Frequently asked questions: Q. Italic version? A. No. The quality is significantly lower, and preserving the font width requires overlapping characters, which are not handled very well by X11/Xft. If you need it than much, try mkitalic from FreeBSD or bdfslant from Debian. Q. Scalable version? A. Long story short, when the average display resolution becomes at least 150 DPI. Prefferably 200. Q. Win32 version? A. Real soon now. Q. How about some new characters? A. Contact me and be ready to help. Q. The bold 6x12 font... A. ...does not exist, there is no space for a bold font in a 6x12 matrix. However, the "normal" font is somewhere between. Q. The font works in X11/Motif, but not in GNOME/KDE/Xfce. A. See mkfontscale(1), mkfontdir(1), fc-cache(1), xorg.conf(5), xfs(1), xlsfonts(1), fonts-conf(5) etc.