Sisyphus repository
Last update: 1 october 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visits: 37753318
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ALT Linux repos

Group :: Development/C
RPM: llvm15.0

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

%filter_from_requires /python[0-9.]\+(Reporter)/d
%filter_from_requires /python[0-9.]\+(optpmap)/d
%filter_from_requires /python[0-9.]\+(libscanbuild[.].*)/d
# Self-provided by python3(lldb14.0) in a custom path.
%filter_from_requires /python[0-9.]\+(lldb)/d

%global v_major 15
%global v_majmin %v_major.0
%global v_full %v_majmin.7
%global rcsuffix %nil
%global llvm_name llvm%v_majmin
%global clang_name clang%v_majmin
%global clangd_name clangd%v_majmin
%global lld_name lld%v_majmin
%global lldb_name lldb%v_majmin
%global mlir_name mlir%v_majmin
%global polly_name polly%v_majmin

%global llvm_default_name llvm%_llvm_version
%global clang_default_name clang%_llvm_version
%global lld_default_name lld%_llvm_version

%global llvm_prefix %_prefix/lib/llvm-%v_majmin
%global llvm_bindir %llvm_prefix/bin
%global llvm_libdir %llvm_prefix/%_lib
%global llvm_includedir %llvm_prefix/include
%global llvm_libexecdir %llvm_prefix/libexec
%global llvm_datadir %llvm_prefix/share
%global llvm_man1dir %llvm_datadir/man/man1
%global llvm_docdir %llvm_datadir/doc
%global llvm_python3_libdir %llvm_libdir/python3
%global llvm_python3_sitelibdir %llvm_python3_libdir/site-packages

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

# Decrease debuginfo verbosity to reduce memory consumption during final library linking

%ifarch %ix86 %arm mipsel
%define optflags_debug -g0
#define __nprocs 1
%define optflags_debug -g1

# LTO-related flags are set by CMake.

%global optflags_lto %nil

%define hwasan_symbolize_arches x86_64 aarch64
%ifarch riscv64
%def_without lldb
%def_with lldb

%def_disable tests
# disable clang on aarch64 due very long compile time
%ifarch x86_64 ppc64le
%def_with clang
%def_without clang
%if_with lldb
%def_with lldb_contrib
%def_with lldb_python
%def_without lldb_contrib
%def_without lldb_python

%define tarversion %v_full%rcsuffix
%if "%rcsuffix" == ""
%define mversion %v_full
%define mversion %v_full%{?rcsuffix:-%rcsuffix}

Name: %llvm_name
Version: %v_full
Release: alt5
Summary: The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure

Group: Development/C
License: Apache-2.0 with LLVM-exception
# Source-URL:
Source: llvm-project.tar
Patch:  clang-alt-i586-fallback.patch
Patch1: clang-alt-triple.patch
Patch2: 0001-alt-llvm-config-Ignore-wrappers-when-looking-for-current.patch
Patch3: llvm-alt-fix-linking.patch
Patch4: llvm-alt-triple.patch
Patch5: compiler-rt-alt-i586-arch.patch
Patch6: clang-12-alt-mips-use-fpxx-by-default.patch
Patch7: clang-alt-aarch64-dynamic-linker-path.patch
Patch8: clang-tools-extra-alt-gcc-0001-clangd-satisfy-ALT-gcc-s-Werror-return-type.patch
Patch10: llvm-10-alt-python3.patch
# TODO: upstream this
# Patch11: hwasan_symbolize-python3.patch
Patch12: llvm-12-alt-mips-pcrel-personality.patch
Patch13: llvm-12-debian-mips-force-nomadd4.patch
Patch14: llvm-10-alt-riscv64-config-guess.patch
Patch17: llvm-cmake-pass-ffat-lto-objects-if-using-the-GNU-toolcha.patch
Patch18: lld-compact-unwind-encoding.h.patch
# ROCm needs this
Patch19: llvm-D132140.patch
Patch101: clang-ALT-bug-40628-grecord-command-line.patch
Patch102: clang-15-alt-rocm-device-libs-path.patch
# use DWARF4 by default
Patch200: clang-produce-DWARF4-by-default.patch

%if_with clang
%set_verify_elf_method lint=skip

# ThinLTO requires /proc/cpuinfo to exist; so the same does llvm

BuildPreReq: /proc

# Obtain %%__python3 at prep stage.

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-llvm-common

BuildRequires(pre): cmake >= 3.4.3
BuildRequires: rpm-build >= 4.0.4-alt112 libncursesw-devel
BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel libffi-devel perl-Pod-Parser perl-devel
BuildRequires: python3-module-recommonmark zip zlib-devel binutils-devel ninja-build
%if_with lldb_contrib
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libedit)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ncursesw)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)
#BuildRequires: pkgconfig(lua)
BuildRequires: swig-devel
BuildRequires: python3-module-sphinx-automodapi python3-module-six
%if_with lldb_python
BuildRequires: python3-devel
%if_with clang
BuildRequires: %clang_default_name %llvm_default_name-devel %lld_default_name
BuildRequires: gcc-c++

%define requires_filesystem Requires: %name-filesystem = %EVR
Requires: llvm >= %_llvm_version

LLVM is a compiler infrastructure designed for compile-time, link-time,
runtime, and idle-time optimization of programs from arbitrary
programming languages. The compiler infrastructure includes mirror sets
of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.

%package filesystem
Group: Development/Other
Summary: Owns the installation prefix for LLVM

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description filesystem
This package owns the installation prefix for LLVM. It is designed to be
pulled in by all non-empty LLVM packages.

%package devel
Group: Development/C
Summary: Libraries and header files for LLVM
Requires: llvm-devel >= %_llvm_version
Requires: %name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description devel
This package contains library and header files needed to develop new
native programs that use the LLVM infrastructure.

%package gold
Summary: gold linker plugin for LLVM
Group: Development/Tools
# requires: libLLVM
Requires: %name-libs

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description gold
This package contains the gold plugin for LLVM objects.

%package polly
Summary: Framework for High-Level Loop and Data-Locality Optimizations
Group: Development/C

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description polly
Polly is a high-level loop and data-locality optimizer and optimization
infrastructure for LLVM. It uses an abstract mathematical representation based
on integer polyhedron to analyze and optimize the memory access pattern of a

This package contains the Polly plugin.

%package libs
Group: Development/C
Summary: LLVM shared libraries
# We pull in the gold plugin for e. g. Clang's -flto=thin to work
# out of the box with gold.
Requires: %name-gold
Requires: %name-polly

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description libs
This package contains shared libraries needed to develop new
native programs that use LLVM.

%package doc
Summary: Documentation for LLVM
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description doc
Documentation for the LLVM compiler infrastructure.

%package tools
Summary: Various minor tools bundled with LLVM
Group: Development/C

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description tools
This package contains various tools maintained as part of LLVM, including

%package -n %clang_name
Summary: A C language family frontend for LLVM
Group: Development/C
# clang uses various parts of GNU crt bundled with gcc.
# Should they be packaged separately?
Requires: gcc
Requires: clang >= %_llvm_version

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name
clang: noun
   1. A loud, resonant, metallic sound.
   2. The strident call of a crane or goose.
   3. C-language family front-end toolkit.

The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C
and Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler. Its tools are built
as libraries and designed to be loosely-coupled and extendable.

%package -n %clang_name-libs
Group: Development/C
Summary: clang shared libraries
Requires: %clang_name-libs-support = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-libs
Shared libraries for the clang compiler.

%package -n %clang_name-libs-support
Group: Development/C
Summary: Support for Clang's shared libraries

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-libs-support
The Clang's shared libraries implement compilers for C and C++, and thus have
to bundle additional platform support headers and libraries for use within the
compilation product. This package contains the platform support.

%package -n %clang_name-libs-support-shared-runtimes
Group: Development/C
Summary: Shared runtimes for Clang's shared libraries
Requires: %clang_name-libs-support = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-libs-support-shared-runtimes
This package contains shared runtime libraries for Scudo and sanitizers.

%package -n %clang_name-devel
Summary: Header files for clang
Group: Development/C
Requires: clang-devel >= %_llvm_version
Requires: %clang_name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-devel
This package contains header files for the Clang compiler.

%package -n %clang_name-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for clang
Group: Development/C
Requires: %clang_name-devel = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-devel-static
This package contains static libraries for the Clang compiler.

%package -n %clang_name-analyzer
Summary: A source code analysis framework
Group: Development/C
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: %clang_name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-analyzer
The Clang Static Analyzer consists of both a source code analysis
framework and a standalone tool that finds bugs in C and Objective-C
programs. The standalone tool is invoked from the command-line, and is
intended to run in tandem with a build of a project or code base.

%package -n %clang_name-tools
Summary: Various clang-based tools
Group: Development/C
Requires: %clang_name = %EVR
Requires: clang-tools >= %_llvm_version

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-tools
This package contains various code analysis and manipulation tools based on
libclang, including clang-format.

%package -n %clang_name-doc
Summary: Documentation for Clang
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-doc
Documentation for the Clang compiler front-end.

%package -n %clangd_name
Summary: A clang-based language server
Group: Development/C
Requires: clangd >= %_llvm_version

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clangd_name
This package contains clangd, a Clang-based language server for C and C++.

%package -n %lld_name
Summary: LLD - The LLVM Linker
Group: Development/C
Requires: lld >= %_llvm_version

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %lld_name
LLD is a linker from the LLVM project. That is a drop-in replacement for system
linkers and runs much faster than them. It also provides features that are
useful for toolchain developers.

%package -n %lld_name-devel
Summary: Header files for LLD
Group: Development/C
Requires: lld-devel >= %_llvm_version
Requires: %lld_name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %lld_name-devel
This package contains header files for the LLD linker.

%package -n %lld_name-doc
Summary: Documentation for LLD
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %lld_name-doc
Documentation for the LLD linker.

%if_with lldb
%package -n %lldb_name
Summary: A next-level high-performance debugger
Group: Development/Debuggers

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %lldb_name
LLDB is a next generation, high-performance debugger. It is built as a set of
reusable components which highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM
project, such as the Clang expression parser and the LLVM disassembler.

%package -n lib%lldb_name
Summary: Shared library for LLDB
Group: Development/Debuggers

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n lib%lldb_name
This package contains the LLDB runtime library.

%package -n lib%lldb_name-devel
Summary: Development files for liblldb
Group: Development/Debuggers

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n lib%lldb_name-devel
This package contains header files to build extensions over lldb, as well as
development symlinks for liblldb.

%package -n python3-module-%lldb_name
Summary: Python 3 scripting support for LLDB
Group: Development/Debuggers

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n python3-module-%lldb_name
This package contains the Python 3 interfaces to LLDB.

%package -n %lldb_name-doc
Summary: Documentation for LLDB
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %lldb_name-doc
Documentation for the LLDB debugger.

%package -n lib%mlir_name
Summary: Multi-Level Intermediate Representation library
Group: Development/C

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n lib%mlir_name
MLIR is a novel approach to building reusable and extensible compiler infrastructure.
MLIR aims to address software fragmentation, improve compilation for
heterogeneous hardware, significantly reduce the cost of building domain
specific compilers, and aid in connecting existing compilers together.

%package -n lib%mlir_name-devel
Summary: Libraries and header files for MLIR
Group: Development/C

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n lib%mlir_name-devel
MLIR is a novel approach to building reusable and extensible compiler infrastructure.
MLIR aims to address software fragmentation, improve compilation for
heterogeneous hardware, significantly reduce the cost of building domain
specific compilers, and aid in connecting existing compilers together.

This package contains headers and other development files for lib%mlir_name.

%package -n %mlir_name-tools
Summary: Various mlir-based tools
Group: Development/C

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %mlir_name-tools
MLIR is a novel approach to building reusable and extensible compiler infrastructure.
MLIR aims to address software fragmentation, improve compilation for
heterogeneous hardware, significantly reduce the cost of building domain
specific compilers, and aid in connecting existing compilers together.

This package contains some bundled tools.

%package -n lib%polly_name-devel
Summary: Development files for Polly
Group: Development/C

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n lib%polly_name-devel
Polly is a high-level loop and data-locality optimizer and optimization
infrastructure for LLVM. It uses an abstract mathematical representation based
on integer polyhedron to analyze and optimize the memory access pattern of a

This package contains header files for the Polly optimizer.

%package -n lib%polly_name-doc
Summary: Documentation for Polly
Group: Development/C
BuildArch: noarch

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n lib%polly_name-doc
Polly is a high-level loop and data-locality optimizer and optimization
infrastructure for LLVM. It uses an abstract mathematical representation based
on integer polyhedron to analyze and optimize the memory access pattern of a

This package contains documentation for the Polly optimizer.

# %setup -n llvm-%tarversion.src -a1 -a2 -a3 -a4 -a5 -a6
# for pkg in clang lld lldb; do
  # mv $pkg-%tarversion.src tools/$pkg
# done
# mv clang-tools-extra-%tarversion.src tools/clang/tools/extra
# for pkg in compiler-rt; do
  # mv $pkg-%tarversion.src projects/$pkg
# done
%setup -n llvm-project
%patch -p1 -b .alt-i586-fallback
%patch1 -p1 -b .alt-triple
%patch2 -p1
sed -i 's)"%%llvm_bindir")"%llvm_bindir")' llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
%patch3 -p1 -b .alt-fix-linking
%patch4 -p1 -b .alt-triple
%patch5 -p1 -b .alt-i586-arch
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1 -b .alt-aarch64-dynamic-linker
%patch8 -p1
%patch10 -p1
#patch11 -p1
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
%patch14 -p1
#patch15 -p1
%patch17 -p1
%patch18 -p1
%patch19 -p1

%patch101 -p1
%patch102 -p1 -b .clang-rocm-device-libs-path
%patch200 -p1

# LLVM 12 and onward deprecate Python 2:

# Explicitly use python3 in hashbangs.
subst '/^#!.*python$/s|python$|python3|' $(grep -Rl '#!.*python$' *)

%if_with lldb
export NPROCS="%__nprocs"
if [ "$NPROCS" -gt 64 ]; then
export NPROCS=64
%define _cmake_skip_rpath -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=OFF
%define builddir %_cmake__builddir
%cmake -G Ninja -S llvm \
-DPACKAGE_VENDOR="%vendor" \
%if_with clang
-DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR="%_includedir/bfd" \
%if_with clang
-DCMAKE_RANLIB:PATH=%_bindir/llvm-ranlib \
-DCMAKE_AR:PATH=%_bindir/llvm-ar \
-DCMAKE_NM:PATH=%_bindir/llvm-nm \
%ifarch mipsel
%ifnarch riscv64
-DCMAKE_AR:PATH=%_bindir/gcc-ar \
-DCMAKE_NM:PATH=%_bindir/gcc-nm \
-DCMAKE_RANLIB:PATH=%_bindir/gcc-ranlib \
-DLLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX="%_libsuff" \
%if_enabled tests
%if_with clang
-DLLDB_TEST_COMPILER:PATH=%_bindir/clang \
-DSPHINX_EXECUTABLE=%_bindir/sphinx-build-3 \

sed -i 's|man\ tools/lld/docs/docs-lld-html|man|' %builddir/
ninja -vvv -j $NPROCS -C %builddir

sed -i 's|man\ tools/lld/docs/docs-lld-html|man|' %builddir/
sed -i '/^[[:space:]]*include.*tools\/lld\/docs\/cmake_install.cmake.*/d' %builddir/tools/lld/cmake_install.cmake
DESTDIR=%buildroot ninja -C %builddir install

# Prepare Clang documentation.

rm -rf %builddir/clang-docs
mkdir -p %builddir/clang-docs
for f in LICENSE.TXT NOTES.txt README.txt; do
 ln clang/$f %builddir/clang-docs/
rm -rf tools/clang/docs/{doxygen*,Makefile*,*.graffle,tools}

install -m 0755 %builddir/%_lib/ %buildroot%llvm_libdir/
install -m 0755 %builddir/%_lib/ %buildroot%llvm_libdir/
mkdir -p %buildroot%llvm_docdir/lld

%ifarch %ix86
cd %buildroot%llvm_libdir/clang/%v_full/lib/*-*-*-*
ls *-i[3-9]86* | while read f; do ln -s $f $(echo $f | sed 's|i[3-9]86|i386|') ; done
cd -

# The following files are not used by LLVM builds for Linux.

rm -f %buildroot%llvm_bindir/argdumper
rm -f %buildroot%llvm_datadir/clang/clang-format-bbedit.applescript

# Install the clang bash completion.

mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/bash-completion/completions
ln -sr %buildroot%llvm_datadir/clang/ %buildroot%_datadir/bash-completion/completions/clang-%v_major

# Symlink executables to %_bindir.

mkdir -p %buildroot%_bindir
for b in %buildroot%llvm_bindir/*; do
bb="$(basename "$b")"
echo "$bb" | grep -q -- '-%v_major$' && continue # if already appended
ln -srv "$b" "%buildroot%_bindir/$bb-%v_major"
# Symlink man pages to the man dirs.
for mand in %buildroot%llvm_datadir/man/man*; do
for m in "$mand"/*.[1-9]*; do
# Let's force compress the man page, then symlink it.
# /usr/lib/llvm-14.0/share/man/manD/utilX.D.xz -> /usr/share/man/manD/utilX-14.D.xz
# Otherwise, brp-alt(compress) keeps fucking us up.
# It remakes the symlinks first, then compresses their targets,
# severing the symlinks.
/usr/lib/rpm/compress_files "$m"

mb="$(basename "$m")" # e. g. llvm-ar.1.xz
new_mb="${mb%%.[1-9]*}-%v_major.$mand_index" # e. g. llvm-ar-12.1.xz

mkdir -p "%buildroot%_mandir/man$mand_index"
ln -srv "$m" "%buildroot%_mandir/man$mand_index/$new_mb"

# Symlink sonamed shared libraries in %llvm_prefix/%_libdir to %_libdir.

mkdir -p %buildroot%_libdir
find %buildroot%llvm_libdir/*.so* -type f,l \
| grep -E '^%buildroot%llvm_libdir/.*(%v_major)' | sort | tee %_tmppath/shared-objects \
| sed 's)%llvm_libdir)%_libdir)' > %_tmppath/shared-object-links
paste %_tmppath/shared-objects %_tmppath/shared-object-links | while read object link; do
ln -srv "$object" "$link"

# List all packaged binaries in this source package.

find %buildroot%_bindir/*-%v_major > %_tmppath/PATH-executables

# For paranoic reasons library packaging policy covers peculiar directory paths.

# If there are $A.a and $ in %llvm_libdir/clang, they should not end up in the
# same package (but can be co-installed on a system).
# Let's list all the $ for which $A.a exists into a separate package.
# We also consider i386-symlinks for iN86.
find %buildroot%llvm_libdir/clang -type f,l -name '*.a' -or -name '*.so' | \
   sed -r -n 's/^(\/.+)\.a$/\1/p; s/^(.+)\.so$/\1/p' | sort | uniq -d > %_tmppath/libclang-support-dupes
sed < %_tmppath/libclang-support-dupes 's)^%buildroot)); s/$/.a/' > %_tmppath/libclang-support-static-runtimes
sed < %_tmppath/libclang-support-dupes 's)^%buildroot)); s/$/.so/' > %_tmppath/libclang-support-shared-runtimes
sed < %_tmppath/libclang-support-shared-runtimes 's/^/%%exclude /' > %_tmppath/dyn-files-libclang-support
echo "Expelling likely redundant Clang shared runtimes:" && cat %_tmppath/dyn-files-libclang-support

# Emit a stanza list for %%files.

# A tool can be accompanied by a man page or not.
emit_filelist() {
   awk -F'\t' '
$1 ~ "bin" { print "%llvm_bindir/" $2; print "%_bindir/" $2 "-%v_major"; }
$1 ~ "man" { print "%llvm_man1dir/" $2 ".1*"; print "%_man1dir/" $2 "-%v_major.1*"; }

# Emit executable list for %name.

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%name <<EOExecutableList
bin,man bugpoint
bin,man diagtool
bin,man dsymutil
bin,man llc
bin,man lli
bin,man llvm-addr2line
bin,man llvm-ar
bin,man llvm-as
bin,man llvm-bcanalyzer
bin llvm-bitcode-strip
bin llvm-cat
bin llvm-cfi-verify
bin,man llvm-cov
bin llvm-c-test
bin llvm-cvtres
bin llvm-cxxdump
bin,man llvm-cxxfilt
bin,man llvm-cxxmap
bin llvm-debuginfod-find
bin llvm-debuginfod
bin,man llvm-diff
bin,man llvm-dis
bin llvm-dlltool
bin,man llvm-dwarfdump
bin,man llvm-dwarfutil
bin llvm-dwp
bin,man llvm-exegesis
bin,man llvm-extract
bin llvm-gsymutil
bin llvm-ifs
bin,man llvm-install-name-tool
bin llvm-jitlink
bin,man llvm-lib
bin,man llvm-libtool-darwin
bin,man llvm-link
bin,man llvm-lipo
bin llvm-lto
bin llvm-lto2
bin llvm-mc
bin,man llvm-mca
bin llvm-ml
bin llvm-modextract
bin llvm-mt
bin,man llvm-nm
bin,man llvm-objcopy
bin,man llvm-objdump
bin llvm-opt-report
bin,man llvm-otool
bin,man llvm-pdbutil
bin,man llvm-profdata
bin,man llvm-profgen
bin,man llvm-ranlib
bin llvm-rc
bin,man llvm-readelf
bin,man llvm-readobj
bin llvm-reduce
bin,man llvm-remark-size-diff
bin llvm-rtdyld
bin,man llvm-size
bin llvm-sim
bin llvm-tapi-diff
bin,man llvm-tli-checker
bin llvm-windres
bin llvm-split
bin,man llvm-stress
bin,man llvm-strings
bin,man llvm-strip
bin,man llvm-symbolizer
bin,man llvm-tblgen
bin llvm-undname
bin llvm-xray
bin modularize
bin,man opt
bin pp-trace
bin run-clang-tidy
bin sancov
bin sanstats
bin split-file
bin verify-uselistorder

man FileCheck
man extraclangtools
man lit
man llvm-ifs
man llvm-locstats
man lldb-tblgen
man tblgen

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name <<EOExecutableList
bin,man clang
bin clang++
bin clang-cl
bin clang-cpp

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name-analyzer <<EOExecutableList
bin analyze-build
bin intercept-build
bin,man scan-build
bin scan-build-py
bin scan-view

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name-tools <<EOExecutableList
bin c-index-test
bin clang-apply-replacements
bin clang-change-namespace
bin clang-check
bin clang-doc
bin clang-extdef-mapping
bin clang-format
bin clang-include-fixer
bin clang-linker-wrapper
bin clang-move
bin clang-nvlink-wrapper
bin clang-offload-bundler
bin clang-offload-packager
bin clang-offload-wrapper
bin clang-pseudo
bin clang-query
bin clang-refactor
bin clang-rename
bin clang-reorder-fields
bin clang-repl
bin clang-scan-deps
man clang-tblgen
bin clang-tidy
bin find-all-symbols
bin git-clang-format
bin hmaptool

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%mlir_name-tools <<EOExecutableList
bin mlir-cpu-runner
bin mlir-linalg-ods-yaml-gen
bin mlir-lsp-server
bin mlir-opt
bin mlir-pdll-lsp-server
bin mlir-reduce
bin,man mlir-tblgen
bin mlir-translate
bin tblgen-lsp-server

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-lib%polly_name-devel <<EOExecutableList
man polly

# Comment out file validation for CMake targets placed

# in a different package.
sed -i '
/APPEND _IMPORT_CHECK_TARGETS \(tblgen-lsp-server\)/ {s|^|#|}
/APPEND _IMPORT_CHECK_TARGETS \(llvm-omp-device-info\|omptarget\)/ {s|^|#|}
' %buildroot%llvm_libdir/cmake/llvm/LLVMExports-*.cmake

# Comment out file validation for CMake targets producing executables

# that may be placed in a different package.
sed -i '
/APPEND _IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_.* .*[/]bin[/].*/ {s|^|#|}
' %buildroot%llvm_libdir/cmake/clang/ClangTargets-*.cmake

%if_enabled tests
ninja -C %builddir check-all || :

# Do not generate dependencies for clang-{format,rename} plugins.

%add_findreq_skiplist %llvm_datadir/clang/*

%files filesystem
%dir %llvm_prefix
%dir %llvm_bindir
%dir %llvm_libdir
%dir %llvm_libdir/cmake
%dir %llvm_includedir
%dir %llvm_libexecdir
%dir %llvm_datadir
%dir %llvm_datadir/clang
%dir %llvm_datadir/man
%dir %llvm_man1dir
%dir %llvm_docdir
%dir %llvm_docdir/LLVM
%dir %llvm_python3_libdir
%dir %llvm_python3_sitelibdir

%files -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%name
%doc llvm/CREDITS.TXT llvm/LICENSE.TXT llvm/README.txt

%files libs

%files tools

%files devel

%files gold

%files -n %clang_name -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name
%doc %builddir/clang-docs/*

%files -n %clang_name-libs

%files -n %clang_name-libs-support -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-libclang-support
# clang-tools
%ifarch %hwasan_symbolize_arches
%exclude %llvm_libdir/clang/%v_full/bin/hwasan_symbolize

%files -n %clang_name-libs-support-shared-runtimes -f %_tmppath/libclang-support-shared-runtimes

%files -n %clang_name-devel

%files -n %clang_name-analyzer -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name-analyzer

%files -n %clang_name-tools -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name-tools
%exclude %llvm_datadir/clang/
%ifarch %hwasan_symbolize_arches

%files -n %clangd_name

%files -n %lld_name

%files -n %lld_name-devel
%dir %llvm_includedir/lld
# see Patch18: lld-compact-unwind-encoding.h.patch

%if_with lldb
%files -n %lldb_name

%files -n lib%lldb_name

%files -n lib%lldb_name-devel
# %_libdir/liblldb*.so

%files -n python3-module-%lldb_name
# Hope this file will not be needed anywhere else.

%files -n lib%mlir_name

%files -n lib%mlir_name-devel

%files -n %mlir_name-tools -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%mlir_name-tools

%files polly

%files -n lib%polly_name-devel -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-lib%polly_name-devel

%files doc
%doc %llvm_docdir/LLVM/llvm

%files -n %clang_name-doc
%doc %llvm_docdir/LLVM/clang
%doc %llvm_docdir/LLVM/clang-tools

%files -n %lld_name-doc
%doc %llvm_docdir/lld

%if_with lldb
%files -n %lldb_name-doc
%doc %llvm_docdir/LLVM/lldb

%files -n lib%polly_name-doc
%doc %llvm_docdir/LLVM/polly


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin