conf->{qbType} >= 0 && $conf->{qbType} <= 5) ? $conf->{qbType} : 1;

# Selecting quotes as requested by user
($qaStart, $qaEnd) = ($qs[$conf->{qaType}], $qe[$conf->{qaType}]);
($qbStart, $qbEnd) = ($qs[$conf->{qbType}], $qe[$conf->{qbType}]);

# Resetting all the quotes inside text to <">
my $qa = join('|', @qs_ansi) . '|' . join('|', @qe_ansi) . '|' . join('|', @qs_html) . '|' . join('|', @qe_html) . '|' . join('|', @qs_ent) . '|' . join('|', @qe_ent);
$strip =~ s/(?:(?:(?<=[^$letters])|(?<=^))($qa))|(?:($qa)(?:(?=[^$letters])|(?=$)))/\"/ig;

my $spread = 1;
my $mv = 0;
my $mvn = 0;
my @st;
$i = 0;
my $skip = 0;
my @space; # Space tags flag
my @break; # Text break flags

$st[$_] = '' foreach(0..$spread + 1);
$space[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);
$break[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);
$space[0] = 1;
$break[0] = 1;

while(1) {
# Skipping tags
foreach(0..$spread) {
do {
$skip = 0;
if($i + $_ + $mv <= length($strip)) {
if($i + $_ + $mv + 1 < length($strip)) {
if((substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv, 1) eq "\x00") && (substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv + 1, 1) eq "\x0F")) {
$space[$_ + 1] |= (ord(substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv + 2, 1)) & 2) >> 1;
$break[$_ + 1] |= ord(substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv + 2, 1)) & 1;
$mv += $markLength;
if(!$_) { $mvn = $mv; }
$st[$_ + 1] = "";
$skip = 1;
if(!$skip) { $st[$_ + 1] = substr($strip, $i + $_ + $mv, 1); }
} while($skip);

$i += $mvn;
$mv = 0;
$mvn = 0;

($cp, $c, $cn) = ($st[0], $st[1], $st[2]);
$cp_is_sp = (($cp =~ /[^0-9$letters]/) || $space[0] || $space[1] || $break[0] || !$i) ? 1 : 0;
$cn_is_sp = (($cn =~ /[^0-9$letters]/) || $space[2] || $break[2] || $cn eq '') ? 1 : 0;

# Reset state if breaking tag appears
if($break[1] || $i == length($strip)) {
if($a_open || $b_open) {
# Log quote error if appears
if($conf->{logErrors}) {
my $quoteErrSampleLength = 100;
my $z = $i - 1;
my $y;
while(1) {
if(substr($strip, $z, 1) eq " " || substr($strip, $z, 1) eq "\xA0" || !$z) { if($i-$z <= $quoteErrSampleLength) {$y = $z}}
last if(!$z);
my $sample = substr($strip, $y, ($i - $y));
$sample =~ s/\x00\x0F[^\x0F]+\x0F\x00//g;
$sample =~ s/<\/?[a-z]+.*?>//g;
push(@{$result->{errorLog}}, {type=>"Quote_error", message=>"Quote mismatch near [$sample]<--"});
$result->{error} = 1;

$a_open = 0;
$b_open = 0;

if($c eq '"') {
if(!$a_open) {
$a_open = 1;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qaStart;
$i += length($qaStart) - 1;
} elsif ($a_open && (($i == length($strip) - 1) || (!$b_open && $cn_is_sp))) {
$a_open = 0;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qaEnd;
$i += length($qaEnd) - 1;
} elsif ($a_open && !$b_open) {
$b_open = 1;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qbStart;
$i += length($qbStart) - 1;
} elsif ($a_open && $b_open) {
$b_open = 0;
substr($strip, $i, 1) = $qbEnd;
$i += length($qbEnd) - 1;

last if($i == length($strip));

$st[0] = $st[1];
$space[0] = $space[1];
$break[0] = $break[1];
$space[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);
$break[$_] = 0 foreach(0 + 1..$spread + 1);

# ==Cutting the tags away
sub cuttags($$$$) {
my($class, $text, $conf, $result) = @_;

# loop counter
my $i = 0;
# Jump length
my $hop;
# current & next character
my ($c, $cn);
# tag length, tag dimensions, tag name, tag body text, single tag flag, content inside the tag
my ($tl, $ts, $te, $cl, $tagName, $tagBody, $tagContent);
# some useful flags
my ($isTag, $isTagStart, $isSingle, $isSingleClosed, $isSpace, $isBreaking, $nobrIsOpen, $aIsOpen, $flagSet3, $flagSet2, $flagSet1, $flagSet0);

# space class
my $sp =" \t\xA0";

while(1) {
$hop = index($$text, "<", $i);

if($hop < 0) {
$strip .= substr($$text, $i, length($$text) - $i);
} elsif($hop > 0) {
$strip .= substr($$text, $i, $hop - $i);
$i = $hop;

($c, $cn) = unpack("aa", substr($$text, $i, 2));

$isTag = 0;

# =If tag opens
$isTagStart = ($cn =~ /!|[a-z]/i) ? 1 : 0;
if($isTagStart || ($cn eq "/")) { $isTag = 1; }

if($isTag) {
$ts = $i; # Tag start position
$te = $isTagStart ? tagEnd($text, $ts) : index($$text, ">", $ts); # Tag end position

if($te) {
$tagBody = substr($$text, $ts, $te - $ts + 1);
$tagName = $isTagStart ? ($tagBody =~ m/^<([a-z0-9]+)/i)[0] : ($tagBody =~ m/^<\/\s*([a-z]+)/i)[0];
$tagName =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

if($te && $tagName) {
# =Flags
# Detecting whether the tag is single (self-closing) or double
$isSingleClosed = 0;
$isSingle = 0;

if($isTagStart) {
if(grep{$tagName eq $_} @singleTags) {
$isSingle = 1;
} elsif (substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) eq "/") {
$isSingle = 1;
$isSingleClosed = 1;

# Detecting wether this is space tag or not
$isSpace = (grep{$tagName eq $_} @spaceTags) ? 1 : 0;

# Detecting wether this is breaking tag or not
$isBreaking = (grep{$tagName eq $_} @breakingTags) ? 1 : 0;

# Tag Length
$tl = $te - $ts + 1;

# Updating the status for tags open
if(($conf->{checkHTML} || $conf->{tagCloseOpen}) && !$isSingle) {
if($isTagStart) {
push(@tagsOpen, $tagName);
} else {
if($tagsOpen[$#tagsOpen] ne $tagName) {
# HTML error
$result->{error} = 1;
if($conf->{logErrors}) { push(@{$result->{errorLog}}, {type=>"HTML_Parse", position=>$i, message=>"Found closing tag <$tagName> while waiting tag <" . $tagsOpen[$#tagsOpen] . "> to close!"}); }
} else {

# Eating tag content for some tags like <script>
$tagContent = "";
$cl = 0;
if((grep{$tagName eq $_} @tagsToEat) && $isTagStart) {
$cl = index($$text, "</$tagName>", $ts + $tl) - $ts - $tl;
if($cl > 0) {
$tagContent = substr($$text, $ts + $tl, $cl);
} else {
$cl = 0;
$result->{error} = 1;

if($conf->{logErrors}) { push(@{$result->{errorLog}}, {type=>"HTML_Parse", position=>$i, message=>"Can't find <$tagName> end!"}); }

# Should I drop all the tags by default?
my $dropTag = 0;
if($conf->{tagsDenyAll} || $conf->{simpleXSS} && $tagName eq 'script') { $dropTag = 1; }

# Checking deny list
if(!$dropTag && defined($conf->{tagsDeny})) {
if($conf->{tagsDeny}->{$tagName}) { $dropTag = 1; }

# Checking allow list
if(defined($conf->{tagsAllow}) && $dropTag) {
if($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}) { $dropTag = 0; }

# Nobr tag status
if($tagName eq "nobr" && $isTagStart) {
$nobrIsOpen = 1;
} elsif(($tagName eq "nobr" && !$isTagStart) || (grep{$tagName eq $_} @breakingTags)) {
$nobrIsOpen = 0;

# A tag status
if($tagName eq "a" && $isTagStart) {
$aIsOpen = 1;
} elsif(($tagName eq "a" && !$isTagStart) || (grep{$tagName eq $_} @breakingTags)) {
$aIsOpen = 0;

# =Final part
if(!$dropTag) {
# =Processing tags
# Tag name to lower case
if($conf->{tagNamesToLower}) {
if($isTagStart) { $tagBody = "<" . $tagName . substr($tagBody, length($tagName) + 1, length($tagBody) - length($tagName) - 1); }
else { $tagBody =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; }

# Tag name to upper case
if($conf->{tagNamesToUpper}) {
if($isTagStart) { $tagBody = "<" . uc($tagName) . substr($tagBody, length($tagName) + 1, length($tagBody) - length($tagName) - 1); }
else { $tagBody =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; }

# =Tag parameters to lower or upper case
if($isTagStart && ($conf->{tagAttributesToLower} || $conf->{tagAttributesToUpper})) {
# Regular parameters
my $tmp = "";

while ($tagBody =~ m/([^\s]*\s*)(?:([a-z\r]+)(\s*)(?==)(=\s*))?/ig ) {
$tmp .= $1 if ($1); if($conf->{tagAttributesToLower}) { if($2) { $tmp .= lc($2); } } else { if($2) { $tmp .= uc($2); } } $tmp .= $3 if ($3); $tmp .= $4 if ($4); $tmp .= $5 if ($5);

# Single parameters (like <checked>)
if($conf->{tagAttributesToLower}) { $tagBody =~ s{(?<!=)( +([a-z]+))}{lc($1)}eig; }
elsif($conf->{tagAttributesToUpper}) { $tagBody =~ s{(?<!=)( +([a-z]+))}{uc($1)}eig; }

# Simple XSS & tag attributes protection
if($isTagStart && ($conf->{simpleXSS} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{invalidAttributes} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{denyAllAttributes} || $conf->{tagsDenyAllAttributes})) {
$tagBody =~ s{(?<!<)(\s*)([a-z]+)([$sp]*=[$sp]*)("[^"]+"|[^$sp/>]+)} {
my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = ($1||'', lc($2), $3, $4);
if($conf->{simpleXSS} && ($b =~ /^on/ig || $d =~ /javascript|expression/ig)) {
} elsif(($conf->{tagsDenyAllAttributes} || $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{denyAllAttributes} || ($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{invalidAttributes} && $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{invalidAttributes}->{$b}))
&& !(($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes} && $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes}->{$b})
|| $conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{allowAllAttributes})
) {
} elsif($conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes} && !$conf->{tagsAllow}->{$tagName}->{validAttributes}->{$b}) {
} else {
$a . $b . $c . $d;

# Close single tag
if($conf->{tagCloseSingle} && $isSingle && !$isSingleClosed) {
if(substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) ne "/") {
if(substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) ne " ") { substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) .= " /"; } else { substr($tagBody, length($tagBody) - 2, 1) .= "/"; }

# Quote attribute values
if($conf->{tagQuoteValues} && $isTagStart) {
my $tmp = "";
# 1 23 4 5 6
while($tagBody =~ m/([<a-z0-9 >]+)?((=)(\s*)([^ >]+)([ >]+))?/ig) {
$tmp .= $1 if($1);
if($2) {
$tmp .= $3 if($3);
$tmp .= $4 if($4);
if($5 && substr($5, 0, 1) ne '"' && substr($5, length($5) - 1, 1) ne '"') { $tmp .= "\"$5\""; } else { $tmp .= $5; }
$tmp .= $6 if($6);

$tagBody = $tmp;

# Unquote attribute values
if($conf->{tagUnQuoteValues}) {
$tagBody =~ s/([a-z]+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)"([^\=\s">]+)"/$1$2$3$4$5/ig; #"

# Saving the tag
push(@$tags, {name=>$tagName, body=>$tagBody, content=>$tagContent});

# Forming flagSet
# byte3: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ isHref | byte2: _ _ _ _ _ _ isSpace isBreaking| byte1: _ _ _ _ _ p br| byte0: _ _ _ _ nobr isTagStart
$flagSet3 = 0;
if($aIsOpen) { $flagSet3 |= 1; }
$flagSet2 = 0;
if($isSpace) { $flagSet2 |= 2; }
if($isBreaking) { $flagSet2 |= 1; }
$flagSet1 = 0;
if($tagName eq "br") { $flagSet1 |= 1; }
if($tagName eq "p") { $flagSet1 |= 2; }
$flagSet0 = 0;
if($isTagStart) { $flagSet0 |= 1; }
if($nobrIsOpen) { $flagSet0 |= 2; }

# Planting the marker
$strip .= "\x00\x0F" . chr($flagSet3) . chr($flagSet2) . chr($flagSet1) . chr($flagSet0) . "\x0F\x00";

# Moving the pointer (tag end position + content length)
$i = $te + $cl;

# Eating crs & lfs after dropped tag
if($conf->{tagLf} && $dropTag) {
while(1) {
if(substr($$text, $i + 1, 1) eq "\r") { $i++; } elsif(substr($$text, $i + 1, 1) eq "\n") { $i++; last; } else { last }
} else {
# This is not a tag, just add the "<" to result
$strip .= $c;

last if($i == length($$text));

# Need to close all the open tags in the order of appearance
if($conf->{'closeOpenTags'} && scalar @tagsOpen) {
while(my $tag = pop @tagsOpen) {


# ==Find where tag ends
sub tagEnd($$$) {
my ($text, $i) = @_;

my $gotcha = 0;
my $quote = 0;

$i |= 0;

while (1) {
if (substr($$text, $i, 1) eq '"') { $quote ^= 1; }
if (!$quote && substr($$text, $i, 1) eq '>') { $gotcha = $i; }
last if ($i == length($$text) || $gotcha);


return $gotcha;

# ==Bring everything back to HTML
sub plantTags($$) {
my ($class, $result) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $max = length($strip);
my $ctag = 0;
my $step;

while (1) {
if($i < $max - 2 && substr($strip, $i, 2) eq "\x00\x0F") {
$result->{text} .= $$tags[$ctag]->{body};
if($$tags[$ctag]->{content}) { $result->{text} .= $$tags[$ctag]->{content}; }
$i += $markLength;
} else {
if($i < $max - 2) { $step = index($strip, "\x00\x0F", $i) - $i; } else { $step = $max - $i; }
if($step < 0) { $step = $max - $i; }

if($step >= 0) {
$result->{text} .= substr($strip, $i, $step);
$i += $step;

last if($i == $max);

# Should we close open tags?
if($conf->{tagCloseOpen} && scalar @tagsOpen) {
my $closeString;

while(my $tag = pop @tagsOpen) {
if($conf->{tagNamesToUpper}) { $tag = uc($tag); }
$closeString .= '</' . $tag .'>';

if($closeString) { $result->{text} .= $closeString; }

# ==Bring the text to plain mode==
sub vanish($$) {
my($class, $text) = @_;

$$text =~ s/&laquo;|&ldquo;|&bdquo;|&lsquo;|&sbquo;|&quot;|&raquo;|&rdquo;|&ldquo;|&rsquo;|&#171;|&#147;|&#132;|&#145;|&#130;|&#34;|&#187;|&#148;|&#146;|«|“|„|‘|‚|"|»|”|’/"/ig;
$$text =~ s/&nbsp;|&#160;| / /ig;
$$text =~ s/&mdash;|&ndash;|&#151;|&#150;|—|–/-/ig;
$$text =~ s/&hellip;|&#133;|…/.../ig;
$$text =~ s/&copy;|&#169;|©/(c)/ig;
$$text =~ s/&reg;|&#174;|®/(r)/ig;
$$text =~ s/&frac14;|&#188;|¼/1\/4/ig;
$$text =~ s/&frac12;|&#189;|½/1\/2/ig;
$$text =~ s/&frac34;|&#190;|¾/3\/4/ig;

# ==Parse the tagsAllow string advanced format==
sub parseTagsAllowString($$) {
my($class, $string) = @_;

return {tagsAllow=>{}, tagsDenyAllAttributes=>0} if(!$string);

my $tagsAllow = {};
my $tagsDenyAllAttributes = 0;

# Should I deny all tag attributes by default?
if(substr($string,0,1) eq '|') {
$tagsDenyAllAttributes = 1;
substr($string,0,1) = '';

# Parsing the Configuration String
while($string =~ /([a-z:|]+)/ig) {
my $tBody = $1;
my ($tagName) = lc(($tBody =~ /^([a-z]+)/i)[0]);

last if(!$tagName);

my $attrList = ();

if($tBody =~ /^$tagName\|$/i) {
} elsif($tBody =~ /^$tagName\:$/i) {
} else {
while($tBody =~ /:([a-z]+)/ig) {

while($tBody =~ /\|([a-z]+)/ig) {
if(!$tagsAllow->{$tagName}->{validAttributes}->{lc($1)}) {

return {tagsAllow=>$tagsAllow, tagsDenyAllAttributes=>$tagsDenyAllAttributes};

# ==Parse the tagsAllow string advanced format==
sub parseTagsDenyString($$) {
my($class, $string) = @_;

return {} if(!$string);

my $tagsDeny = {};
while($string =~ /([a-z]+)/ig) {

return $tagsDeny;

# ==Return the configuration hash==
sub getConf($) {
return $conf;

return 1;perl-Jevix-0.9.7/changelog.txt000064400000000000000000000047321133231612600162460ustar00rootroot00000000000000
Jevix Version 0.9.7 (utf-8 & windows1251)

Developed by Igor Askarov

Please send all bug reports and suggestions to
Igor Askarov <>

Release date: 20/02/2008

18.02.2009: now we are able to close unclosed tags
19.01.2009: tags "pre" and "code" now remain untouched
19.01.2009: "tagQuoteValues" bug fixed processing tags like "<h1>"
23.12.2008: configuration key for using "vanish" function added
20.12.2008: dashes bugfix by Andrew Hitrov (Rambler)
20.12.2008: configuration methods improved
20.12.2008: test script is now the part of the distribution
20.12.2008: improved implementation of <a> tags
20.12.2008: major tag & tag properties filter bugs fixed
04.03.2008: automatic implementation of <a> tags added
20.01.2008: tag & tag properties filter logic has been improved
20.01.2008: advanced configuration string parser added to base class
15.01.2008: minor bugs fixed
20.12.2007: XSS protection and tag & tag properties filter added
10.05.2007: improved <br> markup
07.05.2007: improved quotes markup
07.05.2007: improved paragraph markup
03.05.2007: UTF-8 and Windows-1251 versions are now available
24.04.2007: added "vanish" function (brings the text to plain mode)
19.04.2007: fixed several bugs in quotes function
17.04.2007: improved paragraph markup
12.04.1007: several minor bugs fixed
10.04.2007: added "quote mismatch" logging
improved quote mismatch processing
05.04.2007: improved non-breaking spaces markup logic (between digits)
03.04.2007: improved hyphen markup logic
02.04.2007: added misc substututions (fracs, (c)->&copy, etc)
27.03.2007: added capability for putting composite words inside <nobr> tag
23.03.2007: added removal for crs & lfs after dropped tags
added removal for "between-tags" spaces (like </td> </tr>)
22.03.2007: fixed bug: br markup (\n right after tag)
fixed bug: script-like tags processing
20.03.2007: improved cuttags function perfomance
improved paragraph markup rules
added removal for edge spaces
16.03.2007: improved quotes logic for a case like: "hello "world" "
perl-Jevix-0.9.7/readme.txt000064400000000000000000000077751133231612600155660ustar00rootroot00000000000000 0.9.7 perl- Jevix::Makeup

[1] Jevix ?
[2] Jevix

[1] Jevix ?

Jevix . :

> Jevix

> Jevix ()

> Jevix XSS-, HTML-

> Jevix ,

> Jevix ,

> Jevix . -
, ,
- ,

Jevix ,
. ,

> Jevix .
, ,
. ,

[2] Jevix

HTML- 2004 ,
Luminescene (,

php, Jevix

2007 , (
, HTML-,
. ,
Jevix Perl.

(, php-


* windows-1251(Jevix::Makeup)
* utf-8(Jevix::MakeupUtf) .


- . ,



, - .
. .

perl-Jevix-0.9.7/sample.pl000064400000000000000000000123421133231612600153700ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Jevix::Makeup

# ! .
# :
# text -
# error - HTML-
# errorLog -

use strict;
use warnings;
use Jevix::Makeup;
use Data::Dumper;

# =================================================
use POSIX;
POSIX::setlocale (&POSIX::LC_CTYPE, "ru");
use locale;
# ===============================================================

my $text = ' - . ", , , <b style="color: red">""</b>, "...';

# 1: ,
my $conf = {
isHTML=>1, # ( )
lineBreaks=>1, # <br />
paragraphs=>1, # <p>
dashes=>1, #
dots=>1, #
edgeSpaces=>1, #
tagSpaces=>1, # (</td> <td>)
multiSpaces=>1, #
redundantSpaces=>1, # ,
compositeWords=>0, # <nobr>
compositeWordsLength=>10, # , <nobr>
nbsp=>1, #
quotes=>1, #
qaType=>0, # (.
qbType=>1, #
misc=>1, # (&copy, )
codeMode=>2, # . (0: ANSI <...>, 1: HTML- <&#133;>, 2: HTML- <&hellip;>)
tagsDenyAll=>0, #
tagsDeny=>'', #
tagsAllow=>'', # ( , )
tagCloseSingle=>0, # ,
tagCloseOpen=>0, #
tagNamesToLower=>0, #
tagNamesToUpper=>0, #
tagAttributesToLower=>0, #
tagAttributesToUpper=>0, #
tagQuoteValues=>0, #
tagUnQuoteValues=>0, #
links=>1, # <a>
linksAttributes=>0, #
simpleXSS=>0, # XSS-
checkHTML=>0, # HTML
logErrors=>0 #

my $result = Jevix::Makeup->process(\$text, $conf);

# 2: "Basic", , , HTML
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#my $result = Jevix::Makeup->process(\$text, {presetBasic=>1, nbsp=>0, qaType=>1, isHTML=>0});

# 3: " " (basic)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
#my $result = Jevix::Makeup->process(\$text);

# tagsAllow tagsDeny
# -----------------------------------------
# tagsAllow tagsDeny , ( )
# tagsAllow 'a,br,div', .
# :
# '|a,br,b' - 'a', 'br', 'b',
# '|a,br:class,b' - 'a', 'br', 'b', , class 'br'
# 'a:href:title,br,b' - 'a', 'br', 'b', 'br' 'b', 'a'
# 'href' 'title'
# tagsDeny :
# 'script, object' - 'script' 'object'

print Dumper $result;perl-Jevix-0.9.7/testsUtf.pl000064400000000000000000000236041133231612600157330ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Набор тестов для модуля Jevix::MakeupUtf

use strict;
use warnings;
use Jevix::MakeupUtf;
use Data::Dumper;

# Русская локаль=================================================
use POSIX;
POSIX::setlocale (&POSIX::LC_CTYPE, "ru");
use locale;
# ===============================================================

# Список тестов вопрос-ответ
my @tests = (
q=>'Проверям тире, лишние пробелы, многоточие ... Слово - дело',
a=>'Проверям тире, лишние пробелы, многоточие&hellip; Слово&nbsp;&mdash; дело'

q=>'Проверяем "кавычки внешние". После этого он сказал: "Не моё это "дело""',
a=>'Проверяем &laquo;кавычки внешние&raquo;. После этого он сказал: &laquo;Не моё это &ldquo;дело&rdquo;&raquo;'

q=>'"кавычки с <b>"тегами"</b>"',
a=>'&laquo;кавычки с <b>&ldquo;тегами&rdquo;</b>&raquo;'

q=>'Составное слово как-то так',
a=>'Составное слово <nobr>как-то</nobr> так'

q=>"параграф1\n\nпараграф2\nновая строка",
a=>"<p>параграф1</p>\n\n<p>параграф2<br />\nновая строка</p>"

q=>"-- До свиданья, внучек, до свиданья! – закивала бабка, – Вежливый какой, сейчас таких нет. Вот, например, Петрович – помню, помню, молодой был, галантный, воспитанный…\n-- До свиданья, внучек, до свиданья! – закивала бабка, – Вежливый какой, сейчас таких нет. Вот, например, Петрович – помню, помню, молодой был, галантный, воспитанный…\n-- До свиданья, внучек, до свиданья! – закивала бабка, – Вежливый какой, сейчас таких нет. Вот, например, Петрович – помню, помню, молодой был, галантный, воспитанный…",
a=>"&mdash;&nbsp;До свиданья, внучек, до&nbsp;свиданья! – закивала бабка, – Вежливый какой, сейчас таких нет. Вот, например, Петрович – помню, помню, молодой был, галантный, воспитанный&hellip;<br />\n&mdash;&nbsp;До свиданья, внучек, до&nbsp;свиданья! – закивала бабка, – Вежливый какой, сейчас таких нет. Вот, например, Петрович – помню, помню, молодой был, галантный, воспитанный&hellip;<br />\n&mdash;&nbsp;До свиданья, внучек, до&nbsp;свиданья! – закивала бабка, – Вежливый какой, сейчас таких нет. Вот, например, Петрович – помню, помню, молодой был, галантный, воспитанный&hellip;"

q=>'Тест <a href="" title=hello onload="alert(1)">допустимых</a> тегов и <b cLaSs= my style="wow">аттрибутов</b>',
a=>'Тест <a href="" title=hello>допустимых</a> тегов и <b style="wow">аттрибутов</b>'

q=>'Здесь должна быть ссылка:, <a href="">а здесь - нет</a>',
a=>'Здесь должна быть ссылка: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, <a href="">а&nbsp;здесь&nbsp;&mdash; нет</a>'

q=>'Приводим всё к <B>нижнему</b> <a HREF="">регистру</a>',
a=>'Приводим всё к <b>нижнему</b> <a href="">регистру</a>'

q=>'XSS test <script>alert(1)</script>. <a href="" onmouseOVER="alert(1)">hey!</a>',
a=>'XSS test. <a href="">hey!</a>'

q=>'<h1>this is test</h1><a title = link class="my">try jevix</a>',
a=>'<h1>this is test</h1><a href="" title = "link" class="my">try jevix</a>'

q=>'<p><h1>this is test',
a=>'<p><h1>this is test</h1></p>'


# Настройка при которой проводятся тесты
my $conf = {
isHTML=>1, # Работать в режиме гипертекста (в режиме простого текста работает быстрее)
vanish=>0, # Преобразовать исходный текст в plain-text (игонорирует все прочие настройки)
lineBreaks=>1, # Расставлять переносы строк <br />
paragraphs=>0, # Размечать параграфы <p>
dashes=>1, # Тире
dots=>1, # Многоточия
edgeSpaces=>1, # Убирать пробельные символы в начале и конце строки
tagSpaces=>1, # Убирать пробелы между тегами (</td> <td>)
multiSpaces=>1, # Превращать множественные пробелы в одинарные
redundantSpaces=>1, # Убирать пробелы там, где их не должно быть
compositeWords=>1, # Заключать составные слова в тег <nobr>
compositeWordsLength=>10, # Максимальная длина составного слова, заключаемого в тег <nobr>
nbsp=>1, # Расставлять неразрывные пробелы
quotes=>1, # Верстать кавычки
qaType=>0, # Тип внешних кавычек (см. настройки отладочного интерфейса на
qbType=>1, # Тип вложенных кавычек
misc=>1, # Всякое разное (&copy, дроби и прочее)
codeMode=>2, # Способ кодировки спец. символов (0: ANSI <...>, 1: HTML-код <&#133;>, 2: HTML-сужности <&hellip;>)
tagsDenyAll=>0, # По умолчанию отвергать все теги
tagsDeny=>'', # Список запрещённых тегов
tagsAllow=>'|A:href:title,br,B:STYLE', # Список разрешённых тегов (исключает их, когда устанавлен запрет всех)
tagCloseSingle=>0, # Закрывать одинарные теги, когда они не закрыты
tagCloseOpen=>0, # Закрывать открытые теги в конце документа
tagNamesToLower=>0, # Приводить имена тегов к нижнему регистру
tagNamesToUpper=>0, # Приводить имена тегов к верхнему регистру
tagAttributesToLower=>0, # Приводить имена атрибутов тегов к нижнему регистру
tagAttributesToUpper=>0, # Приводить имена атрибутов тегов к верхнему регистру
tagQuoteValues=>0, # Помещать в кавычки значения атрибутов тегов
tagUnQuoteValues=>0, # Убирать кавычки вокруг значений атрибутов тегов
links=>1, # Автоматически заключать ссылки в тег <a>
linksAttributes=>{target=>'_blank'}, # Хеш аттрибутов для всех новых ссылок
simpleXSS=>1, # Удаление возможных XSS-атак в коде документа
checkHTML=>0, # Проверять целостность HTML
logErrors=>0 # Вести журнал ошибок

my $text;
my $result;
my $testsCount = 0;
my $errCount = 0;

my $jevix = new Jevix::MakeupUtf;

print "\n\nTesting Jevix Class...\n\n";

# Тест парсера строки настройки фильтра HTML

my $pTest = $jevix->getConf();
$pTest = $pTest->{tagsAllow};

if(!($pTest->{br} && $pTest->{b} && $pTest->{a} && $pTest->{a}->{validAttributes}->{href} && $pTest->{a}->{validAttributes}->{title})) {
print "Allowed tags string parser failure\n\n";

# Прогоняем текстовые тесты
foreach my $test (@tests) {
$text = $test->{q};

# Изменение конфигурации
if($test->{addConf}) {
while (my ($k,$v) = each(%{$test->{addConf}})) {
$conf->{$k} = $v


$result = $jevix->process(\$text);

if($test->{a} ne $result->{text}) {
print 'Test ' . $testsCount . ' failed: [' . $text . "]\n";
print 'Expected: [' . $test->{a} . "]\n";
print 'We have: [' . $result->{text} . "]\n\n";

# Статистика
print "Tests Perfomed: " . $testsCount . "\n";
print "Tests Failed: " . $errCount . "\n";
print "Well Done!\n\n" if(!$errCount);
: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
: Michael Shigorin