" Vim script file vim600:fdm=marker: " FileType: XML " Author: Devin Weaver " Maintainer: Devin Weaver " Last Change: $Date$ " Version: $Revision$ " Location: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=301 " Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it " and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public " License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt " Credits: Brad Phelan for completing " tag matching and visual tag completion. " Ma, Xiangjiang for " pointing out VIM 6.0 map feature. " Luc Hermitte for testing the self " install documentation code and providing good bug fixes. " Guo-Peng Wen for the self install documentation code. " Shawn Boles for fixing the " x cancelation bug. " Martijn van der Kwast for patching " problems with multi-languages (XML and PHP). " This script provides some convenience when editing XML (and some SGML) " formated documents. " Section: Documentation " ---------------------- " " Documentation should be available by ":help xml-plugin" command, once the " script has been copied in you .vim/plugin directory. " " You still can read the documentation at the end of this file. Locate it by " searching the "xml-plugin" string (and set ft=help to have " appropriate syntaxic coloration). " Note: If you used the 5.x version of this file (xmledit.vim) you'll need to " comment out the section where you called it since it is no longer used in " version 6.x. " TODO: Revamp ParseTag to pull appart a tag a rebuild it properly. " a tag like: < test nowrap testatt=foo > " should be fixed to: "============================================================================== if !exists("use_xmledit_ftplugin") finish endif " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " sboles, init these variables so vim doesn't complain on wrap cancel let b:last_wrap_tag_used = "" let b:last_wrap_atts_used = "" " WrapTag -> Places an XML tag around a visual selection. {{{1 " Brad Phelan: Wrap the argument in an XML tag " Added nice GUI support to the dialogs. " Rewrote function to implement new algorythem that addresses several bugs. if !exists("*s:WrapTag") function s:WrapTag(text) if (line(".") < line("'<")) let insert_cmd = "o" elseif (col(".") < col("'<")) let insert_cmd = "a" else let insert_cmd = "i" endif if strlen(a:text) > 10 let input_text = strpart(a:text, 0, 10) . '...' else let input_text = a:text endif let wraptag = inputdialog('Tag to wrap "' . input_text . '" : ') if strlen(wraptag)==0 if strlen(b:last_wrap_tag_used)==0 undo return endif let wraptag = b:last_wrap_tag_used let atts = b:last_wrap_atts_used else let atts = inputdialog('Attributes in <' . wraptag . '> : ') endif if (visualmode() ==# 'V') let text = strpart(a:text,0,strlen(a:text)-1) if (insert_cmd ==# "o") let eol_cmd = "" else let eol_cmd = "\" endif else let text = a:text let eol_cmd = "" endif if strlen(atts)==0 let text = "<".wraptag.">".text."" let b:last_wrap_tag_used = wraptag let b:last_wrap_atts_used = "" else let text = "<".wraptag." ".atts.">".text."" let b:last_wrap_tag_used = wraptag let b:last_wrap_atts_used = atts endif execute "normal! ".insert_cmd.text.eol_cmd endfunction endif " NewFileXML -> Inserts at top of new file. {{{1 if !exists("*s:NewFileXML") function s:NewFileXML( ) " Where is g:did_xhtmlcf_inits defined? if &filetype == 'xml' || (!exists ("g:did_xhtmlcf_inits") && exists ("g:xml_use_xhtml") && (&filetype == 'html' || &filetype == 'xhtml')) if append (0, '') normal! G endif endif endfunction endif " Callback -> Checks for tag callbacks and executes them. {{{1 if !exists("*s:Callback") function s:Callback( xml_tag, isHtml ) let text = 0 if a:isHtml == 1 && exists ("*HtmlAttribCallback") let text = HtmlAttribCallback (a:xml_tag) elseif exists ("*XmlAttribCallback") let text = XmlAttribCallback (a:xml_tag) endif if text != '0' execute "normal! i " . text ."\l" endif endfunction endif " IsParsableTag -> Check to see if the tag is a real tag. {{{1 if !exists("*s:IsParsableTag") function s:IsParsableTag( tag ) " The "Should I parse?" flag. let parse = 1 " make sure a:tag has a proper tag in it and is not a instruction or end tag. if a:tag !~ '^<[[:alnum:]_:\-].*>$' let parse = 0 endif " make sure this tag isn't already closed. if strpart (a:tag, strlen (a:tag) - 2, 1) == '/' let parse = 0 endif return parse endfunction endif " ParseTag -> The major work hourse for tag completion. {{{1 if !exists("*s:ParseTag") function s:ParseTag( ) " Save registers let old_reg_save = @" let old_save_x = @x if (!exists("g:xml_no_auto_nesting") && strpart (getline ("."), col (".") - 2, 2) == '>>') let multi_line = 1 execute "normal! \"xX" else let multi_line = 0 endif let @" = "" execute "normal! \"xy%%" let ltag = @" if (&filetype == 'html' || &filetype == 'xhtml') && (!exists ("g:xml_no_html")) let html_mode = 1 let ltag = substitute (ltag, '[^[:graph:]]\+', ' ', 'g') let ltag = substitute (ltag, '<\s*\([^[:alnum:]_:\-[:blank:]]\=\)\s*\([[:alnum:]_:\-]\+\)\>', '<\1\2', '') else let html_mode = 0 endif if IsParsableTag (ltag) " find the break between tag name and atributes (or closing of tag) let index = matchend (ltag, '[[:alnum:]_:\-]\+') let tag_name = strpart (ltag, 1, index - 1) if strpart (ltag, index) =~ '[^/>[:blank:]]' let has_attrib = 1 else let has_attrib = 0 endif " That's (index - 1) + 2, 2 for the '' is ignored because puts the curser on top " of the '>' let index = index + 2 " print out the end tag and place the cursor back were it left off if html_mode && tag_name =~? '^\(img\|input\|param\|frame\|br\|hr\|meta\|link\|base\|area\)$' if has_attrib == 0 call Callback (tag_name, html_mode) endif if exists ("g:xml_use_xhtml") execute "normal! i /\l" endif else if multi_line " Can't use \ because that indents 'tabstop' not 'shiftwidth' " Also >> doesn't shift on an empty line hence the temporary char 'x' let com_save = &comments set comments-=n:> execute "normal! a\\\kAx\>>$\"xx" execute "set comments=" . com_save " restore registers let @" = old_reg_save let @x = old_save_x startinsert! return "" else if has_attrib == 0 call Callback (tag_name, html_mode) endif execute "normal! a\" . index . "h" endif endif endif " restore registers let @" = old_reg_save let @x = old_save_x if col (".") < strlen (getline (".")) execute "normal! l" startinsert else startinsert! endif endfunction endif " ParseTag2 -> Experimental function to replace ParseTag {{{1 "if !exists("*s:ParseTag2") "function s:ParseTag2( ) " My thought is to pull the tag out and reformat it to a normalized tag " and put it back. "endfunction "endif " BuildTagName -> Grabs the tag's name for tag matching. {{{1 if !exists("*s:BuildTagName") function s:BuildTagName( ) "First check to see if we Are allready on the end of the tag. The / search "forwards command will jump to the next tag otherwise " Store contents of register x in a variable let b:xreg = @x exec "normal! v\"xy" if @x=='>' " Don't do anything else exec "normal! />/\" endif " Now we head back to the < to reach the beginning. exec "normal! ?" " Capture the tag (a > will be catured by the /$/ match) exec "normal! v/\\s\\|$/\\"xy" " We need to strip off any junk at the end. let @x=strpart(@x, 0, match(@x, "[[:blank:]>\]")) "remove <, > let @x=substitute(@x,'^<\|>$','','') " remove spaces. let @x=substitute(@x,'/\s*','/', '') let @x=substitute(@x,'^\s*','', '') " Swap @x and b:xreg let temp = @x let @x = b:xreg let b:xreg = temp endfunction endif " TagMatch1 -> First step in tag matching. {{{1 " Brad Phelan: First step in tag matching. if !exists("*s:TagMatch1") function s:TagMatch1() " Save registers let old_reg_save = @" "Drop a marker here just in case we have a mismatched tag and "wish to return (:mark looses column position) normal! mz call BuildTagName() "Check to see if it is an end tag. If it is place a 1 in endtag if match(b:xreg, '^/')==-1 let endtag = 0 else let endtag = 1 endif " Extract the tag from the whole tag block " eg if the block = " tag attrib1=blah attrib2=blah " we will end up with " tag " with no trailing or leading spaces let b:xreg=substitute(b:xreg,'^/','','g') " Make sure the tag is valid. " Malformed tags could be , , etc. if match(b:xreg,'^[[:alnum:]_:\-]') != -1 " Pass the tag to the matching " routine call TagMatch2(b:xreg, endtag) endif " Restore registers let @" = old_reg_save endfunction endif " TagMatch2 -> Second step in tag matching. {{{1 " Brad Phelan: Second step in tag matching. if !exists("*s:TagMatch2") function s:TagMatch2(tag,endtag) let match_type='' " Build the pattern for searching for XML tags based " on the 'tag' type passed into the function. " Note we search forwards for end tags and " backwards for start tags if a:endtag==0 "let nextMatch='normal /\(<\s*' . a:tag . '\(\s\+.\{-}\)*>\)\|\(<\/' . a:tag . '\s*>\)' let match_type = '/' else "let nextMatch='normal ?\(<\s*' . a:tag . '\(\s\+.\{-}\)*>\)\|\(<\/' . a:tag . '\s*>\)' let match_type = '?' endif if a:endtag==0 let stk = 1 else let stk = 1 end " wrapscan must be turned on. We'll recored the value and reset it afterward. " We have it on because if we don't we'll get a nasty error if the search hits " BOF or EOF. let wrapval = &wrapscan let &wrapscan = 1 "Get the current location of the cursor so we can "detect if we wrap on ourselves let lpos = line(".") let cpos = col(".") if a:endtag==0 " If we are trying to find a start tag " then decrement when we find a start tag let iter = 1 else " If we are trying to find an end tag " then increment when we find a start tag let iter = -1 endif "Loop until stk == 0. while 1 " exec search. " Make sure to avoid />$/ as well as /\s$/ and /$/. exec "normal! " . match_type . '<\s*\/*\s*' . a:tag . '\([[:blank:]>]\|$\)' . "\" " Check to see if our match makes sence. if a:endtag == 0 if line(".") < lpos call MisMatchedTag (0, a:tag) break elseif line(".") == lpos && col(".") <= cpos call MisMatchedTag (1, a:tag) break endif else if line(".") > lpos call MisMatchedTag (2, '/'.a:tag) break elseif line(".") == lpos && col(".") >= cpos call MisMatchedTag (3, '/'.a:tag) break endif endif call BuildTagName() if match(b:xreg,'^/')==-1 " Found start tag let stk = stk + iter else " Found end tag let stk = stk - iter endif if stk == 0 break endif endwhile let &wrapscan = wrapval endfunction endif " MisMatchedTag -> What to do if a tag is mismatched. {{{1 if !exists("*s:MisMatchedTag") function s:MisMatchedTag( id, tag ) "Jump back to our formor spot normal! `z normal zz echohl WarningMsg " For debugging "echo "Mismatched tag " . a:id . ": <" . a:tag . ">" " For release echo "Mismatched tag <" . a:tag . ">" echohl None endfunction endif " DeleteTag -> Deletes surrounding tags from cursor. {{{1 " Modifies mark z if !exists("*s:DeleteTag") function s:DeleteTag( ) if strpart (getline ("."), col (".") - 1, 1) == "<" normal! l endif if search ("<[^\/]", "bW") == 0 return endif normal! mz normal \5 normal! d%`zd% endfunction endif " VisualTag -> Selects Tag body in a visual selection. {{{1 " Modifies mark z if !exists("*s:VisualTag") function s:VisualTag( ) if strpart (getline ("."), col (".") - 1, 1) == "<" normal! l endif if search ("<[^\/]", "bW") == 0 return endif normal! mz normal \5 normal! % exe "normal! " . visualmode() normal! `z endfunction endif " InsertGt -> close tags only if the cursor is in a HTML or XML context {{{1 " Else continue editing if !exists("*s:InsertGt") function s:InsertGt( ) " When the current char is text within a tag it will not proccess as a " syntax'ed element and return nothing below. Since the multi line wrap " feture relies on using the '>' char as text within a tag we must use the " char prior to establish if it is valid html/xml if (getline('.')[col('.') - 1] == '>') let char_syn=synIDattr(synID(line("."), col(".") - 1, 1), "name") endif if 0 == match(char_syn, 'html') || 0 == match(char_syn, 'xml') call ParseTag() else if col(".") == col("$") - 1 startinsert! else execute "normal! l" startinsert endif endif endfunction endif " Section: Doc installation {{{1 " Function: s:XmlInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision) {{{2 " Install help documentation. " Arguments: " full_name: Full name of this vim plugin script, including path name. " revision: Revision of the vim script. #version# mark in the document file " will be replaced with this string with 'v' prefix. " Return: " 1 if new document installed, 0 otherwise. " Note: Cleaned and generalized by guo-peng Wen "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' function! s:XmlInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision) " Name of the document path based on the system we use: if (has("unix")) " On UNIX like system, using forward slash: let l:slash_char = '/' let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir -p ' else " On M$ system, use backslash. Also mkdir syntax is different. " This should only work on W2K and up. let l:slash_char = '\' let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir ' endif let l:doc_path = l:slash_char . 'doc' "let l:doc_home = l:slash_char . '.vim' . l:slash_char . 'doc' " Figure out document path based on full name of this script: let l:vim_plugin_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h') "let l:vim_doc_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h:h') . l:doc_path let l:vim_doc_path = matchstr(l:vim_plugin_path, \ '.\{-}\ze' . l:slash_char . '\%(\%(ft\)\=plugin\|macros\)') . l:doc_path if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) echomsg "Doc path: " . l:vim_doc_path execute l:mkdir_cmd . l:vim_doc_path if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) " Try a default configuration in user home: "let l:vim_doc_path = expand("~") . l:doc_home let l:vim_doc_path = matchstr(&rtp, \ escape($HOME, '\') .'[/\\]\%(\.vim\|vimfiles\)') if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) execute l:mkdir_cmd . l:vim_doc_path if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) " Put a warning: echomsg "Unable to open documentation directory" echomsg " type :help add-local-help for more informations." return 0 endif endif endif endif " Exit if we have problem to access the document directory: if (!isdirectory(l:vim_plugin_path) \ || !isdirectory(l:vim_doc_path) \ || filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) != 2) return 0 endif " Full name of script and documentation file: let l:script_name = 'xml.vim' let l:doc_name = 'xml-plugin.txt' let l:plugin_file = l:vim_plugin_path . l:slash_char . l:script_name let l:doc_file = l:vim_doc_path . l:slash_char . l:doc_name " Bail out if document file is still up to date: if (filereadable(l:doc_file) && \ getftime(l:plugin_file) < getftime(l:doc_file)) return 0 endif " Prepare window position restoring command: if (strlen(@%)) let l:go_back = 'b ' . bufnr("%") else let l:go_back = 'enew!' endif " Create a new buffer & read in the plugin file (me): setl nomodeline exe 'enew!' exe 'r ' . l:plugin_file setl modeline let l:buf = bufnr("%") setl noswapfile modifiable norm zR norm gg " Delete from first line to a line starts with " === START_DOC 1,/^=\{3,}\s\+START_DOC\C/ d " Delete from a line starts with " === END_DOC " to the end of the documents: /^=\{3,}\s\+END_DOC\C/,$ d " Remove fold marks: % s/{\{3}[1-9]/ / " Add modeline for help doc: the modeline string is mangled intentionally " to avoid it be recognized by VIM: call append(line('$'), '') call append(line('$'), ' v' . 'im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:') " Replace revision: exe "normal :1,5s/#version#/ v" . a:revision . "/\" " Save the help document: exe 'w! ' . l:doc_file exe l:go_back exe 'bw ' . l:buf " Build help tags: exe 'helptags ' . l:vim_doc_path return 1 endfunction " }}}2 let s:revision= \ substitute("$Revision$",'\$\S*: \([.0-9]\+\) \$','\1','') silent! let s:install_status = \ s:XmlInstallDocumentation(expand(':p'), s:revision) if (s:install_status == 1) echom expand(":t:r") . '-plugin v' . s:revision . \ ': Help-documentation installed.' endif " Mappings and Settings. {{{1 " This makes the '%' jump between the start and end of a single tag. setlocal matchpairs+=<:> setlocal commentstring= " Have this as an escape incase you want a literal '>' not to run the " ParseTag function. if !exists("g:xml_tag_completion_map") inoremap . > inoremap > > endif " Jump between the beggining and end tags. nnoremap 5 :call TagMatch1() nnoremap % :call TagMatch1() vnoremap 5 :call VisualTag() vnoremap % :call VisualTag() " Wrap selection in XML tag vnoremap x "xx:call WrapTag(@x) nnoremap d :call DeleteTag() " Parse the tag after pressing the close '>'. if !exists("g:xml_tag_completion_map") " inoremap > >:call ParseTag() inoremap > >:call InsertGt() else execute "inoremap " . g:xml_tag_completion_map . " >:call ParseTag()" endif augroup xml au! au BufNewFile * call NewFileXML() augroup END "}}}1 finish """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Section: Documentation content {{{1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" === START_DOC *xml-plugin.txt* Help edit XML and SGML documents. #version# XML Edit {{{2 ~ A filetype plugin to help edit XML and SGML documents. This script provides some convenience when editing XML (and some SGML including HTML) formated documents. It allows you to jump to the beginning or end of the tag block your cursor is in. '%' will jump between '<' and '>' within the tag your cursor is in. When in insert mode and you finish a tag (pressing '>') the tag will be completed. If you press '>' twice it will complete the tag and place the cursor in the middle of the tags on it's own line (helps with nested tags). Usage: Place this file into your ftplugin directory. To add html support Sym-link or copy this file to html.vim in your ftplugin directory. To activte the script place 'filetype plugin on' in your |.vimrc| file. See |ftplugins| for more information on this topic. If the file edited is of type "html" and "xml_use_html" is defined then the following tags will not auto complete: , , , ,
, , , , If the file edited is of type 'html' and 'xml_use_xhtml' is defined the above tags will autocomplete the xml closing staying xhtml compatable. ex.
(see |xml-plugin-settings|) NOTE: If you used the VIM 5.x version of this file (xmledit.vim) you'll need to comment out the section where you called it. It is no longer used in the VIM 6.x version. Known Bugs {{{2 ~ - This script will modify registers ". and "x; register "" will be restored. - < & > marks inside of a CDATA section are interpreted as actual XML tags even if unmatched. - Although the script can handle leading spaces such as < tag> it is illegal XML syntax and considered very bad form. - Placing a literal `>' in an attribute value will auto complete dispite that the start tag isn't finished. This is poor XML anyway you should use > instead. - The matching algorithm can handle illegal tag characters where as the tag completion algorithm can not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *xml-plugin-mappings* Mappings {{{2 ~ is a setting in VIM that depicts a prefix for scripts and plugins to use. By default this is the backslash key `\'. See |mapleader| for details. x Visual - Place a custom XML tag to suround the selected text. You need to have selected text in visual mode before you can use this mapping. See |visual-mode| for details. . or > Insert - Place a literal '>' without parsing tag. 5 or % Normal or Visual - Jump to the begining or end tag. d Normal - Deletes the surrounding tags from the cursor. > outter inner text text ^ < Turns to: > outter inner text text ^ < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *xml-plugin-settings* Options {{{2 ~ (All options must be placed in your |.vimrc| prior to the |ftplugin| command.) xml_tag_completion_map Use this setting to change the default mapping to auto complete a tag. By default typing a literal `>' will cause the tag your editing to auto complete; pressing twice will auto nest the tag. By using this setting the `>' will be a literal `>' and you must use the new mapping to perform auto completion and auto nesting. For example if you wanted Control-L to perform auto completion inmstead of typing a `>' place the following into your .vimrc: > let xml_tag_completion_map = "" < xml_no_auto_nesting This turns off the auto nesting feature. After a completion is made and another `>' is typed xml-edit automatically will break the tag accross multiple lines and indent the curser to make creating nested tqags easier. This feature turns it off. Enter the following in your .vimrc: > let xml_no_auto_nesting = 1 < xml_use_xhtml When editing HTML this will auto close the short tags to make valid XML like
. Enter the following in your vimrc to turn this option on: > let xml_use_xhtml = 1 < xml_no_html This turns of the support for HTML specific tags. Place this in your .vimrc: > let xml_no_html = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *xml-plugin-callbacks* Callback Functions {{{2 ~ A callback function is a function used to customize features on a per tag basis. For example say you wish to have a default set of attributs when you type an empty tag like this: You type: You get: This is for any script programmers who wish to add xml-plugin support to there own filetype plugins. Callback functions recive one attribute variable which is the tag name. The all must return either a string or the number zero. If it returns a string the plugin will place the string in the proper location. If it is a zero the plugin will ignore and continue as if no callback existed. The following are implemented callback functions: HtmlAttribCallback This is used to add default attributes to html tag. It is intended for HTML files only. XmlAttribCallback This is a generic callback for xml tags intended to add attributes. *xml-plugin-html* Callback Example {{{2 ~ The following is an example of using XmlAttribCallback in your .vimrc > function XmlAttribCallback (xml_tag) if a:xml_tag ==? "my-xml-tag" return "attributes=\"my xml attributes\"" else return 0 endif endfunction < The following is a sample html.vim file type plugin you could use: > " Vim script file vim600:fdm=marker: " FileType: HTML " Maintainer: Devin Weaver " Location: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=301 " This is a wrapper script to add extra html support to xml documents. " Original script can be seen in xml-plugin documentation. " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif " Don't set 'b:did_ftplugin = 1' because that is xml.vim's responsability. let b:html_mode = 1 if !exists("*HtmlAttribCallback") function HtmlAttribCallback( xml_tag ) if a:xml_tag ==? "table" return "cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"" elseif a:xml_tag ==? "link" return "href=\"/site.css\" rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\"" elseif a:xml_tag ==? "body" return "bgcolor=\"white\"" elseif a:xml_tag ==? "frame" return "name=\"NAME\" src=\"/\" scrolling=\"auto\" noresize" elseif a:xml_tag ==? "frameset" return "rows=\"0,*\" cols=\"*,0\" border=\"0\"" elseif a:xml_tag ==? "img" return "src=\"\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"" elseif a:xml_tag ==? "a" if has("browse") " Look up a file to fill the href. Used in local relative file " links. typeing your own href before closing the tag with `>' " will override this. let cwd = getcwd() let cwd = substitute (cwd, "\\", "/", "g") let href = browse (0, "Link to href...", getcwd(), "") let href = substitute (href, cwd . "/", "", "") let href = substitute (href, " ", "%20", "g") else let href = "" endif return "href=\"" . href . "\"" else return 0 endif endfunction endif " On to loading xml.vim runtime ftplugin/xml.vim < === END_DOC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " v im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: " vim600: set foldmethod=marker tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 smartindent smarttab : "fileencoding=iso-8859-15