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Last update: 1 october 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visits: 37820355
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ALT Linux repos
5.0: 2.26.0-alt1
4.1: 2.22.2-alt1
4.0: 2.16.1-alt2

Group :: System/Libraries
RPM: librsvg

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

%define oldname librsvg2
%define ver_major 2.22
%def_disable static

# librsvg package is not built with gnome-vfs

# librsvg-gnome package is built with gnome-vfs
# Both would produce -utils, mozilla-plugin etc. subpackages, but we don't want
# this. Using/not-using gnome-vfs is an internal thing of librsvg, and
# shouldn't matter outside it. So we define the 'main' package (librsvg, in
# this case), which will build subpackages, and librsvg-gnome will just build a
# library and (maybe) devel files. Much like libgtk+2[-directfb] nightmare >:-D
%define main_package 1
%define bname librsvg

%def_with croco
%def_with svgz
%def_enable mozilla_plugin

# It will soon become deprecated anyway

%def_disable gnome_print

Name: %bname
Version: %ver_major.2
Release: alt1

Summary: An SVG library based on libart
License: LGPLv2+
Group: System/Libraries

Obsoletes: %oldname < 2.15.90
Provides: %oldname = %version-%release

Conflicts: %bname-gnome

Patch1: %bname-filter-leak.patch

# From

%define glib_ver 2.12.0
%define gio_ver 2.15.4
%define libxml2_ver 2.4.7
%define cairo_ver 1.2.0
%define pango_ver 1.10.0
%define libgsf_ver 1.6.0
%define croco_ver 0.6.1
%define gnome_vfs_ver 1.9.16
%define gnome_print 2.2.0

PreReq: libgtk+2
%{?_with_croco:PreReq: libcroco >= %croco_ver}

# From

BuildPreReq: libgtk+2-devel
BuildPreReq: glib2-devel >= %glib_ver
BuildPreReq: libgio-devel >= %gio_ver
BuildPreReq: libxml2-devel >= %libxml2_ver
BuildPreReq: libpango-devel >= %pango_ver
BuildPreReq: libcairo-devel >= %cairo_ver
BuildPreReq: fontconfig-devel freetype2-devel
%{?_with_svgz:BuildPreReq: libgsf-devel >= %libgsf_ver}
%{?_with_croco:BuildPreReq: libcroco-devel >= %croco_ver}
BuildPreReq: libX11-devel libXt-devel
%if_enabled mozilla_plugin
BuildPreReq: xulrunner-devel browser-plugins-npapi-devel

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ gtk-doc sgml-common zlib-devel

An SVG library based on libart.

%ifdef main_package
%package devel
Summary: Libraries and include files for developing with librsvg
Group: Development/GNOME and GTK+
Obsoletes: %oldname-devel < 2.15.90
Provides: %oldname-devel = %version-%release
Requires: %bname = %version-%release
Requires: libgtk+2-devel
Requires: libxml2-devel >= %libxml2_ver
Requires: freetype2-devel
Requires: glib2-devel >= %glib_ver
Requires: libpango-devel >= %pango_ver

%description devel
This package provides the necessary development libraries and include
files to allow you to develop with librsvg.

%package devel-doc
Summary: Development documentation for %bname
Group: Development/GNOME and GTK+
Obsoletes: %oldname-devel-doc < 2.15.90
Provides: %oldname-devel-doc = %version-%release
Conflicts: %bname < %version-%release

%description devel-doc
%bname is a SVG library based on libart.
This package contains development documentation for %bname

%if_enabled static
%package devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for developing with librsvg
Group: Development/GNOME and GTK+
Obsoletes: %oldname-devel-static < 2.15.90
Provides: %oldname-devel-static = %version-%release
Requires: %name-devel = %version-%release

%description devel-static
This package provides the necessary static libraries files to allow you
to build static software with librsvg.

%ifdef main_package
%package utils
Summary: Utilities to manipulate SVG files
Group: Graphics
Obsoletes: %oldname-utils < 2.15.90
Provides: %oldname-utils = %version-%release
Requires: %bname = %version-%release

%description utils
This package contains small utilities to manipulate SVG files found in
%bname package.

%if_enabled mozilla_plugin
%package -n mozilla-plugin-svg
Summary: SVG plugin for Mozilla
Group: Graphics

%description -n mozilla-plugin-svg
This package contains SVG plugin for Mozilla web browser.

%package -n libgtk-engine-svg
Summary: A GTK+ engine for graphical themes that use SVG images.
Group: Graphical desktop/GNOME

%description -n libgtk-engine-svg
This package contains a GTK+ engine that renders graphical themes with SVG
images in them.

%define _gtk_docdir %_datadir/gtk-doc/html/
%define _mozilla_plugindir %_libdir/mozilla/plugins

%setup -q -n %bname-%version
#__install -p -m644 %SOURCE1
%patch1 -p1 -b .filter-leak

%configure \
%{subst_enable static} \
%{subst_with svgz} \
%{subst_with croco} \
--enable-gtk-theme \
--enable-pixbuf-loader \
%{?_enable_mozilla_plugin:--enable-mozilla-plugin} \
--with-html-dir=%buildroot%_gtk_docdir/%bname \



# Move the browser plugin where it ought to be.

mkdir -p %buildroot%browser_plugins_path
mv %buildroot%_libdir/mozilla/plugins/* %buildroot%browser_plugins_path/

%__bzip2 -9fk ChangeLog

%_bindir/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > %_sysconfdir/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders

%postun -p %postun_ldconfig


%ifdef main_package
%files devel

%files devel-doc
%exclude %_gtk_docdir/*

%if_enabled static
%files devel-static

%ifdef main_package
%files utils

%if_enabled mozilla_plugin
%files -n mozilla-plugin-svg

%files -n libgtk-engine-svg
%exclude %_bindir/*
%exclude %_man1dir/*
%exclude %_datadir/pixmaps/*
%exclude %browser_plugins_path/*
%exclude %_libdir/gtk-2.0/*/engines/

%exclude %_libdir/gtk-2.0/*/*/*.la
%exclude %_sysconfdir/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin