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ALT Linux repositórios

Group :: Development/Tools
RPM: node

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%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

# check deps/npm/package.json for it

%define npmver 8.19.3
# separate build npm
%def_without npm
# in other case, note: we will npm- at npmver- at release package! fix release if npmver is unchanged

# check deps/corepack/package.json

%define corepackver 0.10.0
%def_without corepack

%define major 16.19

#we need ABI virtual provides where SONAMEs aren't enough/not present so deps

#break when binary compatibility is broken
%global nodejs_abi 16

# there are both 6 and 7 provided (, see napi using

%global napi 7

# TODO: really we have no configure option to build with shared libv8

# V8 presently breaks ABI at least every x.y release while never bumping SONAME,
# so we need to be more explicit until spot fixes that
%global v8_abi 8.4
%def_without systemv8

%define openssl_version 1.1.1s
%def_with systemssl

%global libuv_abi 1.43.0-alt1
%def_with systemuv

# see deps/v8/src/objects/intl-objects.h for V8_MINIMUM_ICU_VERSION

%global libicu_abi 6.5
# see rpm-macros-features
%if_feature icu %libicu_abi
%def_with systemicu

# TODO: some strange build error

%ifarch armh
%global optflags_lto %nil

# minimalize memory using

%ifarch armh
%define optflags_debug -g0

%global libnghttp2_abi 1.41.0
%def_with systemnghttp2

# to use internal llhttp

%def_without systemhttpparser

%def_disable check


%def_with nodejs_abi

%define oversion %version

Name: node
Version: %major.1
Release: alt1

Summary: Evented I/O for V8 Javascript

Group: Development/Tools
License: MIT

Packager: Vitaly Lipatov <lav at>


# Source-url:
Source: %name-%version.tar
Source7: nodejs_native.req.files

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-nodejs
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-intro >= 2.1.14
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-features

BuildRequires: python3-devel gcc-c++
BuildRequires: zlib-devel libbrotli-devel

BuildRequires: gyp >= 0.10.0
BuildRequires: python3-module-simplejson

%if_with systemv8
%define libv8_package libv8-nodejs
BuildRequires: %libv8_package-devel >= %v8_abi-devel

%if_with systemssl
BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= %openssl_version openssl
# for require strict library version
Requires: openssl >= %openssl_version

%if_with systemuv
BuildRequires: libuv-devel >= %libuv_abi

%if_with systemicu
BuildRequires: libicu-devel >= %libicu_abi

%if_with systemnghttp2
BuildRequires: libnghttp2-devel >= %libnghttp2_abi

%if_with systemhttpparser
BuildRequires: libhttp-parser-devel >= 2.9.2-alt2

BuildRequires: libcares-devel >= 1.18.1-alt1

BuildRequires: curl

%if_without npm
Requires: npm >= %npmver

Provides: nodejs(engine) = %version
Provides: nodejs = %version-%release
Provides: node.js = %version-%release
Obsoletes: nodejs < %version-%release
Obsoletes: node.js < %version-%release

Provides: nodejs(abi) = %{nodejs_abi}
Provides: nodejs(v8-abi) = %{v8_abi}
Provides: nodejs(napi) = 6
Provides: nodejs(napi) = %{napi}

Provides: bundled(llhttp) = 2.1.4
Provides: bundled(uvwasi) = 0.0.11

# /usr/bin/ld.default: failed to set dynamic section sizes: memory exhausted

%ifarch %ix86
%define optflags_debug -g0

# use no more than system_memory/1400 build procs (see

%_tune_parallel_build_by_procsize 1400

%add_findreq_skiplist %{_datadir}/node/sources/*

Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous
event-driven model.  Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable
network programs.

%package devel
Summary:        Devel package for Node.js
Group:          Development/Other
License:        MIT license
# arch depended info in .gypi
#BuildArch:      noarch
Provides: nodejs-devel = %version-%release
Requires: %name = %version
Requires:       gcc-c++ zlib-devel libbrotli-devel libcares-devel
%if_with systemv8
Requires: %libv8_package-devel >= %{v8_abi}
%if_with systemssl
Requires: openssl-devel >= %openssl_version
%if_with systemuv
Requires: libuv-devel >= %libuv_abi
Conflicts:      libuv-devel

%description devel
Node.js header and build tools

%package doc
Summary: Documentation files
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name-devel = %version-%release

BuildArch: noarch

%description doc
Documentation files for %name.


%if_with npm
%package -n npm
Version: %npmver
Group: Development/Tools
Summary: A package manager for node
License: MIT License
Requires: node
BuildArch: noarch
AutoReq: yes,nopython
#%if_with nodejs_abi
Requires: nodejs(abi) = %{nodejs_abi}

%description -n npm
npm is a package manager for node. You can use it to install and publish your
node programs. It manages dependencies and does other cool stuff.

%package corepack
Version: %corepackver
Group: Development/Tools
Summary: Bridge between Node projects and their package managers
License: MIT License
Requires: node
BuildArch: noarch
AutoReq: yes,nopython
#%if_with nodejs_abi
Requires: nodejs(abi) = %{nodejs_abi}

%description corepack
Corepack is a zero-runtime-dependency Node.js script that acts as a bridge
between Node.js projects and the package managers they are intended to be used
with during development. In practical terms, **Corepack will let you use
Yarn and pnpm without having to install them** - just like what currently
happens with npm, which is shipped by Node.js by default.

**Important:** At the moment, Corepack only covers Yarn and pnpm.
Given that we have little control on the npm project, we prefer to focus
on the Yarn and pnpm use cases.
As a result, Corepack doesn't have any effect at all on the way you use npm.


%if_with systemv8
# hack against
cp -a deps/v8/include/libplatform src
rm -rf deps/v8/

%if_with systemicu
rm -rf deps/icu-small/

%if_with systemuv
rm -rf deps/uv/
%__subst "s|deps/uv/uv.gyp ||" Makefile
%__subst "s|.*../uv/uv.gyp:libuv.*||" deps/uvwasi/uvwasi.gyp

%if_with systemnghttp2
rm -rf deps/nghttp2/

# disable external libs

# deps/gtest
rm -rf tools/gyp
rm -rf deps/zlib deps/openssl deps/cares deps/brotli
# make no sense for a first build
%__subst "s|deps/zlib/zlib.gyp||" Makefile

%if_without npm
# don't use: keep internal npm (used for doc build)
rm -rf deps/npm/
ln -s %_libexecdir/node_modules/npm deps/npm

# use rpm's cflags

%__subst "s|'cflags': \[\],|'cflags': ['%optflags'],|" ./
# fix cflags wrap in outputted config.json
#__subst "s|indent=2|indent=2,width=160|" ./
# TODO: move to upstream?
%ifarch mipsel
%__subst "s|'libraries': \[\],|'libraries': ['-latomic'],|" ./

# override detected dir (detection via process.execPath does not work without /proc) with corect path

%__subst "s|path.resolve(prefixDir, 'lib', 'node')|'%nodejs_sitelib'|" lib/internal/modules/cjs/loader.js

# hack against
# gyp: Error importing pymod_do_mainmodule (GN-scraper): No module named GN-scraper while loading dependencies of /tmp/.private/lav/RPM/BUILD/node-12.14.1/node.gyp
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/tools/v8_gypfiles

./configure \
   --prefix=%_prefix \
   --enable-lto \
   --shared-zlib \
   --shared-brotli \
%if_with systemicu
   --with-intl=system-icu \
%if_with systemhttpparser
   --shared-http-parser \
   --shared-cares \
%if_with systemssl
   --shared-openssl \
   --shared-openssl-includes=%_includedir \
%if_without npm
   --without-npm \
%if_without corepack
  --without-corepack \
%if_with systemuv
   --shared-libuv \
%if_with systemnghttp2
   --shared-nghttp2 \
%if_with systemv8
   --without-bundled-v8 \

%make_build BUILDTYPE=Release
# skip internal doc build (uses external modules)
#make doc
#%make jslint

%make_build test

mkdir -p %buildroot%nodejs_sitelib/


%if_without systemuv
#install development headers
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/node/
cp -p src/*.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/node
cp -p deps/uv/include/*.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/node
#cp -p deps/uv/include/uv-private/*.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/node/uv-private

%if_with npm
#node-gyp needs common.gypi too
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/node
cp -p common.gypi %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/node
#tar -xf %{SOURCE0} --directory=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/node/sources

%if_with nodejs_abi
# ensure Requires are added to every native module that match the Provides from
# the nodejs build in the buildroot
install -Dpm0755 %{SOURCE7} %buildroot%_rpmlibdir/nodejs_native.req.files
cat << EOF > %buildroot%_rpmlibdir/nodejs_native.req
echo 'nodejs(abi) = %nodejs_abi'
echo 'nodejs(v8-abi) = %v8_abi'
chmod 0755 %buildroot%_rpmlibdir/nodejs_native.req

rm -rf %buildroot/usr/lib/dtrace/
rm -rf %buildroot/usr/share/doc/node/gdbinit
rm -rf %buildroot/usr/share/doc/node/
rm -rf %buildroot/usr/share/doc/node/lldbinit

# drop tapset file

rm -rf %buildroot%_datadir/systemtap/tapset

# pack node include tarball required to gyp building

#mkdir -p %name-v%version/include/
#cp -rp %buildroot%_includedir/%name %name-v%version/include/
#mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/node/
#tar -zcf %buildroot%_datadir/%name/%name-v%version-headers.tar.gz %name-v%version

#ln -s node_modules %buildroot%_prefix/lib/node

%dir %nodejs_sitelib

%files doc

%files devel
%dir %_includedir/node/
%if_without systemuv
%if_without systemv8
# deps/cares
# deps/http_parser
%if_with nodejs_abi

%if_with npm
%files -n npm
%exclude %_libexecdir/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/tools/emacs

%if_with corepack
%files corepack


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009