You should not need to set QTDIR because it should already been automatically configured (in '/etc/profile.d/' and '/etc/profile.d/@QT@dir.csh'). To check if it is the case, do 'echo $QTDIR'. Answer should be '@QTDIR@'. If it is not the case, do 'export QTDIR=@QTDIR@' if you use bash or 'setenv QTDIR @QTDIR@/' if you use csh. Qt documentation is in /usr/share/doc/qt-@QtVersion@/ (you need to install package @QT@-doc-@PackageVersion@ if it is not already done). Other Qt things are in @QTDIR@/ (which contains needed symlinks to create a fake QTDIR). Examples and tutorials are compressed to save space. If you want to use them, you need to uncompress them somewhere in your home directory using: 'cd your_directory; tar xvfj /usr/share/doc/qt-@QtVersion@/examples.tar.bz2'. You may override placement of @QTHOME@ directory with settings files by exporting XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable before start Qt-based application.