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Пакет: gcc10

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Патч: ada-gcc-name.diff

Description: always call gcc with an explicit target and version
 Many problems have been caused by the fact that tools like gnatmake
 call other tools like gcc without an explicit target or version.
 In order to solve this issue for all similar tools at once, AdaCore
 has created the Osint.Program_Name function. When gnatmake launches a
 gcc subprocess, this function computes the name of the right gcc
 executable. This patch improves the function in four ways.
 The previous algorithm wrongly tests "End_Of_Prefix > 1",
 which may happen even if a match has been found.
 This part will most probably be of interest for upstream.
 Update the gnatchop tool to use this function.
 This part will most probably be of interest for upstream.
 Check that the target and version in the gnatmake program name, if
 present, match the static constants inside the gnatmake program
 itself. Also, knowing the length of the only allowed prefix and suffix
 slightly improves performance by avoiding loops.
 This part will most probably be of interest for upstream.
 In Debian, gcc/gcc-version/target-gcc are symbolic links to the
 target-gcc-version executable. The same holds for gnatmake, but the
 target and version may differ. So "target-gcc-version" is the right
 answer. It helps log checkers and humans debuggers, even if gnatmake
 was invoked via a shortcut intended for human typers.
 This part will probably be hard to merge for upstream, as some
 distributions provide no "target-gcc-version".
 Log for bug 903694 carries regression tests for both bugs.
Forwarded: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=87777
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/814977
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/814978
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/856274
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/881938
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/903694
Author: Ludovic Brenta <lbrenta@debian.org>
Author: Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas@debian.org>
Author: Svante Signell <svante.signell@gmail.com>
Author: YunQiang Su <wzssyqa@gmail.com>
--- a/src/gcc/ada/osint.ads
+++ b/src/gcc/ada/osint.ads
@@ -140,16 +140,10 @@ package Osint is
    --  path) in Name_Buffer, with the length in Name_Len.
    function Program_Name (Nam : String; Prog : String) return String_Access;
-   --  In the native compilation case, Create a string containing Nam. In the
-   --  cross compilation case, looks at the prefix of the current program being
-   --  run and prepend it to Nam. For instance if the program being run is
-   --  <target>-gnatmake and Nam is "gcc", the returned value will be a pointer
-   --  to "<target>-gcc". In the specific case where AAMP_On_Target is set, the
-   --  name "gcc" is mapped to "gnaamp", and names of the form "gnat*" are
-   --  mapped to "gnaamp*". This function clobbers Name_Buffer and Name_Len.
-   --  Also look at any suffix, e.g. gnatmake-4.1 -> "gcc-4.1". Prog is the
-   --  default name of the current program being executed, e.g. "gnatmake",
-   --  "gnatlink".
+   --  On Debian, always create a string containing
+   --  Sdefault.Target_Name & '-' & Nam & '-' & Gnatvsn.Library_Version.
+   --  Fail if the program base name differs from Prog,
+   --  maybe extended with the same prefix or suffix.
    procedure Write_Program_Name;
    --  Writes name of program as invoked to the current output (normally
--- a/src/gcc/ada/osint.adb
+++ b/src/gcc/ada/osint.adb
@@ -2245,50 +2245,51 @@ package body Osint is
    function Program_Name (Nam : String; Prog : String) return String_Access is
-      End_Of_Prefix   : Natural := 0;
-      Start_Of_Prefix : Positive := 1;
-      Start_Of_Suffix : Positive;
+      --  Most of the work is to check that the current program name
+      --  is consistent with the two static constants below.
+      Suffix : constant String  := '-' & Gnatvsn.Library_Version;
+      Prefix : Types.String_Ptr := Sdefault.Target_Name;
+      First  : Integer;
+      Result : System.OS_Lib.String_Access;
       --  Get the name of the current program being executed
-      Start_Of_Suffix := Name_Len + 1;
+      --  If our version is present, skip it.
+      First := Name_Len - Suffix'Length + 1;
+      if 0 < First and then Name_Buffer (First .. Name_Len) = Suffix then
+         Name_Len := First - 1;
+      end if;
+      --  The central part must be Prog.
+      First := Name_Len - Prog'Length + 1;
+      if First <= 0 or else Name_Buffer (First .. Name_Len) /= Prog then
+         Fail ("Osint.Program_Name: must end with " & Prog
+                 & " or " & Prog & Suffix);
+      end if;
+      Name_Len := First - 1;
-      --  Find the target prefix if any, for the cross compilation case.
-      --  For instance in "powerpc-elf-gcc" the target prefix is
-      --  "powerpc-elf-"
-      --  Ditto for suffix, e.g. in "gcc-4.1", the suffix is "-4.1"
-      for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
-         if Is_Directory_Separator (Name_Buffer (J))
-           or else Name_Buffer (J) = ':'
-         then
-            Start_Of_Prefix := J + 1;
-            exit;
-         end if;
-      end loop;
-      --  Find End_Of_Prefix
-      for J in Start_Of_Prefix .. Name_Len - Prog'Length + 1 loop
-         if Name_Buffer (J .. J + Prog'Length - 1) = Prog then
-            End_Of_Prefix := J - 1;
-            exit;
-         end if;
-      end loop;
+      --  According to Make-generated.in, this ends with a slash.
+      Prefix.all (Prefix.all'Last) := '-';
-      if End_Of_Prefix > 1 then
-         Start_Of_Suffix := End_Of_Prefix + Prog'Length + 1;
+      --  If our target is present, skip it.
+      First := Name_Len - Prefix.all'Length + 1;
+      if 0 < First and then Name_Buffer (First .. Name_Len) = Prefix.all then
+         Name_Len := First - 1;
       end if;
-      --  Create the new program name
+      --  What remains must be the directory part.
+      if 0 < Name_Len
+        and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len) /= ':'
+        and then not Is_Directory_Separator (Name_Buffer (Name_Len))
+      then
+         Fail ("Osint.Program_Name: must start with " & Prog
+                 & " or " & Prefix.all & Prog);
+      end if;
-      return new String'
-        (Name_Buffer (Start_Of_Prefix .. End_Of_Prefix)
-         & Nam
-         & Name_Buffer (Start_Of_Suffix .. Name_Len));
+      Result := new String'(Prefix.all & Nam & Suffix);
+      Types.Free (Prefix);
+      return Result;
    end Program_Name;
--- a/src/gcc/ada/gnatchop.adb
+++ b/src/gcc/ada/gnatchop.adb
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ with GNAT.OS_Lib;                use GNA
 with GNAT.Heap_Sort_G;
 with GNAT.Table;
+with Osint;
 with Switch;                     use Switch;
 with Types;
@@ -44,12 +45,9 @@ procedure Gnatchop is
    Config_File_Name : constant String_Access := new String'("gnat.adc");
    --  The name of the file holding the GNAT configuration pragmas
-   Gcc : String_Access := new String'("gcc");
+   Gcc : String_Access := null;
    --  May be modified by switch --GCC=
-   Gcc_Set : Boolean := False;
-   --  True if a switch --GCC= is used
    Gnat_Cmd : String_Access;
    --  Command to execute the GNAT compiler
@@ -222,12 +220,6 @@ procedure Gnatchop is
-   function Locate_Executable
-     (Program_Name    : String;
-      Look_For_Prefix : Boolean := True) return String_Access;
-   --  Locate executable for given program name. This takes into account
-   --  the target-prefix of the current command, if Look_For_Prefix is True.
    subtype EOL_Length is Natural range 0 .. 2;
    --  Possible lengths of end of line sequence
@@ -492,76 +484,6 @@ procedure Gnatchop is
           Unit.Table (Sorted_Units.Table (U + 1)).File_Name.all;
    end Is_Duplicated;
-   -----------------------
-   -- Locate_Executable --
-   -----------------------
-   function Locate_Executable
-     (Program_Name    : String;
-      Look_For_Prefix : Boolean := True) return String_Access
-   is
-      Gnatchop_Str    : constant String := "gnatchop";
-      Current_Command : constant String := Normalize_Pathname (Command_Name);
-      End_Of_Prefix   : Natural;
-      Start_Of_Prefix : Positive;
-      Start_Of_Suffix : Positive;
-      Result          : String_Access;
-   begin
-      Start_Of_Prefix := Current_Command'First;
-      Start_Of_Suffix := Current_Command'Last + 1;
-      End_Of_Prefix   := Start_Of_Prefix - 1;
-      if Look_For_Prefix then
-         --  Find Start_Of_Prefix
-         for J in reverse Current_Command'Range loop
-            if Current_Command (J) = '/'                 or else
-               Current_Command (J) = Directory_Separator or else
-               Current_Command (J) = ':'
-            then
-               Start_Of_Prefix := J + 1;
-               exit;
-            end if;
-         end loop;
-         --  Find End_Of_Prefix
-         for J in Start_Of_Prefix ..
-                  Current_Command'Last - Gnatchop_Str'Length + 1
-         loop
-            if Current_Command (J .. J + Gnatchop_Str'Length - 1) =
-                                                                  Gnatchop_Str
-            then
-               End_Of_Prefix := J - 1;
-               exit;
-            end if;
-         end loop;
-      end if;
-      if End_Of_Prefix > Current_Command'First then
-         Start_Of_Suffix := End_Of_Prefix + Gnatchop_Str'Length + 1;
-      end if;
-      declare
-         Command : constant String :=
-                     Current_Command (Start_Of_Prefix .. End_Of_Prefix)
-                       & Program_Name
-                       & Current_Command (Start_Of_Suffix ..
-                                          Current_Command'Last);
-      begin
-         Result := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Command);
-         if Result = null then
-            Error_Msg
-              (Command & ": installation problem, executable not found");
-         end if;
-      end;
-      return Result;
-   end Locate_Executable;
    -- Parse_EOL --
@@ -1090,8 +1012,8 @@ procedure Gnatchop is
             when '-' =>
-               Gcc     := new String'(Parameter);
-               Gcc_Set := True;
+               Free (Gcc);
+               Gcc := new String'(Parameter);
             when 'c' =>
                Compilation_Mode := True;
@@ -1769,9 +1691,13 @@ begin
    --  Check presence of required executables
-   Gnat_Cmd := Locate_Executable (Gcc.all, not Gcc_Set);
+   if Gcc = null then
+      Gcc := Osint.Program_Name ("gcc", "gnatchop");
+   end if;
+   Gnat_Cmd := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Gcc.all);
    if Gnat_Cmd = null then
+      Error_Msg (Gcc.all & ": installation problem, executable not found");
       goto No_Files_Written;
    end if;
дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin