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Last update: 1 october 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visits: 37837336
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ALT Linux repos

Group :: Development/C
RPM: llvm-rocm

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

%filter_from_requires /python[0-9.]\+(Reporter)/d
%filter_from_requires /python[0-9.]\+(optpmap)/d
%filter_from_requires /python[0-9.]\+(libscanbuild[.].*)/d

%global proj rocm
# rocm llvm uses llvm16 as codebase
%global v_major 16
%global v_minor 0
%global v_full %{v_major}.%{v_minor}.0

%global llvm_name llvm-%proj
%global clang_name clang-%proj
%global lld_name lld-%proj

%global llvm_default_name llvm%_llvm_version
%global clang_default_name clang%_llvm_version
%global lld_default_name lld%_llvm_version

%global llvm_prefix %_prefix/lib/llvm-%proj
%global llvm_bindir %llvm_prefix/bin
%global llvm_libdir %llvm_prefix/%_lib
%global llvm_includedir %llvm_prefix/include
%global llvm_libexecdir %llvm_prefix/libexec
%global llvm_datadir %llvm_prefix/share
%global llvm_man1dir %llvm_datadir/man/man1
%global llvm_docdir %llvm_datadir/doc
%global llvm_python3_libdir %llvm_libdir/python3
%global llvm_python3_sitelibdir %llvm_python3_libdir/site-packages

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

# Decrease debuginfo verbosity to reduce memory consumption during final library linking

%ifarch aarch64
%define optflags_debug -g0
#define __nprocs 1
%define optflags_debug -g1

# LTO-related flags are set by CMake.

# LTO causes LLVM to break badly on %%ix86 see
# will enable it conditionally per platform
%global optflags_lto %nil

%def_disable tests
%def_with clang

Name: %llvm_name
Version: 5.6.1
Release: alt0.1
Summary: The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure with ROCm additions

Group: Development/C
License: Apache-2.0 with LLVM-exception
# Source-URL:
Source: llvm-project-%{version}.tar
Patch1: clang-alt-triple.patch
Patch2: 0001-alt-llvm-config-Ignore-wrappers-when-looking-for-current.patch
Patch3: llvm-alt-fix-linking.patch
Patch4: clang-alt-aarch64-dynamic-linker-path.patch
Patch5: clang-cmake-resolve-symlinks-in-ClangConfig.cmake.patch
Patch6: clang-ALT-bug-40628-grecord-command-line.patch
Patch7: clang-tools-extra-alt-gcc-0001-clangd-satisfy-ALT-gcc-s-Werror-return-type.patch
Patch8: llvm-10-alt-python3.patch
Patch9: RH-0010-PATCH-clang-Produce-DWARF4-by-default.patch
Patch10: llvm-cmake-pass-ffat-lto-objects-if-using-the-GNU-toolcha.patch
Patch11: lld-compact-unwind-encoding.h.patch
Patch12: llvm-alt-cmake-build-with-install-rpath.patch
Patch13: clang-16-alt-rocm-device-libs-path.patch
Patch14: llvm-gcc-13-fix.patch

%if_with clang
%set_verify_elf_method lint=skip

# ThinLTO requires /proc/cpuinfo to exist; so the same does llvm

BuildPreReq: /proc

# Obtain %%__python3 at prep stage.

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-llvm-common

BuildRequires(pre): cmake >= 3.4.3
BuildRequires: rpm-build >= 4.0.4-alt112 libncursesw-devel
BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel libffi-devel perl-Pod-Parser perl-devel
BuildRequires: zip zlib-devel binutils-devel ninja-build hsa-rocr-devel = %version
%if_with clang
BuildRequires: %clang_default_name %llvm_default_name-devel %lld_default_name
BuildRequires: gcc-c++

%define requires_filesystem Requires: %name-filesystem = %EVR
Requires: llvm >= %_llvm_version

# limit to x86_64 due hsa-rocr requirements

ExclusiveArch: x86_64

LLVM is a compiler infrastructure designed for compile-time, link-time,
runtime, and idle-time optimization of programs from arbitrary
programming languages. The compiler infrastructure includes mirror sets
of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.

%package filesystem
Group: Development/Other
Summary: Owns the installation prefix for LLVM

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description filesystem
This package owns the installation prefix for LLVM. It is designed to be
pulled in by all non-empty LLVM packages.

%package devel
Group: Development/C
Summary: Libraries and header files for LLVM
Requires: llvm-devel >= %_llvm_version
Conflicts: llvm%{v_major}.%{v_minor}-devel
Requires: %name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description devel
This package contains library and header files needed to develop new
native programs that use the LLVM infrastructure.

%package gold
Summary: gold linker plugin for LLVM
Group: Development/Tools
# requires: libLLVM
Requires: %name-libs

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description gold
This package contains the gold plugin for LLVM objects.

%package libs
Group: Development/C
Summary: LLVM shared libraries
Requires: %name-gold = %EVR
# LLD is hardwired in ROCm
Requires: %lld_name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description libs
This package contains shared libraries needed to develop new
native programs that use LLVM.

%package -n %clang_name
Summary: A C language family frontend for LLVM
Group: Development/C
# clang uses various parts of GNU crt bundled with gcc.
# Should they be packaged separately?
Requires: gcc
Requires: clang >= %_llvm_version

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name
clang: noun
   1. A loud, resonant, metallic sound.
   2. The strident call of a crane or goose.
   3. C-language family front-end toolkit.

The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C
and Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler. Its tools are built
as libraries and designed to be loosely-coupled and extendable.

%package -n %clang_name-libs
Group: Development/C
Summary: clang shared libraries
Requires: %clang_name-libs-support = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-libs
Shared libraries for the clang compiler.

%package -n %clang_name-libs-support
Group: Development/C
Summary: Support for Clang's shared libraries

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-libs-support
The Clang's shared libraries implement compilers for C and C++, and thus have
to bundle additional platform support headers and libraries for use within the
compilation product. This package contains the platform support.

%package -n %clang_name-libs-support-shared-runtimes
Group: Development/C
Summary: Shared runtimes for Clang's shared libraries
Requires: %clang_name-libs-support = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-libs-support-shared-runtimes
This package contains shared runtime libraries for Scudo and sanitizers.

%package -n %clang_name-devel
Summary: Header files for clang
Group: Development/C
Requires: clang-devel >= %_llvm_version
Requires: %clang_name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-devel
This package contains header files for the Clang compiler.

%package -n %clang_name-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for clang
Group: Development/C
Requires: %clang_name-devel = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-devel-static
This package contains static libraries for the Clang compiler.

%package -n %clang_name-tools
Summary: Various clang-based tools
Group: Development/C
Requires: %clang_name = %EVR
Requires: clang-tools >= %_llvm_version

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %clang_name-tools
This package contains various code analysis and manipulation tools based on
libclang, including clang-format.

%package -n %lld_name
Summary: LLD - The LLVM Linker
Group: Development/C
Requires: lld >= %_llvm_version

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %lld_name
LLD is a linker from the LLVM project. That is a drop-in replacement for system
linkers and runs much faster than them. It also provides features that are
useful for toolchain developers.

%package -n %lld_name-devel
Summary: Header files for LLD
Group: Development/C
Requires: lld-devel >= %_llvm_version
Requires: %lld_name = %EVR

# We do not want Python modules to be analyzed by rpm-build-python2.

AutoReq: nopython
AutoProv: nopython

%description -n %lld_name-devel
This package contains header files for the LLD linker.

%setup -n llvm-project-%{version}
%patch1 -p1 -b .alt-triple
%patch2 -p1
sed -i 's)"%%llvm_bindir")"%llvm_bindir")' llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
%patch3 -p1 -b .alt-fix-linking
%patch4 -p1 -b .alt-aarch64-dynamic-linker
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1 -b .clang-DWARF4
%patch10 -p1
%patch11 -p1
#%%patch12 -p1 -b .llvm-cmake-build-with-install-rpath
%patch13 -p1 -b .clang-rocm-device-path
%patch14 -p1 -b .llvm-gcc-13-fix

# LLVM 12 and onward deprecate Python 2:

# Explicitly use python3 in hashbangs.
subst '/^#!.*python$/s|python$|python3|' $(grep -Rl '#!.*python$' *)

export NPROCS="%__nprocs"
if [ "$NPROCS" -gt 64 ]; then
export NPROCS=64
%define builddir %_cmake__builddir
%define _cmake_skip_rpath -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=OFF
%cmake -G Ninja -S llvm \
-DPACKAGE_VENDOR="%vendor" \
%if_with clang
%_cmake_skip_rpath \
-DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR="%_includedir/bfd" \
%if_with clang
-DCMAKE_RANLIB:PATH=%_bindir/llvm-ranlib \
-DCMAKE_AR:PATH=%_bindir/llvm-ar \
-DCMAKE_NM:PATH=%_bindir/llvm-nm \
-DCMAKE_AR:PATH=%_bindir/gcc-ar \
-DCMAKE_NM:PATH=%_bindir/gcc-nm \
-DCMAKE_RANLIB:PATH=%_bindir/gcc-ranlib \
-DLLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX="%_libsuff" \

sed -i 's|man\ tools/lld/docs/docs-lld-html|man|' %builddir/
ninja -vvv -j $NPROCS -C %builddir

sed -i 's|man\ tools/lld/docs/docs-lld-html|man|' %builddir/
sed -i '/^[[:space:]]*include.*tools\/lld\/docs\/cmake_install.cmake.*/d' %builddir/tools/lld/cmake_install.cmake
DESTDIR=%buildroot ninja -C %builddir install

if [ %_libsuff == 64 ]; then
mkdir -p %buildroot%llvm_prefix/lib ||:
mv %buildroot%llvm_libdir/{libear,libscanbuild} %buildroot%llvm_prefix/lib

install -m 0755 %builddir/%_lib/ %buildroot%llvm_libdir/
install -m 0755 %builddir/%_lib/ %buildroot%llvm_libdir/

# The following files are not used by LLVM builds for Linux.

rm -f %buildroot%llvm_bindir/argdumper
rm -f %buildroot%llvm_datadir/clang/clang-format-bbedit.applescript

# we don't need scanbuild tools and flang in rocm

rm -rf %buildroot{%_man1dir,%llvm_man1dir}
rm -f %buildroot%llvm_bindir/{analyze-build*,scan-build*,scan-view*,intercept-build*,flang*}

# Symlink executables to %_bindir.

mkdir -p %buildroot%_bindir
for b in %buildroot%llvm_bindir/*; do
bb="$(basename "$b")"
echo "$bb" | grep -q -- '-%proj$' && continue # if already appended
ln -srv "$b" "%buildroot%_bindir/$bb-%proj"

# Symlink sonamed shared libraries in %llvm_prefix/%_libdir to %_libdir.

mkdir -p %buildroot%_libdir
find %buildroot%llvm_libdir/*.so* -type f,l \
| grep -E '^%buildroot%llvm_libdir/.*(%v_major)' | sort | tee %_tmppath/shared-objects \
| sed 's)%llvm_libdir)%_libdir)' > %_tmppath/shared-object-links
paste %_tmppath/shared-objects %_tmppath/shared-object-links | while read object link; do
ln -srv "$object" "$link"

# List all packaged binaries in this source package.

find %buildroot%_bindir/*-%proj > %_tmppath/PATH-executables

# For paranoic reasons library packaging policy covers peculiar directory paths.

# If there are $A.a and $ in %llvm_libdir/clang, they should not end up in the
# same package (but can be co-installed on a system).
# Let's list all the $ for which $A.a exists into a separate package.
# We also consider i386-symlinks for iN86.
find %buildroot%llvm_libdir/clang -type f,l -name '*.a' -or -name '*.so' | \
   sed -r -n 's/^(\/.+)\.a$/\1/p; s/^(.+)\.so$/\1/p' | sort | uniq -d > %_tmppath/libclang-support-dupes
sed < %_tmppath/libclang-support-dupes 's)^%buildroot)); s/$/.a/' > %_tmppath/libclang-support-static-runtimes
sed < %_tmppath/libclang-support-dupes 's)^%buildroot)); s/$/.so/' > %_tmppath/libclang-support-shared-runtimes
sed < %_tmppath/libclang-support-shared-runtimes 's/^/%%exclude /' > %_tmppath/dyn-files-libclang-support
echo "Expelling likely redundant Clang shared runtimes:" && cat %_tmppath/dyn-files-libclang-support

# Emit a stanza list for %%files.

# A tool can be accompanied by a man page or not.
emit_filelist() {
   awk -F'\t' '
$1 ~ "bin" { print "%llvm_bindir/" $2; print "%_bindir/" $2 "-%proj"; }

# Emit executable list for %name.

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%name <<EOExecutableList
bin bugpoint
bin diagtool
bin dsymutil
bin llc
bin lli
bin llvm-addr2line
bin llvm-ar
bin llvm-as
bin llvm-bcanalyzer
bin llvm-bitcode-strip
bin llvm-cat
bin llvm-cfi-verify
bin llvm-cov
bin llvm-c-test
bin llvm-cvtres
bin llvm-cxxdump
bin llvm-cxxfilt
bin llvm-cxxmap
bin llvm-debuginfod-find
bin llvm-debuginfod
bin llvm-diff
bin llvm-dis
bin llvm-dlltool
bin llvm-dwarfdump
bin llvm-dwarfutil
bin llvm-dwp
bin llvm-exegesis
bin llvm-extract
bin llvm-gsymutil
bin llvm-ifs
bin llvm-install-name-tool
bin llvm-jitlink
bin llvm-lib
bin llvm-libtool-darwin
bin llvm-link
bin llvm-lipo
bin llvm-lto
bin llvm-lto2
bin llvm-mc
bin llvm-mca
bin llvm-ml
bin llvm-modextract
bin llvm-mt
bin llvm-nm
bin llvm-objcopy
bin llvm-objdump
bin llvm-opt-report
bin llvm-otool
bin llvm-pdbutil
bin llvm-profdata
bin llvm-profgen
bin llvm-ranlib
bin llvm-rc
bin llvm-readelf
bin llvm-readobj
bin llvm-reduce
bin llvm-remark-size-diff
bin llvm-rtdyld
bin llvm-size
bin llvm-sim
bin llvm-tapi-diff
bin llvm-tli-checker
bin llvm-windres
bin llvm-split
bin llvm-stress
bin llvm-strings
bin llvm-strip
bin llvm-symbolizer
bin llvm-tblgen
bin llvm-debuginfo-analyzer
bin llvm-remarkutil
bin llvm-undname
bin llvm-xray
bin opt
bin sancov
bin sanstats
bin verify-uselistorder


emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name <<EOExecutableList
bin clang
bin clang-%{v_major}
bin clang++
bin clang-cl
bin clang-cpp

emit_filelist >%_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name-tools <<EOExecutableList
bin amdgpu-offload-arch
bin nvidia-arch
bin offload-arch
bin amdgpu-arch
bin nvptx-arch
bin c-index-test
bin clang-build-select-link
bin clang-nvlink-wrapper
bin clang-offload-wrapper
bin clang-check
bin clang-extdef-mapping
bin clang-format
bin clang-linker-wrapper
bin clang-offload-bundler
bin clang-offload-packager
bin clang-refactor
bin clang-rename
bin clang-repl
bin clang-scan-deps
bin clang-tblgen
bin git-clang-format
bin hmaptool

# Comment out file validation for CMake targets placed

# in a different package.
sed -i '
/APPEND _IMPORT_CHECK_TARGETS \(tblgen-lsp-server\)/ {s|^|#|}
/APPEND _IMPORT_CHECK_TARGETS \(llvm-omp-device-info\|omptarget\)/ {s|^|#|}
' %buildroot%llvm_libdir/cmake/llvm/LLVMExports-*.cmake

# Comment out file validation for CMake targets producing executables

# that may be placed in a different package.
sed -i '
/APPEND _IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_.* .*[/]bin[/].*/ {s|^|#|}
' %buildroot%llvm_libdir/cmake/clang/ClangTargets-*.cmake

# cleanup

rm -rf %buildroot{%llvm_libexecdir,%llvm_datadir,%llvm_prefix/lib}

%if_enabled tests
ninja -C %builddir check-all || :

# Do not generate dependencies for clang-{format,rename} plugins.

%add_findreq_skiplist %llvm_datadir/clang/*

%files filesystem
%dir %llvm_prefix
%dir %llvm_bindir
%dir %llvm_libdir
%dir %llvm_libdir/cmake
%dir %llvm_includedir

%files -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%name
%doc llvm/CREDITS.TXT llvm/LICENSE.TXT llvm/README.txt

%files libs

%files devel

%files gold

%files -n %clang_name -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name

%files -n %clang_name-libs

%files -n %clang_name-libs-support -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-libclang-support

%files -n %clang_name-libs-support-shared-runtimes -f %_tmppath/libclang-support-shared-runtimes

%files -n %clang_name-devel

%files -n %clang_name-tools -f %_tmppath/dyn-files-%clang_name-tools

%files -n %lld_name

%files -n %lld_name-devel
%dir %llvm_includedir/lld
# see Patch18: lld-compact-unwind-encoding.h.patch


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin