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ALT Linux repos

Group :: Engineering
RPM: alanmi-abc

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Name: alanmi-abc
Version: 20221019.0.70cb339f
Release: alt1

Summary: System for Sequential Logic Synthesis and Formal Verification
License: %bsdstyle
Group: Engineering

Source: %name-%version.tar


Patch0: trivial-functions-fix-assert.patch
Patch1: use-external-bzlib-zlib.patch

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-licenses
BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libreadline-devel

Provides: berkeley-abc

ABC is a growing software system for synthesis and verification of binary
sequential logic circuits appearing in synchronous hardware designs. ABC
combines scalable logic optimization based on And-Inverter Graphs (AIGs),
optimal-delay DAG-based technology mapping for look-up tables and standard
cells, and innovative algorithms for sequential synthesis and verification.

ABC provides an experimental implementation of these algorithms and a
programming environment for building similar applications. Future development
will focus on improving the algorithms and making most of the packages
stand-alone. This will allow the user to customize ABC for their needs as if it
were a tool-box rather than a complete tool.


%make_build OPTFLAGS='%optflags' ABC_MAKE_VERBOSE=1

mkdir -p %buildroot/%_bindir/
install -p -m 755 abc %buildroot/%_bindir/

%files -n alanmi-abc
%doc copyright.txt


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin