Sisyphus repository
Last update: 1 october 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visits: 37517697
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4.1: 2.2.0-alt3
4.0: 2.2.0-alt2
3.0: 1.0.10-alt1

Group :: Development/Other
RPM: fpc

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

%def_disable bootstrap
%def_with    sources
%def_with    doc
%def_without win32
%def_with    tests
# Help index is generated too long, package ready index generated by fpc-ide
%def_without help_index

Name:  fpc
Version:  3.2.2
Release:  alt3
Epoch:    3

Summary:  Free Pascal Compiler -- Meta Package
License:  GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+
Group:    Development/Other
Packager: Andrey Cherepanov <cas at>

ExclusiveArch: %ix86 x86_64 aarch64

Source:  fpcbuild-%version.tar
Source1: fp.desktop
Source3: fp.cfg
Source4: fp16x16.xpm
Source5: fp48x48.xpm
Source9: fpctoc.htx

%ifarch %ix86
%define ppctarget i386-linux
%define ppcname ppc386
%ifarch x86_64
%define ppctarget x86_64-linux
%define ppcname ppcx64
%ifarch aarch64
%define ppctarget aarch64-linux
%define ppcname ppca64

%add_findreq_skiplist %_libdir/
%filter_from_requires /^fpc(pas2js/d

%if_enabled bootstrap
Source10: base.%ppctarget.tar.gz

# Patches from Mageia

# Fix
Patch1: fpc-fpkeys.patch
# Don't show message on mouse click
Patch3: fpc-mouse-click.patch

# Patches from Debian

Patch12: fpc-fix-FPCDIR-in-fpcmake.patch
Patch13: fpc-fix-encoding-of-localization-files-to-be-utf8.patch
Patch15: fpc-add_arm64_manpage.patch
Patch16: fpc-add-arm64-support.patch
Patch17: fpc-fix-path-of-localization-files.patch
Patch18: fpc-disable_building_gnome1_and_gtk1.patch
Patch19: fpc-fix_FTBFS_on_linux_not_amd64.patch
Patch20: fpc-fix-IDE-data-file-location.patch
Patch21: fpc-fix_source_location_for_documentation.patch
Patch23: fpc-honor_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_in_date.patch
Patch24: fpc-prevent_date_in_fpcdocs.patch
Patch26: fpc-relpath.patch
Patch27: fpc-rename-instantfpc-to-ifpc.patch
Patch28: fpc-use-bfd-explicitly.patch
Patch29: fpc-aarch64-paths.patch

# Other patches

# Set path to ide without version and text/ subdirectory. Use ~/fpc/ide instead of ~/.fp for personal stuff for IDE.
Patch30: fpc-fix-path-to-ide.patch
# Add note about install fpc-docs in helpsystem message about missing documentation
Patch31: fpc-docs-message.patch
# Automatically add help index from /usr/share/doc/fpc/fpctoc.htx if it exists
Patch32: fpc-auto-add-help-index.patch
# Show progress in writeidx
Patch33: fpc-writeidx-show-progress.patch
Patch34: fpc-3.2.0--glibc-2.34.patch
Patch35: fpc-fppkg-pathes.patch
Patch36: fpc-alt-unlocalized-fpc-usage-in-fpcdocs.patch
Patch37: fpc-alt-remove-Using-help.patch

Requires: fpc-units-rtl
Requires: fpc-compiler
Requires: fpc-units-base
Requires: fpc-ide
Requires: fpc-units-fcl
Requires: fpc-units-fv
Requires: fpc-units-gtk2
Requires: fpc-units-db
Requires: fpc-units-gfx
Requires: fpc-units-net
Requires: fpc-units-math
Requires: fpc-units-misc
Requires: fpc-units-multimedia

Requires: rpm-build-fpc

Provides:  freepascal = %EVR
Obsoletes: freepascal < %EVR

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-fpc
%if_disabled bootstrap
BuildRequires: fpc-compiler
BuildRequires: fpc-utils
BuildRequires: libexpat-devel libgdb-devel libncurses-devel libreadline-devel-static python-devel zlib-devel liblzma-devel
BuildRequires: mysql-devel postgresql-devel libunixODBC-devel libsqlite3-devel
BuildRequires: libGL-devel libgtk+2-devel libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel
BuildRequires: libunwind-devel
BuildRequires: python3-dev
BuildRequires: unzip
%if_with doc
BuildRequires: tex4ht texlive-generic-recommended texlive-latex-recommended fpc-units-fcl latex2html

%define fpc_docdir  %_defaultdocdir/%name
%define fpc_fpmdir  %fpc_dir/fpmkinst/%ppctarget
%define fpc_unitdir %fpc_dir/units/%ppctarget

%define makewin32 0

The Free Pascal Compiler is an object pascal compiler supporting both
Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects as well as Mac pascal dialects.  It
provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many
platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, but also a platfrom
independent class based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi
extensions and interfacing many popular open source libraries.

Some extensions are added to the language, like function overloading.
Shared libraries can be linked and created. Delphi language extentions
like classes, exceptions, ansi strings and open arrays are also

This package contains dependency on all FPC packages provided on your
architecture. Experienced users may want to install only packages they
need, and can skip installing this metapackage.

%setup -n fpcbuild-%version
pushd fpcsrc
%patch1 -p0
%patch3 -p0
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
#patch15 -p1 TODO see patch16
#patch16 -p1 TODO need adapt
%patch17 -p2
%patch18 -p1
#patch19 -p1 TODO need adapt
%patch20 -p2
#patch21 -p1
#patch23 -p1
%patch24 -p1
%patch26 -p1
#patch27 -p2
%patch28 -p2
%patch29 -p2
%patch30 -p2
%patch31 -p0
%patch32 -p2
%patch33 -p2
%patch34 -p1 -d fpcsrc
%patch35 -p2
%patch36 -p2
%patch37 -p2

%if_with sources
cp -a fpcsrc{,.orig}

pushd fpcsrc
sed -i "s|/usr/local/lib|%_libdir|g"      packages/gdbint/src/gdbint.pp
#sed -i "/LINKLIB/s/python/python2.7/"     packages/gdbint/src/gdbint.pp
sed -i "/LINKLIB ncurses/a {\$LINKLIB z}" packages/gdbint/src/gdbint.pp
sed -i "/LINKLIB ncurses/a {\$LINKLIB lzma}" packages/gdbint/src/gdbint.pp
sed -i '/fp/s/\/bin/\/usr\/bin/g'         compiler/utils/samplecfg

export OPT="-vwn -Cg"
export GDBLIBDIR=%_libdir
export LIBGDBFILE=%_libdir/libgdb.a

%if_enabled bootstrap
# bootstrap fpc
mkdir bootstrap
pushd bootstrap
tar xf %SOURCE10
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
export ppcname="$PWD/lib/fpc/3.2.0/%ppcname"
export ppcname=%ppcname

pushd fpcsrc
export PATH=$PWD/compiler:$PATH

#Fix path

%ifarch x86_64 aarch64
sed -i "s|/lib/fpc/lexyacc|/lib64/fpc/lexyacc|g" utils/tply/Makefile.fpc

make build VERBOSE=1 FPC=$ppcname LDCONFIG="$(dirname `gcc -print-file-name=libgcc.a`)"

# Make documentation

# TODO PDF generation does not work
%if_with doc
# FIXME: -j1 as there is a race - seen on "missing" `rtl.xct'.
#make -j1 -C fpcdocs pdf html FPC=$(pwd)/fpcsrc/compiler/%ppcname
make -j1 -C fpcdocs html FPC=$(pwd)/fpcsrc/compiler/%ppcname

# Generate help index to file fpctoc.htx

%if_with help_index
pushd fpcsrc/installer
pushd fpcdocs
../fpcsrc/installer/writeidx fpctoc.html


pushd fpcsrc
export PATH=./utils/fpcmkcfg/bin/%ppctarget:$PATH
%makeinstall_std INSTALL_PREFIX=%buildroot%_usr FPC=compiler/%ppcname

# this symbolic link must be absolute (so that fpcmake can detect FPCDIR)

ln -s %fpc_dir/%ppcname %buildroot%_bindir/%ppcname

%if_with win32
#Install for win32
%fpc_install_win32 FPC=$PWD/ppc386 FPCMAKE=$PWD/fpcmake -C rtl

# TODO [HACK] Fix lib dir for x86_64 and remove version from installed path of fpc_dir and unit documentation

%ifarch x86_64 aarch64
mv %buildroot%_libexecdir %buildroot%_libdir
mv %buildroot%fpc_dir/%version/* %buildroot%fpc_dir
rmdir %buildroot%fpc_dir/%version
mv %buildroot%fpc_docdir-%version %buildroot%fpc_docdir

cp -av utils/pas2js/units/%ppctarget/dirwatch.* %buildroot%fpc_dir/units/%ppctarget/pastojs/

# Install fp.cfg and create fpc.cfg

install -Dpm 644 %SOURCE3 %buildroot%_sysconfdir/fp.cfg
chmod 755 compiler/utils/samplecfg
compiler/utils/samplecfg "%fpc_dir" %buildroot%_sysconfdir

# Fix configuration for depend

install -p -m 644 utils/fppkg/units/%ppctarget/*.{o,ppu} %buildroot%fpc_dir/units/%ppctarget/fppkg/
sed -i "s|\$fpctarget|%ppctarget|g" %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name.cfg
sed -i "s|\$fpctarget|%ppctarget|g" %buildroot%_sysconfdir/fp.cfg
sed -i "s|/usr/lib|%_libdir|g" %buildroot%_sysconfdir/fp.cfg
sed -i "s|errorn.msg|errorn.msg\n-Fr%fpc_dir/msg/errorru.msg|g" %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name.cfg
sed -i "s|\$fpcversion|fpc|g" %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name.cfg


# Install icons and desktop file

mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/pixmaps
mkdir -p %buildroot%_miconsdir
mkdir -p %buildroot%_liconsdir
mkdir -p %buildroot%_niconsdir
mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/applications
install -p -m 644 %SOURCE1 %buildroot%_datadir/applications
mv %buildroot%_bindir/fp %buildroot%_bindir/fp-bin
install -p -m 755 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%_bindir/fp
install -p -m 644 install/unix/fp32x32.xpm %buildroot%_datadir/pixmaps/fp.xpm
install -p -m 644 install/unix/fp32x32.xpm %buildroot%_niconsdir/fp.xpm
install -p -m 644 %SOURCE4 %buildroot%_miconsdir/fp.xpm
install -p -m 644 %SOURCE5 %buildroot%_liconsdir/fp.xpm

#Install src

%if_with sources
mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/fpcsrc
cp -fR fpcsrc.orig/* %buildroot%_datadir/fpcsrc
%add_verify_elf_skiplist */fpcsrc/*
%add_findreq_skiplist */fpcsrc/*

#Install man

make INSTALL_PREFIX=%buildroot%_datadir -C install/man installman

#Instal docs

mkdir -p %buildroot%fpc_docdir
install -p -m 644 install/doc/copying* install/doc/whatsnew.txt install/doc/readme.txt install/doc/faq.txt %buildroot%fpc_docdir

%if_with doc
make INSTALL_DOCDIR=%buildroot%fpc_docdir DESTDIR=%buildroot -C fpcdocs htmlinstall #pdfinstall
# Install xct files
cp -a fpcdocs/*.xct %buildroot%fpc_docdir
%if_with help_index
install -p -m 644 fpcdocs/fpctoc.htx %buildroot%fpc_docdir
install -p -m 644 %SOURCE9 %buildroot%fpc_docdir

# Remove hacker ASCII art picture as IDE background by renaming fp.ans to fp.ans.original

mv %buildroot%fpc_dir/ide/fp.ans{,.original}

# Remove installer executable

rm -f %buildroot%_bindir/installer

# Create directory for fppkgconf.d/*.conf

mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/fppkgconf.d


%package common
Summary: Free Pascal -- Common files and dirs
Group: Development/Other

%description common
The Free Pascal Compiler is a Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Delphi compatible
32/64-bit Pascal Compiler. It comes with a fully compatible TP 7.0
runtime library.  Some extensions are added to the language, like
function overloading. Shared libraries can be linked and created. Basic
Delphi support is already implemented (classes, exceptions,
ansistrings). This package contains the common files and dirs.

%files common
%dir %fpc_dir
%dir %fpc_docdir

%package compiler
Summary: Free Pascal -- Compiler
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name-common = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%version-%release
Requires: binutils
Obsoletes: fpc <= 2.1-alt3

%description compiler
The Free Pascal Compiler is an object pascal compiler supporting both
Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects as well as Mac pascal dialects.  It
provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many
platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, but also a platfrom
independent class based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi
extensions and interfacing many popular open source libraries.

Some extensions are added to the language, like function overloading.
Shared libraries can be linked and created. Delphi language extentions
like classes, exceptions, ansi strings and open arrays are also

This package contains the command line compiler.

%files compiler
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/%name.cfg
%if_disabled bootstrap
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/fppkg.cfg
%dir %_sysconfdir/fppkgconf.d
%dir %_sysconfdir/fppkg
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/fppkg/default
%doc %fpc_docdir/copying*
%doc %fpc_docdir/whatsnew.txt
%doc %fpc_docdir/readme.txt
%doc %fpc_docdir/faq.txt

# utils

%package utils
Summary: Free Pascal -- Utils
Group: Development/Other
Obsoletes: fpcmake data2inc

%description utils
This package contains some handy utils for usage with the Free Pascal
 - ppumove     Place multiple units in a shared library
 - ppufiles    Show needed files for units
 - ppudump     Dump the information stored in a .ppu (unit) file
 - fpcmake     Create Makefile from Makefile.fpc
 - h2pas       Convert .h files to pascal units
 - ppdep       Create a dependency file which can be used with
 - ptop        Source beautifier
 - data2inc    Convert binary/text data to include files
 - plex/pyacc  Pascal Lex/Yacc implementation

%files utils
%doc fpcsrc/utils/fpcm/fpcmake.ini
%if_with help_index
# Other utilities

# packages/rtl

%package units-rtl
Summary: Free Pascal -- Runtime Library
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name-compiler = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%version-%release

%description units-rtl
This package contains the Runtime Libraries for the Free Pascal

%files units-rtl
%dir %fpc_dir/units
%dir %fpc_unitdir
%doc %fpc_docdir/rtl-generics

# packages/base

%package units-base
Summary: Free Pascal -- base units
Group: Development/Other

%description units-base
This package contains Free Pascal units for common libraries. Some of
these units are also required by the Free Component Library:
- X11 (Xlib, Xutil)
- NCurses
- ZLib

%files units-base
%doc %fpc_docdir/hash
%doc %fpc_docdir/iconvenc
%doc %fpc_docdir/ncurses
%doc %fpc_docdir/pasjpeg
%doc %fpc_docdir/paszlib
%doc %fpc_docdir/regexpr
%doc %fpc_docdir/uuid

# packages/fcl

%package units-fcl
Summary: Free Pascal -- Free Component Library
Group: Development/Other

%description units-fcl
This package contains the Free Component Library for the Free Pascal

%files units-fcl
%doc %fpc_docdir/fcl-*

# packages/fv

%package units-fv
Summary: Free Pascal -- Free Vision units
Group: Development/Other

%description units-fv
This package contains the Free Vision units for the Free Pascal

%files units-fv
%doc %fpc_docdir/fv

# packages/gtk2

%package units-gtk2
Summary: Free Pascal -- GTK+ 2.x units
Group: Development/Other

%description units-gtk2
This package contains Free Pascal units and examples to create
programs with GTK+ 2.x.

%files units-gtk2
%doc %fpc_docdir/gtk2

# packages/db

%package units-db
Summary: Free Pascal -- database libraries units
Group: Development/Other

%description units-db
This package contains Free Pascal units with bindings for:
- Interbase
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- SQLite

%files units-db
%doc %fpc_docdir/gdbm
%doc %fpc_docdir/ibase
%doc %fpc_docdir/mysql
%doc %fpc_docdir/odbc
%doc %fpc_docdir/oracle
%doc %fpc_docdir/postgres
%doc %fpc_docdir/pxlib
%doc %fpc_docdir/sqlite

# packages/gfx

%package units-gfx
Summary: Free Pascal -- graphics libraries units
Group: Development/Other
Requires: libX11-devel libXext-devel libXrandr-devel libXxf86dga-devel libXxf86vm-devel
%ifnarch aarch64
Requires: svgalib-devel

%description units-gfx
This package contains Free Pascal units with bindings for:
- opengl: OpenGL
- opengles
- forms: Forms 0.88
- svgalib: Svgalib
- ggi: General Graphical Interface
- libgd
- libpng
- graph
- cairo

%files units-gfx
%doc %fpc_docdir/ggi
%doc %fpc_docdir/imagemagick
%doc %fpc_docdir/libgd
%doc %fpc_docdir/opengl
%doc %fpc_docdir/opengles
%doc %fpc_docdir/ptc
%doc %fpc_docdir/svgalib
%doc %fpc_docdir/xforms
%ifnarch aarch64
%ifnarch aarch64
%ifnarch aarch64
%ifnarch aarch64

# packages/net

%package units-net
Summary: Free Pascal -- networking units
Group: Development/Other
#Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description units-net
This package contains Free Pascal units for creating network tools:
- netdb: NetDB unit for TCP/IP handling
- libasync: LibAsync unit for easy Asynchronous IO
- libcurl
- dbus: D-Bus
- gnutls
- googleapi
- httpd-1.3
- httpd-2.0
- httpd-2.2
- ldap
- libmagic
- libmicrohttpd
- openssl: Open SSL
- pcap

%files units-net
%doc %fpc_docdir/dbus
%doc %fpc_docdir/gnutls
%doc %fpc_docdir/httpd*
%doc %fpc_docdir/libcurl
%doc %fpc_docdir/libmagic
%doc %fpc_docdir/libmicrohttpd
%doc %fpc_docdir/openssl

# packages/math

%package units-math
Summary: Free Pascal - math units
Group: Development/Other

%description units-math
This package contains Free Pascal math interfacing units for:
- gmp: Interface for the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
- proj4: Compute projections
- numlib: numerical computing
- symbolic: symbolic computing

%files units-math
%doc %fpc_docdir/gmp
%doc %fpc_docdir/numlib
%doc %fpc_docdir/symbolic

# packages/misc

%package units-misc
Summary: Free Pascal -- miscellaneous units
Group: Development/Other

%description units-misc
This package contains Free Pascal miscellaneous units for:
- fppkg: support of FPC packaging system
- Utmp
- PasZLib (Pascal-only zlib implementation)

%files units-misc
%doc %fpc_docdir/aspell
%doc %fpc_docdir/bzip2
%doc %fpc_docdir/cdrom
%doc %fpc_docdir/fftw
%doc %fpc_docdir/gdbint
%doc %fpc_docdir/libsee
%doc %fpc_docdir/libxml2
%doc %fpc_docdir/newt
%doc %fpc_docdir/syslog
%doc %fpc_docdir/tcl
%doc %fpc_docdir/users
%doc %fpc_docdir/utmp
%doc %fpc_docdir/libenet
%ifnarch aarch64 %ix86
%doc %fpc_docdir/libffi
%doc %fpc_docdir/libfontconfig
%doc %fpc_docdir/libgc
%ifarch %ix86
%doc %fpc_docdir/libc
%ifnarch aarch64 %ix86
%ifnarch aarch64 %ix86

# packages/media

%package units-multimedia
Summary: Free Pascal -- multimedia libraries units
Group: Development/Other
Obsoletes: fpc-units-media <= 2.2.0
Provides: fpc-units-media

%description units-multimedia
This package contains Free Pascal multimedia interfacing units for:
- oggvorbis
- openal
- a52
- dts (
- mad
- modplug

%files units-multimedia
%doc %fpc_docdir/openal

# ide

%package ide
Summary: Free Pascal -- IDE
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name-common = %EVR
Requires: fpc-units-base = %EVR
Requires: fpc-docs = %EVR

%description ide
This package contains the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for
Free Pascal. The IDE has an internal compiler.

%files ide
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/fp.cfg
%doc %fpc_docdir/ide/readme.ide

# src

%if_with sources
%package src
Summary: Source of Free Pascal
Group: Development/Other
BuildArch: noarch
#Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description src
This package contains Free Pascal's own source code. It is meant to be
used by the Lazarus IDE.

%files src

%if_with doc
%package docs
Group: Documentation
Summary: Free Pascal Compiler - Documentation

%description docs
This package provides documentation for the Free Pascal Compiler in HTML
and PDF format.

%files docs
%doc %fpc_docdir/buttons
%doc %fpc_docdir/chart
%doc %fpc_docdir/fcl
%doc %fpc_docdir/fclres
%doc %fpc_docdir/fpctoc.*
%doc %fpc_docdir/fpdoc
%doc %fpc_docdir/pics
%doc %fpc_docdir/prog
%doc %fpc_docdir/ref
%doc %fpc_docdir/rtl
%doc %fpc_docdir/user
%doc %fpc_docdir/*.xct

%if_with win32
# win32
%package win32
Summary: Free Pascal runtime library units cross-compiled for win32
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%version-%release
#Requires: i386-mingw32msvc-binutils

%description win32
Free Pascal runtime library units cross-compiled for win32.

%files win32
%ifnarch %ix86
%fpc_files *-win32 rtl


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin