pax_global_header00006660000000000000000000000064122775207360014525gustar00rootroot0000000000000052 comment=fe68a6bc16f141830eb3af14cc0dcedf62027e30 gnustep-buildtool-r36614/000075500000000000000000000000001227752073600154125ustar00rootroot00000000000000gnustep-buildtool-r36614/.gear/000075500000000000000000000000001227752073600164065ustar00rootroot00000000000000gnustep-buildtool-r36614/.gear/buildtool.spec000064400000000000000000000025151227752073600212620ustar00rootroot00000000000000Name: gnustep-buildtool Version: r36614 Release: alt3.svn20130513 Summary: The GNUstep buildtool License: GPLv2+ Group: Development/Tools Url: Packager: Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) # Source: %name-%version.tar BuildPreReq: clang-devel gnustep-make-devel gnustep-base-devel BuildPreReq: libgnustep-xcode-devel BuildPreReq: libgmp-devel libgnutls-devel libgcrypt-devel BuildPreReq: libxslt-devel libffi-devel libicu-devel zlib-devel Requires: gnustep-xcode-devel %description GNUstep buildtool. %prep %setup %build . %_datadir/GNUstep/Makefiles/ %make_build \ messages=yes \ debug=yes \ strip=no \ shared=yes %install . %_datadir/GNUstep/Makefiles/ %makeinstall_std GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN=SYSTEM %files %doc ChangeLog %_bindir/* %changelog * Sat Feb 15 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) r36614-alt3.svn20130513 - Built with clang * Wed Jan 29 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) r36614-alt2.svn20130513 - Added Requires: gnustep-xcode-devel * Tue Jan 28 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) r36614-alt1.svn20130513 - New snapshot * Sat Jan 25 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) r35695-alt1.svn20121015 - Initial build for Sisyphus gnustep-buildtool-r36614/.gear/rules000064400000000000000000000001161227752073600174610ustar00rootroot00000000000000spec: .gear/buildtool.spec tar: . name=@name@-@version@ base=@name@-@version@ gnustep-buildtool-r36614/ChangeLog000064400000000000000000000011341227752073600171630ustar00rootroot000000000000002013-05-12 23:36-EDT Gregory John Casamento * main.m: Do not use hidden version of xcodeproj file. 2013-04-24 13:42-EDT Gregory John Casamento * main.m: Fix error detecting the xcodeproj file. 2013-04-24 02:38-EDT Gregory John Casamento * main.m: Handle command if it is either the first or second argument depending on whether we can locate the project file. 2012-10-15 13:40-EDT Gregory John Casamento * main.m: Changes to automatically detect and build the correct project file. gnustep-buildtool-r36614/GNUmakefile000064400000000000000000000013621227752073600174660ustar00rootroot00000000000000# # GNUmakefile - Generated by ProjectCenter # ifeq ($(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES),) GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES := $(shell gnustep-config --variable=GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES 2>/dev/null) endif ifeq ($(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES),) $(error You need to set GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES before compiling!) endif include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make # # Tool # VERSION = 0.1 PACKAGE_NAME = buildtool TOOL_NAME = buildtool buildtool_TOOL_ICON = # # Libraries # buildtool_LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON += -lXCode # # Resource files # buildtool_RESOURCE_FILES = \ Resources/Version \ # # Other sources # buildtool_OBJC_FILES += \ main.m # # Makefiles # -include GNUmakefile.preamble include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/aggregate.make include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make -include GNUmakefile.postamble gnustep-buildtool-r36614/GNUmakefile.postamble000064400000000000000000000012441227752073600214520ustar00rootroot00000000000000# # GNUmakefile.postamble - Generated by ProjectCenter # # Things to do before compiling # before-all:: # Things to do after compiling # after-all:: # Things to do before installing # before-install:: # Things to do after installing # after-install:: # Things to do before uninstalling # before-uninstall:: # Things to do after uninstalling # after-uninstall:: # Things to do before cleaning # before-clean:: # Things to do after cleaning # after-clean:: # Things to do before distcleaning # before-distclean:: # Things to do after distcleaning # after-distclean:: # Things to do before checking # before-check:: # Things to do after checking # after-check:: gnustep-buildtool-r36614/GNUmakefile.preamble000064400000000000000000000011521227752073600212510ustar00rootroot00000000000000# # GNUmakefile.preamble - Generated by ProjectCenter # # Additional flags to pass to the preprocessor ADDITIONAL_CPPFLAGS += # Additional flags to pass to Objective C compiler ADDITIONAL_OBJCFLAGS += # Additional flags to pass to C compiler ADDITIONAL_CFLAGS += # Additional flags to pass to the linker ADDITIONAL_LDFLAGS += # Additional include directories the compiler should search ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS += # Additional library directories the linker should search ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS += -L/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries # Additional TOOL libraries to link ADDITIONAL_TOOL_LIBS += -lXCode gnustep-buildtool-r36614/buildtool.pcproj/000075500000000000000000000000001227752073600207035ustar00rootroot00000000000000gnustep-buildtool-r36614/buildtool.pcproj/PC.project000064400000000000000000000027361227752073600226050ustar00rootroot00000000000000{ "BUILDER_TARGETS" = ( all, install, uninstall, clean, distclean, dist ); "CLASS_FILES" = ( ); COMPILEROPTIONS = ""; CPPOPTIONS = ""; "CREATION_DATE" = "2011-08-20 11:42:51 -0400"; "DOCU_FILES" = ( ); FRAMEWORKS = ( ); "HEADER_FILES" = ( ); IMAGES = ( ); INSTALLDIR = "$(HOME)/GNUstep/Tools"; LANGUAGE = English; LIBRARIES = ( "gnustep-base", XCode ); LINKEROPTIONS = ""; "LOCALIZED_RESOURCES" = ( ); MAKEFILEDIR = "$(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)"; "OBJC_COMPILEROPTIONS" = ""; "OTHER_RESOURCES" = ( Version ); "OTHER_SOURCES" = ( "main.m" ); "PROJECT_AUTHORS" = ( ); "PROJECT_COPYRIGHT" = "Copyright (C) 200x"; "PROJECT_COPYRIGHT_DESC" = "Released under ..."; "PROJECT_CREATOR" = "Gregory John Casamento,,,"; "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION" = "No description available!"; "PROJECT_GROUP" = "No group available!"; "PROJECT_MAINTAINER" = "Gregory John Casamento,,,"; "PROJECT_NAME" = buildtool; "PROJECT_RELEASE" = "0.1"; "PROJECT_SUMMARY" = "No summary available!"; "PROJECT_TYPE" = Tool; "PROJECT_URL" = ""; "SEARCH_HEADER_DIRS" = ( ); "SEARCH_LIB_DIRS" = ( "/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries" ); SUBPROJECTS = ( ); "SUPPORTING_FILES" = ( "GNUmakefile.preamble", GNUmakefile, "GNUmakefile.postamble", "buildtoolInfo.plist" ); TOOLICON = ""; "USER_LANGUAGES" = ( AmericanEnglish, English ); }gnustep-buildtool-r36614/buildtool.pcproj/heron.project000064400000000000000000000004421227752073600234060ustar00rootroot00000000000000{"LAST_EDITING" = "2011-08-20 11:52:40 -0400"; "PC_WINDOWS" = {ProjectBrowser = "{x = 0; y = 0; width = 1010; height = 166.373}"; ProjectBuild = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "; ProjectLaunch = "0 291 482 355 0 0 2037 1044 "; ProjectWindow = "985 235 1030 784 0 0 2037 1044 "; ShowToolbar = YES; }; }gnustep-buildtool-r36614/buildtoolInfo.plist000064400000000000000000000004201227752073600212740ustar00rootroot00000000000000{ "!" = "Generated by ProjectCenter, do not edit"; Copyright = "Copyright (C) 200x"; CopyrightDescription = "Released under ..."; FullVersionID = "0.1"; ToolDescription = "No description available!"; ToolName = buildtool; ToolRelease = "0.1"; }gnustep-buildtool-r36614/main.m000064400000000000000000000052351227752073600165210ustar00rootroot00000000000000/* Project: buildtool Author: Gregory John Casamento,,, Created: 2011-08-20 11:42:51 -0400 by heron */ #import #import #import #import NSString * findProjectFilename(NSArray *projectDirEntries) { NSEnumerator *e = [projectDirEntries objectEnumerator]; NSString *fileName; while ((fileName = [e nextObject])) { NSRange range = [fileName rangeOfString:@"._"]; if ([[fileName pathExtension] isEqual: @"xcodeproj"] && range.location == NSNotFound) { return [fileName stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"project.pbxproj"]; } } return nil; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if(argc == 0) { return 0; } id pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // Your code here... NSString *fileName = nil; NSString *function = nil; PBXCoder *coder = nil; PBXContainer *container = nil; NSString *projectDir; NSArray *projectDirEntries; NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; projectDir = [fileManager currentDirectoryPath]; projectDirEntries = [fileManager directoryContentsAtPath: projectDir]; // Get the project... if(argv[1] != NULL) { NSString *xcodeFilePath = [NSString stringWithCString: argv[1]]; fileName = [xcodeFilePath stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"project.pbxproj"]; if([[xcodeFilePath pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"xcodeproj"] == NO) { fileName = findProjectFilename(projectDirEntries); function = [NSString stringWithCString: argv[1]]; } else { // If there is a project, add the build operation... if(argv[2] != NULL && argc > 1) { function = [NSString stringWithCString: argv[2]]; } } } else { fileName = findProjectFilename(projectDirEntries); } if([function isEqualToString: @""] || function == nil) { function = @"build"; // default action... } // Unarchive... coder = [[PBXCoder alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: fileName]; container = [coder unarchive]; // Build... SEL operation = NSSelectorFromString(function); if([container respondsToSelector: operation]) { // build... if([container performSelector: operation]) { NSLog(@"%@ Succeeded",[function stringByCapitalizingFirstCharacter]); } else { NSLog(@"%@ Failed",[function stringByCapitalizingFirstCharacter]); } } else { NSLog(@"Unknown build operation \"%@\"",function); } // The end... [pool release]; return 0; }