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Última atualização: 1 outubro 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visitas: 37851695
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ALT Linux repositórios
5.0: 1.0.7-alt2
4.1: 1.0.5-alt1
4.0: 1.0.2-alt3.3M40.1
3.0: 0.6.14-alt1.3

Group :: Vídeo
RPM: transcode

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs e FR  Repocop 

%def_enable a52
%def_enable ffbin
%def_disable gtk
%def_enable imagemagick
%def_enable libdv
%def_enable libdvdread
%def_enable libfame
%def_enable libjpeg
%def_enable libquicktime
%def_enable libxml2
%def_enable lzo
%def_enable mjpegtools
%def_enable mmx
%def_enable netstream
%def_enable ogg
%def_enable sdl
%def_enable theora
%def_enable v4l
%def_enable vorbis
%def_disable avifile
%def_disable ibp
%def_disable liblve
%def_disable libmpeg3
%def_disable pvm3
%def_disable xio

Name: transcode
Version: 1.0.2
Release: alt2.M30.2

Summary: A linux video stream processing utility

License: GPL
Group: Video

Packager: L.A. Kostis <lakostis at>

Source1: subtitleripper-0.3-4.tgz
Source2: export_dvraw.c
Patch: %name-subtitleripper.patch
Patch1: filter_compare-fixes-try2.patch
Patch2: filter_logo-hangup-try1.patch
Patch3: filter-fix-try2.patch
Patch4: tccat-CVS-iodir-backport-try1.patch

# ALTLinux patches

Patch99: subtitleripper-0.3-4-alt-makefile.patch

%define ffmpeg_ver 0.4.9
%define avifile_ver 0.737
%define xvid_ver 0.9.2
%define exif_ver 0.5.12

Requires: libffmpeg >= %ffmpeg_ver
#Requires: libavifile >= %avifile_ver
Requires: xvid >= %xvid_ver
Requires: libexif >= %exif_ver

BuildPreReq: ffmpeg-devel >= %ffmpeg_ver
#BuildPreReq: libavifile-devel >= %avifile_ver
BuildPreReq: xvid-devel >= %xvid_ver
BuildPreReq: libexif-devel >= %exif_ver

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sun Dec 18 2005

BuildRequires: esound freetype2 gcc-c++ libImageMagick-devel libSDL-devel liba52-devel libdv-devel libdvdread-devel libfame-devel libjpeg-devel liblame-devel liblzo-devel libmjpegtools-devel libmpeg2-devel libnetpbm-devel libogg-devel libpng-devel libquicktime-devel libstdc++-devel libtheora-devel libvorbis-devel libxml2-devel pkg-config zlib-devel

transcode  is a linux text-console utility for video stream

Decoding and encoding is done by loading modules that are
responsible for feeding transcode with raw video/audio streams (import
modules) and encoding the frames (export modules).

It supports elementary video and audio frame transformations, including
de-interlacing or fast resizing of video frames and loading of external

A number of modules are included to enable import of DVDs
on-the-fly, MPEG elementary (ES) or program streams (VOB), MPEG video,
Digital Video (DV), YUV4MPEG streams, NuppelVideo file format and raw or
compressed (pass-through) video frames and export modules for writing
DivX;-), OpenDivX, DivX 4.xx or uncompressed AVI files with MPEG, AC3
(pass-through) or PCM audio. Additional export modules to write single
frames (PPM) or YUV4MPEG streams are available, as well as an interface
import module to the avifile library. It's modular concept is intended
to provide flexibility and easy user extensibility to include other
video/audio codecs or filetypes.

A set of tools is included to demux (tcdemux), extract (tcextract) and
decode (tcdecode) the sources into raw video/audio streams for import,
probing (tcprobe) and scanning (tcscan) your sources and to enable
post-processing of AVI files, fixing AVI file header information
(avifix), merging multiple files (avimerge) or splitting large AVI files
(avisplit) to fit on a CD.

%package -n subtitleripper
Summary: DVD subtitles ripper/converter
Group: Video
Requires: %name

%description -n subtitleripper
This package contains tools to extract DVD subtitles from a
subtitle stream and converts it to pgm or ppm images or into VobSub

%setup -q
%__tar zxf %SOURCE1 -C contrib/subrip/
%__subst 's,\-lppm,-lnetpbm,' contrib/subrip/subtitleripper/Makefile
%patch -p0
%patch1 -p0
%patch2 -p0
%patch3 -p0
%patch4 -p0
%patch99 -p1
%__install -m644 %SOURCE2 export/

%set_verify_elf_method textrel=relaxed
#autoreconf -fisv
# --with-libquicktime-includes=%_includedir/lqt \
#%__subst "s|quicktime/lqt.h|lqt/lqt.h|g" configure
#find -name "*.c" | xargs %__subst "s|<quicktime/|<lqt/|g"
%configure \
%{subst_enable mmx} \
%{subst_enable a52} \
%{subst_enable avifile} \
%{subst_enable ffbin} \
%{subst_enable gtk} \
%{subst_enable ibp} \
%{subst_enable imagemagick} \
%{subst_enable libdv} \
%{subst_enable libdvdread} \
%{subst_enable libfame} \
%{subst_enable libjpeg} \
%{subst_enable liblve} \
%{subst_enable libmpeg3} \
%{subst_enable libquicktime} \
%{subst_enable libxml2} \
%{subst_enable lzo} \
%{subst_enable mjpegtools} \
%{subst_enable netstream} \
%{subst_enable ogg} \
%{subst_enable pvm3} \
%{subst_enable sdl} \
%{subst_enable theora} \
%{subst_enable v4l} \
%{subst_enable vorbis}

# SMP-incompatible build


pushd contrib/subrip/subtitleripper
%make "CC=%__cc $RPM_OPT_FLAGS"

pushd contrib/subrip/subtitleripper
%__install -m755 \
srttool \
subtitle2pgm \
subtitle2vobsub \
pgm2txt %buildroot/%_bindir/

# remove non-packaged files

%__rm -f %buildroot%_libdir/%name/*.la
%__rm -rf %buildroot%_docdir/%name

%dir %_libdir/%name
%doc docs/README* docs/OPTIMIZERS
%doc docs/*.txt docs/html

%files -n subtitleripper
%doc contrib/subrip/subtitleripper/{README*,ChangeLog}


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009