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Group :: Video
RPM: smpeg

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%define section Multimedia/Video
%define lib_name lib%name

Name: smpeg
Summary: summary SDL MPEG Library
Version: 0.4.4
Release: alt7
License: LGPL
Group: Video
Source: %name-%version.tar
Source10: gtv_16x16.xpm
Source11: gtv_32x32.xpm
Source12: gtv_48x48.xpm
Patch0: smpeg-0.4.4-gcc32.patch
Patch1: smpeg-0.4.4-fixes.patch
Patch2: smpeg-0.4.4-PIC.patch
Patch3: smpeg-0.4.4-gnu-stack.patch
Patch4: smpeg-0.4.4-m4.patch
Patch5: smpeg-0.4.4-gcc41.patch
Patch6: smpeg-remove-rpath-in-smpeg-config.patch
Patch7: smpeg-0.4.4-libsupc++.patch

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Feb 13 2006

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ glib-devel glibc-devel-static gtk+-devel imake libICE-devel libSDL-devel libX11-devel libXt-devel libmesa-devel libstdc++-devel xorg-cf-files xorg-x11-proto-devel

BuildRequires: automake_1.4

SMPEG is based on UC Berkeley's mpeg_play software MPEG decoder and SPLAY,
an mpeg audio decoder created by Woo-jae Jung. We have completed the
initial work to wed these two projects in order to create a general
purpose MPEG video/audio player for the Linux OS.

%package -n %lib_name
Summary: Main library for %name
Group: System/Libraries
Obsoletes: %lib_name
Provides: %lib_name = %version-%release

%description -n %lib_name
This package contains the library needed to run programs dynamically
linked with %name.

%package -n %lib_name-devel
Summary: Headers for developing programs that will use %name
Group: Development/C
Requires: %lib_name = %version
Provides: %lib_name-devel = %version-%release
Obsoletes: %lib_name-devel

%description -n %lib_name-devel
This package contains the headers that programmers will need to develop
applications which will use %name.

%package -n %lib_name-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for developing programs that will use %name
Group: Development/C
Requires: %lib_name-devel = %version
Obsoletes: %lib_name-devel-static

%description -n %lib_name-devel-static
This package contains the static libraries that programmers will need to develop
applications which will use %name.

%package -n %name-player
Summary: Simple MPEG player baed on %name library
Group: Video
Obsoletes: %name-player

%description -n %name-player
This package contains a MPEG player based on %name.

%setup -q
%patch0 -p0 -b .gcc32
%patch1 -p0 -b .fixes
%patch2 -p0 -b .PIC
%patch3 -p1 -b .gnu-stack
%patch4 -p1 -b .m4
%patch5 -p1 -b .gcc41
%patch6 -p0
%patch7 -p1

%set_automake_version 1.4

# needed by Patch6

automake --foreign

# Needed for snapshot releases.
if [ ! -f configure ]; then
 CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./ --prefix=%_prefix
 %configure --disable-opengl-player


%__mkdir_p %buildroot%_miconsdir
%__mkdir_p %buildroot%_liconsdir
cat %SOURCE10 > %buildroot%_miconsdir/gtv.xpm
cat %SOURCE11 > %buildroot%_iconsdir/gtv.xpm
cat %SOURCE12 > %buildroot%_liconsdir/gtv.xpm

mkdir -p %buildroot%_menudir
cat > %buildroot%_menudir/%name-player << EOF
?package(%name-player): command="%_bindir/gtv" \
needs="X11" icon="gtv.xpm" \
section="%section" \
title="Gtv Mpeg player" \
longtitle="Gtv Mpeg video player"

%post -n %name-player

%postun -n %name-player

%post -n %lib_name -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n %lib_name -p /sbin/ldconfig

%files -n %name-player

%files -n %lib_name

%files -n %lib_name-devel

%files -n %lib_name-devel-static


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin