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Group :: Development/Tools
RPM: scalasca

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%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

%set_verify_elf_method unresolved=relaxed

%define mpiimpl openmpi
%define mpidir %_libdir/%mpiimpl

%define over 2.5
%define somver 0
%define sover %somver.%over

Name: scalasca
Version: %over
Release: alt1
Summary: Scalable performance Analysis of Large-Scale parallel Applications
License: MIT
Group: Development/Tools

Source: %name-%version.tar

Requires: papi
Requires: scorep libscorep-devel
Requires: cube
Conflicts: linuxtv-dvb-apps
Provides: kojak = 2.2p1_%over-%release
Conflicts: kojak < 2.2p1_%over-%release
Obsoletes: kojak < 2.2p1_%over-%release

BuildRequires(pre): %mpiimpl-devel
BuildRequires: libgomp-devel libpapi-devel
BuildRequires: doxygen binutils-devel
BuildRequires: texlive-latex-base ghostscript-utils chrpath
BuildRequires: libotf2-devel opari2-devel libcube-devel libcubegui-devel
BuildRequires: graphviz flex libgomp-devel

The KOJAK project (Kit for Objective Judgement And Knowledge-based
detection of performance bottlenecks) was part of the European IST
working group APART, and has been complemented by the SCALASCA project
(Scalable performance Analysis of Large-Scale parallel Applications).

The projects aim to develop a generic automatic performance analysis
environment for parallel applications.  Performance problems are specified
in terms of execution patterns that represent situations of inefficient
behavior.  These patterns are input for an analysis process that recognizes
and quantifies the inefficient behavior in event traces.  Mechanisms that
hide the complex relationships within event pattern specifications allow a
simple description of inefficient behavior on a high level of abstraction.

%package doc
Summary: Documentation for SCALASCA
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

%description doc
The KOJAK project (Kit for Objective Judgement And Knowledge-based
detection of performance bottlenecks) was part of the European IST
working group APART, and has been complemented by the SCALASCA project
(Scalable performance Analysis of Large-Scale parallel Applications).

The projects aim to develop a generic automatic performance analysis
environment for parallel applications.  Performance problems are specified
in terms of execution patterns that represent situations of inefficient
behavior.  These patterns are input for an analysis process that recognizes
and quantifies the inefficient behavior in event traces.  Mechanisms that
hide the complex relationships within event pattern specifications allow a
simple description of inefficient behavior on a high level of abstraction.

This package contains documentation for SCALASCA.

%package -n lib%name
Summary: Shared libraries of SCALASCA
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n lib%name
The KOJAK project (Kit for Objective Judgement And Knowledge-based
detection of performance bottlenecks) was part of the European IST
working group APART, and has been complemented by the SCALASCA project
(Scalable performance Analysis of Large-Scale parallel Applications).

The projects aim to develop a generic automatic performance analysis
environment for parallel applications.  Performance problems are specified
in terms of execution patterns that represent situations of inefficient
behavior.  These patterns are input for an analysis process that recognizes
and quantifies the inefficient behavior in event traces.  Mechanisms that
hide the complex relationships within event pattern specifications allow a
simple description of inefficient behavior on a high level of abstraction.

This package contains shared libraries of SCALASCA.

%package -n lib%name-devel
Summary: development files of SCALASCA
Group: Development/Other
Requires: libpapi-devel libotf-devel
Requires: libiberty-devel %mpiimpl-devel binutils-devel
Provides: libkojak-devel = 2.2p1_%over-%release
Conflicts: libkojak-devel < 2.2p1_%over-%release
Obsoletes: libkojak-devel < 2.2p1_%over-%release
Conflicts: kojak < 2.2p1_%over-%release
Obsoletes: kojak < 2.2p1_%over-%release
Requires: lib%name = %EVR

%description -n lib%name-devel
The KOJAK project (Kit for Objective Judgement And Knowledge-based
detection of performance bottlenecks) was part of the European IST
working group APART, and has been complemented by the SCALASCA project
(Scalable performance Analysis of Large-Scale parallel Applications).

The projects aim to develop a generic automatic performance analysis
environment for parallel applications.  Performance problems are specified
in terms of execution patterns that represent situations of inefficient
behavior.  These patterns are input for an analysis process that recognizes
and quantifies the inefficient behavior in event traces.  Mechanisms that
hide the complex relationships within event pattern specifications allow a
simple description of inefficient behavior on a high level of abstraction.

This package contains development files of SCALASCA.


mpi-selector --set %mpiimpl
source %mpidir/bin/
export OMPI_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed,-rpath,%mpidir/lib -L%mpidir/lib"
export MPIDIR=%mpidir

export CC="mpicc -g"
export CXX="mpicxx -g"
%configure \
--prefix=%prefix \
--with-papi=%prefix \
--with-otf2 \
--with-cubew \
--with-mpi=openmpi \
--with-pdt=%prefix \
--enable-all-mpi-wrappers \
--with-binutils=%prefix \
--enable-shared \
--enable-static=no \

export TOPDIR=$PWD

pushd doc

pushd doxygen-common
doxygen doxygen-common.cfg
mkdir -p pearl/html
doxygen doxygen-pearl.cfg

tar -xvf manual-html.tar.gz


source %mpidir/bin/
export OMPI_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed,-rpath,%mpidir/lib -L%mpidir/lib"

export TOPDIR=$PWD

install -d %buildroot%_includedir
install -m644 src/epik/*.h %buildroot%_includedir/

for i in %buildroot%_libdir/*.so %buildroot%_bindir/*; do
chrpath -r %mpidir/lib $i ||\
chrpath -d $i ||:


%files doc
%doc doc/*.pdf
%doc doc/doxygen-common/html
%doc doc/doxygen-common/pearl
%doc doc/manual

%files -n lib%name

%files -n lib%name-devel


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin