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Group :: Editors
RPM: emacs-base

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Name: emacs-base
Version: 0.0.4
Release: alt2

Group: Editors
Summary: Common site start scripts for GNU Emacs
License: GPL

# Packager: Emacs packagers <emacs at>

BuildArchitectures: noarch

#Requires: emacsen

Provides: %_sysconfdir/emacs/site-start.d
Provides: %_emacslispdir
Provides: %_datadir/emacs
Provides: %_libdir/emacs
Provides: emacsen-startscripts
Obsoletes: emacsen-startscripts

Conflicts: rootfiles <= alt-alt4
# from now on xemacs has its own start-scripts
Conflicts: xemacs < 21.4.9
# pc-select.el is updated:
Conflicts: emacs-common < 21.3-alt6
Conflicts: emacs21-common < 21.3-alt6

# Mdk's and ALT's global config merged:

Source0: %name-ALT-%version.tar
Source1: %name.buildreq
Source2: emacs-config-for-root
Source3: emacs-lisp-pkgutils-0.1.1.tar

The common site start scripts for Emacsen contain the default
configuration for Emacsen suggetsted by ALT. It also implements a
mechanism for installing additional Emacs Lisp modules at the site
and making them visible for users. Administrators can add some scripts
of their own to customize Emacsen even more.

The start scripts are itnended to be excuted by GNU Emacs, so some
of them contain Emacsen specific parts (embraced by special macros).
This package is always installed if you install any of the Emacsen.

The idea of compatibility with XEmacs has been dropped, XEmacs has its own

%setup -n emacs

tar xvf %SOURCE3 # el-pkgutils

mkdir -p %buildroot%prefix
# We want to make the command arguments below shorter
# by replacing "%buildroot" with "."
pushd "%buildroot"

mkdir -p .%_sysconfdir/emacs/site-start.d
tar xvf %SOURCE0 -C .%_sysconfdir

rm -rf .%_sysconfdir/emacs/doc/

# Buildreq filter for emacs.

install -pD -m644 %SOURCE1 .%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d/%name

# install -pD -m600 %SOURCE2 ./root/.emacs

mkdir -p %buildroot%_emacslispdir

mkdir -p %buildroot%_libdir/emacs

popd # "%buildroot"

# Packager's tools - to be used in this and other pkgs

pushd el-pkgutils
%__install -m0755 %buildroot%_libdir/emacs/
%__install -m0644 el-pkgutils.el %buildroot%_emacslispdir/

%dir %_sysconfdir/emacs
%dir %_sysconfdir/emacs/site-start.d
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/emacs/site-start.el
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/emacs/site-start.d/*.el
%dir %_datadir/emacs
%dir %_emacslispdir
%dir %_libdir/emacs

#%config(noreplace) /root/.emacs

%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d/*

%doc doc/inhibit-site-start.txt
%lang(ru) %doc doc/


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin