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Group :: File tools
RPM: hardlinkpy

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# hardlink - Goes through a directory structure and creates hardlinks for
# files which are identical.
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2007 John L. Villalovos, Hillsboro, Oregon
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# John Villalovos
# email:
# Inspiration for this program came from the hardlink.c code. I liked what it
# did but did not like the code itself, to me it was very unmaintainable. So I
# rewrote in C++ and then I rewrote it in python. In reality this code is
# nothing like the original hardlink.c, since I do things quite differently.
# Even though this code is written in python the performance of the python
# version is much faster than the hardlink.c code, in my limited testing. This
# is mainly due to use of different algorithms.
# Original inspirational hardlink.c code was written by: Jakub Jelinek
# <>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Thinking it might make sense to walk the entire tree first and collect
# up all the file information before starting to do comparisons. Thought
# here is we could find all the files which are hardlinked to each other
# and then do a comparison. If they are identical then hardlink
# everything at once.

import getopt
import os
import re
import stat
import sys
import time

from optparse import OptionParser

# Hash functions
# Create a hash from a file's size and time values
def hash_size_time(size, time):
return (size ^ time) & (MAX_HASHES - 1);

def hash_size(size):
return (size) & (MAX_HASHES - 1);

def hash_value(size, time, notimestamp):
if notimestamp:
return hash_size(size)
return hash_size_time(size,time)

# If two files have the same inode and are on the same device then they are
# already hardlinked.
def isAlreadyHardlinked(
st1, # first file's status
st2 ): # second file's status
result = (
(st1[stat.ST_INO] == st2[stat.ST_INO]) and # Inodes equal
(st1[stat.ST_DEV] == st2[stat.ST_DEV]) # Devices equal
return result

# if a file is eligibile for hardlinking. Files will only be considered for
# hardlinking if this function returns true.
def eligibleForHardlink(
st1, # first file's status
st2, # second file's status

result = (
# Must meet the following
# criteria:
(not isAlreadyHardlinked(st1, st2)) and # NOT already hard linked
(st1[stat.ST_SIZE] == st2[stat.ST_SIZE]) and # size is the same
(st1[stat.ST_SIZE] != 0 ) and # size is not zero
(st1[stat.ST_MODE] == st2[stat.ST_MODE]) and # file mode is the same
(st1[stat.ST_UID] == st2[stat.ST_UID]) and # owner user id is the same
(st1[stat.ST_GID] == st2[stat.ST_GID]) and # owner group id is the same
((st1[stat.ST_MTIME] == st2[stat.ST_MTIME]) or # modified time is the same
(options.notimestamp)) and # OR date hashing is off
(st1[stat.ST_DEV] == st2[stat.ST_DEV]) # device is the same
if None:
# if not result:
print "\n***\n", st1
print st2
print "Already hardlinked: %s" % (not isAlreadyHardlinked(st1, st2))
print "Modes:", st1[stat.ST_MODE], st2[stat.ST_MODE]
print "UIDs:", st1[stat.ST_UID], st2[stat.ST_UID]
print "GIDs:", st1[stat.ST_GID], st2[stat.ST_GID]
print "SIZE:", st1[stat.ST_SIZE], st2[stat.ST_SIZE]
print "MTIME:", st1[stat.ST_MTIME], st2[stat.ST_MTIME]
print "Ignore date:", options.notimestamp
print "Device:", st1[stat.ST_DEV], st2[stat.ST_DEV]
return result

def areFileContentsEqual(filename1, filename2, options):
"""Determine if the contents of two files are equal.
**!! This function assumes that the file sizes of the two files are
# Open our two files
file1 = open(filename1,'rb')
file2 = open(filename2,'rb')
# Make sure open succeeded
if not (file1 and file2):
print "Error opening file in areFileContentsEqual"
print "Was attempting to open:"
print "file1: %s" % filename1
print "file2: %s" % filename2
result = False
if options.verbose >= 1:
print "Comparing: %s" % filename1
print " to : %s" % filename2
buffer_size = 1024*1024
while 1:
buffer1 =
buffer2 =
if buffer1 != buffer2:
result = False
if not buffer1:
result = True
return result

# Determines if two files should be hard linked together.
def areFilesHardlinkable(file_info_1, file_info_2, options):
filename1 = file_info_1[0]
stat_info_1 = file_info_1[1]
filename2 = file_info_2[0]
stat_info_2 = file_info_2[1]
# See if the files are eligible for hardlinking
if eligibleForHardlink(stat_info_1, stat_info_2, options):
# Now see if the contents of the file are the same. If they are then
# these two files should be hardlinked.
if not options.samename:
# By default we don't care if the filenames are equal
result = areFileContentsEqual(filename1, filename2, options)
# Make sure the filenames are the same, if so then compare content
basename1 = os.path.basename(filename1)
basename2 = os.path.basename(filename2)
if basename1 == basename2:
result = areFileContentsEqual(filename1, filename2, options)
result = False
result = False
return result

# Hardlink two files together
def hardlinkfiles(sourcefile, destfile, stat_info, options):
# rename the destination file to save it
temp_name = destfile + ".$$$___cleanit___$$$"
if not options.dryrun:
os.rename(destfile, temp_name)
except OSError, error:
print "Failed to rename: %s to %s" % (destfile, temp_name)
print error
result = False
# Now link the sourcefile to the destination file
if not options.dryrun:, destfile)
print "Failed to hardlink: %s to %s" % (sourcefile, destfile)
# Try to recover
os.rename(temp_name, destfile)
print "BAD BAD - failed to rename back %s to %s" (temp_name, destfile)
result = False
# hard link succeeded
# Delete the renamed version since we don't need it.
if not options.dryrun:
os.unlink ( temp_name)
# update our stats
gStats.didHardlink(sourcefile, destfile, stat_info)
if options.verbose >= 1:
if options.dryrun:
print "Did NOT link. Dry run"
size = stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE]
print "Linked: %s" % sourcefile
print" to: %s, saved %s" % (destfile, size)
result = True
return result

def hardlink_identical_files(directories, filename, options):
The purpose of this function is to hardlink files together if the files are
the same. To be considered the same they must be equal in the following
* file mode
* owner user id
* owner group id
* file size
* modified time (optional)
* file contents

Also, files will only be hardlinked if they are on the same device. This
is because hardlink does not allow you to hardlink across file systems.

The basic idea on how this is done is as follows:

Walk the directory tree building up a list of the files.

For each file, generate a simple hash based on the size and modified time.

For any other files which share this hash make sure that they are not
identical to this file. If they are identical then hardlink the files.

Add the file info to the list of files that have the same hash value."""

for exclude in options.excludes:
if, filename):
stat_info = os.stat(filename)
except OSError:
# Python 1.5.2 doesn't handle 2GB+ files well :(
print "Unable to get stat info for: %s" % filename
print "If running Python 1.5 this could be because the file is greater than 2 Gibibytes"
if not stat_info:
# We didn't get the file status info :(

# Is it a directory?
if stat.S_ISDIR(stat_info[stat.ST_MODE]):
# If it is a directory then add it to the list of directories.
# Is it a regular file?
elif stat.S_ISREG(stat_info[stat.ST_MODE]):
# Create the hash for the file.
file_hash = hash_value(stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE], stat_info[stat.ST_MTIME],
# Bump statistics count of regular files found.
if options.verbose >= 2:
print "File: %s" % filename
work_file_info = (filename, stat_info)
if file_hashes.has_key(file_hash):
# We have file(s) that have the same hash as our current file.
# Let's go through the list of files with the same hash and see if
# we are already hardlinked to any of them.
for (temp_filename,temp_stat_info) in file_hashes[file_hash]:
if isAlreadyHardlinked(stat_info,temp_stat_info):
# We did not find this file as hardlinked to any other file
# yet. So now lets see if our file should be hardlinked to any
# of the other files with the same hash.
for (temp_filename,temp_stat_info) in file_hashes[file_hash]:
if areFilesHardlinkable(work_file_info, (temp_filename, temp_stat_info),
hardlinkfiles(temp_filename, filename, temp_stat_info, options)
# The file should NOT be hardlinked to any of the other
# files with the same hash. So we will add it to the list
# of files.
# There weren't any other files with the same hash value so we will
# create a new entry and store our file.
file_hashes[file_hash] = [work_file_info]

class cStatistics:
def __init__(self):
self.dircount = 0L # how many directories we find
self.regularfiles = 0L # how many regular files we find
self.comparisons = 0L # how many file content comparisons
self.hardlinked_thisrun = 0L # hardlinks done this run
self.hardlinked_previously = 0L; # hardlinks that are already existing
self.bytes_saved_thisrun = 0L # bytes saved by hardlinking this run
self.bytes_saved_previously = 0L # bytes saved by previous hardlinks
self.hardlinkstats = [] # list of files hardlinked this run
self.starttime = time.time() # track how long it takes
self.previouslyhardlinked = {} # list of files hardlinked previously

def foundDirectory(self):
self.dircount = self.dircount + 1
def foundRegularFile(self):
self.regularfiles = self.regularfiles + 1
def didComparison(self):
self.comparisons = self.comparisons + 1
def foundHardlink(self,sourcefile, destfile, stat_info):
filesize = stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE]
self.hardlinked_previously = self.hardlinked_previously + 1
self.bytes_saved_previously = self.bytes_saved_previously + filesize
if not self.previouslyhardlinked.has_key(sourcefile):
self.previouslyhardlinked[sourcefile] = (stat_info,[destfile])
def didHardlink(self,sourcefile,destfile,stat_info):
filesize = stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE]
self.hardlinked_thisrun = self.hardlinked_thisrun + 1
self.bytes_saved_thisrun = self.bytes_saved_thisrun + filesize
self.hardlinkstats.append((sourcefile, destfile))
def printStats(self, options):
print "\n"
print "Hard linking Statistics:"
# Print out the stats for the files we hardlinked, if any
if self.previouslyhardlinked and options.printprevious:
keys = self.previouslyhardlinked.keys()
print "Files Previously Hardlinked:"
for key in keys:
stat_info, file_list = self.previouslyhardlinked[key]
size = stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE]
print "Hardlinked together: %s" % key
for filename in file_list:
print " : %s" % filename
print "Size per file: %s Total saved: %s" % (size,
size * len(file_list))
if self.hardlinkstats:
if options.dryrun:
print "Statistics reflect what would have happened if not a dry run"
print "Files Hardlinked this run:"
for (source,dest) in self.hardlinkstats:
print"Hardlinked: %s" % source
print" to: %s" % dest
print "Directories : %s" % self.dircount
print "Regular files : %s" % self.regularfiles
print "Comparisons : %s" % self.comparisons
print "Hardlinked this run : %s" % self.hardlinked_thisrun
print "Total hardlinks : %s" % (self.hardlinked_previously + self.hardlinked_thisrun)
print "Bytes saved this run : %s (%s)" % (self.bytes_saved_thisrun, humanize_number(self.bytes_saved_thisrun))
totalbytes = self.bytes_saved_thisrun + self.bytes_saved_previously;
print "Total bytes saved : %s (%s)" % (totalbytes, humanize_number(totalbytes))
print "Total run time : %s seconds" % (time.time() - self.starttime)

def humanize_number( number ):
if number > 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
return ("%.3f gibibytes" % (number / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024)))
if number > 1024 * 1024:
return ("%.3f mibibytes" % (number / (1024.0 * 1024)))
if number > 1024:
return ("%.3f kibibytes" % (number / 1024.0))
return ("%d bytes" % number)

def printversion(self):
print ", Version %s" % VERSION
print "Copyright (C) 2003 - 2006 John L. Villalovos."
print "email:"
print "web:"
print """
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

def parseCommandLine():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] directory [ directory ... ]"
version = "%prog: " + VERSION
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
parser.add_option("-f", "--filenames-equal", help="Filenames have to be identical",
action="store_true", dest="samename", default=False,)

parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", help="Do NOT actually hardlink files",
action="store_true", dest="dryrun", default=False,)

parser.add_option("-p", "--print-previous", help="Print previously created hardlinks",
action="store_true", dest="printprevious", default=False,)

parser.add_option("-q", "--no-stats", help="Do not print the statistics",
action="store_false", dest="printstats", default=True,)

parser.add_option("-t", "--timestamp-ignore",
help="File modification times do NOT have to be identical",
action="store_true", dest="notimestamp", default=False,)

parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
help="Verbosity level (default: %default)", metavar="LEVEL",
action="store", dest="verbose", default=1,)

parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude",
help="Regular expression used to exclude files/dirs (may specify multiple times)", metavar="REGEX",
action="append", dest="excludes", default=[],)

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not args:
print "Error: Must supply one or more directories"
args = [os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dirname)) for dirname in args]
for dirname in args:
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
print "Error: %s is NOT a directory" % dirname
return options, args

# Start of global declarations
debug = None
debug1 = None

MAX_HASHES = 128 * 1024

gStats = cStatistics()

file_hashes = {}

VERSION = "0.04 - 2007-11-14 (14-Nov-2007)"

def main():
# Parse our argument list and get our list of directories
options, directories = parseCommandLine()
# Compile up our regexes ahead of time
MIRROR_PL_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\.in\.')
RSYNC_TEMP_REGEX = re.compile((r'^\..*\.\?{6,6}$'))
# Now go through all the directories that have been added.
# NOTE: hardlink_identical_files() will add more directories to the
# directories list as it finds them.
while directories:
# Get the last directory in the list
directory = directories[-1] + '/'
del directories[-1]
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
print "%s is NOT a directory!" % directory
# Loop through all the files in the directory
dir_entries = os.listdir(directory)
except OSError:
print "Error: Unable to do an os.listdir on: %s Skipping..." % directory
for entry in dir_entries:
pathname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory,entry))
# Look at files/dirs beginning with "."
if entry[0] == ".":
# Ignore any files. These are the files that
# start with ".in."
if MIRROR_PL_REGEX.match(entry):
# Ignore any RSYNC files. These are files that have the
# format .FILENAME.??????
if RSYNC_TEMP_REGEX.match(entry):
if os.path.islink(pathname):
if debug1: print "%s: is a symbolic link, ignoring" % pathname
if debug1 and os.path.isdir(pathname):
print "%s is a directory!" % pathname
hardlink_identical_files(directories, pathname, options)
if options.printstats:

if __name__ == '__main__':
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin