alterator-trust- all: clean: install: install-module install-bin install-data include /usr/share/alterator/build/module.mak install-bin: install -d $(bindir) install -pm755 bin/* $(bindir) install-data: install -d $(libexecdir)/alterator/hooks/trust.d alterator-trust-[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Categories=X-Alterator-System Icon=trust Terminal=false Name=Trust relationships X-Alterator-URI=/trust X-Alterator-Help=trust X-Alterator-UI=html Name[ru]=Доверительные отношения alterator-trust-!/bin/sh alterator_api_version=1 . alterator-sh-functions . shell-signal . shell-quote cleanup_function() { [ -z "$tmpdir" ] || rm -rf -- "$tmpdir" } tmpdir="$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXX")" set_cleanup_handler cleanup_function authorizedkeys_file=/etc/openssh/authorized_keys/root known_hosts_file=/var/lib/alterator-trust/known_hosts real_hosts_file="$tmpdir/real_hosts" avail_hosts_file="$tmpdir/avail_hosts" SSH1_RSA_KEY=/etc/openssh/ssh_host_key SSH2_RSA_KEY=/etc/openssh/ssh_host_rsa_key SSH2_DSA_KEY=/etc/openssh/ssh_host_dsa_key ID_DSA_KEY=/var/lib/alterator-trust/id_dsa fingerprint() { local line="$1" && shift local field="${1:-2}" local tempfile="$tmpdir/fingerprint" echo "$line">"$tempfile" if ssh-keygen -l -f "$tempfile" >/dev/null 2>&1; then ssh-keygen -l -f "$tempfile" | cut -d ' ' -f "$field" fi rm -rf -- "$tempfile" } get_host_line() { local host="$1" local file="$2" local line line="$(ssh-keygen -F "$host" -f "$file" | grep -v '^#')" [ -n "$line" ] || return 1 printf '%s' "$line" } add_known_host() { local host line host="$(hostinfo -1 -n "$1")" || return 1 line="$(get_host_line "$host" "$real_hosts_file")" || return 3 ssh-keygen -R "$host" -f "$known_hosts_file" 2>/dev/null ||: printf '%s\n' "$line" >>"$known_hosts_file" if ! trust-ssh "$host" /bin/true; then ssh-keygen -R "$host" -f "$known_hosts_file" 2>/dev/null return 4 fi run-parts /usr/lib/alterator/hooks/trust.d "$host" add ||: } del_known_host() { local host line host="$(hostinfo -1 -n "$1")" || return 1 get_host_line "$host" "$known_hosts_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 3 run-parts /usr/lib/alterator/hooks/trust.d "$host" remove ||: ssh-keygen -R "$host" -f "$known_hosts_file" 2>/dev/null ||: } add_avail_host() { local host host="$(hostinfo -1 -n "$1")" || return 1 grep -qsFx -e "$host" "$avail_hosts_file" 2>/dev/null && return 2 ||: printf '%s\n' "$host" >>"$avail_hosts_file" } txt_record() { echo "$2" | sed -n "s/\(^\|.*[[:space:]]\)\"$(quote_sed_regexp "$1")=\([^\"]*\)\".*/\2/p" } refresh_avail_hosts() { local __ prefix ip txt role domain local localdomain="$(hostname -d)" :>"$avail_hosts_file" avahi-browse -prtk _server._tcp | while IFS=';' read prefix __ __ __ __ __ __ ip __ txt; do [ "$prefix" = "=" ] || continue role="$(txt_record role "$txt")" domain="$(txt_record domain "$txt")" [ "$role" = "slave" ] || continue [ "$domain" = "$localdomain" ] || continue add_avail_host "$ip" done } list_hosts() { local __ fp host real_fp status msg newkey realkey :>"$real_hosts_file" if ssh-keygen -l -f "$known_hosts_file" >/dev/null 2>&1; then ssh-keygen -l -f "$known_hosts_file" | sort -t ' ' -k 3 | while IFS=' ' read -r __ fp host __; do status="managed" msg= newkey= realkey="$(ssh-keyscan "$host" 2>/dev/null)" real_fp="$(fingerprint "$realkey")" if [ -z "$real_fp" ]; then status="down" msg="$(_ "Host is down!")" elif [ "$fp" != "$real_fp" ]; then status="forged" msg="$(_ "Key does not match! New key:")" newkey="$real_fp" fi write_table_item \ host "$host" \ url "https://$host:8080/trust/slave" \ status "trust/$status" \ hostkey "$fp" \ message "$msg" \ realkey "$newkey" ssh-keygen -R "$host" -f "$real_hosts_file" 2>/dev/null printf '%s\n' "$realkey" >>"$real_hosts_file" done fi sort <"$avail_hosts_file" | while read -r host; do get_host_line "$host" "$real_hosts_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue get_host_line "$host" "$known_hosts_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue status="available" msg= realkey="$(ssh-keyscan "$host" 2>/dev/null)" real_fp="$(fingerprint "$realkey")" if [ -z "$real_fp" ]; then status="down" msg="$(_ "Host is down!")" fi write_table_item \ host "$host" \ url "https://$host:8080/trust/slave" \ status "trust/$status" \ hostkey "$real_fp" \ message "$msg" \ realkey "" ssh-keygen -R "$host" -f "$real_hosts_file" 2>/dev/null printf '%s\n' "$realkey" >>"$real_hosts_file" done } parse_authorized_keys() { local line="$1" && shift local opts= keytype= key= comment= local tempfile="$tmpdir/parse_authorized_keys" printf '%s\n' "$line" >"$tempfile" case "$line" in ssh-*) IFS=' ' read keytype key comment <"$tempfile" ;; *) IFS=' ' read opts keytype key comment <"$tempfile" ;; esac case "$1" in options) printf '%s' "$opts" ;; type) printf '%s' "$keytype" ;; key) printf '%s' "$key" ;; comment) printf '%s' "$comment" ;; *) printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' "$opts" "$keytype" "$key" "$comment" ;; esac rm -rf -- "$tempfile" } list_ssh_keys() { local line comment comment_field while IFS=' ' read -r line; do comment="$(parse_authorized_keys "$line" comment)" case "$comment" in alterator-trust@*) write_string_param master_fp "$(fingerprint "$line")" write_string_param master_comment "$comment" return ;; esac done <"$authorizedkeys_file" write_string_param master_fp "$(_ "not set")" write_string_param master_comment "$(_ "not set")" } del_ssh_key() { local tempfile="$tmpdir/new_authorized_keys" local comment while IFS=' ' read -r line; do comment="$(parse_authorized_keys "$line" comment)" [ -n "$comment" -a -z "${comment##alterator-trust@*}" ] || printf '%s\n' "$line" done <"$authorizedkeys_file" >"$tempfile" mv -f -- "$tempfile" "$authorizedkeys_file" } add_ssh_key() { local new_line="$1" && shift local new_fp="$(fingerprint "$new_line")" local keytype key comment keytype="$(parse_authorized_keys "$new_line" type)" key="$(parse_authorized_keys "$new_line" key)" comment="$(parse_authorized_keys "$new_line" comment)" if [ -z "$new_fp" -o -z "$comment" -o -n "${comment##alterator-trust@*}" ];then write_error "$(_ "Invalid ssh key")" return fi while IFS=' ' read -r line; do local fp="$(fingerprint "$line")" if [ "$fp" = "$new_fp" ];then write_error "$(_ "Same ssh key already exists")" return fi done <"$authorizedkeys_file" del_ssh_key printf 'no-pty %s %s %s\n' "$keytype" "$key" "$comment" >>"$authorizedkeys_file" } generate_ssh_host_keys() { rm -rf -- \ "$SSH2_RSA_KEY" "$" \ "$SSH2_DSA_KEY" "$" \ "$SSH1_RSA_KEY" "$" ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f "$SSH2_RSA_KEY" -C '' -N '' ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f "$SSH2_DSA_KEY" -C '' -N '' ssh-keygen -q -t rsa1 -f "$SSH1_RSA_KEY" -C '' -N '' service sshd condreload >/dev/null 2>&1 refresh_avail_hosts } generate_ssh_key() { rm -rf -- \ "$ID_DSA_KEY" "$" ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f "$ID_DSA_KEY" -C "alterator-trust@$HOSTNAME" -N '' } trust_strerror() { case $1 in 1) printf "%s" "$(_ "unknown host")" ;; 2) printf "%s" "$(_ "already exists")" ;; 3) printf "%s" "$(_ "unable to get host key")" ;; 4) printf "%s" "$(_ "can't connect (missing key?)")" ;; esac } touch "$known_hosts_file" touch "$avail_hosts_file" [ -s "$ID_DSA_KEY" ] || generate_ssh_key [ -s "$SSH1_RSA_KEY" -a -s "$SSH2_RSA_KEY" -a -s "$SSH2_DSA_KEY" ] || generate_ssh_host_keys refresh_avail_hosts on_message() { case "$in_action" in list) case "$in__objects" in hosts) list_hosts;; esac ;; read) case "$in__objects" in master/ [ -s "$" ] && write_string_param key "$" ;; master) [ -s "$" ] && write_string_param key_fp "$(ssh-keygen -l -f "$" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" ;; slave) [ -s "$" ] && write_string_param hostkey_fp "$(ssh-keygen -l -f "$" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" list_ssh_keys ;; esac ;; write) if [ -n "$in_add_host_to_avail" ]; then add_avail_host "$in_new_host" err=$? [ $err = 0 ] || write_error "$(printf "$(_ "Unable to add host %s: %s")" "$in_new_host" "$(trust_strerror $err)")" elif [ -n "$in_refresh_avail" ]; then refresh_avail_hosts elif [ -n "$in_pwn_host" ]; then (IFS=';' err_fmt="$(_ "Error adding host(s):%s")" err_msg= for i in $in_host; do [ -n "$i" ] && add_known_host "$i" err=$? [ $err = 0 ] || err_msg="$(printf "%s\n%s - %s" "$err_msg" "$i" "$(trust_strerror $err)")" done [ -z "$err_msg" ] || write_error "$(printf "$err_fmt" "$err_msg")" ) elif [ -n "$in_create_ssh_key" ]; then generate_ssh_key elif [ -n "$in_create_ssh_hostkey" ]; then generate_ssh_host_keys elif [ -n "$in_del_known_host" ]; then (IFS=';' err_fmt="$(_ "Error removing host(s):%s")" err_msg= for i in $in_host; do [ -n "$i" ] && del_known_host "$i" err=$? [ $err = 0 ] || err_msg="$(printf "%s\n%s - %s" "$err_msg" "$i" "$(trust_strerror $err)")" done [ -z "$err_msg" ] || write_error "$(printf "$err_fmt" "$err_msg")" ) elif [ -n "$in_add_ssh_key" ]; then add_ssh_key "$in_key_file" elif [ -n "$in_del_ssh_key" ]; then del_ssh_key fi ;; esac } message_loop alterator-trust-!/bin/sh /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -l -f /var/lib/alterator-trust/known_hosts >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit $? /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -l -f /var/lib/alterator-trust/known_hosts | cut -d ' ' -f 3 alterator-trust-!/bin/sh exec /usr/bin/scp -Bq -S /usr/bin/trust-ssh "$@" alterator-trust-!/bin/sh exec /usr/bin/ssh -2akqTxy \ -i /var/lib/alterator-trust/id_dsa \ -F /dev/null \ -o BatchMode=yes \ -o ConnectTimeout=30 \ -o PasswordAuthentication=no \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes \ -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/var/lib/alterator-trust/known_hosts \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \ -o User=root \ "$@" alterator-trust-  IHDRĴl;sBIT|<IDAT8ϋU?U=Nvwvsp1EAۂMÜ/K`;$,ы?`ЃDN$_Wzfg3 E.^wg0UP.df7G,Kʲ~(;<5OG7*ug-~K_Sϧ|{ ܖz9; GLDq:;|>WɝL UE5L5AuYkցԖP5=^'g/fƓIbYf)qIr'DL5\DP5L*9YpY4ɉ1cҴѡCLU( %T s5xZ%"FCh`dȬ<9ULTO I̔~uu kn)tB˗w/ !Sܾ}n8.txE sOyp/3r4X7NTuM53# (4 !iv{{׻U4s󜢕t(Z9WkWSr"ٮ\zCM?SJPQ%t! ?yx4G'Tl0|:$)%n;%4S({ ݵ{?y6vVH}yC\\^jPߢ`<@4Z @ 澜&?ÏW IENDB`alterator-trust-  IHDRw=sRGBbKGD pHYs  d_tIME 3E>tEXtCommentCreated with The GIMP (c) 2003 Jakub 'jimmac' Steiner'3XIDATHǵMHa;;ITHuLŒh)"d \ZK-[l.+ "qK&E׾ϝVG2<3Ktv^JbXPPp\0h4湮.uU4RR4Jk:4݌RJjDMJ4-C)R /WKO@!PB"4 4!ldR"6uL9|Ov(Q~۸44鎁{"hk'04F40Uϴ^hAӴ@Q{G{{G-93dX.e:"yn7'˦L0Mn,v9T. >5) IJ҄m|`ٔ]_M:"4BHlBLEez(*R[}EQ{pOPt|+2Mў^xCoaA>1oN8~Aݷ!-vs>6SeE+J}#UL&"ܾJF>%X[fJ4 fx[Ш(WWR6)A8l0[sG~Xd _yI")ŀ,LU]S{=NܿqWZhD"' X80=ea'а-Ճ>4xIENDB`alterator-trust-  IHDRw=sRGBbKGD pHYs  d_tIME 6[>tEXtCommentCreated with The GIMP (c) 2003 Jakub 'jimmac' Steiner'3XIDATHǵ_lU3wvgwB[hmWDF@&>M|l, OP*ĨI`Pl )tBR-vwvC[6l1f29gp'STBw ˉDڤ뺺p]WG"mB@A>ނ,hcDZkH A@&@NFd傛ibbj22H1Βɺ@i դJZ(>7ԅ i`߾Tbl _Bk)% KRܯ,0>2O[ehk WΪlp7%'S߅ܪx14Nmd~Ѷ$`V3 BV<Џ_w<(|HSx,0L2cQ!//b3pc1 hlغ {b.@s/K˯'zXam@.Z))8eUU tvb{_dc1T6B̀N4J.vޯ=Nۣ%:wmlduS' }y={XH>ww-Zz#gͨ 2@f[BJ)%RC_/RQjuF=pz m#TWԩɡ!o"NSt/,. >{s_>[0>[PQ U ;6Tȥ܉ җ/#麹5rFƘ 1"?F"cӳilNe/&j5?(.F `}=kXq#ٕe VuaX'q3ӷt8Ne_8<R DKs -ͭs\d+pQ`v[qSZ^ѐ}pxk_֓ryIENDB`alterator-trust-  IHDRĴl;sBIT|dIDAT8MHTQya-,%MCY"Z}6hQAph,M \ieDPQTjI8hG㿹½s}?NPpod.UAD" nhRhZh>4$JJVk֚0᣾/kZHR%PBz!_H*J~},f||Ȋ|ミk

Master server

Host key:

(you should first upload this key to slave servers)

Slave servers

  Status Server

Host key:
Add host by name:
alterator-trust- (ui trust master ajax) :use-module (alterator ajax) :use-module (alterator woo) :export (ui)) (define (ui) (ui-file "key" (woo-read-first "/trust/master/") "text/plain" "")) alterator-trust-

Slave server

Host key:

Master server

Key created by:
Master server key:
Upload key:
You should first download key from master server.