#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Author David Cox # Created from various code examples found on the web # Last Modified 08/06/2002 # Feel free to use or modify as needed to suit your needs ####################################################### # MAXWAIT is used because the send message function didn't seem to # like being called to fast. The message would be sent unless I waited a second # or so. You can experiment with it but I just went with 2 seconds. ####################################################### use strict; use Net::Jabber qw(Client) ; use Net::Jabber qw(Message) ; use Net::Jabber qw(Protocol) ; use Net::Jabber qw(Presence) ; my $len = scalar @ARGV; if ($len ne 2) { die "Usage...\n notify [jabberid] [message]\n"; } my @field=split(/,/,$ARGV[0]); use constant RECIPIENT => $ARGV[0]; use constant SERVER => 'trap.skh'; use constant PORT => 5222; use constant USER => 'nagios'; use constant PASSWORD => 'yfubjcyjnbab'; use constant RESOURCE => 'Nagios Notify'; use constant MESSAGE => $ARGV[1]; use constant MAXWAIT => 2 ; my $connection = Net::Jabber::Client->new(); $connection->Connect( "hostname" => SERVER,"port" => PORT ) or die "Cannot connect ($!)\n"; my @result = $connection->AuthSend( "username" => USER,"password" => PASSWORD,"resource" => RESOURCE ); if ($result[0] ne "ok") { die "Ident/Auth with server failed: $result[0] - $result[1]\n"; } foreach ( @field ) { my $message = Net::Jabber::Message->new(); $message->SetMessage( "to" => $_, "subject" => "Notification", "type" => "chat", "body" => MESSAGE); $connection->Send($message); sleep(MAXWAIT); } $connection->Disconnect(); exit;