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Group :: Sistema/Kernel e hardware
RPM: e2fsprogs

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Name: e2fsprogs
Version: 1.37
Release: alt2

Summary: The filesystem utilities for the ext2/ext3 filesystems
License: GPL
Group: System/Kernel and hardware


Patch1: %name-1.37-owl-fixes.patch
Patch2: %name-1.37-owl-tests.patch
Patch3: %name-1.37-owl-blkid-env.patch
Patch4: %name-1.37-alt-texinfo.patch
Patch5: %name-1.37-alt-ostype.patch
Patch6: %name-1.37-alt-e2fsck-preen.patch

Requires: libe2fs = %version-%release

BuildPreReq: coreutils

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Sep 09 2002

BuildRequires: glibc-devel-static

%package -n libe2fs
Summary: Dynamic ext2/ext3 libraries
Group: System/Libraries
Conflicts: %name < %version-%release

%package -n libe2fs-devel
Summary: Development ext2/ext3 libraries and include files
Group: Development/C
Provides: %name-devel = %version
Obsoletes: %name-devel
Requires: libe2fs = %version-%release

%package -n libe2fs-devel-static
Summary: Static ext2/ext3 libraries
Group: Development/C
Requires: libe2fs-devel = %version-%release
Conflicts: %name-devel < %version

The %name package contains a number of utilities for creating, checking, modifying
and correcting any inconsistencies in second extended (ext2) filesystems.
E2fsprogs contains:
+ e2fsck (used to repair filesystem inconsistencies after an unclean shutdown),
+ mke2fs (used to initialize a partition to contain an empty ext2 filesystem),
+ debugfs (used to examine the internal structure of a filesystem, to manually
 repair a corrupted filesystem or to create test cases for e2fsck),
+ tune2fs (used to modify filesystem parameters),
+ and most of the other core ext2fs filesystem utilities.

You should install the %name package if you are using any ext2/ext3 filesystems.

%description -n libe2fs
This package contains the shared libraries required by
second extended (ext2) filesystem-specific programs.

%description -n libe2fs-devel
This package contains the libraries and header files needed to
develop second extended (ext2) filesystem-specific programs.

You should install this package if you want to develop ext2/ext3
filesystem-specific programs.  You'll also have to install
libe2fs package.

%description -n libe2fs-devel-static
This package contains the static libraries needed to develop statically
linked second extended (ext2) filesystem-specific programs.

You should install this package if you want to develop statically linked
ext2/ext3 filesystem-specific programs.  You'll also have to install
libe2fs-devel package.

%setup -q
chmod -R u+w .
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
find -type f \( -name \*.orig -o -name .cvsignore \) -delete -print
find -type f -print0 |
xargs -r0 %__grep -lZ '^static void usage' -- |
xargs -r0 %__subst 's/^\(static void usage\)/__attribute__ ((noreturn)) \1/' --

export acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld=yes
%configure \
--sbindir=/sbin \
--enable-nls \
--enable-elf-shlibs \
--enable-dynamic-e2fsck \

# SMP-incompatible build.

make all
%{?!__buildreqs:%{?!_without_check:%{?!_disable_check:make -k check}}}

for f in `find -type f -name '*.[1-9].in'`; do
touch -r "$f" "${}"

%__mkdir_p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{/%_lib,%_includedir/e2p}

%make_install install install-libs \
DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" root_prefix=""

%__mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_libdir/e2initrd_helper $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/

# Relocate shared libraries from %_libdir/ to /%_lib/.

for f in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_libdir/*.so; do
v="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$(readlink -n "$f")"
t=`objdump -p "$v" |awk '/SONAME/ {print $2}'`
[ -n "$t" ]
%__ln_s -nf ../../%_lib/"$t" "$f"
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_libdir/*.so.* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_lib/

%__subst 's,^ET_DIR=.*$,ET_DIR=%_datadir/et,' .%_bindir/compile_et
%__subst 's,<com_err.h>,<et/com_err.h>,' .%_man3dir/com_err.3

# Get rid of duplicate files.

%__ln_s -nf e2fsck $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/fsck.ext2
%__ln_s -nf mke2fs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/mkfs.ext2
%__ln_s -nf e2fsck.8 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_man8dir/fsck.ext2.8
%__ln_s -nf mke2fs.8 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_man8dir/mkfs.ext2.8

%__ln_s -nf e2fsck $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/fsck.ext3
%__ln_s -nf mke2fs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/mkfs.ext3
%__ln_s -nf e2fsck.8 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_man8dir/fsck.ext3.8
%__ln_s -nf mke2fs.8 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_man8dir/mkfs.ext3.8

# Prepare docs.

find -type f -name ChangeLog -mindepth 2 |
sed -e 's,^./,,g' |
while read f; do
%__install -p -m644 "$f" "ChangeLog.$d"
%__bzip2 -9 "ChangeLog.$d"
%__bzip2 -9 ChangeLog COPYING RELEASE-NOTES ||:
%__mkdir_p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%name-%version
%__install -pm644 COPYING* RE* SHLIBS ChangeLog* \

%__chmod -R a+rX,go-w $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_mandir

%find_lang %name

%post -n libe2fs -p %post_ldconfig
%postun -n libe2fs -p %postun_ldconfig

%post -n libe2fs-devel

%preun -n libe2fs-devel

%files -f %name.lang
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version

%files -n libe2fs
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version

%files -n libe2fs-devel
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version

%files -n libe2fs-devel-static


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009