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ALT Linux repositórios

Group :: Development/Python3
RPM: python3

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs e FR  Repocop 

# ======================================================
# Conditionals and other variables controlling the build
# ======================================================

# This knob is added ONLY for maintainer's convenience. Should be ALWAYS on

# in release version
%def_with check

# Turn on while every major update

%def_without bootstrap

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

# Below the same shorthands as in Redhat's spec are definied,

# but mostly through ALT Sisyphus rpm-build-python3's macros
# (to make the picture more clear and less error-prone).

%global pybasever 3.11
# pybasever without the dot:
%global pyshortver 311

%global pyabi %nil

%global pynameabi python%pybasever%pyabi

# Here, we re-use the machinery of rpm-build-python3 definitions

# to generate the paths etc. in the way they are usually determined
# for the build system. (The input to this machinery is:
# %%__python3_version and %%__python3_abiflags;

%global __python3_version %pybasever
# the above also affects %%_python3_abi_version the way we need indeed.
%global __python3_abiflags %pyabi
# the above also affects %%_python3_abiflags

# they normally refer to Python3 installed in the build system,

# but we are building a new one, and not going to use the old one).

%global pylibdir %__python3_libdir
%global dynload_dir %__python3_dynlibdir
%global include_dir %__python3_includedir
%global tool_dir %_datadir/python%pybasever/Tools
%global pylibdir_noarch %__python3_libdir_noarch

%global pyarch %{expand:%(echo %{_arch}-linux-gnu | \
sed -E -e 's/^i586-linux-gnu$/i386-linux-gnu/' | \
sed -E -e 's/^armh-linux-gnu$/arm-linux-gnueabihf/' | \
sed -E -e 's/^mips64(el)?-linux-gnu$/mips64\\1-linux-gnuabi64/' | \
sed -E -e 's/^ppc(64)?(le)?-linux-gnu$/powerpc\\1\\2-linux-gnu/' | \
sed -E -e 's/^e2k[^-]{,3}-linux-gnu$/e2k-linux-gnu/')}

# All bytecode files are now in a __pycache__ subdirectory, with a name

# reflecting the version of the bytecode (to permit sharing of python libraries
# between different runtimes)
# See
# For example,
#   foo/
# now has bytecode at:
#   foo/__pycache__/bar.cpython-35.pyc
#   foo/__pycache__/bar.cpython-35.pyo
%global bytecode_suffixes .cpython-%{pyshortver}*.py?

# Python's configure script defines SOVERSION, and this is used in the Makefile

# to determine INSTSONAME, the name of the libpython DSO:
#   LDLIBRARY='libpython$(VERSION).so'
# We mirror this here in order to make it easier to add the hooks.
# (if these get out of sync, the payload of the libs subpackage will fail
# and halt the build)
%global py_SOVERSION 1.0

# some arches don't have valgrind so we need to disable its support on them

%ifarch %valgrind_arches
%def_with valgrind
%def_without valgrind

%global _optlevel 3
# details at
%global optflags_lto %optflags_lto -ffat-lto-objects

%def_with gdbm
%def_with bluez
%def_with x11

%if_with x11
%def_with tk
%def_with gl
%def_without tk
%def_without gl

%def_with desktop_file

Name: python3
Version: %{pybasever}.4
Release: alt2

Summary: Version 3 of the Python programming language aka Python 3000

License: Python
Group: Development/Python3

# New common location for site-packages is supported since 0.1.9.

# %%python3_ABI_dep is defined since
# The path macros brought in sync in
# %%__libpython3 macro is defined and used for the verify_elf trick
# since
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3 >=
# for %%valgrind_arches macro
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-valgrind
BuildPreReq: liblzma-devel
# For Bluetooth support
# see
BuildRequires: bzip2-devel db4-devel libexpat-devel gcc-c++ libgmp-devel
BuildRequires: libffi-devel libncursesw-devel mpdecimal-devel libb2-devel
BuildRequires: libssl-devel libreadline-devel libsqlite3-devel
BuildRequires: autoconf-archive
BuildRequires: zlib-devel libuuid-devel libnsl2-devel
%{?_with_bluez:BuildPreReq: libbluez-devel}
%{?_with_x11:BuildRequires: libX11-devel}
%{?_with_tk:BuildRequires: tcl-devel tk-devel}
%{?_with_gl:BuildRequires: libGL-devel}
%{?_with_gdbm:BuildRequires: gdbm-devel}
%{?_with_valgrind:BuildRequires: valgrind-devel}
%{?_with_desktop_file:BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils}
%{?!_without_check:%{?!_disable_check:BuildRequires: /dev/pts /proc}}

# Fix find-requires

%global __python3 %buildroot%_bindir/python3
%add_python3_path %pylibdir
#Do not recompile .py files with old python3
%add_python3_compile_exclude %pylibdir
# Help verify_elf:
%global __libpython3 %buildroot%__libpython3

Source: %name-%version.tar

# Desktop menu entry for idle3

Source10: idle3.desktop

#RH Patches

# 00001 #

# Fixup distutils/ to remove standard library path from rpath:
# Was Patch0 in ivazquez' python3000 specfile:
Patch1: 00001-rpath.patch

#ALT Linux patches

# RLIMIT 1000000 unavailable in hasher

Patch1003: python-3.8.0-skip-test_setrusage_refcount-alt.patch

# Disable "-i386-linux-gnu"-like suffixes for lib-dynload/*.so modules.

# Disables test for those suffixes.
Patch1004: python-3.5.1-alt-disable-build-PLATFORM_TRIPLET.patch

# Use a common /usr/lib/python3/site-packages (without the minor version)

Patch1005: python3-site-packages.patch
# %%python3_sitelibdir{,_noarch} from rpm-build-python3 >= 0.1.9
# are consistent with this.
# (TODO: Perhaps, we should consider substituting the value of the macros into the patch,
# so that we have a single point of control and a guarantee of consistency.)

# With python-3.6 and later it's either needed to enable some crypto ciphers needed for SSLv2 when this socket type requested

# or SSLv2 has to be removed completely, because it wouldn't work without this change anyway.
Patch1007: python3-sslv2-compat.patch

# 'Trust mode': optional modules loading paths restriction

Patch1011: python3-ignore-env-trust-security.patch

# Replaces absolute import with relative ones.

Patch1012: python3-lib2to3-import.patch

Patch1013: python3-LoongArch64-support.patch

# ======================================================

# Additional metadata, and subpackages
# ======================================================

# Like in Fedora:

Provides: python(abi) = %pybasever

# ALT's special name (looking like: python3.3-ABI(64bit)):

# (BTW, %%ABI_suffix is computed in a new-arch-ABI-proof way:
# if a new weird arch-ABI arises, at least, we'll have
# a weird suffix here, not coinciding with another existing one.)
Provides: %python3_ABI_dep

Requires: %name-base = %EVR

Python 3 is a new version of the language that is incompatible with the 2.x
line of releases. The language is mostly the same, but many details, especially
how built-in objects like dictionaries and strings work, have changed
considerably, and a lot of deprecated features have finally been removed.

%package base
Summary: Python 3 runtime libraries
Group: Development/Python3
Provides: %name-libs = %EVR
Obsoletes: %name-libs < %EVR
%py3_provides builtins
# Prepare for the future default method (to test the result earlier):
# It's an OS-independent alias (which other modules might want to import)
# leading to an OS-specific path module.
%py3_provides os.path

%py3_provides _frozen_importlib
%py3_provides _frozen_importlib_external

%filter_from_requires /^%name[[:space:]]/d
%filter_from_requires /^\/usr\/bin\/%name/d

# The package that may have provided the common

# /usr/lib{,64}/python3/site-packages
# before we patched python3 itself for supporting this path.
%define python3_sitebasename %(basename %(dirname %python3_sitelibdir))
Obsoletes: %python3_sitebasename-site-packages

%description base
This package contains files used to embed Python 3 into applications.

%package dev
Summary: Libraries and header files needed for Python 3 development
Group: Development/Python3
Requires: %name = %EVR
Requires: lib%name = %EVR
Conflicts: %name < %EVR
Provides: %name-devel = %pybasever
Provides: lib%name-devel = %EVR

# ALT Sisyphus RPM Macros Packaging Policy

# makes sure that the RPM support for building
# the language-specific modules comes together with
# the compiler/-devel pkgs:
Requires: rpm-build-python3 >= 0.1.9

%description dev
This package contains libraries and header files used to build applications
with and native libraries for Python 3

%package -n libpython3
Summary: Python3 shared library
Group: Development/Python3
Requires: %name-base = %EVR

%description -n libpython3
This package contains Python3 shared library

%package tools
Summary: A collection of tools included with Python 3
Group: Development/Python3
Requires: %name = %EVR
Requires: %name-modules-tkinter = %EVR
Requires: %name-modules-curses = %EVR

%description tools
This package contains several tools included with Python 3

%package module-gdb_libpython
Summary: Helper for gdb and libpython
Group: Development/Python3
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: gdb

%allow_python3_import_path %_datadir/gdb/python

%description module-gdb_libpython
This python module deals with the case when the process being debugged (the
"inferior process" in gdb parlance) is itself python, or more specifically,
linked against libpython.  In this situation, almost every item of data is a
(PyObject*), and having the debugger merely print their addresses is not very

%package modules-tkinter
Summary: A GUI toolkit for Python 3
Group: Development/Python3
Provides: %name-modules-idlelib = %EVR
Obsoletes: %name-modules-idlelib < 3.3.1-alt4
Requires: tk tcl-tix

%description modules-tkinter
The Tkinter (Tk interface) program is an graphical user interface for
the Python scripting language.

%package modules-sqlite3
Summary: DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases
Group: Development/Python3

%description modules-sqlite3
SQLite is a C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database
that doesn't require a separate server process and allows accessing
the database using a nonstandard variant of the SQL query language.
Some applications can use SQLite for internal data storage.  It's also
possible to prototype an application using SQLite and then port the
code to a larger database such as PostgreSQL or Oracle.

%package modules-curses
Summary: Python3 "curses" module
Group: Development/Python3

%description modules-curses
An interface to the curses library, providing portable terminal
handling. The Curses module provides an interface to the curses library, the
de-facto standard for portable advanced terminal handling.
This extension module is designed to match the API of ncurses, an
open-source curses library hosted on Linux and the BSD variants of UNIX.

%package test
Summary: The test modules from the main python 3 package
Group: Development/Python3
Requires: %name = %EVR
Requires: %name-modules-tkinter = %EVR
Requires: %name-modules-curses = %EVR
Requires: %name-modules-sqlite3 = %EVR
Requires: %name-tools = %EVR
%add_python3_req_skip msvcrt _winapi winreg
%add_python3_self_prov_path %buildroot%pylibdir/test/test_import/

%description test
The test modules from the main %name package.
These are in a separate package to save space, as they are almost never used
in production.

You might want to install the python3-test package if you're developing
python 3 code that uses more than just unittest and/or


# Ensure that we're using the system copy of various libraries, rather than

# copies shipped by upstream in the tarball:
rm -r Modules/expat || exit 1
rm -r Modules/_decimal/libmpdec || exit 1

#   Remove embedded copy of libffi:

for SUBDIR in darwin libffi_osx ; do
 rm -r Modules/_ctypes/$SUBDIR || exit 1 ;

# Don't build upstream Python's implementation of these crypto algorithms;

# instead rely on _hashlib and OpenSSL.
# For example, in our builds hashlib.md5 is implemented within _hashlib via
# OpenSSL (and thus respects FIPS mode), and does not fall back to _md5
# TODO: there seems to be no OpenSSL support in Python for sha3 so far
# when it is there, also remove _sha3/ dir
#for f in md5module.c sha1module.c sha256module.c sha512module.c; do
#    rm Modules/$f


# Apply patches:
%patch1 -p1

# ALT Linux patches

%patch1003 -p2
%patch1004 -p1

%patch1005 -p2

%patch1007 -p2

%patch1011 -p2

%patch1012 -p2
%patch1013 -p2

%ifarch %e2k
# add e2k arch
sed -i "/elif defined(__hppa__)/i\\\n# elif defined (__e2k__)\n        e2k-linux-gnu" configure*
# unsupported profiling option
sed -i "s| -fprofile-correction||" configure*
# LCC profiling bug workaround
sed -i "/^Modules\\/_math.o:/{n;s|\$(CCSHARED) \$(PY_CORE_CFLAGS)|\$(filter-out -fprofile-generate-parallel,\$(CCSHARED) \$(PY_CORE_CFLAGS))|}"
sed -i "s|-fprofile-generate|-fprofile-generate-parallel|" configure*
sed -i "s/rm -f profile-clean-stamp/&; eprof -s eprof.sum/"
# exclude hanging tests
sed -i "s/^.*def test_stack_overflow(/     at unittest.skipIf(True, 'hangs')\n&/" Lib/test/

# Faster interpreter on Elbrus:

# Patching with "sed" and "awk" gives more resilience against changes in
# Python sources. This patch tries to recreate the same optimization that
# was done using "computed gotos". But without using the GNU C extension
# "Labels as Values", the implementation of which is slow for the Elbrus
# compiler. This improves Python performance on Elbrus by about 10%.
# See ALT40278 for a detailed explanation.
sed -i "/#if USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS/{s|^|#undef USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS\n#define USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS 0\n|;:a;n;ba}" Python/ceval.c
sed -i "s|^ *EXTRA_CASES|default:Py_UNREACHABLE();&|" Python/ceval.c

# remove test_winreg() function

begin='^def .*winreg.*'
sed -re "/$begin/,/$end/ {
       }" \
   -i Lib/test/

rm -fr ../build-shared
mkdir ../build-shared
cp -rl * ../build-shared/

# ======================================================

# Configuring and building the code:
# ======================================================
build() {
# Improves libpython performance, no effect on static build.
export CFLAGS_NODIST="-fno-semantic-interposition"
export LDFLAGS_NODIST="-fno-semantic-interposition"
# Note: "computed-gotos" are automatically detected by the configure script,
# must be turned off on e2k due to slow implementation.
%configure \
 --with-platlibdir=%{_lib} \
 --enable-ipv6 \
%ifnarch armh
 --enable-optimizations \
%ifarch %e2k
 --with-computed-gotos=no \
 --with-dbmliborder=gdbm:ndbm:bdb \
 --with-system-expat \
 --with-system-ffi \
 --with-system-libmpdec \
 --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions \
 --with-lto \
 --with-ssl-default-suites=openssl \
%if_with valgrind
 --with-valgrind \
 --without-ensurepip \


pushd ../build-shared
build --enable-shared


# ======================================================

# Installing the built code:
# ======================================================

# shared build only needed for libpython3

pushd ../build-shared
make install DESTDIR=%buildroot INSTALL="install -p"

# static build is installed over shared because it's much faster

# the reason for such performance difference is unknown
find build -exec touch {} \;
make install DESTDIR=%buildroot INSTALL="install -p"

# Here we copy some config files to make python suggest to compile with shared

# library, not static. This can be verified by:
# python3 -c 'import sys ; import distutils.sysconfig ; sys.stdout.write(distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("BLDLIBRARY"))'
# See more in ALT#40939
cp -av ../build-shared/Makefile %buildroot%pylibdir/config-%pybasever%pyabi-%pyarch/Makefile
cp -av ../build-shared/python-config %buildroot%_bindir/python3-config
cp -av ../build-shared/pyconfig.h %buildroot%include_dir
cp -av ../build-shared/build/lib.linux-*-%pybasever/ %buildroot%pylibdir

mv %buildroot%_bindir/2to3 %buildroot%_bindir/python3-2to3

# Development tools

install -m755 -d %buildroot%tool_dir
install Tools/README %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/freeze %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/i18n %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/unittestgui %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/clinic %buildroot%tool_dir/

# Benchmarks

cp -ar Tools/ccbench %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/iobench %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/stringbench %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/importbench %buildroot%tool_dir/

# Demo/simple scripts

cp -ar Tools/demo %buildroot%tool_dir/
cp -ar Tools/scripts %buildroot%tool_dir/

# Documentation tools

install -m755 -d %buildroot%pylibdir/Doc
cp -ar Doc/tools %buildroot%pylibdir/Doc/

# for gdb

mkdir -p %buildroot/%_datadir/gdb/python
cp -ar Tools/gdb/* %buildroot/%_datadir/gdb/python


for file_name in $file_list
   sed -i '1 i#!/usr/bin/env python3
   \ at ^#!/usr/bin at d' %buildroot$file_name
   chmod +x %buildroot$file_name

install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir/__pycache__
%if "%_lib" != "lib"
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir_noarch/__pycache__
# The install scripts put a README in the old-style %pylibdir/site-packages
# (actually, they copy the tree from the sources).
# So, we move it by force (like in rpm-build-python for other python3 packages,
# but in a more controlled way: we make sure that we know exactly what we copy,
# otherwise rmdir would fail):
mv -t %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir/ %buildroot%pylibdir/site-packages/README.txt
rmdir %buildroot%pylibdir/site-packages

# For the list of architectures which has multilib support in ALT

# we make python3-devel multilib-ready (bug #192747, #139911)
%ifarch x86_64 %ix86
%global _pyconfig32_h pyconfig-32.h
%global _pyconfig64_h pyconfig-64.h

%ifarch x86_64
%global _pyconfig_h %_pyconfig64_h
%global _pyconfig_h %_pyconfig32_h

mv %buildroot%include_dir/pyconfig.h  %buildroot%include_dir/%_pyconfig_h
cat > %buildroot%include_dir/pyconfig.h << EOF
#include <bits/wordsize.h>

#if __WORDSIZE == 32

#include "%_pyconfig32_h"
#elif __WORDSIZE == 64
#include "%_pyconfig64_h"
#error "Unknown word size"

# Fix for bug 201434: make sure distutils looks at the right pyconfig.h file

# Similar for sysconfig: sysconfig.get_config_h_filename tries to locate
# pyconfig.h so it can be parsed, and needs to do this at runtime in
# when python starts up (bug 653058)
# Split this out so it goes directly to the pyconfig-32.h/pyconfig-64.h
# variants:
sed -i -e "s/'pyconfig.h'/'%_pyconfig_h'/" \
 %buildroot%pylibdir/distutils/ \
%global _pyconfig_h pyconfig.h

# Install to bindir

# See
cp -p Tools/scripts/ %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/

# Remove shebang lines from .py files that aren't executable, and

# remove executability from .py files that don't have a shebang line:
find %buildroot -name \*.py \
 \( \( \! -perm /u+x,g+x,o+x -exec sed -e '/^#!/Q 0' -e 'Q 1' {} \; \
 -print -exec sed -i '1d' {} \; \) -o \( \
 -perm /u+x,g+x,o+x ! -exec grep -m 1 -q '^#!' {} \; \
 -exec chmod a-x {} \; \) \)

# Get rid of DOS batch files:

find %buildroot -name \*.bat -exec rm -v {} \;

# Get rid of backup files:

find %buildroot/ -name "*~" -exec rm -v {} \;
find . -name "*~" -exec rm -v {} \;

# Get rid of crappy code:

rm -v %buildroot%tool_dir/scripts/
rm -v %buildroot%tool_dir/scripts/
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/encodings/{,__pycache__/}rot_13*.py*

# Skip the 2to3 test data (which might contain Python2 code)

%global lib2to3_tests %pylibdir/lib2to3/tests
%add_python3_compile_exclude %lib2to3_tests/data
%add_findreq_skiplist %lib2to3_tests/data/*
%add_findprov_skiplist %lib2to3_tests/data/*
# :
# remove a seemingly unused source file with broken code (a broken import):
rm -v %buildroot%lib2to3_tests/{,__pycache__/}pytree_idempotency*.py*

# :

# rm another seemingly unused source file with a broken import:
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/test_email/{,__pycache__/}torture_test*.py*

# Get rid of win tests

rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/{,__pycache__/}test_winreg*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/{,__pycache__/}test_winsound*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/{,__pycache__/}win_console_handler*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/distutils/tests/{,__pycache__/}test_msvc{9,}compiler*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/test_importlib/{,__pycache__/}test_windows*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/libregrtest/{,__pycache__/}win_utils*.py*
# The libs which are being tested below have been excluded in %%files (long ago):
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/test_asyncio/{,__pycache__/}test_windows_events*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/test_asyncio/{,__pycache__/}test_windows_utils*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/{,__pycache__/}test_winconsoleio*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/test/{,__pycache__/}test_msilib*.py*

# Get rid of bad* tests -- just skip them:

%add_findreq_skiplist %pylibdir/test/bad*.py
%add_findprov_skiplist %pylibdir/test/bad*.py

# Get rid of windows-related stuff

%add_findreq_skiplist %pylibdir/distutils/*msvc*compiler*.py*
%add_findprov_skiplist %pylibdir/distutils/*msvc*compiler*.py*
rm -v %buildroot%tool_dir/scripts/

# Get rid of crap

rm -v -r %buildroot%pylibdir/ctypes/macholib/fetch_macholib
rm -v %buildroot%tool_dir/scripts/
rm -v %buildroot%tool_dir/scripts/

%if_without tk
# Most files from modules-tkinter subpackage
rm -rv %buildroot%pylibdir/idlelib
rm -rv %buildroot%pylibdir/tkinter
rm -v  %buildroot%dynload_dir/
rm -v  %buildroot%pylibdir/
rm -v  %buildroot%pylibdir/test/
rm -rv %buildroot%pylibdir/turtledemo

# Remove sphinxext (temporary)

rm -v -r %buildroot%pylibdir/Doc/tools/{extensions,static,templates}
rm -v %buildroot%pylibdir/Doc/tools/susp-ignored.csv

# Fix end-of-line encodings:

find %buildroot/ -name \*.py -exec sed -i 's/\r//' {} \;

# Fixup permissions for shared libraries from non-standard 555 to standard 755:

find %buildroot \
   -perm 555 -exec chmod 755 {} \;

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%buildroot%_libdir
find %buildroot -type f -a -name "*.py" -a -not -wholename "*/test/*" -a -not -wholename "*/tests/*" -a -not -wholename "*/scripts/*" -print0 | xargs -0 %buildroot%_bindir/%name -c 'import py_compile, sys; [py_compile.compile(f, dfile=f.partition("%buildroot")[2]) for f in sys.argv[1:]]'
find %buildroot -type f -a -name "*.py" -a -not -wholename "*/test/*" -a -not -wholename "*/tests/*" -a -not -wholename "*/scripts/*" -print0 | xargs -0 %buildroot%_bindir/%name -O -c 'import py_compile, sys; [py_compile.compile(f, dfile=f.partition("%buildroot")[2]) for f in sys.argv[1:]]'

sed -i 's,/usr/local/bin/python,/usr/bin/python3,' %buildroot%_libdir/python%pybasever/

# Replace the shell implementation with the more correct .py one

# (BTW, the .py one used to be packaged in python3-3.3):
ln -sfv \
   "$(relative \
   %pylibdir/config-%pybasever%pyabi-%pyarch/ \
   %_bindir/python%pybasever%pyabi-config)" \

%global python_ignored_files site-packages(/.+\.(pth|egg-info(|/PKG-INFO|/entry_points\.txt|/namespace_packages\.txt)))?$
mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d
cat > %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d/%name << EOF
%if "lib" != "%_lib"

mkdir -p %buildroot%_rpmlibdir
cat <<\EOF >%buildroot%_rpmlibdir/%name-base-files.req.list
# %name dirlist for %_rpmlibdir/files.req
%dynload_dir/ %name-base
%tool_dir/ %name-tools
# rpm-build-python3 has a dep on exactly this file with the list
# (for modularity: there used to be a separate package
# with these directories and the corresponding site customization):
cat <<\EOF >%buildroot%_rpmlibdir/%python3_sitebasename-site-packages-files.req.list
%(dirname %python3_sitelibdir) %name-base
%python3_sitelibdir/ %name-base
%if "%_lib" != "lib"
%(dirname %python3_sitelibdir_noarch)/ %name-base
%python3_sitelibdir_noarch/ %name-base

# Remove extra LICENSE file

rm -v %buildroot/%pylibdir/LICENSE.txt

# add idle3 to menu

install -D -m 0644 Lib/idlelib/Icons/idle_16.png %buildroot%_datadir/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/idle3.png
install -D -m 0644 Lib/idlelib/Icons/idle_32.png %buildroot%_datadir/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/idle3.png
install -D -m 0644 Lib/idlelib/Icons/idle_48.png %buildroot%_datadir/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/idle3.png
%if_with desktop_file
desktop-file-install --dir=%buildroot%_datadir/applications %SOURCE10

# We want to have clean bindir

rm -rf %buildroot%_bindir/__pycache__

# Force remove nis on e2k

%ifarch %e2k
rm -f %buildroot%dynload_dir/

# Clean after static build

rm -v %buildroot/%_libdir/libpython%pybasever%pyabi.a

# ALT#32008:
if head -1 %buildroot%_bindir/python3-config | fgrep -q python; then
   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) \
   $(pwd)/python %buildroot%_bindir/python3-config --configdir)"
configdir="$(%buildroot%_bindir/python3-config --configdir)"
[ -d %buildroot"$configdir" ]

# Ensure that the curses module was linked against, rather than

# See
ldd %{buildroot}/%{dynload_dir}/_curses*.so \
| grep curses \
| grep && {echo " linked against"; exit 1 }

# See about locale:

export LANG=C

# Show some info, helpful for debugging test failures

LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)" $(pwd)/python -m test.pythoninfo

# -l (--findleaks) is not compatible with -j

# distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm tests fail when bootstraping the Python
# package: rpmbuild requires /usr/bin/pythonX.Y to be installed
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)" \
$(pwd)/python -m test.regrtest \
%if_with bootstrap
   -x test_distutils \
   -x test_socket -x test_signal \
   -i test_freeze_simple_script \
   -vwW --timeout=1800 %_smp_mflags


%files base
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d/%name

%dir %(dirname %python3_sitelibdir)
%dir %python3_sitelibdir/
%dir %python3_sitelibdir/__pycache__/

%if "%_lib" != "lib"
%dir %(dirname %python3_sitelibdir_noarch)
%dir %python3_sitelibdir_noarch/
%dir %python3_sitelibdir_noarch/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir
%dir %dynload_dir

%if_with gdbm

%dir %pylibdir/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/__phello__/
%dir %pylibdir/__phello__/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/asyncio/
%dir %pylibdir/asyncio/__pycache__/
%exclude %pylibdir/asyncio/
%exclude %pylibdir/asyncio/
%exclude %pylibdir/asyncio/__pycache__/windows_events%bytecode_suffixes
%exclude %pylibdir/asyncio/__pycache__/windows_utils%bytecode_suffixes

%dir %pylibdir/collections/
%dir %pylibdir/collections/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/concurrent/
%dir %pylibdir/concurrent/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/concurrent/futures/
%dir %pylibdir/concurrent/futures/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/ctypes/
%dir %pylibdir/ctypes/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/dbm/
%dir %pylibdir/dbm/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/distutils/
%dir %pylibdir/distutils/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/email/
%dir %pylibdir/email/__pycache__/
%doc %pylibdir/email/architecture.rst


%dir %pylibdir/ensurepip/
%dir %pylibdir/ensurepip/__pycache__/


%dir %pylibdir/importlib/
%dir %pylibdir/importlib/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/importlib/metadata
%dir %pylibdir/importlib/metadata/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/importlib/resources
%dir %pylibdir/importlib/resources/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/json/
%dir %pylibdir/json/__pycache__/

%exclude %lib2to3_tests
%exclude %pylibdir/multiprocessing/
%exclude %pylibdir/multiprocessing/__pycache__/popen_spawn_win32%bytecode_suffixes

%dir %pylibdir/re/
%dir %pylibdir/re/__pycache__/

%dir %pylibdir/tomllib/
%dir %pylibdir/tomllib/__pycache__/

%if_with tk
%exclude %pylibdir/
%exclude %pylibdir/__pycache__/turtle*%bytecode_suffixes

%dir %pylibdir/unittest/
%dir %pylibdir/unittest/__pycache__/


%dir %pylibdir/venv/
%dir %pylibdir/venv/__pycache__/


%dir %pylibdir/zoneinfo/
%dir %pylibdir/zoneinfo/__pycache__/

# "Makefile" and the config-32/64.h file are needed by

# distutils/, so we include them in the core
# package, along with their parent directories (bug 531901):
%dir %pylibdir/config-%pybasever%pyabi-%pyarch/
%dir %include_dir/

%files -n libpython3

%files dev
%exclude %pylibdir/config-%pybasever%pyabi-%pyarch/Makefile
%dir %include_dir/cpython
%dir %include_dir/internal
%exclude %include_dir/%_pyconfig_h
%doc Misc/README.valgrind Misc/valgrind-python.supp Misc/gdbinit

%files tools
%if_with desktop_file

%dir %tool_dir
%exclude %tool_dir/scripts/
%doc %pylibdir/Doc

%files module-gdb_libpython

%if_with tk
%files modules-tkinter
%exclude %pylibdir/idlelib/idle_test
%exclude %pylibdir/tkinter/test
%dir %pylibdir/turtledemo
%dir %pylibdir/turtledemo/__pycache__/

%files modules-sqlite3
%dir %pylibdir/sqlite3/
%dir %pylibdir/sqlite3/__pycache__/

%files modules-curses

%files test
%if_with tk


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009