Sisyphus repositório
Última atualização: 1 outubro 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visitas: 37729511
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ALT Linux repositórios
5.0: 4.69-alt1.1.1
4.1: 4.69-alt1.M41.3
4.0: 4.67-alt1
3.0: 4.51-alt1

Group :: Sistema/Servidores
RPM: exim

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs e FR  Repocop 

# Conditional build:
%def_with pgsql # with PostgreSQL support
%def_with mysql # with MySQL support
%def_with ldap # with LDAP support
%def_with heavy # with all features included

%define ftpurl
%define openssldir /var/lib/ssl

Name: exim
Version: 4.69
Release: alt1.M41.3

Summary: Exim MTA
License: GPLv2+
Group: System/Servers

Source0: %ftpurl/exim-%version.tar.bz2

Source7: %ftpurl/config.samples.tar.bz2

Source9: exim.init
Source10: exim.logrotate
Source101: exim.sysconfig
Source11: eximon.desktop
Source12: exim_aliases
Source13: exim.aliases
Source14: exim.cron
Source15: eximclean
Source18: exim.pam
Source19: exim-altdefault.conf
Source21: eximon.conf
Source22: exim-addMakefile.heavy
Source23: exim-addMakefile.ldap
Source24: exim-addMakefile.mysql
Source25: exim-addMakefile.pgsql
Source26: exim-addMakefile.light
Source31: oview.txt
Source33: oview.pdf
Source34: oview.texinfo
Source36: README.ALT

Source38: eximon.png
Source43: smtpauthpwd

Patch1: exim-4.67-buildoptions.patch
Patch2: exim-4.52-syspcre.patch
Patch3: exim-4.34-texinfo.patch

Patch4: exim-4.69-CVE.patch
Patch5: exim-4.69-CVE-2010-4345.patch
Patch6: exim-4.69-CVE-2011-0017.patch
Patch7: exim-4.69-CVE-2010-4344.patch

BuildRequires: libspf2-devel > 1.0.4
BuildRequires: libsrs_alt-devel > 0.5
BuildRequires: libdomainkeys >= 0.67

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Oct 10 2005

# ...and edited:
# - to move non-core dependencies to separate lines
# - to require generic libdb4-devel instead of specific 4.x version
# - to separate build requirements with version
BuildRequires: libdb4-devel libpam-devel libpcre-devel libsqlite3-devel libssl-devel libwrap-devel perl-devel xorg-x11-devel

# needed for all builds except -light

BuildRequires: libwhoson-devel libsasl2-devel

# comment next line if you build --without ldap

BuildRequires: libldap-devel

# comment next line if you build --without mysql

BuildRequires: libMySQL-devel

# comment next line if you build --without pgsql

BuildRequires: postgresql-devel libpq-devel

# comment next line if you build --without heavy

BuildRequires: libldap-devel libMySQL-devel postgresql-devel libpq-devel

# package %name is virtual package. It depends on exim-common and exim-light

Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
Requires: %name-light = %version-%release

Smail like Mail Transfer Agent with single configuration file.
Features: flexible retry algorithms, header & envelope rewriting,
multiple deliveries down single connection or multiple deliveries in
parallel, regular expressions in configuration parameters, file
lookups, supports sender and/or reciever verification, selective
relaying, supports virtual domains, built-in mail filtering and can be
configured to drop root privilleges when possible.
It is virtual package. It requires an exim-common and exim-light

%package common
Summary: Exim MTA
Group: System/Servers

Provides: smtpdaemon, smtpd, MTA, MailTransferAgent
#Requires: exim-mta
#Requires: perl-base libpam0 libwrap libdb4.2 libssl
# libwhoson whoson-server
Requires: exim-control
Requires: sendmail-common
# Required for generation of certificates at install time
Requires(post): openssl

%description common
Smail like Mail Transfer Agent with single configuration file.
Features: flexible retry algorithms, header & envelope rewriting,
multiple deliveries down single connection or multiple deliveries in
parallel, regular expressions in configuration parameters, file
lookups, supports sender and/or reciever verification, selective
relaying, supports virtual domains, built-in mail filtering and can be
configured to drop root privilleges when possible.

%package monitor
Summary: Exim - Exceptional Internet Mailer - X mail monitor
Group: Monitoring
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release

%description monitor
X Window based monitor & administration utility for the Exim Mail
Transfer Agent.

%package light
Summary: Main exim MTA program, compiled with basic libraries
Group: System/Servers
Provides: exim-mta, smtpd, smtpdaemon
Provides: %name-light = %version-%release
Provides: /usr/sbin/exim
Conflicts: exim-mysql, exim-pgsql, exim-heavy, exim-ldap
PreReq: %name-common = %version-%release

%description light
The main exim MTA program, compiled with all basic dbm lookups support,
TLS (SSL) and all the main transports.  This should suit all general
purpose systems, and is the smallest binary.

%package mysql
Summary: Main exim MTA program, compiled with basic libraries + perl + mysql
Group: System/Servers
Provides: exim-mta
Provides: /usr/sbin/exim
Conflicts: exim-light,  exim-pgsql, exim-heavy, exim-ldap
PreReq: %name-common = %version-%release

Requires(post,preun): %__subst

%description mysql
The main exim MTA program, compiled with all basic dbm lookups support,
TLS (SSL) and all the main transports, plus embedded perl support
and mysql db lookup support.

%package pgsql
Summary: Main exim MTA program, compiled with basic libraries + perl + pgsql
Group: System/Servers
Provides: exim-mta
Provides: /usr/sbin/exim
Conflicts: exim-light, exim-mysql, exim-heavy, exim-ldap
PreReq: %name-common = %version-%release

%description pgsql
The main exim MTA program, compiled with all basic dbm lookups support,
TLS (SSL), LDAP and all the main transports, plus embedded perl support
and postgresql lookups.

%package heavy
Summary: Main exim MTA program, compiled with basic libraries + perl + pgsql + MySQL
Group: System/Servers
Provides: exim-mta, smtpd, smtpdaemon
Provides: %name-heavy = %version-%release
Provides: /usr/sbin/exim
Conflicts: exim-light, exim-pgsql, exim-mysql, exim-ldap
PreReq: %name-common = %version-%release

%description heavy
The main exim MTA program, compiled with all basic dbm lookups support,
TLS (SSL), LDAP and all the main transports, plus embedded perl support
and postgresql and MySQL lookups.

%package ldap
Summary: Main exim MTA program, compiled with basic libraries + perl + ldap
Group: System/Servers
Provides: exim-mta
Provides: /usr/sbin/exim
Conflicts: exim-light, exim-mysql, exim-heavy, exim-pgsql
PreReq: %name-common = %version-%release

%description ldap
The main exim MTA program, compiled with all basic dbm lookups support,
TLS (SSL), LDAP and all the main transports, plus embedded perl support.

%package utils
Summary: Misc utils for debugging exim
Group: System/Servers
Requires: exim-mta

%description utils
Misc utils for debugging exim.

%setup -n exim-%version


install -d Local

%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
# temporarily suspended
#patch3 -p1

#CVE-2010-2023 CVE-2010-2024

%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p2
%patch7 -p1

install %SOURCE21 Local/eximon.conf

# we build several versions here...
mkdir -p bins
%if_with ldap
versions="ldap $versions"
%if_with mysql
versions="mysql $versions"
%if_with pgsql
versions="pgsql $versions"
%if_with heavy
versions="heavy $versions"

%define compiledir build-`scripts/os-type`-`scripts/arch-type`

for version in $versions
cat src/EDITME %_sourcedir/exim-addMakefile.$version >Local/Makefile
echo "EXPERIMENTAL_DOMAINKEYS=yes" >>Local/Makefile
echo "LDFLAGS += -ldomainkeys" >>Local/Makefile
cp %compiledir/exim bins/exim-$version

install -d %buildroot{%_bindir,%_sbindir,%_man8dir,%_libdir} \

install bins/exim* %buildroot/usr/sbin

install %compiledir/exim_{fixdb,tidydb,dbmbuild,dumpdb,lock} \
%compiledir/exi{cyclog,next,what} %SOURCE12 %SOURCE15 \
util/{,,} \
%compiledir/{exigrep,exim_checkaccess,eximstats,exipick,exiqsumm,exiqgrep} \
install %compiledir/eximon.bin %buildroot%_bindir
install %compiledir/eximon %buildroot%_bindir

install -pD -m755 %_sourcedir/exim.cron %buildroot/etc/cron.daily/exim
install -pD -m755 %_sourcedir/exim.init %buildroot/etc/rc.d/init.d/exim
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/exim.sysconfig %buildroot/etc/sysconfig/exim
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/exim.logrotate %buildroot/etc/logrotate.d/exim
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/exim.pam %buildroot/etc/pam.d/exim
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/exim-altdefault.conf %buildroot/etc/exim/exim.conf
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/smtpauthpwd %buildroot/etc/exim/smtpauthpwd
install -pD -m644 doc/exim.8 %buildroot%_man8dir/exim.8

#install %{SOURCE13} %buildroot%{_sysconfdir}/exim/aliases

#ln -sf %{_bindir}/exim %buildroot%{_sbindir}/exim

ln -sf %_sbindir/exim %buildroot%_sbindir/sendmail
#ln -sf %{_sbindir}/exim %buildroot%{_libdir}/sendmail
ln -sf %_sbindir/exim %buildroot%_sbindir/mailq
ln -sf %_sbindir/exim %buildroot%_sbindir/rsmtp
ln -sf %_sbindir/exim %buildroot%_sbindir/rmail
ln -sf %_sbindir/exim %buildroot%_sbindir/runq

install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/eximon.desktop %buildroot%_desktopdir/eximon.desktop
install -pD -m644 %_sourcedir/eximon.png %buildroot%_liconsdir/eximon.png

touch %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name/aliases
ln -sf  %_sysconfdir/%name/aliases %buildroot%_sysconfdir/aliases

pod2man --center=EXIM --section=8 \
%buildroot%_bindir/eximstats \
pod2man --center=EXIM --section=8 \
%buildroot%_bindir/exipick \

# generate ghost .pem files

mkdir -p %buildroot%openssldir/{certs,private}
touch %buildroot%openssldir/{certs,private}/exim.pem
chmod 600 %buildroot%openssldir/{certs,private}/exim.pem

%post common
#post_service exim
ALIASES=%_sysconfdir/%name/aliases /usr/share/sendmail-common/rebuild_aliases
chown -R mail:mail /var/spool/exim/{db,input,msglog} /var/log/exim

if [ ! -f %openssldir/certs/exim.pem ] ; then
 umask 077
 if [ "x${FQDN}" = "x" ]; then
 cat << EOF | openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out %openssldir/certs/exim.pem -keyout %openssldir/private/exim.pem 2>/dev/null
root at ${FQDN}
chown mail.mail %openssldir/{private,certs}/exim.pem
chmod 600 %openssldir/{private,certs}/exim.pem

%preun common
%preun_service exim

%post monitor

%postun monitor

%post light
ln -sf /usr/sbin/exim-light /usr/sbin/exim
%post_service exim

%preun light
%preun_service exim

%if_with mysql
%post mysql
ln -sf /usr/sbin/exim-mysql /usr/sbin/exim
%post_service exim

%preun mysql
%preun_service exim

%if_with pgsql
%post pgsql
ln -sf /usr/sbin/exim-pgsql /usr/sbin/exim
%post_service exim

%preun pgsql
%preun_service exim

%if_with heavy
%post heavy
ln -sf /usr/sbin/exim-heavy /usr/sbin/exim
%post_service exim

%preun heavy
%preun_service exim

%if_with ldap
%post ldap
ln -sf /usr/sbin/exim-ldap /usr/sbin/exim
%post_service exim

%preun ldap
%preun_service exim


%files common
%doc doc/{README.SIEVE,ChangeLog,NewStuff,dbm.discuss.txt,filter.txt,oview.txt,spec.txt}
%doc doc/experimental-spec.txt
%doc doc/{OptionLists.txt,config.samples.tar.bz2,pcre*.txt}
#%doc util/

%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/exim/exim.conf
%attr(400,mail,mail) %config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/exim/smtpauthpwd
%ghost %attr( 644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/exim/aliases
%config(noreplace) /etc/sysconfig/exim
%config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/exim
%config %_initdir/exim
%config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/exim
%config /etc/cron.daily/exim
%attr(0600,root,root) %ghost %config(missingok,noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %openssldir/certs/exim.pem
%attr(0600,root,root) %ghost %config(missingok,noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %openssldir/private/exim.pem
#%attr(4755,exim,exim) %{_bindir}/exim

#%attr( 755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/exim

%attr(770,root,mail) %dir %_var/spool/exim
%attr(750,mail,mail) %dir %_var/spool/exim/db
%attr(700,mail,mail) %dir %_var/spool/exim/input
%attr(750,mail,mail) %dir %_var/spool/exim/msglog
%attr(750,mail,mail) %dir %_var/log/exim

%files monitor

%files light
#%ghost /usr/sbin/exim

%if_with mysql
%files mysql
#%ghost /usr/sbin/exim

%if_with pgsql
%files pgsql
#%ghost /usr/sbin/exim

%if_with ldap
%files ldap
#%ghost /usr/sbin/exim

%if_with heavy
%files heavy
#%ghost /usr/sbin/exim

%files utils


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009