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Group :: Desenvolvimento/Perl
RPM: perl-Parse-Template

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ParseTemplate-3.08/000075500000000000000000000000001202355537000142125ustar00rootroot00000000000000ParseTemplate-3.08/Changes000064400000000000000000000040031202355537000155020ustar00rootroot000000000000003.08	2012-02-28

Bug Fixes
* Carp 1.25 now has one dot more, addapt regexp matching $@ to cope with it.

3.07 2010-10-15

Bug Fixes
* Solved problem with test scripts:
done_testing() requires Test::More 0.96

3.06 2010-10-12

Bug Fixes
* Solved problem with test scripts:
Bareword "done_testing" not allowed while "strict subs" in use

3.05 2010-08-14

Bug Fixes
* Test FAIL ParseTemplate-3.04 v5.6.2 Linux due to different error message
for mal-formed regexp

3.04 2010-08-13

Bug Fixes
* Solve RT #58128: regular expression parsing is broken for some special characters

3.03 2010-04-03

Bug Fixes
* Solve warning: v-string in use/require non-portable
at blib/lib/Parse/ line 3.

3.02 2010-03-26

Bug Fixes
* Solve RT #55977 (parse::template should not be part of parselex)
* Bump version number to force re-index, after new ParseLex was uploaded
without Parse::Template

3.01 2010-03-26

Bug Fixes
* Ignore whitespace in the comparison run in the tests, to avoid tests breaking caused by
blanks at the end of result lines or CR-LF vs LF differences.
* Add -Iblib/lib to all test program executions, so that our library is used in the test;
otherwise tests fail if Parse::Template is not already installed in the machine

3.00 2010-03-25

Bug Fixes
* Bump version to 3.00, to be higher than the last ParseLex version that
had it own (older) version of Parse::Template (2.18).
This older version does not compile in Perl 5.11 due to the usage of a
deprecated feature : Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method %s() is deprecated
A new ParseLex will be uploaded without the older Parse::Template inside, and with a
dependency to this Parse::Template instead.
* Updated the existing English translation of the POD from the older version, replaced
the French POD by the English one.
* Minor changes due to warnings.

0.37 2001-06-13

* Last version published by the original author, Philippe Verdret.
META.yml Module YAML meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
META.json Module JSON meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
"abstract" : "Processor for templates containing Perl expressions",
"author" : [
"Philippe Verdret <>"
"dynamic_config" : 1,
"generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120351",
"license" : [
"meta-spec" : {
"url" : "",
"version" : "2"
"name" : "ParseTemplate",
"no_index" : {
"directory" : [
"prereqs" : {
"build" : {
"requires" : {
"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
"configure" : {
"requires" : {
"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
"runtime" : {
"requires" : {
"Symbol" : "0",
"Test::More" : "0.96"
"release_status" : "stable",
"version" : "3.08"
abstract: 'Processor for templates containing Perl expressions'
- 'Philippe Verdret <>'
ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
dynamic_config: 1
generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120351'
license: unknown
version: 1.4
name: ParseTemplate
- t
- inc
Symbol: 0
Test::More: 0.96
version: 3.08
ParseTemplate-3.08/Makefile.PL000064400000000000000000000011631202355537000161650ustar00rootroot00000000000000use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See the Camel, page 409-
require 5.000;

$] >= 5.005 ?
(AUTHOR => 'Philippe Verdret <>',
ABSTRACT => 'Processor for templates containing Perl expressions') : (),
NAME => 'Parse::Template',
DISTNAME => "ParseTemplate",
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Parse/',
clean => {
'FILES' => 'err testlog doc/pod2html-*'
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip', SUFFIX => 'gz' },
'Test::More' => 0.96, # needs done_testing()
'Symbol' => 0,

ParseTemplate-3.08/README000064400000000000000000000010361202355537000150720ustar00rootroot00000000000000 Parse::Template

Parse::Template was initially created to serve as a code generator
for the Parse::Lex class. The class is now available as a separate

Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Philippe Verdret. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Philippe Verdret <>


% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% make test # or make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 or 2
% make install

ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/000075500000000000000000000000001202355537000160305ustar00rootroot00000000000000ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/delegation2.pl000064400000000000000000000021411202355537000205600ustar00rootroot00000000000000use Parse::Template;

my %ancestor =
'ANCESTOR' => q!%%"ANCESTOR/$part ->" . SUB_PART()%%!,
'SUB_PART' => q!ANCESTOR/ %%"$part\n"%%!,

my %child =
'CHILD' => q!CHILD/ %%"$part"%% -> %%ANCESTOR()%%!,
'SUB_PART' => q!CHILD/ %%"$part\n"%%!,
my $A = new Parse::Template (%ancestor);
my $C = $A->new(%child);

#print '$A->ANCESTOR(): ', $A->ANCESTOR();
#print '$C->SUB_PART(): ', $C->SUB_PART();

print '$A->ANCESTOR(): ', $A->ANCESTOR();
print '$C->CHILD(): ', $C->CHILD();
print '$C->SUB_PART(): ', $C->SUB_PART();

#print '$C->ANCESTOR(): ', $C->ANCESTOR();
#print '$C->SUB_PART(): ', $C->SUB_PART();

# ???
print '$C->ANCESTOR() ', $C->ANCESTOR();
print '$C->CHILD()', $C->CHILD();
print '$C->SUB_PART()', $C->SUB_PART();
print $A->ANCESTOR();
print '$C->CHILD()', $C->CHILD();
print $C->ANCESTOR();
print $A->ANCESTOR();
print $C->ANCESTOR();
print $C->CHILD();
print $A->SUB_PART();
print $C->CHILD();


ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/derived.pl000075500000000000000000000011311202355537000200060ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;
use strict;
use lib '../lib';
use Parse::Template;

my %ancestor =
'TOP' => q!ANCESTOR template: %%"'$part' part ->\n" . CHILD()%%!,
'ANCESTOR' => q!ANCESTOR template: %%"'$part' part"%%!,

my %parent =
'PARENT' => q!PARENT template: %%"'$part' part ->\n" . ANCESTOR()%%!,

my %child =
'CHILD' => q!CHILD template: %%"'$part' part ->\n" . PARENT() . "\n"%%!,

my $A = new Parse::Template (%ancestor);
my $P = $A->new(%parent);
my $C = $P->new(%child);
print $C->TOP();


ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/die.pl000075500000000000000000000007231202355537000171330ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;

use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use Carp;
BEGIN { unshift @INC, "../lib"; }

use Parse::Template;
$Parse::Template::CONFESS = 1;
#'TOP' => q!%%$_[0] < 10 ? '[' . TOP($_[0] + 1) . ']' : '' %%!
#'TOP' => q!%%$_[0] < 10 ? '[' . TOP($_[0] + 1) . ']' : Carp::confess() %%!
'TOP' => q!%%$_[0] < 1 ? '[' . TOP($_[0] + 1) . ']' : die() %%!
)->eval('TOP', 0);

ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/error.pl000075500000000000000000000011741202355537000175240ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;

use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use Carp;
BEGIN { unshift @INC, "../lib"; }

use Parse::Template;

$Parse::Template::CONFESS = 0;
eval {
'TOP' => q!%%$_[0] < 3 ? '[' . TOP($_[0] + 1) . ']' : DIE() %%!,
'ERROR' => q!%% problem++ %%!,
'DIE' => q!%%die()%%!,
)->eval('TOP', 0);
$Parse::Template::CONFESS = 0;
print STDERR "---\n";
eval {
'TOP' => q!%%$_[0] < 10 ? '[' . TOP($_[0] + 1) . ']' : ERROR() %%!,
'ERROR' => q!%% problem++ %%!,
)->eval('TOP', 0);

ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/html_generator.pl000075500000000000000000000032761202355537000214120ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;
use strict;
use Parse::Template;

my $T = new Parse::Template('HTML' => '%%"<$part>" . $N . HEAD() . $N . BODY() . $N . "</$part>$N"%%',
'HEAD' => '%%"<$part>" . $N . "</$part>$N"%%',
'BODY' => '<BODY>%%$N . CONTENT() . "$N</BODY>"%%',
'CONTENT' => '<p>A very simple document: %%ORDERED_LIST(0)%%',
q!%%$_[0] < 4 ? "$N<OL><li>$_[0]" . ORDERED_LIST($_[0] + 1) . "<li>$_[0]$N</OL>$N" : ''%%!,
$T->env('N' => "\n");
print $T->eval('HTML');

my $ELT_CONTENT = q!%%join '', @_%%!;
my $HTML_T1 = new Parse::Template(
'DOC' => '%%H1(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"))%%',
'H1' => qq!<H1>$ELT_CONTENT</H1>!,
'B' => qq!<b>$ELT_CONTENT</b>!,
'I' => qq!<i>$ELT_CONTENT</i>!,

print $HTML_T1->eval('DOC'), "\n";

$ELT_CONTENT = q!%%"<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $HTML_T2 = new Parse::Template(
'DOC' => '%%H1(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"))%%',
'H1' => qq!$ELT_CONTENT!,
'B' => qq!$ELT_CONTENT!,
'I' => qq!$ELT_CONTENT!,
print $HTML_T2->eval('DOC'), "\n";

my $DOC = q!H1(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"))!;

$ELT_CONTENT = q!%%"<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $HTML_T3 = new Parse::Template(
'DOC' => qq!%%$DOC%%!,
map { $_ => $ELT_CONTENT } qw(H1 B I)
print $HTML_T3->eval('DOC'), "\n";

$ELT_CONTENT = q!%%shift(@_); "<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $HTML_T4 = new Parse::Template(map { $_ => $ELT_CONTENT } qw(H1 B I));
print $HTML_T4->H1(
$HTML_T4->B("text in bold"),
$HTML_T4->I("text in italic")
), "\n";

ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/html_generator2.pl000075500000000000000000000005731202355537000214710ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
require 5.004;
use strict;
use Parse::Template;

my $ELT_CONTENT = q!%%"<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $G = new Parse::Template(
map { $_ => $ELT_CONTENT } qw(H1 B I)

# how to find this more nicely?
@main::ISA = ref($G);
*AUTOLOAD = \&Parse::Template::AUTOLOAD;

print H1(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"));

ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/html_template.pl000075500000000000000000000015241202355537000212310ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;
use strict;
use Parse::Template;

my %template = ('DOC' => <<'END_OF_DOC;', 'SECTION_PART' => <<'END_OF_SECTION_PART;');
my $content;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#section_content; $i++) {
$content .= SECTION_PART($i);
$section_content[$_[0]]->{Content} =~ s/^/<p>/mg;
join '', '<H1>', $section_content[$_[0]]->{Title}, '</H1>',

my $tmplt = new Parse::Template (%template);

$tmplt->env('section_content' => [
Title => 'First Section',
Content => 'Nothing to write'
Title => 'Second section',
Content => 'Nothing else to write'

print $tmplt->eval('DOC'), "\n";
ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/includes.pl000075500000000000000000000012151202355537000201750ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# Process a document including directives like this:
# <html><body>%%include("body.htm")%%</html></body>
# \_____________________/
require 5.004;
use strict;
use Parse::Template;

use constant TRACE => 1;
my $T = new Parse::Template();
$T->env('include' => sub {
shift if ref $_[0];
print STDERR "include $_[0]\n" if TRACE;
local *FH;
open FH, "< $_[0]" or die "unable to open '$_[0]': $!";
my $text = join '', <FH>;
$T->setPart(INCLUDE => $text);

if (@ARGV) {
print $T->include($ARGV[0]);
} else {
print $T->include('root.htm');
ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/inheritance.pl000075500000000000000000000006721202355537000206660ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;

use strict;
BEGIN { unshift @INC, "../lib"; }

use Parse::Template;
my %template =
'TOP' => q!%%$self->method(@_)%%!

my $t1 = new Parse::Template (%template);
'method' => sub {
print ref shift, " args: @_\n";

$t1->eval('TOP', qw/a b c/);
my $t2 = $t1->new(%template); # 't2' is a sub-class of 't1'
$t2->eval('TOP', qw'x y z');

ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/recursive.pl000075500000000000000000000004131202355537000203750ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;

use strict;
BEGIN { unshift @INC, "../lib"; }

use Parse::Template;
# recursive calls
print Parse::Template->new(
'TOP' => q!%%$_[0] < 10 ? '[' . TOP($_[0] + 1) . ']' : ''%%!
)->eval('TOP', 0);

ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/synopsis.pl000075500000000000000000000012041202355537000202540ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;
use strict;
BEGIN { unshift @INC, "../lib"; }

use Parse::Template;

my %template =
'TOP' => q!Text before%%$N . SUB_PART(1)%%Text after!,
'SUB_PART' => q!Inserted part from %%"$part(@_)"%%
1. List: %%"@list"%%
2. Hash: %%"$hash{'some_key'}"%%
3. Sub: %%&SUB(1,2,3,'soleil')%%!

my $tmplt = new Parse::Template (%template);

$tmplt->env('var' => 'scalar value!');
$tmplt->env('list' => [1, 2, 10],
'N' => "\n",
'SUB' => sub { "arguments: @_\n" },
'hash' => { 'some_key' => q!It\'s an hash value! });
print $tmplt->eval('TOP'), "\n";
ParseTemplate-3.08/examples/synopsis_bis.pl000075500000000000000000000013041202355537000211120ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

require 5.004;
use strict;
BEGIN { unshift @INC, "../lib"; }

use Parse::Template;

my %template =
'TOP' => q!Text before %%DATA(1)%%Text after!,
'DATA' => q!Inserted data: %%"@_$N"%%! .
q!1. List: %%"@list$N"%%! .
q!2. Hash: %%"$hash{'key_value'}$N"%%! .
q!3. Sub: %%&SUB(1,2,3,'soleil')%%!

my $tmplt = new Parse::Template (%template);
$tmplt->env('var' => '(value!)');
$tmplt->env('list' => [1, 2, 10],
'N' => "\n",
'SUB' => sub { "arguments: @_\n" },
'hash' => { 'key_value' => q!It\'s an hash value! });
print $tmplt->eval('TOP'), "\n";
print "END OF BLOCK\n";

print "after the BLOCK\n";
ParseTemplate-3.08/lib/000075500000000000000000000000001202355537000147605ustar00rootroot00000000000000ParseTemplate-3.08/lib/Parse/000075500000000000000000000000001202355537000160325ustar00rootroot00000000000000ParseTemplate-3.08/lib/Parse/Template.pm000064400000000000000000000422301202355537000201440ustar00rootroot00000000000000use strict;
use warnings;
require 5.006;
package Parse::Template;
$Parse::Template::VERSION = '3.08';

use Carp;
use constant DEBUG => 0;
use vars qw/$AUTOLOAD/;
my($class, $part) = ($AUTOLOAD =~ /(.*)::(.*)$/);
no strict 'refs';
*$AUTOLOAD = sub { (ref $_[0] || $class)->eval("$part", @_) };
goto &$AUTOLOAD;

use Symbol qw(delete_package);
{ my $id = 0; sub getid { $id++ } }

sub new {
my $receiver = shift;
my $class = $PACKAGE . '::Sym' . getid();
my $self = bless {}, $class; # absolutely nothing in $self
no strict 'refs';
%{"${class}::template"} = (); # so no 'used only once' warning
${"${class}::ancestor"} = ''; # so no 'used only once' warning

@{"${class}::ISA"} = ref $receiver || $receiver;
${"${class}::ancestor"} = $receiver; # reverse the destruction order
*{"${class}::AUTOLOAD"} = \&AUTOLOAD; # so no warning for procedural calls
%{"${class}::template"} = @_ ;
use constant TRACE_ENV => 0;
sub env {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
my $symbol = shift;
if ($symbol =~ /\W/) {
Carp::croak "invalid symbol name: $symbol"
no strict;
if (@_) {
do {
my $value = shift;
print STDERR "${class}::$symbol\t$value\n" if TRACE_ENV;
if (ref $value) {
*{"${class}::$symbol"} = $value;
} else { # scalar value
*{"${class}::$symbol"} = \$value;
$symbol = shift if @_;
if ($symbol =~ /\W/) {
Carp::croak "invalid symbol name: $symbol";
} while (@_);
elsif (defined *{"${class}::$symbol"}) { # borrowed from
return \&{"${class}::$symbol"} unless $symbol =~ s/^(\W)//;
my $type = $1;
$type eq '*' ? *{"${class}::$symbol"} :
$type eq "\$" ? \${"${class}::$symbol"} :
$type eq '%' ? \%{"${class}::$symbol"} :
$type eq '@' ? \@{"${class}::$symbol"} :
$type eq '&' ? \&{"${class}::$symbol"} :
do { Carp::croak("Can\'t find symbol: $type$symbol") };
else {
print STDERR "destroy(@_): ", ref $_[0], "\n" if DEBUG;
delete_package(ref $_[0]);
# Purpose: validate the regexp and replace "!" by "\!", and "/" by "\/"
# if not already escaped
# Arguments: a regexp
# Returns: the preprocessed regexp
sub ppregexp {
# my $self = $_[0]; # useless
my $regexp = $_[1];
eval { '' =~ /$regexp/ };
if ($@) {
$@ =~ s/\s+at\s+[^\s]+\s+line\s+\d+[.]\n$//; # annoying info
Carp::croak $@;
for ($regexp) {
( (?: \G | [^\\] ) (?: \\{2} )* ) # even number of back-slashes
( [!/\"] ) # used delimiters

# replace back exceptions (?!...), (?<!...)
( \( \? <? ) # (? or (?<
\\ # inserted by first replace
( ! ) # delimiter
}{$1$2}xg; # remove back-slash
sub getPart {
my $self = shift;
my $part = shift;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
my $text = '';
no strict 'refs';
unless (defined($text = ${"${class}::template"}{$part})) {
my $parent = ${"${class}::ISA"}[0]; # delegation
unless (defined $parent) {
Carp::croak("'$part' template part is not defined");
$text = $parent->getPart($part);
sub setPart {
my $self = shift;
my $part = shift;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
no strict 'refs';
${"${class}::template"}{$part} = shift;
$Parse::Template::CONFESS = 1;
my $Already_shown = 0;
my $__DIE__ = sub {
if (not($Parse::Template::CONFESS) and $Already_shown) {
# Reset when the eval() processing is finished
$Already_shown = 0 if defined($^S);
# evaluated expressions are not always available in (caller(1))[6];
if (defined($1) and $1 ne '') {
my $expr = $1; # what is the template expression?
{ package DB; # what is the part name?
@DB::caller = caller(1);
@DB::caller = caller(2) unless @DB::args;
#local $1;
$expr =~ s/package\s+${PACKAGE}::\w+\s*;//o;
my $line = 0;
$expr =~ s/^/sprintf "%2s ", ++$line/egm;
$expr =~ s/\n;$//;
my $part = defined $DB::args[1] ? $DB::args[1] : '';
if ($Already_shown) {
print STDERR "call from part '$part':\n$expr\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Error in part '$part':\n$expr\n";
else {
print STDERR "\$1 not defined";
print STDERR "\$1: $1\n";
# ignore Already_shown if you won't confess your exception
$Already_shown = 1 unless $Parse::Template::CONFESS;
$Parse::Template::SIG{__WARN__} = sub { # don't know how to suppress this:
print STDERR "$_[0]"
unless ($_[0] =~ /^Use of uninitialized value in substitution iterator/)

use constant EVAL_TRACE => 0;
use constant SHOW_PART => 0;
use constant SIGN_PART => 0;
$Parse::Template::SIGN_START = "# Template %s {\n"; # not documented
$Parse::Template::SIGN_END = "# } Template %s\n"; # not documented
my $indent = 0;
my @part = ();
sub eval {
print STDERR do {
local $" = q!', '! ; '..' x ++$indent, "=>eval('@_')\n"
my $self = shift;
my $part = shift; # can't declare $part in eval()
push @part, $part;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
my $text = $self->getPart($part);
print STDERR qq!$part content: $text\n! if SHOW_PART;
if (SIGN_PART) { # not documented
$text =~ s!^!sprintf $Parse::Template::SIGN_START, $part!e;
$text =~ s!$!sprintf $Parse::Template::SIGN_END, $part!e;
local $SIG{__DIE__} = $__DIE__;
# eval expression in class
$text =~ s( %% (.*?) %% ){ # the magical substitution
print STDERR '..' x $indent, "Eval part name: $part\n" if EVAL_TRACE;
print STDERR '..' x $indent, " expr: package $class;\n$1\n" if EVAL_TRACE;
"package $class; $1";
print STDERR "after: $class - $1\n" if EVAL_TRACE;
die "$@" if $@; # caught by __DIE__
pop @part; $part = $part[-1];
--$indent if EVAL_TRACE;

=head1 NAME

Parse::Template - Processor for templates containing Perl expressions


use Parse::Template;

my %template =
'TOP' => q!Text before %%$self->eval('DATA')%% text after!,
'DATA' => q!Insert data: ! .
q!1. List: %%"@list$N"%%! .
q!2. Hash: %%"$hash{'key'}$N"%%! .
q!3. File content: %%<FH>%%! .
q!4. Sub: %%&SUB()$N%%!

my $tmplt = new Parse::Template (%template);
open FH, "< foo";

$tmplt->env('var' => '(value!)');
$tmplt->env('list' => [1, 2, 10],
'N' => "\n",
'FH' => \*FH,
'SUB' => sub { "->content generated by a sub<-" },
'hash' => { 'key' => q!It\'s an hash value! });
print $tmplt->eval('TOP'), "\n";


The C<Parse::Template> class evaluates Perl expressions
placed within a text. This class can be used as a code generator,
or a generator of documents in various document formats (HTML, XML,
RTF, etc.).

The principle of template-based text generation is simple. A template
consists of a text which includes expressions to be evaluated.
Interpretation of these expressions generates text fragments which are
substituted in place of the expressions. In the case of
C<Parse::Template> the expressions to be evaluated are Perl expressions placed within
two C<%%>.

Evaluation takes place within an environment in which, for example,
you can place data structures which will serve to generate the
parts to be completed.

Text + Perl Expression
+-----> Evaluation ----> Text(document or program)
Subs + Data structures

The C<Parse::Template> class permits decomposing a template into
parts. These parts are defined by a hash passed as an argument to the
class constructor:
C<Parse::Template->E<gt>C<new('someKey', '... text with expressions to
evaluate ...')>. Within a part, a sub-part can be included by means of
an expression of the form:


C<$self> designates the instance of the C<Parse::Template> class.
In an expression you can also use the C<$part> which contains the
part of the template where the expression is found.

Within an expression it is possible to specify only the name of a part
to be inserted. In this case a subroutine with the name of this part
is generated dynamically. In the example given in the synopsis, the
insertion of the C<TOP> part can thus be rewritten as follows:

'TOP' => q!Text before %%DATA()%% text after!

C<DATA()> is placed within C<%%> and is in effect treated as an
expression to be evaluated.

The subroutines take arguments. In the following example,
the argument is used to control the depth of recursive calls
of a template:

print Parse::Template->new(
'TOP' => q!%%$_[0] < 10 ? '[' . TOP($_[0] + 1) . ']' : ''%%!
)->eval('TOP', 0);

C<$_[0]> initially contains 0. C<TOP> is included as long as the
argument is less than 10. For each inclusion, 1 is added to the argument.

The C<env()> method permits constructing the environment required for
evaluation of a template. Each entry to be defined within this
environment must be specified using a key consisting of the name of
the symbol to be created, associated with a reference whose type is
that of the entry to be created within this environment (for example,
a reference to an array to create an array). A scalar variable is
defined by associating the name of the variable with its value. A
scalar variable containing a reference is defined by writing
C<'var'=>E<gt>C<\$variable>, where C<$variable> is a lexical variable
that contains the reference.

Each instance of C<Parse::Template> is defined within a specific class,
a subclass of C<Parse::Template>. The subclass contains the environment
specific to the template and inherits methods from the C<Parse::Template> class.

If a template is created from an existing template (i.e. calling
C<new> as a method of the existing template), it inherits all the parts defined by its ancestor.

In case of a syntax error in the evalutaion of an expression,
C<Parse::Template> tries to indicate the template part and the
expression that is "incriminated". If the variable
C<$Parse::Template::CONFESS> contains the value TRUE, the stack
of evaluations is printed.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item new HASH

Constructor for the class. C<HASH> is a hash which defines the
template text.


use Parse::Template;
$t = new Parse::Template('key' => 'associated text');

=item env HASH

=item env SYMBOL

Permits defining the environment that is specific to a template.

C<env(SYMBOL)> returns the reference associated with the symbol, or
C<undef> if the symbol is not defined. The reference that is returned
is of the type indicated by the character (C<&, $, %, @, *>) that
prefixes the symbol.


$tmplt->env('LIST' => [1, 2, 3])} Defines a list

@{$tmplt->env('*LIST')} Returns the list

@{$tmplt->env('@LIST')} Ditto

=item eval PART_NAME

Evaluates the template part designated by C<PART_NAME>. Returns the
string resulting from this evaluation.

=item getPart PART_NAME

Returns the designated part of the template.

=item ppregexp REGEXP

Preprocesses a regular expression so that it can be inserted into a
template where the regular expression delimiter is either a "/" or a

=item setPart PART_NAME => TEXT

C<setPart()> permits defining a new entry in the hash that defines the
contents of the template.



The C<Parse::Template> class can be used in all sorts of amusing
ways. Here are a few illustrations.

=head2 HTML Generator

The first example shows how to generate an HTML document by using a
data structure placed within the evaluation environment. The template
consists of two parts, C<DOC> and C<SECTION>. The C<SECTION> part is
called within the C<DOC> part to generate as many sections as there are
elements in the array C<section_content>.

my %template = ('DOC' => <<'END_OF_DOC;', 'SECTION' => <<'END_OF_SECTION;');
my $content;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#section_content; $i++) {
$content .= SECTION($i);
$section_content[$_[0]]->{Content} =~ s/^/<p>/mg;
join '', '<H1>', $section_content[$_[0]]->{Title}, '</H1>',

my $tmplt = new Parse::Template (%template);

$tmplt->env('section_content' => [
Title => 'First Section',
Content => 'Nothing to write'
Title => 'Second section',
Content => 'Nothing else to write'

print $tmplt->eval('DOC'), "\n";

=head2 HTML generation using functional notation

The second example shows how to generate an HTML document using a
functional notation, in other words, obtaining the text:

<P><B>text in bold</B><I>text in italic</I></P>


P(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"))

The functions P(), B() and I() are defined as parts of a template. The Perl expression
that permits producing the content of an element is
very simple, and reduces to:

join '', @_

The content to be evaluated is the same regardless of the tag and can
therefore be placed within a variable. We therefore obtain the
following template:

my $ELT_CONTENT = q!%%join '', @_%%!;
my $HTML_T1 = new Parse::Template(
'DOC' => '%%P(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"))%%',
'P' => qq!<P>$ELT_CONTENT</P>!,
'B' => qq!<B>$ELT_CONTENT</B>!,
'I' => qq!<I>$ELT_CONTENT</I>!,
print $HTML_T1->eval('DOC'), "\n";

We can go further by making use of the C<$part> variable, which
is defined by default in the environment of evaluation of the template:

my $ELT_CONTENT = q!%%"<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $HTML_T2 = new Parse::Template(
'DOC' => '%%P(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"))%%',
'P' => qq!$ELT_CONTENT!,
'B' => qq!$ELT_CONTENT!,
'I' => qq!$ELT_CONTENT!,
print $HTML_T2->eval('DOC'), "\n";

Let's look at another step which automates the production of
expressions from the list of HTML tags which are of interest to us:

my $DOC = q!P(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"))!;
my $ELT_CONTENT = q!%%"<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $HTML_T3 = new Parse::Template(
'DOC' => qq!%%$DOC%%!,
map { $_ => $ELT_CONTENT } qw(P B I)
print $HTML_T3->eval('DOC'), "\n";

To benefit from the possibility of using the template parts as procedures, we can
inherit from the generated template class:

use Parse::Template;
my $ELT_CONTENT = q!%%"<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $G = new Parse::Template(
map { $_ => $ELT_CONTENT } qw(H1 B I)
@main::ISA = ref($G);
*AUTOLOAD = \&Parse::Template::AUTOLOAD;
print H1(B("text in bold"), I("text in italic"));

The reference to C<Parse::Template::AUTOLOAD> avoids the warning message:

Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method %s() is deprecated

Not very elegant.

=head2 HTML generation by method call

With a slight transformation it is possible to use a
method-invocation notation:

my $ELT_CONTENT = q!%%shift(@_); "<$part>" . join('', @_) . "</$part>"%%!;
my $HTML_T4 = new Parse::Template(
map { $_ => $ELT_CONTENT } qw(P B I)
print $HTML_T4->P(
$HTML_T4->B("text in bold"),
$HTML_T4->I("text in italic")
), "\n";

The C<shift(@_)> permits getting rid of the template object, which
we don't need within the expression.

=head2 Inheritance of parts

In the following example the child template C<$C> inherits the parts defined
in its parent template C<$A>:

my %ancestor =
'TOP' => q!%%"Use the $part model and -> " . CHILD()%%!,
'ANCESTOR' => q!ANCESTOR %%"'$part' part\n"%%!,

my %child =
'CHILD' => q!CHILD %%"'$part' part"%% -> %%ANCESTOR() . "\n"%%!,
my $A = new Parse::Template (%ancestor);
my $C = $A->new(%child);
print $C->TOP();

The part <TOP> defined in C<$A> can be called directly from C<$C>, that derives from C<$A>.

=head2 Other examples

C<Parse::Template> was initially created to serve as a code generator
for the C<Parse::Lex> class. You will find other examples of its use
in the classes C<Parse::Lex>, C<Parse::CLex> and C<Parse::Token>.


I would be very interested to receive your comments and suggestions.

=head1 BUGS

Instances are not destroyed. Therefore, do not use this class
to create a large number of instances.

=head1 AUTHOR

Philippe Verdret (with translation of documentation into English by Ocrat)


Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Philippe Verdret. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

ParseTemplate-3.08/t/000075500000000000000000000000001202355537000144555ustar00rootroot00000000000000ParseTemplate-3.08/t/W.pm000064400000000000000000000144531202355537000152300ustar00rootroot00000000000000# Examples:
# make test TEST_FILES=t/test1.t TEST_VERBOSE=2
# verbose levels:
# 1 : print configuration and major operations
# 2 : more details
# 3 : print the execution result

require 5.004;
use strict;
package W; # Test::Wrapper
use vars qw($VERBOSE $LOG);
$W::VERSION = '3.08';
$W::LOG = $ENV{TEST_LOG} ? 'testlog' : 0;

if ($LOG) {
if (open(LOG, ">>$LOG")) {
print STDERR "see informations in the '$LOG' file\n";
} else {
warn "unable to open '$LOG' ($!)";
$LOG = '';
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
my $param = shift;
my $range = '';
if (defined $param) {
unless (ref($param) eq 'HASH') {
$param = {
Range => $param,
PerlOpts => @_ ? shift : '',
Program => @_ ? shift : '',
} else { # defaults
$param = {
Range => '1..1',
PerlOpts => '',
Program => '',
print "\n";
print "Verbosity level: $VERBOSE\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "$param->{Range}\n";
print "Program to test: $param->{Program}\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "Perl Options: $param->{PerlOpts}\n" if $VERBOSE;
bless $param, $class;
sub result {
my $self = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
my @result;
my @err;
my $result;
if ($cmd) {
my $popts = $self->{PerlOpts};
print "Execution of: $^X -Iblib/lib $popts $cmd\n" if $VERBOSE;
die "unable to find '$cmd'" unless -f $cmd;
# the following line doesn't work on Win95 (ActiveState's Perl, build 516):
# open( CMD, "$^X -Iblib/lib $cmd 2>err |" ) or warn "$0: Can't run. $!\n";
# corrected by Stefan Becker:
#local $| = 1;
open( STDERR, "> err" ) or warn "$0: can't open 'err'";
open( CMD, "$^X -Iblib/lib $popts $cmd |" ) or warn "$0: Can't run '$^X -Iblib/lib $popts $cmd' ($!)\n";
@result = <CMD>;
close CMD;
close STDERR;

if (open( CMD, "< err" )) {
@err = <CMD>;
close CMD;
} else {
warn "$0: Can't open 'err' ($!)\n";

push @result, @err if @err;

$self->{Result} = join('', @result);
if ($LOG) {
print LOG "=" x 80, "\n";
print LOG "Execution of $^X -Iblib/lib $popts $cmd 2>err\n";
print LOG "=" x 80, "\n";
print LOG "* Result:\n";
print LOG "-" x 80, "\n";
print LOG $self->{Result};
if ($VERBOSE > 2) {
print $self->{Result};
} else {
sub expected {
my $self = shift;
my $ref = shift;
if ($ref) {
if (fileno $ref) {
$self->{Expected} = join('', <$ref>);
} else {
$self->{Expected} = $ref;
if ($LOG) {
print LOG "-" x 80, "\n";
print LOG "* Expected:\n";
print LOG "-" x 80, "\n";
print LOG $self->{Expected};
} else {
sub assert {
my $self = shift;
my $onwhat = shift;
my $regexp = @_ ? shift : die "regexp not defined\n";
if ($self->{$onwhat} !~ /$regexp/) {
die "'$regexp' doesn't match $onwhat string";
sub report {
my $self = shift;
my $label = shift;
my $sub = shift;
unless (ref $sub eq 'CODE') {
die "'$sub' not a coderef";
my $s = $self->$sub(@_);
$s ? "ok $label\n" : "not ok $label\n";

my $delim_start = ">>>>\n";
my $delim_end = "\n<<<<";

# W->new()->detector("abc", "acv");
sub detector {
my $self = shift;
my $s1 = shift;
my $s2 = shift;
#print STDERR length($s1), "\n";
#print STDERR length($s2), "\n";
my ($c1, $c2);
my $l = 1;
while ( ($s1 =~ /\G(.)/gc) or (($s1 =~ /\G(.)/gcs) and $l++) ) {
$c1 = $1;
$s2 =~ /(.)/gs;
$c2 = $1;
#$c1 = '\n' if $c1 =~ /\n/;
#$c2 = '\n' if $c2 =~ /\n/;
#print STDERR "|$c1|$c2|\n";
unless ($c1 eq $c2) {
print STDERR "At line: $l\n";
print STDERR ">>>", substr($s1, pos($s1) - 1, 20), "\n";
print STDERR ">>>", substr($s2, pos($s2) - 1, 20), "\n";
return 1;
if (my $rest = substr($s2, pos($s2))) {
print STDERR ">>>$rest\n";
return 0;
sub comparator {
my $self = shift;
my $detector = @_ && defined $_[0] ? shift : $self->can('detector');
my $red = @_ ? shift : ''; # edit the result
my $eed = @_ ? shift : ''; # edit the reference

#print STDERR "->$red<-$eed<\n";
my $expected = $self->expected;
my $result = $self->result;
$expected =~ s:\n+$::;
$result =~ s:\n+$::;
# could be a specific editor
$expected =~ s/$eed/(...deleted...)/g unless $eed eq '';
$result =~ s/$red/(...deleted...)/g unless $red eq '';
# ignore whitespace differences
(my $expected_cmp = $expected) =~ s/\s+/ /g; $expected_cmp =~ s/\s+$//;
(my $result_cmp = $result) =~ s/\s+/ /g; $result_cmp =~ s/\s+$//;

if ($VERBOSE || $expected_cmp ne $result_cmp) {
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR ">>>Expected:\n$expected\n";
print STDERR ">>>Effective:\n$result\n";
unless ($expected_cmp eq $result_cmp) {
print STDERR "not equals\n" if $VERBOSE;
if ($VERBOSE >= 2 and defined $detector) {
print STDERR "Difference between expected and effective result: \n";
$self -> $detector($expected, $result);
elsif ($VERBOSE) {
else {
print STDERR "equals\n" if $VERBOSE;
# todo: defined named parameters
sub test {
my $self = shift;
my $label = @_ ? shift : 1; # specific label for the test
# or see $self->{Program}
my $prog_to_test = @_ ? shift : undef; # filename of the program to test
my $reference = @_ ? shift : undef; # string or filehandle
my $comparator = @_ ? shift : undef; # sub, compare result with a ref and say yes or no
my $detector = @_ ? shift : undef; # sub, localize the first difference
my $r_ed = @_ ? shift : ''; # regexp for editing the effective result
my $e_ed = @_ ? shift : ''; # regexp for editing the expected result

$self->result("$prog_to_test") if defined $prog_to_test;
$self->expected($reference) if defined $reference;

$comparator = $self->can('comparator') unless defined $comparator;
$detector = $self->can('detector') unless defined $detector;
$self->report($label, $comparator, $detector, $r_ed, $e_ed);

"End of Package"


use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use_ok 'Parse::Template';

is Parse::Template->DEBUG, 0, "DEBUG is off";
is Parse::Template->TRACE_ENV, 0, "TRACE_ENV is off";
is Parse::Template->EVAL_TRACE, 0, "EVAL_TRACE is off";
is Parse::Template->SHOW_PART, 0, "SHOW_PART is off";
is Parse::Template->SIGN_PART, 0, "SIGN_PART is off";


use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use_ok 'Parse::Template';

# RT#58128 check
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('blarg(?!blarg)'), 'blarg(?!blarg)', "RT#58128";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('blarg(?<!blarg)'), 'blarg(?<!blarg)', "RT#58128";

# check that the other conditions are OK

eval { Parse::Template->ppregexp('(') };
like $@, qr/^Unmatched \( .*?\/ at t.rt_58128\.t line \d+\.?\n/,
"badly formed";

is Parse::Template->ppregexp('[a-z]'), '[a-z]', "normal";

is Parse::Template->ppregexp('!1'), '\\!1', "! not escaped";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('/1'), '\\/1', "/ not escaped";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('"1'), '\\"1', "\" not escaped";

is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\!1'), '\\!1', "! escaped - no change";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\/1'), '\\/1', "/ escaped - no change";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\"1'), '\\"1', "\" escaped - no change";

is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\!1'), '\\\\\\!1', "! not escaped preceeded by double backslash - escape";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\/1'), '\\\\\\/1', "/ not escaped preceeded by double backslash - escape";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\"1'), '\\\\\\"1', "\" not escaped preceeded by double backslash - escape";

is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\\\!1'), '\\\\\\!1', "! escaped preceeded by double backslash - no change";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\\\/1'), '\\\\\\/1', "/ escaped preceeded by double backslash - no change";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\\\"1'), '\\\\\\"1', "\" escaped preceeded by double backslash - no change";

is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\\\\\!1'), '\\\\\\\\\\!1', "! escaped preceeded by quad backslash - escape";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\\\\\/1'), '\\\\\\\\\\/1', "/ escaped preceeded by quad backslash - escape";
is Parse::Template->ppregexp('\\\\\\\\"1'), '\\\\\\\\\\"1', "\" escaped preceeded by quad backslash - escape";


BEGIN { push(@INC, './t') } # where is
use W;

print W->new()->test('test1', "examples/", *DATA);

Text before
Inserted part from SUB_PART(1)
1. List: 1 2 10
2. Hash: It\'s an hash value
3. Sub: arguments: 1 2 3 soleil
Text after

BEGIN { push(@INC, './t') } # where is
use W;

print W->new()->test('test2', "examples/", *DATA);

<H1>First Section</H1><p>Nothing to write
<H1>Second section</H1><p>Nothing else to write


BEGIN { push(@INC, './t') } # where is
use W;

print W->new()->test("test3", "examples/", *DATA);

ANCESTOR template: 'TOP' part ->
CHILD template: 'CHILD' part ->
PARENT template: 'PARENT' part ->
ANCESTOR template: 'ANCESTOR' part


BEGIN { push(@INC, './t') } # where is
use W;

print W->new()->test('test4', "examples/", *DATA);



BEGIN { push(@INC, './t') } # where is
use W;

print W->new()->test('test5', "examples/", *DATA);


<p>A very simple document:

<H1><b>text in bold</b><i>text in italic</i></H1>
<H1><B>text in bold</B><I>text in italic</I></H1>
<H1><B>text in bold</B><I>text in italic</I></H1>
<H1><B>text in bold</B><I>text in italic</I></H1>


BEGIN { push(@INC, './t') } # where is
use W;

print W->new()->test('test6', "examples/", *DATA);

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009