Splint - Secure Programming Lint
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Splint - Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is the difference between Splint and LCLint?
  2. What is the Splint logo?
  3. Can I include Splint in my software distribution?
  4. Does Splint handle C++?
  5. More coming... (send your unanswered questions to splint@cs.virginia.edu)

Questions and Answers

  1. What is the difference between Splint and LCLint?
    Before 2002, Splint was known as LCLint. Splint 3.0 is the successor to LCLint 2.5.

    LCLint was originally named for LCL, the Larch C Interface Language and lint, a well-known C program checking tool. Because our tool has diverged from LCL, and our focus now is on secure programming, it was renamed Splint. Splint's name has (at least) three interpretations: specifications lint, secure programming lint, and first aid for programmers. Its also easier to pronounce than LCLint.

  2. What is the Splint logo?
    Thomas Jefferson's Serpentine Walls at the University of Virginia. The walls are one brick thick, but because of their design are both strong and aesthetic. Like a secure program, secure walls depend on sturdy bricks, solid construction, and elegant and principled design.
  3. Can I include Splint in my software distribution?
    Yes. Splint is licensed under the GNU General Public License. You may redistributed it as you wish so long as credits and pointers to www.splint.org are not changed or removed. Splint may be included in commercial distributions, and is included in several Linux and freeware CDs. If you redistribute Splint, please let us know by sending a message to splint@cs.virginia.edu.
  4. Does Splint handle C++?
    No. Splint handles ISO C99 (and some gcc extensions if +gnuextensions is used). We don't have the resources (or the research justification) to build a C++ front end, but if you are interested in building a C++ front end the source code is available, and I will certainly be willing to help.
Splint - Secure Programming Lint info@splint.org
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