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Group :: System/Fonts/X11 bitmap
RPM: fonts-bitmap-univga

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%define cname univga
%define fdate 20021031
%define fontsdir %_datadir/fonts/bitmap/univga
%define charmapdir /usr/share/i18n/charmaps

Name: fonts-bitmap-univga
Version: 0.0.%fdate
Release: alt3.2
Summary: Unicode VGA font for X11
Summary(ru_RU.CP1251): Шрифт Unicode VGA для X11
License: X11
Group: System/Fonts/X11 bitmap
BuildArch: noarch


Source0: uni-vga-%fdate.tar.bz2


Source1: univga.html

Source2: uni-vga-utils-0.3.tar.bz2

Patch0: uni_vga-20021031-alt-fixnames.patch

PreReq: fontconfig mkfontdir

# for /usr/share/fonts/bitmap in default config

Requires: fontconfig >= 2.4.2

Obsoletes: univga-fonts-bitmap < %version-%release
Provides: univga-fonts-bitmap = %version-%release

Obsoletes: xfonts-uni-vga < %version-%release
Provides: xfonts-uni-vga = %version-%release

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sun May 21 2006

BuildRequires: bdftopcf glibc-i18ndata

UNI-VGA is a constant-width Unicode font with VGA-style characters,
originally created to be a single source of fonts for console and
XDosEmu.  This package contains the X11 version of this font in both
8x16 and 9x16 sizes.  Fonts are available both in the Unicode encoding
(iso10646-1) and in the traditional 8-bit encodings
(iso8859-{1..10,13..16}, microsoft-cp{1250..1256}, koi8-r, koi8-u,

%description -l ru_RU.CP1251
UNI-VGA - моноширинный шрифт Unicode с символами в стиле VGA, изначально
созданный как общий источник шрифтов для консоли и XDosEmu. Этот пакет
содержит версию этого шрифта для X11 с размерами 8x16 и 9x16. Шрифты
доступны как в кодировке Unicode (iso10646-1), так и в обычных 8-битовых
кодировках (iso8859-{1..10,13..16}, microsoft-cp{1250..1256}, koi8-r,
koi8-u, paratype-cp154).

%setup -q -n uni_vga -a 2
%patch0 -p1
subst 's/iso10646/ISO10646/i' u_vga16.bdf
cp -p %SOURCE1 univga.html

perl -f VGA9 -l linedraw.lst -o u_vga16_9.bdf u_vga16.bdf

ISO-8859-1 iso8859-1
ISO-8859-2 iso8859-2
ISO-8859-3 iso8859-3
ISO-8859-4 iso8859-4
ISO-8859-5 iso8859-5
ISO-8859-6 iso8859-6
ISO-8859-7 iso8859-7
ISO-8859-8 iso8859-8
ISO-8859-9 iso8859-9
ISO-8859-10 iso8859-10
ISO-8859-13 iso8859-13
ISO-8859-14 iso8859-14
ISO-8859-15 iso8859-15
ISO-8859-16 iso8859-16
CP1250 microsoft-cp1250
CP1251 microsoft-cp1251
CP1252 microsoft-cp1252
CP1253 microsoft-cp1253
CP1254 microsoft-cp1254
CP1255 microsoft-cp1255
CP1256 microsoft-cp1256
CP1257 microsoft-cp1257
CP1258 microsoft-cp1258
KOI8-R koi8-r
KOI8-U koi8-u
PT154 paratype-cp154

for bdf in u_vga16.bdf u_vga16_9.bdf; do
sh "$bdf" %charmapdir $encodings

for bdf in *.bdf; do
bdftopcf "$bdf" | gzip -9f >"${bdf%.bdf}.pcf.gz"

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%fontsdir
install -p -m 444 *.pcf.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%fontsdir/
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%fontsdir/fonts.dir

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir/X11/fontpath.d
ln -s ../../..%fontsdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir/X11/fontpath.d/bitmap-%cname:unscaled:pri=20

%_bindir/mkfontdir %fontsdir ||:
%_bindir/fc-cache %fontsdir ||:

%triggerun -- %name <= 0.0.20021031-alt3
if [ -x %_sbindir/chkfontpath -a -f %_sysconfdir/X11/fs/config ]; then
%_sbindir/chkfontpath -q -r %fontsdir ||:

%doc univga.html
%dir %fontsdir
%ghost %fontsdir/fonts.dir


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin