Setting up ---------- Setting up gitolite after rpm-install can be done as follows. On the server: 1) Copy your public key to some easily accessible location, say /tmp/ 2) run "su - gitolite" to get a login shell on the gitolite user 3) run "gitolite setup -pk /tmp/" On whatever machine your key came from (maybe your workstation or another account on the same server): 4) run "git clone gitolite@:gitolite-admin" to start adding users and repos. Quick Notes for admin operations -------------------------------- To administer gitolite, make changes to the config file (conf/gitolite.conf) and/or the pubkeys (in subdirectory 'keydir') in any clone, then git add, git commit, and git push. ADDING REPOS: Do NOT add repos manually on the server. Edit the config file to give *some* user access to the repo. When you push, an empty repo will be created on the server. ADDING USERS: copy their pubkey as keydir/.pub, add it, commit and push. CONFIG FILE FORMAT: see repos.html inside doc directory. Upgrading from g2 ----------------- There are no automatic migration procedure from g2 to g3. Instructions for manual migration are in the g2migr.html and g2migr-example.html files in doc directory. Multiple installations ---------------------- By default gitolite's stuff and repositoires are stored inside the /var/lib/gitolite/ directory under the 'gitolite' user account. Additional independent installations can be added if needed. To do this create an user and run "gitoline setup" inside it's home directory. User must be in "gitolite" group for gitolite to be able to save logs. Logs are places into the /var/log/gitolite/ directory in files named by gitolite account (i.e. /var/log/gitolite/gitolite.log for gitolite user, /var/log/gitolite/testuser.log for testuser, etc.)