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Пакет: azureus

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Патч: azupdater-1.8.6-alt2.patch

 org/gudy/azureus2/update/Updater.java |  518 +--------------------------------
 plugin.properties                     |    4 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 519 deletions(-)
diff --git a/org/gudy/azureus2/update/Updater.java b/org/gudy/azureus2/update/Updater.java
index dada757..2546400 100644
--- a/org/gudy/azureus2/update/Updater.java
+++ b/org/gudy/azureus2/update/Updater.java
@@ -30,20 +30,7 @@ import java.net.*;
 public class 
-	private static 		 String MAIN_CLASS		= "org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main";
-	private static final String UPDATER_JAR 	= "Updater.jar";
 	public static final String		LOG_FILE_NAME		= "update.log";
-	public static final String		UPDATE_PROPERTIES	= "update.properties";
-	private static String JAVA_EXEC_DIR = System.getProperty("java.home") +
-																				System.getProperty("file.separator") +
-																				"bin" +
-																				System.getProperty("file.separator");
-	protected static String	APPLICATION_NAME 	= "Azureus";
-	protected static String	APPLICATION_CMD 	= null;
   		// change these and you'll need to change the UpdateInstaller !!!!
@@ -184,110 +171,12 @@ Updater
-  	  		}else{
-  				if ( isWindows ){
-  		  				// shagged restart. unicode still not working. we end up with a user dir
-  		  				// of, say, C:\Documents and Settings\t?stt?st\Application Data\Azureus
-  		  				// with the unicode chars replaced with something unspeakable
-  		  			try{
-  		  				File	up_file = new File( user_path );
-  		  				if ( !up_file.exists()){
-  		  					log.println( "user path not found, attempting to fix" );
-  		  						// see if we can patch things up
-  		  					String	user_home = System.getProperty( "user.home" );
-  		  					File	az_config = findConfig(new File( user_home ));
-  		  					if ( az_config != null ){
-  		  						log.println( "    found config in " + az_config.toString() + ", using parent as user dir" );
-  		  						user_path	= az_config.getParent();
-  		  					}
-  		  				}
-  		  			}catch( Throwable e ){
-  		  				e.printStackTrace( log );
-  		  			}
-  				}
   			waitForAzureusClose( log );
   			FileInputStream	fis = null;
-  			try{
-  				File	props_file = new File( user_path, UPDATE_PROPERTIES );
-  				if ( props_file.exists()){
-  					update_properties.load( new FileInputStream( props_file ));
-  					Iterator	it = update_properties.keySet().iterator();
-  					log.println("Loaded 'update.properties'" );
-  					while( it.hasNext()){
-  						String	key = (String)it.next();
-  						log.println( "    " + key + " = " + update_properties.get(key));
-  					}
-  					String	app_name = (String)update_properties.get( "app_name" );
-  					if ( app_name != null && app_name.trim().length() > 0 ){
-  						APPLICATION_NAME	= app_name.trim();
-  					}
-  					String	app_entry = (String)update_properties.get( "app_entry" );
-  					if ( app_entry != null && app_entry.trim().length() > 0 ){
-  						MAIN_CLASS	= app_entry.trim();
-  					}
-  					String	app_cmd = (String)update_properties.get( "app_cmd" );
-  					if ( app_cmd != null && app_cmd.trim().length() > 0 ){
-  						APPLICATION_CMD	= app_cmd.trim();
-  					}
-  				}else{
-  		 		    log.println( "No update.properties found" );
-  				}
-  			}catch( Throwable e ){
-  				log.println( "Failed to read update.properties" );
-  				e.printStackTrace( log );
-  			}finally{
-  				if ( fis != null ){
-  					try{
-  						fis.close();
-  					}catch( Throwable e ){
-  						e.printStackTrace( log );
-  					}
-  				}
-  			}
   		    File	update_dir = new File( user_path, UPDATE_DIR );
   		    File[]	inst_dirs = update_dir.listFiles();
@@ -317,79 +206,6 @@ Updater
-  			if ( do_restart ){
-	  			if ( log != null ){
-	  				log.println( "Restarting " + APPLICATION_NAME );
-	  			}
-	  			String	vendor = System.getProperty( "java.vm.vendor" );
-	  			Vector	vm_args = new Vector();
-	  				// only for Sun JVM
-	  			if ( vendor != null && vendor.toLowerCase().startsWith( "sun" )){
-		  			String	max_mem = (String)update_properties.get( "max_mem" );
-		  				// for previous versions we default to 128m
-		  			long	max_mem_l = 0;
-		  			if ( max_mem == null ){
-		  				max_mem_l = 128*1024*1024;
-		  			}else{
-		  				try{
-		  					max_mem_l = Long.parseLong( max_mem );
-		  				}catch( Throwable e ){
-		  					e.printStackTrace( log );
-		  				}
-		  			}
-		  				// don't allow < 64m to be specified
-		  			if ( max_mem_l < 64*1024*1024 ){
-		  				max_mem_l = 64*1024*1024;
-		  			}
-		  			vm_args.add( "-Xmx" + (max_mem_l/(1024*1024)) + "m" );
-	  			}
-	  			vm_args.add( "-Duser.dir=\"" + app_path + "\"" );
-	  			if ( config_override.length() > 0 ){
-	  				vm_args.add( "-Dazureus.config.path=\"" + config_override + "\"" );
-	  			}
-	  			String[]	props = new String[vm_args.size()];
-	  			vm_args.toArray( props );
-	            restartAzureus( log, MAIN_CLASS, props, new String[0] );
-	 			if ( log != null ){
-	 				log.println( "Restart initiated" );
-	 			}
-  			}else{
-	  			if ( log != null ){
-		  			log.println( "Not restarting " + APPLICATION_NAME );
-		  		}
-  			}
   			if ( log != null ){
@@ -397,39 +213,6 @@ Updater
-  	protected File
-  	findConfig(
-  		File	dir )
-  	{
-  		File[]	files = dir.listFiles();
-  		if ( files != null ){
-  			for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){
-  				File	f = files[i];
-  				if ( f.isDirectory()){
-  					File	res = findConfig( f );
-  					if ( res != null ){
-  						return( res );
-  					}
-  				}else{
-  					if ( f.getName().equals( "azureus.config" )){
-  						return( f );
-  					}
-  				}
-  			}
-  		}
-  		return( null );
-  	}
   	protected void
 		PrintWriter	log,
@@ -789,269 +572,12 @@ Updater
-	private String
-	getClassPath()
-	{
-		String _classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
-	    	// we've got to remove Updater.jar from the classpath else if there's a
-			// updater to Updater.jar we're stuffed
-		StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( _classPath, System.getProperty("path.separator"));
-		String	classPath = "";
-		while( tok.hasMoreTokens()){
-			String	bit = tok.nextToken();
-			if ( !bit.endsWith( File.separator + UPDATER_JAR )){
-				classPath += (classPath.length()==0?"":System.getProperty("path.separator")) + bit;
-			}
-		}
-	    return( "-classpath \"" + classPath + "\" " );
-	}
-	private boolean
-	win32NativeRestart(
-		PrintWriter	log,
-		String		exec )
-	{
-		return( false );
-	}
-	public static final String  OSName = System.getProperty("os.name");
-  public static final boolean isOSX	= OSName.toLowerCase().startsWith("mac os");
-  public static final boolean isWindows	= OSName.toLowerCase().startsWith("windows");
-  // If it isn't windows or osx, it's most likely an unix flavor
-  public static final boolean isUnix = !isWindows && !isOSX;
 	 // ****************** This code is copied into Restarter / Updater so make changes there too !!!
 	  //Beware that for OSX no SPECIAL Java will be used with
 	  //This method.
-	  public void 
-	  restartAzureus(
-	      PrintWriter log, 
-	    String    mainClass,
-	    String[]  properties,
-	    String[]  parameters ) 
-	  {
-	    if(isOSX){
-	    	restartAzureus_OSX(log,mainClass,properties,parameters);
-	    }else if( isUnix ){
-	    	restartAzureus_Linux(log,mainClass,properties,parameters);
-	    }else{
-	    	restartAzureus_win32(log,mainClass,properties,parameters);
-	    }
-	  }
-	  private void 
-	  restartAzureus_win32(
-	      PrintWriter log,
-	    String    mainClass,
-	    String[]  properties,
-	    String[]  parameters) 
-	  {
-		  String	exec;
-		  if ( APPLICATION_CMD != null ){
-			  exec = APPLICATION_CMD;
-		  }else{
-		    //Classic restart way using Runtime.exec directly on java(w)		    
-		    exec = "\"" + JAVA_EXEC_DIR + "javaw\" "+ getClassPath() + getLibraryPath();
-		    for (int i=0;i<properties.length;i++){
-		      exec += properties[i] + " ";
-		    }
-		    exec += mainClass;
-		    for(int i = 0 ; i < parameters.length ; i++) {
-		      exec += " \"" + parameters[i] + "\"";
-		    }
-		  }
-	    if ( log != null ){
-	      log.println( "  " + exec );
-	    }
-	    if ( !win32NativeRestart( log, exec )){
-	    	javaSpawn(log, exec);
-	    }
-	  }
-		private boolean
-		javaSpawn(
-			PrintWriter log, 
-			String execString) 
-		{
-			try {
-				// hmm, try java method - this WILL inherit handles but might work :)
-				log.println("Using java spawn");
-				//NOTE: no logging done here, as we need the method to return right away, before the external process completes
-				Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execString);
-				return true;
-			} catch (Throwable t) {
-				t.printStackTrace();
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-	  private void 
-	  restartAzureus_OSX(
-	      PrintWriter log,
-	    String mainClass,
-	    String[]  properties,
-	    String[] parameters) 
-	  {
-	  	String bundle_path = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + APPLICATION_NAME + ".app";
-	  	bundle_path = new File( bundle_path ).getAbsolutePath();
-	  	String exec;
-		  if( APPLICATION_CMD != null ) {
-		  	log.println( "Updater: app_cmd key found: " + APPLICATION_CMD );
-		  	exec = APPLICATION_CMD;
-		  }
-		  else {
-		    exec = "\"" +bundle_path+ "/Contents/MacOS/java_swt\" " + getClassPath() +getLibraryPath();
-		    for (int i=0;i<properties.length;i++){
-		      exec += properties[i] + " ";
-		    }
-		    exec += mainClass;
-		    for(int i = 0 ; i < parameters.length ; i++) {
-		      exec += " \"" + parameters[i] + "\"";
-		    }
-		  }
-		  runExternalCommandViaUnixShell( log, exec );
-	  }
-	  private int getUnixScriptVersion(PrintWriter log) {
-			String sVersion = System.getProperty("azureus.script.version", "0");
-			int version = 0;
-			try {
-				version = Integer.parseInt(sVersion);
-			} catch (Throwable t) {
-				log.println( "getScriptVersion failed for '" + sVersion + "'" );
-				t.printStackTrace( log );
-			}
-			log.println( "getScriptVersion -> " + version );
-			return version;
-	  }
-	  private void 
-	  restartAzureus_Linux(
-	    PrintWriter log,
-	  String    mainClass,
-	  String[]  properties,
-	  String[]  parameters) 
-	  {
-	  	if (getUnixScriptVersion( log ) >= 1) {
-	  		// Already setup for restart by core and script
-	  		log.println( "restartLinux: script performing restart");
-	  		return;
-	  	}
-	    String exec = "\"" + JAVA_EXEC_DIR + "java\" " + getClassPath() + getLibraryPath();
-	    for (int i=0;i<properties.length;i++){
-	      exec += properties[i] + " ";
-	    }
-	    exec += mainClass ;
-	    for(int i = 0 ; i < parameters.length ; i++) {
-	      exec += " \"" + parameters[i] + "\"";
-	    }
-	    runExternalCommandViaUnixShell( log, exec );
-	  }
-	  private String
-	  getLibraryPath()
-	  {
-	    String libraryPath = System.getProperty("java.library.path");
-	    if ( libraryPath == null ){
-	      libraryPath = "";
-	    }else{
-	    		// remove any quotes from the damn thing
-	    	String	temp = "";
-	    	for (int i=0;i<libraryPath.length();i++){
-	    		char	c = libraryPath.charAt(i);
-	    		if ( c != '"' ){
-	    			temp += c;
-	    		}
-	    	}
-	    	libraryPath	= temp;
-	    		// remove trailing separator chars if they exist as they stuff up
-	    		// the following "
-	    	while( libraryPath.endsWith(File.separator)){
-	    		libraryPath = libraryPath.substring( 0, libraryPath.length()-1 );
-	    	}
-	    	if ( libraryPath.length() > 0 ){
-	    		libraryPath = "-Djava.library.path=\"" + libraryPath + "\" ";
-	    	}
-	    }
-	    return( libraryPath );
-	  }
 	  private void logStream(String message,InputStream stream,PrintWriter log) {
 	    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(stream));
 	    String line = null;
@@ -1083,24 +609,6 @@ Updater
-	  private Process runExternalCommandLogged( PrintWriter log, String command ) {  //NOTE: will not return until external command process has completed
-	  	log.println("About to execute: U:[" +command+ "]" );
-	  	try {
-	  		Process runner = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( command );
-	  		runner.waitFor();		
-	  		logStream( "runtime.exec() output:", runner.getInputStream(), log);
-	      logStream( "runtime.exec() error:", runner.getErrorStream(), log);
-	      return runner;
-	  	}
-	  	catch( Throwable t ) {
-	  		log.println( t.getMessage() != null ? t.getMessage() : "<null>" );
-	  		log.println( t );
-	  		t.printStackTrace( log );
-	  		return null;
-	  	}
-	  }
 	  private Process runExternalCommandsLogged( PrintWriter log, String[] commands ) {  //NOTE: will not return until external command process has completed
 	  	String cmd = "About to execute: U:[";
 	  	for( int i=0; i < commands.length; i++ ) {
@@ -1127,28 +635,4 @@ Updater
-	  private void runExternalCommandViaUnixShell( PrintWriter log, String command ) {
-	  	String[] to_run = new String[3];
-	  	to_run[0] = "/bin/sh";
-	  	to_run[1] = "-c";
-	  	to_run[2] = command;
-	  	if( log != null )  log.println("Executing: U:[" +to_run[0]+ " " +to_run[1]+ " " +to_run[2]+ "]" );
-	  	try {
-	  		//NOTE: no logging done here, as we need the method to return right away, before the external process completes
-	  		Runtime.getRuntime().exec( to_run );	
-	  	}
-	  	catch(Throwable t) {
-	  		if( log != null )  {
-	  			log.println( t.getMessage() != null ? t.getMessage() : "<null>" );
-	  			log.println( t );
-	  			t.printStackTrace( log );
-	  		}
-	  		else {
-	  			t.printStackTrace();
-	  		}
-	  	}
-	  }
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+	}
diff --git a/plugin.properties b/plugin.properties
index e485c9e..ae6718f 100644
--- a/plugin.properties
+++ b/plugin.properties
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-plugin.name=Azureus Update Support;Azureus Updater Support Patcher
+plugin.name=Azureus Update Support
дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin