# Here is a fix for a bug in the Carbonyl definition in the public # domain web1913_0.47-pd source. In it (unlike the restrictive # license source), <\sub> tags are placed around every number in # chemical formulas (). In the definition of Carbonyl, this # is done to the 7 in the hex number \'b7 (representing a positive # charge), turning it into \'b7<\sub> which confuses webfilter. /^

Car"bon\*yl//g # # There are half-a-dozen places where `amd' appears for `and' s/amd /and /g # # The entry for `Cross' in web1913.new.pd doesn't have the # or tags s/Cross<\/hw>, v. t.<\/i> -- To cross a check<\/b><\/col> (Eng. Banking)<\/fld>,/Cross<\/hw>, v. t.<\/i> -- To cross a check<\/b><\/col> (Eng. Banking)<\/fld>, / s/through the bank mentioned.<\/p>/through the bank mentioned.<\/def><\/p>/ # # The entry for Brain is displayed for `dict case' s/case<\/b><\/col>, the bony on/Brain case<\/b><\/col>, the bony or/ # # The entry for Cruise misspells protection and `pirate' s/potection/protection/ s/priate/pirate/