;; Copyright (C) 2002 Alex Ott ;; ;; Author: ottalex@narod.ru ;; Version: $Id: dictionary-emacs.el,v 1.1 2005/11/25 22:15:50 eugene Exp $ ;; Keywords: ;; Requirements: ;; Status: not intended to be distributed yet ;; (setq load-path (append load-path '("/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dictionary"))) (autoload 'dictionary-search "dictionary" "Ask for a word and search it in all dictionaries" t) (autoload 'dictionary-match-words "dictionary" "Ask for a word and search all matching words in the dictionaries" t) (autoload 'dictionary-lookup-definition "dictionary" "Unconditionally lookup the word at point." t) (autoload 'dictionary "dictionary" "Create a new dictionary buffer" t) (autoload 'dictionary-mouse-popup-matching-words "dictionary" "Display entries matching the word at the cursor" t) (autoload 'dictionary-popup-matching-words "dictionary" "Display entries matching the word at the point" t) (autoload 'dictionary-tooltip-mode "dictionary" "Display tooltips for the current word" t) (autoload 'global-dictionary-tooltip-mode "dictionary" "Enable/disable dictionary-tooltip-mode for all buffers" t) ;; You can uncomment this lines to customize search ;; ;; (global-set-key "\C-cs" 'dictionary-search) ;; (global-set-key "\C-cm" 'dictionary-match-words) ;; (setq dictionary-server "localhost") ;; (global-dictionary-tooltip-mode 0) ;; (setq dictionary-tooltip-dictionary "mueller7") ;; (setq dictionary-tooltip-dictionary "web1913") ;; (setq dictionary-tooltip-dictionary "deu-eng") ;; (setq dictionary-tooltip-dictionary "eng-deu")