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Group :: Edição
RPM: xmbdfed

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Name: xmbdfed
Version: 4.7
Release: alt1

%define prefix /usr/X11R6

Summary: XmBDFEditor is a Motif-based BDF font editor
License: MIT
Group: Publishing
Packager: Sergey Vlasov <vsu at>


Patch100: %name-4.7patch1-debian-3.patch
Patch101: %name-4.7-alt-makefile.patch

BuildPreReq: openmotif-devel >= 2.1.30

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sun Jun 12 2005

BuildRequires: freetype2-devel openmotif-devel xorg-x11-devel zlib-devel

XmBDFEditor is a Motif-based BDF font editor with the following features:

 o  Multiple fonts can be loaded from the command line.
 o  Multiple fonts can be open at the same time.
 o  Cutting and pasting glyphs between fonts.
 o  Multiple glyph bitmap editors can be open at the same time.
 o  Cutting and pasting between glyph bitmap editors.
 o  Export of XBM files from glyph bitmap editors.
 o  Automatic correction of certain metrics when a font is loaded.
 o  Generation of XLFD font names for fonts without XLFD names.
 o  Update an XLFD font name from the font properties.
 o  Update the font properties from an XLFD font name.
 o  Font property editor.
 o  Font comment editor.
 o  Supports unencoded glyphs (ENCODING of -1).
 o  Display of glyph encodings in octal, decimal, or hex.
 o  Builtin on-line help.
 o  Imports PK/GF fonts.
 o  Imports HBF (Han Bitmap Font) fonts.
 o  Imports Linux console fonts (PSF, CP, and FNT).
 o  Imports Sun console fonts (vfont format).
 o  Imports fonts from the X server.
 o  Imports Windows FON/FNT fonts.
 o  Imports TrueType fonts and collections.
 o  Exports PSF fonts.
 o  Exports HEX fonts.
 o  Edits two and four bits per pixel gray scale fonts.

%setup -q
%patch1 -p0
%patch100 -p1
%patch101 -p1

%make_build CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"

%__mkdir_p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%_x11bindir,%_x11mandir/man1}
%__install -pD -m755 %name $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_x11bindir/%name
%__install -pD -m644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_x11mandir/man1/%name.1
%__install -pD -m644 %SOURCE1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_menudir/%name





Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009