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ALT Linux repos

Group :: Development/Debuggers
RPM: scanmem

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

Summary: Simple debugging utility
Name: scanmem
Version: 0.15.8
Release: alt1
Source: %name-%version.tar
Packager: Valentin Rosavitskiy <valintinr at>
License: GPLv2
Group: Development/Debuggers
Patch0: scanmem-0.15.4-alt2-fix-desktop-files.patch
Patch1: scanmem-0.15.4-alt-gameconqueror-libscanmem-soname.patch

BuildRequires: libreadline-devel intltool /proc

scanmem is a simple interactive debugging utility for linux, used to
locate the address of a variable in an executing process. This can be
used for the analysis or modification of a hostile process on a
compromised machine, reverse engineering, or as a "pokefinder"
to cheat at video games.

%package -n gameconqueror
Group: Development/Debuggers
BuildArch: noarch
Summary: CheatEngline-alike interface for scanmem
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description -n gameconqueror
GameConqueror aims to provide a CheatEngline-alike interface for
scanmem, it's user-friendly and easy to use.
GameConqueror is written in PyGTK.

%package -n lib%name
Summary: Library for %name
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n lib%name
This package contains shared library used by %name

%package -n lib%name-devel
Summary: Development package that includes the %name symlincs for sharedlib
Group: Development/C

%description -n lib%name-devel
The devel package contains the symlincs for sharedlib

%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1

%configure \
--enable-gui \
--docdir=%_docdir/%name-%version \
--disable-static \


%find_lang GameConqueror


%files -n lib%name

%files -n lib%name-devel

%files -n gameconqueror -f GameConqueror.lang


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin