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ALT Linux repositórios

Group :: Development/Tools
RPM: cube

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%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

%ifarch %e2k ppc64le
%def_disable qtwebengine
%def_enable qtwebengine

Name: cube
Version: 4.5
Release: alt2
License: BSD-3-Clause
Group: Development/Tools
Summary: Performance report explorer for Scalasca and Score-P

Source: cubelib-%version.tar
Source1: cubew-%version.tar
Source2: cubegui-%version.tar

Patch1: cube-fedora-no-version-check.patch
Patch2: cube-alt-linking.patch

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ zlib-devel uncrustify doxygen
BuildRequires: libdbus-devel flex graphviz texlive-base-bin
BuildRequires: chrpath
BuildRequires: qt5-base-devel
%if_enabled qtwebengine
BuildRequires: qt5-webengine-devel

Requires: lib%name = %EVR

Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and
Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional
performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric,
(ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be
represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed
or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. In addition,
Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies.

The Cube 4.x series report explorer and the associated Cube4 data format
is provided for Cube files produced with the Score-P performance
instrumentation and measurement infrastructure or the Scalasca version
2.x trace analyzer (and other compatible tools). However, for backwards
compatibility, Cube 4.x can also read and display Cube 3.x data.

%package -n lib%name
Summary: Shared libraries of Cube
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n lib%name
Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and
Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional
performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric,
(ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be
represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed
or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. In addition,
Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies.

This package contains shared libraries of Cube.

%package -n lib%name-devel
Summary: Development files of Cube
Group: Development/C++
Requires: lib%name = %EVR

%description -n lib%name-devel
Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and
Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional
performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric,
(ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be
represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed
or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. In addition,
Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies.

This package contains development files of Cube.

%package -n lib%{name}gui
Summary: Shared libraries of Cube
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n lib%{name}gui
Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and
Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional
performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric,
(ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be
represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed
or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. In addition,
Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies.

This package contains shared libraries of Cube.

%package -n lib%{name}gui-devel
Summary: Development files of Cube
Group: Development/C++
Requires: lib%{name}gui = %EVR

%description -n lib%{name}gui-devel
Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and
Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional
performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric,
(ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be
represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed
or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. In addition,
Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies.

This package contains development files of Cube.

%package docs
Summary: Documentation for Cube
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

%description docs
Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and
Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional
performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric,
(ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be
represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed
or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. In addition,
Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies.

This package contains documentation for Cube.

%setup -n cubelib-%version -b1 -b2

pushd ../cubegui-%version
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p2

pushd ..
# Fiddle for cubelib not being installed when building cubegui
cat <<END >cubelib-config
case \$1 in
--cppflags|--cflags) printf '%%s\n' -I$(pwd)/cubelib-%version/inst%_includedir/cubelib ;;
--ldflags)  printf '%%s\n' -L$(pwd)/cubelib-%version/inst%_libdir ;;
--libs) printf '%%s\n' '-lcube4 -lz' ;;
--interface-version) printf '%%s\n' 9:0:2 ;;
chmod +x cubelib-config

export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++

%define unhardcode \
 sed -i -e 's/HARDCODE_INTO_LIBS"]="1"/HARDCODE_INTO_LIBS"]="0"/' \\\
        -e "s/hardcode_into_libs='yes'/hardcode_into_libs='no'/"

pushd ../cubew-%version
pushd build-backend
pushd build-frontend
%configure \
--enable-shared \
--disable-static \
--disable-silent-rules \

%unhardcode build-backend/config.status

pushd build-frontend
%configure \
--enable-shared \
--disable-static \
--disable-silent-rules \

%unhardcode build-frontend/config.status

# Collect it for use by cubegui

make install DESTDIR=$(pwd)/inst
# Wrong paths in .la cause trouble
rm inst%_libdir/*.la

pushd ../cubegui-%version
# Kludge: For some reason the Qt dependencies are found as .so paths
# and libtool re-orders them with libcube4gui after what it
# should link against, and linking fails.
export LIBS="$LIBS -lQt5PrintSupport -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Network -lQt5Concurrent -lQt5Core"
%if_enabled qtwebengine
export LIBS="$LIBS -lQt5WebEngineWidgets"

pushd build-frontend
%configure \
--disable-static \
--disable-silent-rules \
--with-platform=linux \
--with-cubelib=$(pwd)/.. \

%unhardcode build-frontend/config.status

%makeinstall_std -C ../cubew-%version
%makeinstall_std -C ../cubegui-%version

chrpath -d -k %buildroot%_bindir/* %buildroot%_libdir/{,cube-plugins/}*.so  || :

# remove unpackaged files

find %buildroot -name '*.la' -delete
find %buildroot -name '*.a' -delete

%exclude %_bindir/cube_server
%exclude %_bindir/cube*-config

%files -n lib%name
%exclude %_libdir/lib%{name}4gui*.so.*
%exclude %_libdir/*

%files -n lib%name-devel
%exclude %_libdir/lib%{name}4gui*.so

%files -n lib%{name}gui

%files -n lib%{name}gui-devel

%files docs


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009