tts-base/0000755000076400007640000000000011057666445011006 5ustar mspmsptts-base/tts-unregister0000755000076400007640000000116411057666445013735 0ustar mspmsp#!/bin/sh # # The script to remove all references to the TTS engine being removing from the system # from different configuration files and settings. # # This script must be called from RPM spec file in %preun section # with the single command line argument -- name of a TTS. # Example: /usr/sbin/tts-unregister espeak # # Michael Pozhidaev if [ "$1" == '' ]; then echo "$0:TTS name is not specified (must be a first command line argument)" exit 1 fi VOICEMAN_FILE="/etc/voiceman.d/$1.voiceman" if [ -e "$VOICEMAN_FILE" ]; then echo "Removing $VOICEMAN_FILE..." rm -f "$VOICEMAN_FILE" fi