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Group :: Development/Perl
RPM: perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP

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%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
%define module_name Math-Prime-Util-GMP
# BEGIN SourceDeps(oneline):
BuildRequires: libgmp-devel perl( perl( perl( perl(Devel/ perl( perl(ExtUtils/ perl(List/ perl(Math/ perl(Math/ perl(Math/ perl(Math/Prime/ perl(Math/Prime/Util/ perl(Test/ perl(Test/Perl/ perl(Text/ perl(Time/ perl( perl( perl( perl(threads/ perl(
# END SourceDeps(oneline)
BuildRequires: rpm-build-perl perl-devel perl-podlators

Name: perl-%module_name
Version: 0.52
Release: alt1
Summary: Utilities related to prime numbers, using GMP
Group: Development/Perl
License: perl


A set of utilities related to prime numbers, using GMP.  This includes
primality tests, getting primes in a range, and factoring.

While it certainly can be used directly, the main purpose of this
module is for the Math::Prime::Util manpage.  That module will automatically
load this one if it is installed, greatly speeding up many of its
operations on big numbers.

Inputs and outputs for big numbers are via strings, so you do not need
to use a bigint package in your program.  However if you do use bigints,
inputs will be converted internally so there is no need to convert
before a call.  Output results are returned as either Perl scalars
(for native-size) or strings (for bigints).  the Math::Prime::Util manpage tries
to reconvert all strings back into the callers bigint type if possible,
which makes it more convenient for calculations.

The various `is_*_pseudoprime' tests are more appropriately called
`is_*_probable_prime' or `is_*_prp'.  They return 1 if the input is a
probable prime based on their test.  The naming convention is historical
and follows Pari, the Math::Primality manpage, and some other math packages.
The modern definition of pseudoprime is a *composite* that passes the
test, rather than any number.

%setup -q -n %{module_name}-%{version}



%doc README Changes examples


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin