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Last update: 1 october 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visits: 37894921
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5.0: 0.9.33-alt1

Group :: Development/Python
RPM: python-module-Nevow

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%define version 0.9.33
%define release alt1
%setup_python_module Nevow

Name: %packagename
Release: %release
BuildArch: noarch

Summary: Web Application Construction Kit
License: MIT
Group: Development/Python
Packager: Alexey Shabalin <shaba at>


BuildPreReq: rpm-build-python
BuildRequires: python-module-Cython python-module-twisted
BuildRequires: python-devel python-module-setuptools


Divmod Nevow is a web application construction kit written in Python. It is
designed to allow the programmer to express as much of the view logic as
desired in Python, and includes a pure Python XML expression syntax named stan
to facilitate this. However it also provides rich support for designer-edited
templates, using a very small XML attribute language to provide bi-directional
template manipulation capability.

Nevow also includes Divmod Athena, a "two way web" or "`COMET`_"
implementation, providing a two-way bridge between Python code on the server
and JavaScript code on the client.  Modular portions of a page, known as
"athena fragments" in the server python and "athena widgets" in the client
javascript, can be individually developed and placed on any Nevow-rendered page
with a small template renderer.  Athena abstracts the intricacies of HTTP
communication, session security, and browser-specific bugs behind a simple
remote-method-call interface, where individual widgets or fragments can call
remote methods on their client or server peer with one method: "callRemote".

%setup -q -n %modulename-%version



%exclude %_prefix/doc

#%%exclude %_bindir/*


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin