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ALT Linux repositórios

Group :: Desktop gráfico/Outros
RPM: weston

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%define ver_major 12.0
%define api_ver_major 12
%define api_ver %api_ver_major
%define clientsdir %_libdir/%name/clients
%define soname 1
%define exec_soname 0

# Weston backend: DRM/KMS

%def_enable backend_drm

# DRM/KMS backend support for VA-API screencasting

%def_enable backend_drm_screencast_vaapi

# Weston backend: headless (testing)

%def_enable backend_headless

# Weston backend: RDP remote screensharing

%def_enable backend_rdp

# Compositor: RDP screen-sharing support

%def_enable screenshare

# Weston backend: Wayland (nested)

%def_enable backend_wayland

# Weston backend: X11 (nested)

%def_enable backend_x11

# VNC remote screensharing

%def_enable backend_vnc

# Weston backend: fbdev (deprecated)

%def_disable deprecated_backend_fbdev

# Default backend when no parent display server detected

# 'auto', 'drm', 'wayland', 'x11', 'fbdev', 'headless'
%define backend_default drm

# Weston renderer: EGL / OpenGL ES 2.x

%def_enable renderer_gl

# Weston launcher for systems without logind (removed since 11.0.0)

%def_disable deprecated_weston_launch

# Compositor: support systemd-logind D-Bus protocol (deprecated since 12.0.0)

%def_disable launcher_logind

# Compositor: support libseat (enabled by default)

%def_enable launcher_libseat

# Xwayland: support for X11 clients inside Weston

%def_enable xwayland

# systemd service plugin: state notify, watchdog, socket activation

%def_enable systemd

# Virtual remote output with GStreamer on DRM backend

%def_enable remoting

# Virtual remote output with Pipewire on DRM backend

%def_enable pipewire

# Weston shell UI: traditional desktop

%def_enable shell_desktop

# Weston shell UI: fullscreen/kiosk

%def_enable shell_fullscreen

# Weston shell UI: IVI (automotive)

%def_enable shell_ivi

# Weston shell UI: kiosk (desktop apps)

%def_enable shell_kiosk

# Weston desktop shell: default helper client selection

%define desktop_shell_client_default weston-desktop-shell

# Compositor color management: lcms

%def_enable color_management_lcms

# Compositor color management: static (deprecated)

%def_disable deprected_color_management_static

# Compositor color management: colord (deprecated since 11.0.0)

%def_disable deprecated_color_management_colord

# JPEG loading support

%def_enable image_jpeg

# WebP loading support

%def_enable image_webp

# List of accessory clients to build and install

# choices: [ 'calibrator', 'debug', 'info', 'terminal', 'touch-calibrator' ],
%define tools 'calibrator', 'debug', 'info', 'terminal', 'touch-calibrator'

# Sample clients: toytoolkit demo programs

%def_enable demo_clients

# Sample clients: simple test programs

%define simple_clients all
# choices: [ 'all', 'damage', 'im', 'egl', 'shm', 'touch', 'dmabuf-v4l', 'dmabuf-egl' ],

# Sample clients: optimize window resize performance

%def_enable resize_pool

# Tools: screen recording decoder tool

%def_enable wcap_decode

# Tests: output JUnit XML results

%def_enable test_junit_xml

# Tests: allow running with GL-renderer

%def_enable test_gl_renderer

# disabled by default

%def_disable doc

# running logind or seatd required

%def_disable check

Name: weston
Version: %ver_major.2
Release: alt1

Summary: Reference compositor for Wayland
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
License: MIT

Source: %name-%version.tar
#Source1: %name.ini
Patch: %name-%version-%release.patch
#Patch2: weston-9.0.0-alt-launch-group.patch

Requires: lib%name = %EVR
Requires: xkeyboard-config
Requires: xorg-dri-swrast

%define pw_api_ver 0.3
%define pw_ver 0.3
%define gst_api_ver 1.0
%define mesa_ver 21.1.1

BuildRequires(pre): meson
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-xdg
%{?_enable_systemd:BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-systemd}
%{?_enable_launcher_libseat:BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libseat)}
BuildRequires: libGLES-devel libglvnd-devel
BuildRequires: libdrm-devel
BuildRequires: libgbm-devel >= %mesa_ver
BuildRequires: libdisplay-info-devel
BuildRequires: libva-devel
BuildRequires: libwayland-client-devel
BuildRequires: libwayland-cursor-devel
BuildRequires: libwayland-egl-devel
BuildRequires: libwayland-server-devel
BuildRequires: wayland-protocols
BuildRequires: libpixman-devel
BuildRequires: libcairo-devel
BuildRequires: libpango-devel
BuildRequires: libevdev-devel
BuildRequires: libinput-devel
BuildRequires: libxkbcommon-devel
BuildRequires: libdbus-devel
BuildRequires: libpam0-devel
%{?_enable_image_jpeg:BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel}
%{?_enable_image_webp:BuildRequires: libwebp-devel}
%{?_enable_deprecated_color_management_colord:BuildRequires: libcolord-devel}
%{?_enable_color_management_lcms:BuildRequires: liblcms2-devel}
BuildRequires: xorg-xwayland-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb) pkgconfig(xcb-composite)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-shape) pkgconfig(xcb-xfixes) pkgconfig(xcb-cursor)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcursor) pkgconfig(cairo-xcb)}
%{?_enable_backend_rdp:BuildRequires: libfreerdp-devel}
%{?_enable_backend_x11:BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb) pkgconfig(xcb-xkb)}
%{?_enable_pipewire:BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpipewire-%pw_api_ver) >= %pw_ver}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-%gst_api_ver) pkgconfig(gstreamer-allocators-%gst_api_ver)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-%gst_api_ver) pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-%gst_api_ver)}
%{?_enable_test_junit_xml:BuildRequires: libxml2-devel}
%{?_enable_check:BuildRequires: xkeyboard-config /%_bindir/Xwayland}
%{?_enable_backend_vnc:BuildRequires: libaml-devel libneatvnc-devel}

Weston is the reference wayland compositor that can run on KMS, under X11
or under another compositor.

%package -n lib%name
Summary: Weston compositor libraries
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n lib%name
This package contains Weston compositor libraries.

%package -n lib%name-devel
Summary: Development libraries for weston
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name = %EVR

%description -n lib%name-devel
Header and Library files for doing development with the weston.

%package -n lib%name-protocols
Summary: Development libraries for weston
Group: Development/C
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: lib%name-devel = %EVR

%description -n lib%name-protocols
Header and Library files for doing development with the weston.

%package devel
Summary: Development files for weston
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name = %EVR

%description devel
Header files for doing development with the weston.

%patch -p1
%{?_enable_deprecated_weston_launch:%patch2 -p1 -b .launch_group}

%meson \
%{?_enable_deprecated_weston_launch:-Ddeprecated-weston-launch=true \
-Dweston-launch-group=xgrp} \
--libexecdir=%clientsdir \
%{?_disable_backend_x11:-Dbackend-x11=false} \
%{?_disable_backend_rdp:-Dbackend-rdp=false} \
%{?_disable_backend_vnc:-Dbackend-vnc=false} \
%{?_disable_xwayland:-Dxwayland=false} \
%{?_disable_remoting:-Dremoting=false} \
%{?_disable_shell_ivi:-Dshell-ivi=false} \
%{?_disable_pipewire:-Dpipewire=false} \
%{?_disable_test_junit_xml:-Dtest-junit-xml=false} \
%{?_enable_deprecated_backend_fbdev:-Ddeprecated-backend-fbdev=true} \
%{?_enable_deprecated_color_management_static:-Ddeprecated-color-management-static=true} \
%meson_build -v

mkdir -p -- %buildroot/%_xdgconfigdir/%name
sed \
-e 's, at clientsdir at ,%clientsdir,g' \
.gear/%name.ini > %buildroot/%_xdgconfigdir/%name/%name.ini

ln -sf %name/libexec_%{name}.so.%exec_soname \


%dir %_xdgconfigdir/%name
%config(noreplace) %_xdgconfigdir/%name/%name.ini
%{?_enable_deprecated_weston_launch:%attr (4710,root,xgrp) %_bindir/weston-launch}
%dir %_libdir/%name
# clients
%dir %_libdir/%name/clients


%files devel

%files -n lib%name
%dir %_libdir/lib%name-%api_ver
#  symlink
# backends

%files -n lib%name-devel

%files -n lib%name-protocols


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009